Tuesday May 28th, Laboratorybuilding room 9.1/9.2
11:00 Marta Erdal
13:00 Erlend Eriksen
14:00 Benedicte Sjo Tislevoll
Tuesday May 28th, Laboratorybuilding room 9.1/9.2
11:00 Marta Erdal
13:00 Erlend Eriksen
14:00 Benedicte Sjo Tislevoll
Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 7 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.
Dear all,
Please see below the updated links for external funding:
External funding opportunities: http://www.uib.no/en/med/112772/external-funding-opportunities
Funding opportunities for education: http://www.uib.no/med/113987/funding-opportunities-education
The webpages are updated every second week. New calls are marked as NEW.
Kind regards,
Amra, Ramune and Kaia
Last week, the Institute had a dialogue meeting with the medical faculty about the research education at the institute. It turns out that there is a minority of fellows who complete their doctorate within 4 years (36%), while a little more than half complete within 6 years (55%). K2 is thus below the average at the medical faculty, which is 65% (by the way, the target number of the Ministry of Education and Research is 80%). No one can say a lot about the reasons or what is more important, to finish the thesis within a given time frame or to deliver a work of good quality. But we do see that there are some fellows who struggle to finish their PhD.
It is always difficult to predict the results of experiments or clinical trials, but it is possible to make life at the end of the PhD period considerably less stressful if you start planning mandatory courses and dissemination points well in time. For example, MEDMET1 (Basic Course in Medical and Health Related Research) is one of the courses that is compulsory for all PhD fellows at the Faculty of Medicine, and it should be taken at the very beginning of the doctoral thesis to have some benefit. For those unfamiliar with MEDMET1, the purpose of the course is to provide an overview of the various stages of the research process including formulating a research question to be addressed, data collection, analysis methods, written and oral presentation of research data as well as research ethics. The course is given every semester. K2 also offers 8 different researcher courses under the umbrella of the two research schools at K2 (Research School in Clinical Medicine and Bergen Research School in Inflammation). Also the mid-term evaluation is compulsory and can be a good control checkpoint if one is on track with the project, and a possibility to ask for help. And remember that one can always contact Irene Hjelmås or me if there is anything one needs help with.
Last deadline for submitting your thesis before summer is set to 21.6., after that, the institute cannot guarantee that everyone who needs to sign anything is in place.
Lastly, I just want to mention that there will be a K2 PhD retreat also this year which I strongly recommend to participate in, not only to get to know your fellow PhD candidates, but not least for the feeling of not standing in everything alone, so stay tuned for more information!
I wish everyone a happy May 17!
Selv om der er fristende å gå i sandaler nå som sommeren nærmer seg, er det ikke alltid egnet fottøy på laben.
Husk å bruke tette sko – ikke sandaler.
Minner også om HMS-håndbokens nye profil og innhold.
Letter to all staff
In the period from 20 May to 31 May 2019, a comprehensive national survey of bullying and harassment among staff in universities and colleges will be carried out, and our institution is part of the survey.
Why are we doing this?
Until now there has been little knowledge about the extent of bullying and harassment in the higher education sector. The ARK intervention programme asks questions concerning the work environment but does not ask explicitly about bullying and harassment.
We take bullying and harassment seriously and are conducting this survey in order to gather data. The collected data will provide the basis for measures to help prevent and follow up cases of bullying and harassment.
Greater awareness of the issue will hopefully lower the threshold for reporting unwanted incidents and ensure that everyone is familiar with our reporting procedures.
We are asking you to participate
Your participation is important to ensure that the information collected by the survey is as reliable and accurate as possible. A survey is only useful if the response rate is high. We hope everyone responds as frankly as possible and, in that fashion, contributes to the gathering of reliable and accurate information. All responses are equally important even if you have not experienced any form of bullying or harassment.
You are anonymous
The survey is anonymous and is conducted at a national level. No names are given and the link between the e-mail address and responses will be deleted immediately after the survey is completed. No staff at individual institutions have access to the data. The collected data and subsequent analysis will be managed by Ipsos Norway. Ipsos read and analyse the data in a way that ensures anonymity in compliance with the personal data protection legislation.
What about the results?
This is a national survey and the results will be presented in June. A national-level report will be produced. Universities and colleges receive a report at institutional level. This means that we will receive results for the whole university, but not at Faculty or department level. The survey results will attract attention both at the national and local level.
If you need someone to talk to in connection with this issue, a helpline will be in operation for the duration of the survey. The Clinic for Crisis Psychology in Bergen is responsible for the helpline. Their phone number can be found on the questionnaire. You can also contact your immediate manager, the Division of Human Resources, and/or the university healthcare provider.
The survey – not a whistleblowing system
If you have experienced bullying or harassment in the workplace, we ask you to report it and follow our complaints procedures. Reporting through the survey is not possible since it is anonymous, and no one can track who responded in what way.
Kind regards
Rektor Dag Rune Olsen
As every year we will mark the Day of Immunology. People that have missed an arrangement on april 29 are not to be dissapointed. Even though we are delayed, we will arrange a popular science seminar on May 29, 11:15-13:00 entitled “Cancer – chekpoint inhibitors”. The seminar is open and adjusted for everybody interested. But the presentations will be in Norwegian.
Program here.
Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 2 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.
Dear all,
Please see below the updated links for external funding:
External funding opportunities: http://www.uib.no/en/med/112772/external-funding-opportunities
Funding opportunities for education: http://www.uib.no/med/113987/funding-opportunities-education
The webpages are updated every second week. New calls are marked as NEW.
Kind regards,
Amra, Ramune and Kaia
As is well known, K2 and K1 have a joint student administration. May 7, we had the annual Teaching Day. Although the attendance was good, it could certainly have been even better. I ask that more people set aside the next day – because the program was important and useful.
Eirik Søfteland (K1) first informed about how OSCE (objective structured clinical exam) in 2018 for the 6th semester was organized and implemented. Well over 300 people were involved in it. Although the OSCE day itself was a logistical challenge to complete both the practical and theoretical evaluation of all the students on the same day, it was without doubt the planning of this which was the biggest challenge. And it actually went smoothly without any special problems! A big thank you to everyone, especially the “OSCE General” Ketil Grong (K2) and Eirik Søfteland (K1).
Responsible for the implementation of this year’s OSCE for the 12th semester is Rune Nielsen (K2). He explained the plans. The date is Thursday, June 6th. This date, all K2 employees must in principle set aside in case they are needed for the implementation of this year’s OSCE. In any case, more examiners are needed. I participated as examinator last year and it was interesting, exciting, and fun. Come on: ask not what K2 can do for you, ask what you can do for K2!
Dean of Teaching Steinar Hunskår informed about the proposed qualification scheme for Outstanding Teachers and how K2 can implement this. In the future, there will be more focus on documented teaching – not just quantity but also quality. Everyone with an academic position must build up a teaching portfolio. Collect documentation about eg. invited lectures, presentations at meetings and seminars, lectures and group teaching, organization of teaching, and others’ evaluation of your efforts. The proposed accreditation scheme will, according to given criteria, designate people who excel especially for the title of Outstanding Teachers. In addition to their status, they will be provided with higher salaries. The proposal is now for review at the Departments. Be active and share your opinion on this matter! Send input directly to Julie Stavnes.
After lunch, Jone Trovik, Ingfrid Salvesen Haldorsen (K1) and Hans Kristian Flaatten (K1) demonstrated team-based learning (TBL). Participants on the Teaching Day were divided into groups for a TBL session where we used Socrative and at the same time learned multiple choice assignments. This was practical and very useful, and at least I learned a lot that I did not know before. A practical limitation on Socrative is that the free version can involve a maximum of 50 students. We are now investigating whether it is possible to purchase a common license for all teachers at K2 and K1 and where one can involve up to 150 students.
This year’s Teaching Award went to Bjørg Tilde Svanes Fevang (K2) and Anders Molven (K1). Congratulations to both – well deserved! In addition to honour and glory, the K2 Teaching Award comes with NOK 50.000.
A big thank you to the Vice Directors Jone Trovik and Ingfrid Salvesen Haldorsen (K1) for a well-executed teaching day. I certainly look forward to next time!
Til instituttene, ber instituttledere og seksjonsledere som ikke har tatt obligatoriske kurs, prioritere dette nå.
I tillegg til instituttledere og administrasjonssjefer skal alle ledere som har delegerte personal- og HMS-oppgaver ta kurset.
I tillegg ber vi ledere so har tatt kurset før 2015 om å ta kurset igjen for oppfriskning.
Påmeldingsfrist for vårens kurs er 27.mai.
Mer info her.