Monthly Archives: May 2019

This week’s editorial

Since the New Year I have been involved, along with representatives of all the faculties of the university, in the drafting of an action plan for innovation for the university of Bergen. This work concluded on the 30th of April and will now be presented to the rektotrate for approval. It’s clear from the commitment to this project that innovation will now percolate into all facets of university life from teaching through research. While some might have grave reservations in this direction, believing we are abandoning the fundamental tenants of a university, it maybe that this is down to how exactly one defines “innovation”. Indeed, the committee that helped put this report together naturally had very different ideas as to what innovation was and how it should be implemented across each of the faculties. The Oslo manual 2018 manual on Guidelines for Collecting, Reporting and Using Data on Innovation defines Innovation as:

“a new or improved product or process (or combination thereof) that differs significantly from the unit’s previous products or processes and that has been made available to potential users (product) or brought into use by the unit (process)”.

In this context, innovation is not necessarily selling ones soul to corporate research, but implementing change for the betterment of society – which is in essence what most of us are trying to achieve within biomedical research. It will be interesting to see how this rolls out across the university, and the potential funding opportunities it will afford.

Finally, the biomedical network will have a meeting on “Drug Repurposing” to be held at bikuben, haukeland university hospital on June 7thfrom 12-16:00.

Invitation 17 Mai breakfast

The University of Bergen hereby invites employees and their families for breakfast onNorway’s Constitution Day, the 17th of May, at Christie Café, Muséplassen 3. Finger food andbeveragesforbothadultsandchildrenwillbeserved. PriceNOK150peradult, NOK 50perchild.

More information and program here.

Stem Cell Seminar: Natalia Soshnikova

“Causes and Consequences of Intestinal Stem Cell Heterogeneity”

Natalia Soshnikova, Group Leader, Heisenberg Programme, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Medical School of the Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

Time: Thursday, May 9, 13.00-14.00
Place: BUS1, 6etg (Aarskogsalen)

Helge Ræder
Leder, Stamcellelaboratoriet

The 21st Broegelmann Lectures

Yenan Bryceson, Karolinska Instituttet and University of Bergen
Lymphocyte cytotoxicity in health and disease

Silke Appel, University of Bergen
“Towards personalized therapy for inflammatory diseases”

Bjørn-Tore Gjertsen, University of Bergen and Haukeland University Hospital
“Single cell immune profiling in personalized therapy: early response evaluation in myeloid leukemia using mass cytometry”

When: Wednesday, May 15th, at 11:15 – ca.13:00

Where: Auditorium AHH

(Norwegian) Utlysning av forskningsmidler fra Gades Legat 

Gades Legat lyser ut midler til anvendelse i forskning innen patologi, mikrobiologi og immunologi. Alle som er faglig tilknyttet forskningsmiljø ved UiB eller Haukeland Universitetssykehus innen patologi, immunologi eller mikrobiologi kan søke om midler. Søknad skal være kortfattet og inneholde:

  • Navn på søker og arbeidssted
  • Navn og kort beskrivelse av prosjektet det søkes om midler til
  • Budsjett
  • Søknad skal totalt ikke overskride 2 sider

Legatet har i senere år tildelt beløp i størrelsesorden 20-100 000 kr, men større tildelinger kan vurderes. Støtte til reiser der man ikke formidler/presenterer egen forskning vil ikke bli prioritert.

Søknadsfrist er torsdag 30. mai 2019

Søknad sendes som én PDF-fil til Gades Legat ved sekretær Håvard Hoel Aass.

(Norwegian) Utlysning av midler fra Epidemisk avdelings videnskapelige fond, Haukeland universitetssykehus

Fondet vil dele ut midler i henhold til fondets formål med inntil NOK 50000 per søknad.

Det kan søkes om midler til «videnskabelig arbeide på de epidemiske sykdommers gebet» inkludert studiereiser og utstyr knyttet til Infeksjonsseksjonen, Haukeland Universitetssjukehus.

Søknad sendes til Alfred Halstensen.

Søknadsfristen:  20. mai 2019

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 21 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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