Dear all of you!

Now it has already been more than 3 weeks since we finally got to meet at Solstrand again for our strategy seminar. It was incredibly nice to meet so many of you! I hope that there are more people who thought that it was nice and useful to have the seminar, but feel free to give feedback here (link).

Speaking of meeting people: 17-18 June 2022 it is UiB’s turn to organize the NorDoc conference for PhD candidates from Nordic countries with scientific presentations and debates from leading researchers. The goal is to raise awareness of responsible research and innovation as a strategy for achieving sustainability in health and medical science.

The program is available here: The conference offers PhD candidates not only network opportunities, but also workshops on career development and transferable skills. So, this can be very useful to you!
The registration deadline is 16 April.


Center seminar on hypertension in women

Center for research on heart disease in women:

Center seminar on hypertension in women

Program: Monday 28.03.22 @ 12-13 Professor Eva Gerdts: Hypertension in women. Consultant PhD Grethe Åstrøm Ueland: Autonomous cortisol secretion – a new cause of treatment resistant hypertension in women? Plenary discussion. The seminar will be held in Norwegian


Disputas – Erik Jerome Stene Packer

Erik Packer

Disputas: Onsdag 30. mars 2022 kl. 12.15


Sted: Birkhaugsalen, HUS, Jonas Lies vei 65

Avhandlingens tittel: “Mechanical assist in cardiac arrest: Optimising circulatory support. Experimental Studies”




  1. opponent: Professor Truls Myrmel, UiT Norges arktiske universitet
  2. opponent: Førsteamanuensis, Margaret McEntegart, Universitetet i Glasgow, U.K.
  3. medlem av komiteen: Førsteamanuensis Kristin Greve-Isdahl Mohn, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor emeritus Svein Færestrand.

Zoom: Disputasen stømmes digitalt 

Åpent for alle interesserte

Til enheter med reserverte plasser

Vi viser til informasjon på Ansattsider, UiBhjelp og PåHøyden vedr. iverksetting av styrevedtaket fra høsten 2019 om ny parkeringsordning på UiB.

Dette medfører at alle reserverte plasser for enheter på UiB fjernes fra 01.04.2022(omgjøres til frie plasser for ansatte/studenter) og det innføres betalingsparkering fra 01.06.2022.

Dette gjelder også for de enhetene som har sine reserverte plasser i garasjen i Dokkeveien. Skiltene for reserverte plasser vil bli fjernet suksessivt fom. 01.04.2022 og plassene går automatisk over til å være frie plasser for ansatte/studenter som kan benyttes med parkeringstillatelse i appen AimoPark Norway (krever registrering i UiBs parkeringssystem først).

Reserverte plasser som fortsatt vil finnes på UiBs parkeringsområder er plasser reservert for:

HC (krever HC-tillatelse fra kommunen i tillegg til parkeringstillatelse fra UiB
EL-biler (frie plasser, men avsatt til EL-biler)
MC (områder for motorsykler ol)
Tjenestebiler (med UiBlogo eller riksvåpenet, private biler kan ikke defineres som tjenestebiler)
Servicebiler (håndverkere/leverandører)

Informasjonen vil også bli sendt i ephorte, men vi ber om at berørte ansatte informeres.

Generell info om parkering på UiB

More research for the students!

Foto av Ingvild Festervoll Melien

Many of our students want to learn more about research and an academic career path but find it difficult to get in touch with the faculty’s researchers. These are not necessarily students who are looking for, for example, a summer job/scholarship or PhD scholarship, but simply students who would like to learn more about research and academia.

It is a long-term goal for the faculty to recruit more people with education in medicine, odontology, nutrition, or pharmacy into permanent university positions. We believe this will strengthen both teaching and research in the long term, and that making the faculty’s research activities more accessible to students will contribute to this goal.

We are now looking for researchers at all levels who want to sign up as contact persons for students who want to learn more about research.

Note that there are no promises of further work into the research group, neither from the student’s nor the researcher’s side in this, even if meetings occur.

However, if you choose to participate in this, you must respond to inquiries you may receive from students, and you must be available for meetings with students (for example in the form of conversations, guided tours in the lab, invitation to group seminars).

Your name with contact information (e-mail) and a short description of your research field will be posted in the channels where we usually have contact with the students.

We hope many will contribute to this “student portal for research”.

If you are interested, please send your name, department affiliation and 4-5 easy-to-understand sentences about your field of research to Amra Grudic-Feta (


Bli med på Vestlandets største kunnskapsarena for digital helse

Digital helse-dager er en helt fersk konferanse om helsenæring, digitalisering og innovasjon i helse- og omsorgstjenesten.

Konferansen er 1. og 2. juni i Bergen – og her er tre gode grunner til å delta:


1. Vi bryter siloer og skaper helhetlige digitale løsninger sammen

2. Vi lar pasienter og brukere utfordre oss

3. Vi gir ordet til kommune, sjukehus, akademia og næringsliv, for å se muligheter på tvers

Konferansen arrangeres av HVL, Helse Bergen og Alrek helseklynge. De to konferansene THOM (HVL) og KlinIKT (Helse Bergen), som har blitt arrangert i en årrekke, er slått sammen for å skape en felles arena for samhandling og digital helse.

Les mer om konferansen og meld deg på her

Klikk her for å komme til hjemmesiden

Disputas-Cathrine Horn

Cathrine Horn

Fredag 25. mars 2022 kl. 12.15

Sted: Auditorium 4, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91.


Avhandlingens tittel:  “Role of dietary carbohydrate quality and quantity in visceral obesity reduction. Results from a randomized controlled trial (CARBFUNC)”




  1. opponent: Førsteamanuensis Anne-Marie Aas, Universitetet i Oslo
  2. opponent: Førsteamanuensis Faidon Magkos, Universitetet i København
  3. medlem av komiteen: Førsteamanuensis Eirik Søfteland, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor Francisco Gomez Real.

Åpent for alle interesserte


Visit by the university management

Last week, the university management visited the Faculty of Medicine. On Thursday they were with us at K2. Those who attended were Rector Margareth Hagen, Vice-Rector Pinar Heggernes, Vice-Rector Benedicte Carlsen, Senior Consultant Morgan Reza Rashidi Alangeh, University Director Robert Rastad, Assistant University Director Tore Tungodden and Department Director Kari Fuglseth.

We held the meeting in Glasblokkene with a good view of the many buildings K2 is located on Campus Haukeland and to show the close relationship with the university hospital. There was room for three short professional talks. Professor Eva Gerdts seemed to convince everyone that there is a big difference between women and men in terms of heart disease and that more research is needed to better treat women with heart disease. Researcher Marc Vaudel aroused interest in data showing that the child’s own genes are most important for birth weight and increased risk of diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease later in life. And Professor Eystein Husebye demonstrated the Endopod, a teaching podcast developed by a medical student in his research group.

The university management had wanted to hear our thoughts on opportunities and challenges. Regarding the first, we pointed out the opportunities for research, teaching and innovation in the close relationship with Haukeland University Hospital. We have several centers under planning and have an application for a COE in the finals. We see many opportunities to increase external funding, especially EU funds, and that building a culture on K2 is important. When it comes to challenges, the failing economy is key. We perceive that there is a gradual reduction of K2 by a significant reduction in our basic allocation over the last three years. The cuts hit us especially hard due to our large BOA economy. We perceive this as unfair and demoralizing. We also explained that so far, we have not had any streamlining or improvement of the economy through the introduction of the BOTT systems, centralization of finance and specialists. Both the Rector and the University Director agreed with our description of the situation and that this is of great concern. Various measures were discussed. The university management works intensively with the case through various channels. They want to come back to visit some of our centers to learn more about how they work. These are good signals from the management!

Wishing everyone as good a weekend as possible given the situation in Ukraine. My thoughts go to the Ukrainian people who are having a terrible time now.


Kurs til brukere ved MatNat og DMF- Workshops:

CodeRefinery workshop

What: CodeRefinery workshop
When: 22-24 & 29-31 March

In this online course, you will become familiar with tools and best practices for version control and reproducibility in modern research software development. The main focus is on using Git for efficiently writing and maintaining research software.

This is an informal and interactive online event with type-along type of presentations, live coding, and demos. Short tutorials alternate with practical exercises.

More information and registration:


GPU Programming with OpenACC

What: GPU Programming 
When: 29 March @ 10.00 – 15.30

Registration is open for a 1-day hands-on physical course for Introductory GPU Programming with OpenACC. The course is designed for beginners in GPU-programming who want to get familiar with available directives programming models with a special focus on the OpenACC offloading.

The training is conducted by UiBs Scientific Computing group, in collaboration with NRIS.

More information and registration:


NRIS HPC On-boarding User Course

What: NRIS HPC On-boarding User Course 
When: 4 – 5 May 2022

Are you planning to use our e-infrastructure services soon? Have you been using these services already, but would like to make sure you are getting the most out of them? Then this NRIS High Performance Computing On-boarding course is intended for you!

Who can join? 
The course is aimed at students, researchers, and employees of any background. We assume no prior knowledge of what HPC is or how to use it.

For those who have little experience with UNIX-like operating systems such as Linux, or who have never worked on the command line of a terminal, we will offer a hands-on pre-course about UNIX a day before the HPC course.

Please find detailed information on how to register here.
Registration will close 25 April.

Opportunities for collaborating with universities in the USA

Are you interested in research and education collaborations at UC Berkeley or other American universities? The University of Bergen hosts a special seminar to present opportunities for collaboration with world leading universities in the US.


The “metabolically healthy obese” and “metabolically-unhealthy normal-weight” phenotypes: opposite sides of the same coin?

Faidon Magkos is Associate Professor at the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports at the University of Copenhagen.

It has become apparent in recent years that excess total body weight and fat do not necessarily impair metabolic function and increase risk for cardiometabolic disease; and vice versa, absence of excess weight and fat do not necessarily entail low risk. A subset (~30%) of people with obesity do not present with metabolic abnormalities such as hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and dyslipidemia, or hypertension (“metabolically healthy obese”); whereas a subset (~20%) of people with normal body weight do present with these metabolic abnormalities (“metabolically-unhealthy normal-weight”). Compared with BMI-matched control groups, metabolically healthy obese subjects have lower accumulation of fat in the liver, better physical fitness, and a tight coordination between the pancreas (insulin secretion) and skeletal muscle (insulin sensitivity) to maintain glucose homeostasis; whereas conversely, metabolically-unhealthy normal-weight subjects have more liver fat, inferior fitness, and dysregulated glucose homeostasis.

Foreleser: Faidon Magkos, the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen
Moderator: Simon Dankel
Tid: Torsdag 24. mars 2022 kl. 14.30-15.30
Sted: Aud. Glasblokkene, blokk 1  / Zoom

Arrangementet streames også via Zoom:

Det blir lett servering.


Program and registration to The Jacobæus award for 2021- Symposium in Bergen

The Jacobæus award for 2021 will be awarded at a symposium in Bergen at Opus XVI on Thursday 21st April. The symposium is open for everyone and free. It will also be live streamed.

The recipient of the Jacobæus prize for 2021 is professor Stafford Lightman from the University of Bristol. Stafford Lightman has made fundamental advances – at both conceptual and practical levels – to our understanding of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, a key hormonal system to tackle stress. Lightman showed that the well-know circadian cortisol rhythm was made up of hourly pulses subject to alteration by a number of external factors. Stafford also pioneered the development of methods to capture these rhythms in humans by ambulatory sampling of tissue fluid, techniques that are now used in the clinic.

The Jacobæus Prize is the oldest prize of the Novo Nordisk Foundation. It was established in 1939 to commemorate the Swedish professor Hans Christian Jacobæus. The purpose of the Prize is to promote medical research and is awarded annually to a distinguished international researcher, who is invited to give a lecture on his or her research on a topic within physiology or endocrinology. The accompanying award of DKK 1,500,000 (€200,000) is distributed as a personal award of DKK 250,000 and an award for research or development work of DKK 1,250,000.

Program and registration: (Registration is also mandatory for live stream).


1200-1300:          Registration and lunch

1300-1310:          Introduction of the prize and prizewinner Stafford Lightman

Eystein Husebye, University of Bergen

1310-1400:         Jacobæus award lecture: The HPA-axis in health and disease
                            Stafford Lightmann, University of Bristol

1410-1445           Mathematical modelling of hormone dynamics                              
John Terry, University of Birmingham

1450-1520           Coffee break

1520-1555           Sex reversal and autoimmunity

Olle Kämpe, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm

1600-1635           Primary hyperaldosteronism, novel diagnostics and treatment
                            Martin Reincke, Ludwig-Maxmillians-Universität, München

1640-1715           The adrenal stem cell, therapeutic options

Gary Hammer, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

1720-1745           General discussion (panel with the speakers)

1745-1750           Closing remarks

Benedicte Lie    

(Norsk) Senter for ernæring har gleden av å invitere til hele to nye seminarer i vår seminarrekke. Serien tar opp sentrale utfordringer innen ernæring og helse.

Red and processed meat intake and risk of common conditions: UK Biobank and beyond…

Dr Keren Papier is a Senior Nutritional Epidemiologist working in the Cancer Epidemiology Unit (CEU), based in the Oxford Department of Population Health, at the University of Oxford. Her research at the CEU includes investigating diet and disease associations using large-scale cohort data (including the Million Women Study, EPIC-Oxford and the UK Biobank). She is also the principal investigator for the Feeding the Future Study (or FEED).

This talk will cover recent research on associations between red and processed meat consumption and risk of several common conditions, mostly focusing on UK Biobank data.

Keren Papier, Cancer Epidemiology Unit (CEU), University of Oxford
Moderator: Vegard Lysne
Tid: Torsdag 17. mars 2022 kl. 14.30-15.30
Sted: Aud. Glasblokkene, blokk 1 / Zoom

Arrangementet streames også via Zoom:

Det blir lett servering.


Congratulations to Professor Rebecca Cox and researcher Marc Vaudel with the Meltzer Awards!

At The annual Meltzer dinner on March 8, 2022, two out of three awarded Meltzer Prizes went to researchers affiliated with K2! Head of the influenza centre Rebecca Cox was awarded the Meltzer Prize for Outstanding Research Dissemination and Marc Vaudel from the Center for Diabetes Research the Meltzer Prize for Outstanding Young Scientists.

We are very proud! Congratulations!

Falch-forelesningen 2022 – “Epidemiology is easy – anyone can do it” Auditoriet i Armauer Hansens hus 19. april kl 12.15

Hvordan kan feilslåtte metoder med epidemiologimerkelapper bidra til feilaktige slutninger og misvisende helseråd? Det kan Kenneth J. Rothman fortelle om, en av verdens fremste epidemiologer. Hans tanker om temaet er ekstra relevante i disse tider, der fake news er en konstant trussel mot god folkeopplysning

les mer her for påmelding:

Finally – the Solstrand Strategy Seminar

Right now, many of us are assembled at what has been a highly successful seminar. Vice dean Marit Bakke and hospital director Eivind Hansen met a well-prepared panel for a debate regarding collaboration between the university and the hospital. We have also learnt how we can improve our presentation of our research in the media – another important arena. Not least, we have just plainly had a nice time together, those of us who are here. Having a nice time together is also important: Friendship fosters trust and collaboration and lead to improved research and education.








The library – more than just articles

The University library  offers several useful services in addition to retrieving and printing papers that we do not get hold of ourselves. They offer guidance in literature searching for systematic reviews and PhD theses as well as how to handle references (including individual guidance for master- and bachelorstudents), contact In addition, they can help you on the way to making your research accessible in line with Open Science requirements. They may help you in developing a Data Management Plan (contact Open Science is becoming a more frequent requirement and the library offers courses in how to publish open access (contact
