Category Archives: The HSE Corner

The HSE corner

informasjon_til_verneombud-1024x703It’s that time again where we choose our safety representatives again!

Saftey representatives are elected for two years at a time. Current term of office for safety representatives at the University of Bergen (UiB) expires when the year ends, and now we’re choosing our safety representatives for the period January 1st 2017 – December 31st 2018.

Deadline: October 17th
For more information including the role of safety representative and how the election work, you can press here


The HSE Corner

Invitation to user training in EcoExposure – reminder

UiB and K2 will use EcoExposure as exposure registry for staff and students who may be exposed to substances that can cause serious illnesses over time. Bente-Lise Lillebø from the HSE department will visit K2 and teach us how we as users must register exposure.

Time: Thursday, 23 June, 12.30 to 13.30
Location: Auditorium 4, BB-building.


The HSE Corner

Remember to register HSE nonconfomities!

In the autumn of 2015 MOF introduced an electronic system for reporting HSE nonconformities. Knowledge of HSE nonconformities provides the basis for UoB to prevent and follow up harm to people, environment and property. We ask that everyone use the system to register HSE nonconformities.

Read more about the system and HSE nonconformities in the HSE portal,
and register nonconformities here.

The HSE Corner

Introduction EcoExposure

UoB are obliged to keep records of staff and students who are or may be exposed to substances that can cause serious illnesses over time. UoB and K2 will use EcoExposure as their exposure registry. Bente-Lise Lillebø from the HSE department will inform about the system and how to use it. Users will register exposures in EcoExposure but coordinators and administrators are to provide access to users in their group. The first meeting will be held in late May and is for administrators and coordinators. There will be separate information meetings for all users before the summer – information about the meetings are to come. Read more about EcoExposure by following this link.

The HSE Corner

Pipette Course 13 May in the BB-building

In this course there will be an introduction to various techniques, ergonomics, choice of pipettes as well as adaptations of pipette tips. In addition, an employee from VWR Pipette Service in Oslo will attend and demonstrate cleaning of pipettes.
The course will be held in Auditorium 2 (3C122F) in the BB-building.

Deadline for registration is 9 May. Registration and more information.

The HSE Corner

Cycle to Work campaign 2016

Get fit together with good colleagues! You and your team count minutes exercised every day. Despite the name of the campaign, you can run, bike, swim or walk. The Cycle to work campaign runs from April 19 through June 17 2016. Now is the time for enrollment.

For everyone who lives or works in Bergen municipality it is free to attend. You can participate alone or with colleagues (2-5 in a team).

More information and registration