Tag Archives: 22/2016

The HSE Corner

Invitation to user training in EcoExposure – reminder

UiB and K2 will use EcoExposure as exposure registry for staff and students who may be exposed to substances that can cause serious illnesses over time. Bente-Lise Lillebø from the HSE department will visit K2 and teach us how we as users must register exposure.

Time: Thursday, 23 June, 12.30 to 13.30
Location: Auditorium 4, BB-building.


Translational Hematology Cluster (THC) arranges half-day-seminar 16 June

The topic this time is “Post Translational Modification and Signaling.” The time is 16 June, at 12, and the venue is Birkhaugsalen at the hospital. The seminar is open to everybody and there is no registration. Organizer is THC, by the committee members Frode Selheim, Astrid Olsnes Kittang and Rachel Brendsdal Forthun.

Attachment: Programme

Employment trends in K2

Per BakkeThe relationship between jobs funded by the anuum (the basic budget from the government) and those covered through external funding, and the relationship between technical-administrative and academic positions always awakens interest. Some believe that the number of administrative positions at K2 increases at the expense of scientific positions. In short, that there is too much administration and too little science. Recent figures that illustrate these conditions are now available for the period 2013 to 2016.

Figure 1 shows number of K2 administrative, technical and academic positions funded through the anuum in the specified period. There has been a decline in number of academic positions (from 60.7 in 2013 to 52.8 in 2016), a slight reduction in number of administrative positions (from 14.5 to 12.5) and no change in number of technical positions (2013: 36.4 and 2016: 36.3). The ratio of scientific to administrative positions was 4.2 in both 2013 and 2016.

The picture becomes a little different when we include the externally funded positions (Figure 2). There has been a marked increase in number of academic positions salaried externally, while administrative positions with this kind of funding has remained virtually unchanged. The two ways of financing combined are visualized in Figure 3. The conclusion is that the relationship between number of scientific and administrative positions is moving in the right direction. This development (Figure 3) is deliberate and intentional, but it cannot continue like this uninterrupted. There is a need to strengthen the economy section, and a new economy consultant starts at K2 over the summer. We will also employ a research consultant to strengthen applications for external funding.



New Names

Øystein H JohansenWe present Øystein Haarklau Johansen, consultant and specialist in medical microbiology. Øystein is a new PhD student at K2, and is now starting a study on the diagnosis of diarrheal infections in children in Jimma, Ethiopia. If you want to find out more, or are going to Ethiopia, you can contact him at haarklau@gmail.com or +251 932514619.

Apply for FORNY 2020 Proof-of-Concept funding

BTOBergen Technology Transfer (BTO) would like to inform you that it is now possible to apply for proof-of-concept funding from the Research Council of Norway (FORNY2020).Researchers with projects that may be relevant should contact BTO as soon as possible and no later than June 25, for initial project discussions.

More information about FORNY2020 and the application process can be found here.


Domain names discontinued

We are planning completion of a long process of shutting down the server “Elle”. It will be shut down on 18 June 2016. This will make the domain names listed below invalid.

If some of these domains shall still be used, they need to be moved to another server. Those who want to have their domain names redirected to another site/location should register  an issue to that effect in Issue-tracker.

All traffic from studentportal.uib.no will be redirected to the new portal mitt.uib.no.

Please feel free to contact Michael Eric Menk (michael.menk@uib.no) if you have any questions regardin the discontinuation.

The IT Department Continue reading

UiB’s representative in Tokyo comes to MOF Friday 17 June

Friday 17 June at 9 am Dr. Hiroshi Matsumoto, the University’s representative in Tokyo, will visit the Faculty. He wants to meet researchers with cooperation or interest in Japan.

The aim of the meeting is primarily to introduce Hiroshi Matsumoto and his work in Tokyo and get a briefing on the faculty’s activities, but he would also like to meet interested researchers.

Those wishing to attend the meeting should contact Torunn Olsnes at the research section by 13 June.

Candidates for NRC’s awards

The Research Council’s awards, deadline June 17th, To be submittet through the Institute.

The Research Council bestows four prestigious awards on researchers and innovators each year: the Award for Outstanding Research, the Award for Young Outstanding Researchers, the Award for Excellence in Communication of Science and the Innovation Award. For more information follow this link.

Information Meetings Digital Life and Infrastructure

Information meetings regarding Norwegian Research Council calls on Digital Life and Infrastructure. Also schedule regarding applications to Infrastructure. More information here

For more on the information meeting 6 June regarding Digital Life, please follow this link.
For more on the information meeting 16 June regarding Infrastructure see here, and for time schedule see here.

Public PhD Defence, Week 23


Trond Bruun will defend his PhD thesis on Tuesday, June 7th, 2016
Trial lecture: Tuesday, June 7th , 2016, 10:15
Topic:  ”Pneumoni”
Place: Birkhaugsalen (D303), Sentralblokken, Haukeland Universitetssykehus
Public defense: Tuesday, June 7th, 2016, 12:15
Place: Birkhaugsalen (D303), Sentralblokken, Haukeland Universitetssykehus
Title of dissertation: ”Clinical and bacterial diversity in streptococcal skin and soft tissue disease”
1st opponent: Professor Jan Kristian Damås, NTNU, Trondheim
2nd opponent: Docent Magnus Rasmussen, Lunds Universitet, Sverige

Press release (in Norwegian)

New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to elin.opheim@uib.no.

Laryngeal response patterns influence the efficacy of mechanical assisted cough in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Andersen T, Sandnes A, Brekka AK, Hilland M, Clemm H, Fondenes O, Tysnes OB, Heimdal JH, Halvorsen T, Vollsæter M, Røksund OD.
Thorax. 2016 May 12

Readmission and mortality one year after acute hospitalization in older patients with explained and unexplained anemia – a prospective observational cohort study.
Abrahamsen JF, Monsen AL, Landi F, Haugland C, Nilsen RM, Ranhoff AH.
BMC Geriatr. 2016 May 24;16(1):109.

Blue-blocking glasses as additive treatment for mania: a randomized placebo-controlled trial.
Henriksen TE, Skrede S, Fasmer OB, Schoeyen H, Leskauskaite I, Bjørke-Bertheussen J, Assmus J, Hamre B, Grønli J, Lund A.
Bipolar Disord. 2016 May;18(3):221-32.

Maternal plasma total neopterin and kynurenine/tryptophan levels during pregnancy in relation to asthma development in the offspring.
Magnus MC, Karlstad Ø, Midtun Ø, Håberg SE, Tunheim G, Parr CL, Nafstad P, London SJ, Nilsen RM, Ueland PM, Nystad W.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2016 Apr 20.

Humoral, T-cell and B-cell immune responses to seasonal influenza vaccine in solid organ transplant recipients receiving anti-T cell therapies.
Héquet D, Pascual M, Lartey S, Pathirana RD, Bredholt G, Hoschler K, Hullin R, Meylan P, Cox RJ, Manuel O.
Vaccine. 2016 May 21.