Author Archives: ene057

The extended management team at K2

Per Bakke As mentioned in a previous editorial in K2Nytt, the new organizational chart on K2 has been approved by the Institute Council. A new extended management team is part of the reorganization. The extended management team consists of 7 research group leaders and a representative from Stavanger, in addition to the department management. The 7 research group leaders have now been chosen: Emmet
Mc Cormack, Hematology; Eva Gerdts, Cardio; Henning Lygre, Pharmacology / Pharmacy; Per Eystein Lønning, Oncology; Pål Njølstad, Pediatrics; Vidar Steen, Genetics and Harald Wiker, Infection / Microbiology. In the choice of research group leaders to the extended management team, we have tried to let as many subjects as possible be represented. In addition, we have avoided subjects which are already represented in the management group (lung, endo, immunology, gyn / obs). I want to emphasize that there is no disallowance of those not selected. Each of the seven research group leaders will be in the extended management team for 2 years. The team meets once a month. In the extended management team the institute management wants to discuss ongoing matters. Examples are strategy, budget and finances, equipment priorities, educational issues, positions, lab areas and organization of application processes. The 7 research group leaders do not represent anyone but themselves. All the department’s 21 research group leaders will, like earlier, have a direct line to the department management and they will receive the minutes of meetings. The first meeting of the management team was held on Tuesday this week


Invitation to announcement of research grants from the Norwegian Cancer Society- Tuesday October 27, 12 pm

kreftforeningen Thanks to the populations generosity we can once again allocate funds to the country’s leading research institutions. You are hereby invited to the announcement of grants from the Cancer Society’s open call for proposals: Tuesday October 27 at. 12-1 pm at the University of Bergen, auditorium 4 in BB building, Jonas Lies vei 91.
Because of catering we ask you to register within October 21st. Invitation is attached. We look forward to seeing you!

Yours sincerely
the Norwegian Cancer Society
Kari Felicia Nestande
Special Adviser

National network conference in Stavanger: Danning og Utdanning

We wish to welcome you to the conference Danning og Utdanning – between classical ideals and demands for external relevance. The conference is at the University of Stavanger May 2-4 2016, organized by the National Network for the University and College Education. See attached conference program (in Norwegian) with a link to registration. The target audience is the academic staff and the topic should be interesting for many. If you have any questions, send me an email.

Best regards
Kjetil Kiil Halvorsen
for Uniped v / UiS

Invitation to the Nordic PhD course “Bio-8303: Molecular and Clinical Aspects of Cancer”

UITDear Mr/Ms/Mrs,
Attached you will find an invitation to the Nordic PhD course Bio-8303: “Molecular and Clinical Aspects of Cancer”. The course will take place at the University of Tromsø in week 10 and 11 next year (March 7th to 18th, 2016). An international faculty teaches the course (please find the preliminary lecture schedule attached). Continue reading

New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to

The cAMP-dependent protein kinase downregulates glucose-6-phosphatase expression through RORα and SRC-2 coactivator transcriptional activity.
Andre M, Jan-Inge B, Lise B, Gunnar M, Jørn SV.
Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2015 Oct 6. pii: S0303-7207(15)30104-0.

Prevalence of Cryptosporidium parvum/hominis, Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia among Young Children with and without Diarrhea in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Tellevik MG, Moyo SJ, Blomberg B, Hjøllo T, Maselle SY, Langeland N, Hanevik K.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2015 Oct 9;9(10):e0004125.

Biomarkers of Nutrition for Development-Folate Review.
Bailey LB, Stover PJ, McNulty H, Fenech MF, Gregory JF 3rd, Mills JL, Pfeiffer CM, Fazili Z, Zhang M, Ueland PM, Molloy AM, Caudill MA, Shane B, Berry RJ, Bailey RL, Hausman DB, Raghavan R, Raiten DJ.
J Nutr. 2015 Jul;145(7):1636S-1680S. Epub 2015 Jun 3.

Exploring the potential of public proteomics data.
Vaudel M, Verheggen K, Csordas A, Raeder H, Berven FS, Martens L, Vizcaíno JA, Barsnes H.
Proteomics. 2015 Oct 9.

Genetically-encoded tools for cAMP probing and modulation in living systems.
Paramonov VM, Mamaeva V, Sahlgren C, Rivero-Müller A.
Front Pharmacol. 2015 Sep 15;6:196.


Core Facilities at Department of Clinical Science

Roland Jonsson

A core facility is a collection of scientific equipment and highly qualified technical staff made widely available to the research community. The three current core facilities at the Department of Clinical Science: Flow Cytometry Core Facility, Genomics Core Facility and Metabolomics Core Facility, cover important common functions by MOF and UiB as well as regionally and nationally. They are available to all academic users on the same favorable terms and for commercial users of the University’s conditions for contract research.

The department administers the Faculty’s policy regarding sharing of costs and co-authorship when faculty core facilities are used. This policy means that all higher education researchers in Norway, health trusts included, gain access on equal terms, including the same price. More on this see: (in Norwegian).

The economy of all core facilities will be partially secured through user fees, and through operating models which address the need for reinvestment and equipment renewal.

To ensure that the core facilities are able to provide the best possible service to the communities it is a goal that they are tightly integrated with scientists who are leaders in their fields. Use of core facilities should thus be a more attractive option than buying your own equipment and pay own technical staff, both cost-wise and methodical. Experience has shown that core facilities are the best way to give researchers in Norway access to an updated and maintained instrument park, and to the methodological knowledge they do not have themselves and equipment and staff they could not afford.

The way the core facilities at MOF are operated is based on experiences from the NRC FUGE initiative. The core facilities are operated and financed by the Department / MOF in cooperation with the University of Bergen, Helse Bergen, Helse Vest, the Faculty of Science, Bergen Research Foundation, NRC, and individual groups of researchers.

Important to remember – If the use of a core facility forms part of the basis for a scientific publication the core facility should be mentioned in the acknowledgment section of the publication, for example: “Parts of the work was carried out at the NAME OF CORE FACILITY and was thus supported by the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Bergen and its partners “.

Two great new additions to be especially mentioned are: CyTOF – Mass cytometry with single-cell proteomic opportunities – for Flow (equipment has been delivered and is being tested), and NRC infrastructure funds for equipment for complete human genome sequencing to Genomics.


Illegal logging devices on PC, Mac and Linux

October 2nd 2015 Bergens Tidende reported that logging devices have been found on PCs at the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). In connection with this, we would like to inform about this kind of surveillance and which measures we can take as an organization.

See information on

The IT Department

Seminar on new Curriculum in Medicine November 4th

logo ny planAttached you will find an invitation (in Norwegian) to a half-day seminar on the new curriculum in medicine Wednesday November 4th at 8:30 am to 12:00 pm. Place: Large auditorium, 3rd floor, Sentralblokken, Haukeland.
We meet for joint discussions and teaching input in dealing with the new curriculum. The main part of the seminar contains presentations of sketches by semester chairmen for 3. – 6. semester. The sketches will be sent to departments and other semester boards before the seminar, so the seminar will be the venue for discussions ahead of the program selection processing November 11th. Registration before 26 October.

Kristin Walter
Project Secretary New Curriculum Medicine
Medicine and Dentistry
University in Bergen
Tel. 55 58 65 59

New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to

Menopause as a predictor of new-onset asthma: A longitudinal Northern European population study.
Triebner K, Johannessen A, Puggini L, Benediktsdóttir B, Bertelsen RJ, Bifulco E, Dharmage SC, Dratva J, Franklin KA, Gíslason T, Holm M, Jarvis D, Leynaert B, Lindberg E, Malinovschi A, Macsali F, Norbäck D, Omenaas ER, Rodríguez FJ, Saure E, Schlünssen V, Sigsgaard T, Skorge TD, Wieslander G, Zemp E, Svanes C, Hustad S, Gómez Real F.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 Oct 1. pii: S0091-6749(15)01243-9.

High incidence of heterozygous ABCC8 and HNF1A mutations in Czech patients with congenital hyperinsulinism.
Rozenkova K, Malikova J, Nessa A, Dusatkova L, Bjørkhaug L, Obermannova B, Dusatkova P, Kytnarova J, Aukrust I, Najmi L, Rypackova B, Sumnik Z, Lebl J, Njølstad PR, Hussain K, Pruhova S.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Oct 2:jc20152763.

Common Variants at the CHEK2 Gene Locus and Risk of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer.
Lawrenson K, Iversen ES, Tyrer J, Weber RP, Concannon P, Hazelett DJ, Li Q, Marks JR, Berchuck A, Lee JM, Aben KK, Anton-Culver H, Antonenkova N; Australian Cancer Study (Ovarian Cancer); Australian Ovarian Cancer Study Group, Bandera EV, Bean Y, Beckmann MW, Bisogna M, Bjorge L, Bogdanova N, Brinton LA, Brooks-Wilson A, Bruinsma F, Butzow R, Campbell IG, Carty K, Chang-Claude J, Chenevix-Trench G, Chen A, Chen Z, Cook LS, Cramer DW, Cunningham JM, Cybulski C, Plisiecka-Halasa J, Dennis J, Dicks E, Doherty JA, Dörk T, du Bois A, Eccles D, Easton DT, Edwards RP, Eilber U, Ekici AB, Fasching PA, Fridley BL, Gao YT, Gentry-Maharaj A, Giles GG, Glasspool R, Goode EL, Goodman MT, Gronwald J, Harter P, Hasmad HN, Hein A, Heitz F, Hildebrandt MA, Hillemanns P, Hogdall E, Hogdall C, Hosono S, Jakubowska A, Paul J, Jensen A, Karlan BY, Kjaer SK, Kelemen LE, Kellar M, Kelley JL, Kiemeney LA, Krakstad C, Lambrechts D, Lambrechts S, Le ND, Lee AW, Cannioto R, Leminen A, Lester J, Levine DA, Liang D, Lissowska J, Lu K, Lubinski J, Lundvall L, Massuger LF, Matsuo K, McGuire V, McLaughlin JR, Nevanlinna H, McNeish I, Menon U, Modugno F, Moysich KB, Narod SA, Nedergaard L, Ness RB, Noor Azmi MA, Odunsi K, Olson SH, Orlow I, Orsulic S, Pearce CL, Pejovic T, Pelttari LM, Permuth-Wey J, Phelan CM, Pike MC, Poole EM, Ramus SJ, Risch HA, Rosen B, Rossing MA, Rothstein JH, Rudolph A, Runnebaum IB, Rzepecka IK, Salvesen HB, Budzilowska A, Sellers TA, Shu XO, Shvetsov YB, Siddiqui N, Sieh W, Song H, Southey MC, Sucheston L, Tangen IL, Teo SH, Terry KL, Thompson PJ, Timorek A, Tworoger SS, Van Nieuwenhuysen E, Vergote I, Vierkant RA, Wang-Gohrke S, Walsh C, Wentzensen N, Whittemore AS, Wicklund KG, Wilkens LR, Woo YL, Wu X, Wu AH, Yang H, Zheng W, Ziogas A, Coetzee GA, Freedman ML, Monteiro AN, Moes-Sosnowska J, Kupryjanczyk J, Pharoah PD, Gayther SA, Schildkraut JM.
Carcinogenesis. 2015 Sep 29. pii: bgv138.

Nutrition in allogeneic stem cell transplantation – Clinical guidelines and immunobiological aspects.
Tvedt TH, Reikvam H, Bruserud Ø.
Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2015 Sep 30.

Glycogenin-2 is dispensable for liver glycogen synthesis and glucagon-stimulated glucose release.
Irgens HU, Fjeld K, Johansson BB, Ringdal M, Immervoll H, Leh S, Søvik O, Johansson S, Molven A, Njølstad PR.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 May;100(5):E767-75.

The tuberculin skin test in school going adolescents in South India: associations of socio-demographic and clinical characteristics with TST positivity and non-response.
Uppada DR, Selvam S, Jesuraj N, Bennett S, Verver S, Grewal HM, Vaz M; TB Trials Study Group.
BMC Infect Dis. 2014 Nov 18;14:571.

Academic pillar, not pillow …!

Jone Trovik, portrett til disputasThe new curriculum in medicine has already been introduced. The first class started this fall, before most clinical departments were ready to wind up their summer vacation.
K2 is primarily responsible for three semesters;
5th semester with pathology, pharmacology, medical biochemistry, preclinical course and circulation / respiration (“Medicine”)
9th semester with gynecology / obstetrics, pediatrics and genetics
12th semester with integrated clinical training and ending with a practical exam

New in this curriculum is that in addition to the medical sciences, “academic pillar” is also emphasized and placed as independent entities on the curriculum. What does that mean?
The objectives can be summarized as providing the student with knowledge of medical science and research, research and ethics, skills in evaluating medical literature, dissemination of scientific results and how to perform statistical analysis. In other words: topics the scientists at K2 know a lot about and that it is nice to communicate and pass on to the younger generation! Teaching in academic subjects is scattered throughout many semesters and “belong” not only to the institute which is responsible for just that specific semester.

I do not know who holds specific expertise in the various academic subjects or how you personally want to contribute, but I hope to find good teachers to the various topics when we get them elaborated from the study planning committee. We don’t want IGS to have a monopoly on research teaching, do we?

This week the first part of this autumn’s teaching day for K1 / K2 was held, the final part will be on October 14th, welcome!
