The extended leader group has just discussed application strategies for 2016. A review of our project portfolio showed that K2 has had great success in the competition for the NRC and EU grants in recent years. In 2013, 5 of the 18 applications to the NRC was funded (28 percent), while the figure for 2014 was 7 of 19 (37 percent). The total percentage granted in 2014 was 11 percent. K2 has also had success with their EU applications. Of 24 applications 4 have been granted (17 percent), including 1 where Helse Bergen is partner and UiB third party and 1 project where UiB is coordinator. The funding percentages in the first calls in the H2020-program have been at 5 per cent or less.
To succeed in fierce national and international competition one must work systematically. We believe that the approach we have used for writing of NRC applications in recent years has contributed to our success and increased our competitiveness. Good research advisers have also been instrumental and in many cases had decisive impact.
Thus, there was a broad agreement to continue our application procedures consisting of:
- Plenary proposal discussions
- Budgeting help from the administration
- Writing support from both research advisors and experienced colleagues
To take part in these “support services” it is necessary that applicants comply with deadlines. Participation is also an excellent opportunity to test and improve your own ideas and to help others improve their applications. To obtain funding it is often not enough to have a creative idea, a broad and multi-disciplinary approach to the problem is regularly required, including good plans for dissemination and research training. One can get input and ideas on all these areas in a structured process where everyone helps each other.
One thing is certain, -those who don’t apply will not get research money.
Good luck with this spring’s most important adventure.