Monthly Archives: January 2021

Who deserves K2’s Teaching Award?

Teaching is one of our core activites and we want to stimulate GOOD teaching at K2!

This year, we focus on raising awareness about the requirement for teaching education, which now applies to all scientific staff both for novel employees and for applications for the renewal of temporary positions (20% positions). The decree demands 200 hours of courses (about 8 study points). We are working on sharing information regarding courses in teaching and learning, and on finding god solutions for how to facilitate the acquisition of the required education for those in need. “Enhet for læring” (the learning center) at the Faculty of Medicine offers a selection of courses that may be recommended.

Our institute wishes to honour a teacher or teaching environment who has demonstrated an extraordinary effort within the field of teaching or development of innovative teaching and learning programs, by forwarding the K2 Teaching Award (NOK 50’000). Think of a nominee an e-mail the name of your candidate and a brief explanation to by March 15th.

RETHOS is active from 2022. All UGLE must revise descriptions within their fields accordingly, securing that they comply with the requirements in RETHOS as regards form and content. Contact Harald Wiker for help.

The K2 Teaching Award is awarded at the TEACHING DAY May 19th – save the date!

New round of KG Jebsen centers for medical research

A new round of KG Jebsen Centers for Medical Research( is now being announced.  The foundation says it will create two new centers from 2022.

Together with Helse Bergen, the Faculty of Medicine can submit 4 applications to the foundation with an application deadline of May 6. We must therefore have an internal process with fairly short deadlines to select the 4 initiatives invited to the full application (see below). In cooperation with Renate Grüner (research director at Haukeland), Marit Bakke has created a template that is mandatory in the prequalification round  and an evaluation form to be used by the external committee for the sketches in the prequalification round (LINK). The application template and evaluation form are based on what is used by the foundation, but it is still encouraged to read the application form/evaluation criteria to be used for the applications in the second round also now in the first place so that you know what the foundation emphasizes. An application to KGJ must be more focused than an SFF, and the translational aspect must be clear.  Prequalification applications that do not use the specified template or that are missing attachments, or that come in after the deadline will not be considered.

Here’s the plan for this year’s announcement:

  1. January 2021: Announcement published
  2. March 1, 2021 (12:00): Deadline for prequalification application
  3. March 1, 2021: Prequalification applications are submitted to external committee (3 international evaluators)
  4. March 23: Feedback from the committee
  5. No later than March 26: Invitation to 4 academic environment for full application
  6. May 6: Final application deadline for full application
  7. You will find the KGJ Foundation’s further schedule in the announcement text.


  1. KGJ-MED_to-be-announced-3

2. Evaluation criteria and template for the prequalification round at The faculty of Medicine

3. Final template for prequalification

4. SKGJ_Research_plan_template_v0-1-2


The 15th Annual Research Presentations by the Research School in Clinical Medicine

Dear Researchers of the Department of Clinical Medicine (K1), Department of Clinical Science (K2), and Helse-Vest,

We are happy to announce that, the week of the 15th Annual Research Presentations by the Research School in Clinical Medicine has arrived.

As it was previously announced, due to the COVID19 restrictions, all sessions will be held online. Please, click here to join the meeting.

The conference program will be as follows:

  • Wednesday 27th of January 2021, 08:30 – 13:00 – Poster Presentations
  • Thursday 28th of January 2021, 08:30 – 12:30 – Oral Presentations
  • Friday 29th of January 2021, 12:00 – Award Ceremony

You can find more details about the presentations from the InfoPoster.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the Annual Research Presentations 2021.

Yours Sincerely,

Mona, Nils, and Nigar

People’s Choice Award: The 15th Annual Research Presentations by the Research School in Clinical Medicine

Dear Researchers of the Department of Clinical Medicine (K1), Department of Clinical Science (K2), and Helse-Vest,

As in previous years, one project selected based on the votes from the audience will be awarded the “People’s Choice Award”.

Everyone is welcome to participate in voting during the event.

Due to the online fashion of the event, this year votes from the audience will be accepted via online poll.

To support your favorite project, please follow the poll link:

Yours Sincerely,

Mona, Nils, and Nigar

Research School Presentation_ InfoPoster 2021

This weeks editorial

Hi everybody!

It is time for the allocation of small research funds (SMÅFORSK). The funds are a joint effort between NFR and UiB. The intention is that the funds should be given to research groups that have not received large grants so that they can start new projects. It can be applied to cover expenses for travel, seminars, courses, materials, technical-administrative assistance and other operating costs.

Requirements for application and criteria for allocation:

– The funds go to researchers who do not have large operating assets already.

– The size of the individual grants is between 15 000-150 000 NOK.

– The funds must be used by 2021  and cannot be transferred.

– Recipients must be active researchers in a permanent scientific position, Prof. II or II.

– Recipients must have applied for external funds in recent years.

Since we have experienced that is does not work optimally to limit the application to research group leaders, as last year all permanent scientific employees (including scientific employees in 10-50% position) can apply. It is done via this link ( Deadline is 14.2.2021

Trond Mohn Research Foundation (TMS) has announced a new round of recruitment grants with a final deadline of March 8 2021. Since there is a limit to the number of nominated candidates each department can promote, we ask interested applicants to submit a 1-2 page sketch describing the candidate, project, research community and candidate’s CV (TMS wants a CV of up to three pages that includes the most important and relevant publications).

The internal deadline is February 1 2021. The sketch and CV can be sent to and

It is worth noting that this scholarship provides an opportunity to bring in external candidates, something both the Foundation and the Faculty of Medicine strongly encourage.

In addition, I want to inform you of the PhD and postdoc positions from the medical faculty for spring 2021. There will be 9 PhD positions (2 of those MNT positions, i.e. reserved for mathematics, natural sciences and technology, and 1 within odontology) and 2 postdoc positions. The ads will be available online and in BT today with an application deadline 14.2.2021.

Have a nice week-end!

Supervisors for main assignments: Think about publishing!

Medical students can write the master’s thesis as an article manuscript, if they and the supervisor so wish. It can be difficult to get the theses up to a level for international publication, so there is no requirement that the manuscript be accepted in the journal for the thesis to be approved. However, the manuscript is required to be submitted for publication.

It is also possible to invest in publication in Norwegian journals. Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association is an opportunity that is highly relevant. In addition, the journal “Kirurgen” has informed us that they are very interested in publishing articles from students. So all supervisors in surgery: also think about the possibility of trying to publish main theses in “Kirurgen”! See «».
Best regards
Arne Tjølsen

CCBIO Research School courses

We are happy to announce the following 3 CCBIO Research School courses for the spring term, and note that if you will join and need the ECTS, registration deadline is February 1st. Registration for ECTS participation is the same for all 3 courses:

  • If you are already enrolled at the University of Bergen (UiB), you apply/register through Studentweb.
  • If you are not enrolled at the UiB but want the ECTS, you apply/register through Søknadsweb, where you simultaneously apply for UiB guest student status.

Continue reading

Parking space by Armauer Hansen’s house

We keep register parked cars at K2s parking spaces that has not been give permissions.

Remember the guidelines:

Following the closure of Haukelandsbakken, K2 has been allocated 7 parking spaces at Armauer Hansen’s house. These places can be distributed to employees at K2 according to registered needs. You can be allocated a place for one week at a time. Initially, we allocate places for the month of January. Use the attached link to register your needs. In addition to these seats, we will have a guest seat. If you need this, send an email to

If you want parking at AHH further, you must apply for parking every week by Thursday at 16.00. You will receive an answer by every Friday at 16.00 if you are allocated a place or not from me.

It is important that I get a message back if you do not use the parking space you are given!!

Regards, Rose!

Many application opportunities in 2021

We have received the results of last year’s applications to the Research Council, but there is no time to rest. The application deadline for groundbreaking research (FRIPRO) is already 10 February, so applicants must report to the department management so that a project economist can be assigned. It is also possible to get help from our research advisor. In addition to FRIPRO, there is also a call for young research talents, persons under the age of 40 years and between 2 and 7 years after PhD. A three-year research project with international mobility is a brilliant opportunity to work and gain experience abroad. In addition, funding is announced for the use of health data for sustainable health and welfare and global health that could suit some of K2’s research groups.

Of larger calls, we find Large interdisciplinary research project and a new call for K.G. Jebsen Centres in translational medical research. The latter has an application deadline in May and is a 2-step process. UiB and HUS have the opportunity to submit an application for 4 centers in this round.

The Norwegian Cancer Society also has an early application deadline this year, namely 10 March. The same date is also the deadline for Helse Vest’s announcement of innovation projects for 2021. You can apply for funding for new projects at your own company or idea transfer between the full companies.

Last but not least, there will be good opportunities to apply for EU funding this year. The new research program Horizon Europe starts this year with the first announcements this autumn. Many of the calls will suit K2’s researchers

We hope all the research groups at K2 will send applications this year.


Good luck



Vice head, K2

Courses in Supervision in the clinical workplace

Available places in Supervision in the clinical workplace – (

Monday January 25th,  09-12
Monday February 1st, 09-12
Monday February 8th, 09-12

Workshops in creating “Pedagogisk mappe” is offered February 22nd and April 14, 9-12

Ca. 2 houres of preperation must be expected.


NB! These offers are for all scientific staff across program and department affiliations!


(Norsk) Disputas Noreen Butt

Trial lecture:      Friday 22th of January 2021, at 10:15

Subject:            “What can we do to further reduce mortality from coronary artery disease in Norway?”

Dissertation:                    Friday 22th of January, at 12:15

Subject:      “Inflammation and cardioprotection in ST- elevation myocardial infarction”

  1. opponent: Professor Rune Wiseth, NTNU
  2. opponent: Førsteamanuensis Bjørn Bendz, Universitetet i Oslo
  3. member of the comitee: Professor Mai Tone Lønnebakken, Universitetet i Bergen

The dissertation will be led by professor Hartwig Kørner

Open for all.

Digital meetingroom :

Pressrelease – Hjertebetennelse ved akutt infarkt | Nye doktorgrader | Universitetet i Bergen (

Happy New Year!

Christmas and the holiday season at the end of the year are over. It has been a busy time – everything must be fixed and arranged for a few, intense days. However, for most people it has been a precious holiday with time together with the ones we love, as well as an opportunity for contemplation and reflection. It provides motivation and strength to embark on a new year with new opportunities.

We entered the new year with dramatic events. The landslide accident in Gjerdrum was a terrible event, and our thoughts go to relatives, friends and acquaintances of those who lost their lives or were affected in some other way. There are probably many of us who could not believe what we saw on TV on Wednesday where the riots in Washington DC were a failed attempt at a coup in a country that has been a guardian of democracy and a champion of individual freedom. And unfortunately, the coronavirus infection rates have increased significantly, which has necessitated more and stricter restrictions.

There is still reason to look at the new year with optimism! We have learned a lot of new things in the past year in terms of infection prevention and alternative forms of learning, so we are well on our way. A lot of activity will therefore be able to continue as it did in the autumn of 2020 when it comes to research and teaching.

Vaccination is now underway and hopefully the infection situation will be under control sometime this year. We have therefore decided that K2 Retreat, which we had planned for the spring of 2021, will be moved to the autumn while the teaching day (together with K1) will be in the spring, even though it may be digital.

We received good results on applications last year (EU, Helse Vest, Hjertefondet, Kreftforeningen, NFR, Novo Nordisk Fonden). There are a number of application deadlines already now in January and February, among others Novo Nordisk Fonden and NFR so it’s just a matter of getting around. Contact Amra for help and advice. There is the possibility of financial support for applications, especially for those who want to try their hand at ERC. The latter should be considered by more people, the one who dares nothing, nothing wins!

All the best for the new year!

HSE corner – Workplaces with risk of oxygen depletion or increased levels of carbon dioxide

New instructions have been made to ensure safety in laboratories with CO2 and liquid nitrogen. They should function as a guideline in the compilation of procedures for each research group.

Two handheld O2 monitors are available in the reception or at the 5. Floor. See the instruction for more information.

Link to the instructions:

Regards, Siv Lise


BT is voting “Talents for the future”

In 2005 and 2013, Bergens Tidende named a number of young people in our area who were predicted to make their mark in the years ahead. We now tell how it went with them from 2013:

Now we will repeat the exercise. We want to find out who can be tomorrow’s business leaders, artists, politicians, tech founders, researchers and so on. In short: The talents you think will make a difference. We are now asking for help. Regular readers can nominate, in addition we hope that institutions, organizations, companies and other environments will help. Feel free to talk to colleagues, nieces, nephews and people who may have good input. Based on the candidates we receive, a jury will be responsible for the actual selection of 30 people under 30 years of age.

You can register candidates here:

Deadline: January 15th