Daily Archives: Friday February 8th, 2019

Who deserves K2’s teaching award?

Our institute recognizes the importance of good teaching to the extent that we have a REALLY BIG PRIZE to be awarded to the person/educational environment that has distinguished itself during the previous year(s). This may be related to clinical or para-clinical teaching, within any of the areas for which K2 is responsible. It can be directly student-related or more organizational; to create a new study program,

Who do you know who have contributed to extraordinary good teaching, or more organizationally; initiated and implemented innovative teaching programs?
Please send me a mail to promote your candidate (including a brief explanation of why). The department management will then select the best candidate to receive this year’s prize which will be awarded on:

Mark the date! If it isn’t you being awarded the teaching award, you will at least have the opportunity to learn more about:

-OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Exam): we have conducted a pilot exam for the 12th semester, how was this evaluated? How to implement full 12th semester OSCE June 6th? (Mark the date here too! We need examiners)

-Merit schemes for excellent teachers; how can K2 implement this?

-TBL (team-based learning): we want to demonstrate a TBL session where we use Socrative and at the same time learn about MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

-FREM (Faculty’s Resource group for Examination procedures in Medicine)

(Norwegian) UiBs Humaniorastrategi 2018-2022: utlysning av såkornsmidler til tverrfakultært samarbeid

UiBs Humaniorastrategi har som et av sine hovedmål å styrke UiBs og de humanistiske fagenes gjennomslag i Forskningsrådets programmer.

Det utlyses herved såkornsmidler til tverrfakultært samarbeid som skal invitere forskere i humanistiske fag til å søke samarbeid med forskere fra andre fagdisipliner. Såkornsmidlene skal brukes til å forberede en prosjektsøknad til Forskningsrådets satsning på humanioraforskning.

Følg lenkene for retningslinjer og søknadsskjema.

Søknader sendes til Forskningsadministrativ avdeling (jfr. vedlagte retningslinjer for søkere).

Søknadsfrist er onsdag 20. februar 2019.

Important information for those who have a UiB mobile phone: change of mobile telephone operator

When the Norwegian higher education sector changes mobile telephone operator from Telenor to Telia, all employees with mobile subscriptions paid by UiB have to change SIM card in their mobile phone.

New SIM cards are being sent to all departments and will be distributed to the individual users.

Telia will send you an SMS with the time for transfer of your subscription.
You will receive this about a week in advance. You must not use the Telia SIM card before the assigned time.

Please note:

  • Your Telenor subscription will stop working from the time of transfer.
  • As UiB no longer has any contract with Telenor, we are not able to make exceptions from the transfer.
  • Telia coverage of indoors areas at UiB’s campus will be complete at time of transfer.

To assist with the change of SIM card for users who may need it, the IT division and Telia will be available at the following locations:

If you have any questions – contact the IT service desk BRITA on:

Chat: itchat.uib.no

Phone: 555 84700

CCBIO Jr Scientist Symposium February 14th

Dear all,

We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming CCBIO Jr Scientist Symposium, February 14th. Professor Inge Jonassen will give an inspirational lecture where he will present his educational path from a young aspiring student to professor and the senior position he now holds. Further, we will hear about professor Jonassen’s ongoing research and the new center for data science CEDAS at the University of Bergen. As increasingly more research involves bioinformatics and handling of big data, this lecture should be relevant for most PhD students and postdoctoral fellows.

In addition, local PhD students and Post-docs will present their research on topics including ethics in medicine (Tranvåg), mechanisms of AXL signaling (D’mello Peters, Hellesøy) and the importance of stromal cells in cancer (Dongre, Kjølle).

Time: Thursday February 14th 2019 at 10.00-14.00.

Where: Conference room 109F, BB-building (opposite the auditoria)

Registration linkhttps://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=6108062 within Feb. 12th

Here for more information and program.

Kind regards,
Kenneth Finne and Liv Cecilie Thomsen

New names

My name is David Forsse, I started as a PhD candidate in the Bergen Gynecologic Cancer Research Group in September 2017. I’m a Gynecologist and currently on leave from my clinical employment. It’s exciting to learn new research methods and explore different facets of my field.

New names

My name is Einar Marius Hjellestad Martinsen. I started as a ph.d. student at the Clinical Respiratory Research Group at Department of Clinical Science (K2) in September 2018. My ph.d. project aims to characterize the fungal community (mycobiome) in the lungs of healthy people and COPD patients, and to report motives for participation in our project. My office is located at fifth floor in the Lab building (Laboratoriebygget). You are welcome to meet me there for a (scientific) chat, or you can send me an e-mail to einar.martinsen@uib.no.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 17 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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