Monthly Archives: May 2017

Fake news – does it concern us?

Per BakkeThis week I have attended the annual ATS (American Thoracic Society) conference in Washington. One of the sessions at the conference was about global warming and lung health. The first part of the session was science, the other politics. This editorial will deal with the latter. One of the speakers was Carol Browner, who served as director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy under the Obama administration, and is also a previous head of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). She presented a rather shocking outline of the methods used by the oil, coal and automobile industry to misinform about global warming and health consequences. These methods make those used by the tobacco industry regarding cigarette smoking and health to look like nothing. These industries are now backed by the current head of EPA under the Trump administration, Scott  Pruitt. He has now laid off scientists, closed EPA web pages, and is planning to reduce the agency by about one third.

Does this concern us? Yes, as it does all of us, but also according to the ex-head of EPA, Carol Browner, particularly so as researchers. In this case, it affects particularly scientists into climate and health. The next time it could be other topics.

As researchers, we have traditionally had little interest to communicate our knowledge to the population at large. What is important is the scientific journals. However, times have changed, and so must we. Scientific publications does not exclude dissemination to the public. A good example is the communication about consequences of lack of vaccination that Becky and Kristin from K2 had last year.

Fake news and alternative facts should be opposed. This is a particularly responsibility for university employees!


HSE corner: Evaluation of the internal labor market at UoB

The arrangements in the internal labor market have been effective since 1 September 2016. According to the agreement with the labor unions, the scheme will now be evaluated to assess which measures will be continued. The survey contains questions related to internal information, simplified affiliation processes, and utilization of hospitalization schemes.

The survey can be found here. (Link in Norwegian.)

It takes about 10 minutes.

Deadline: 31 May.

Input to the department’s budget for 2018

Priority for investment in research and education (Table 4)

In the preparations of the budget for 2018, the department requests input to priority investments. Use the attached table.

Your proposal can be sent to Siv Eggereide no later than Friday 02 June at. 12:00. Applications that arrive after this time, will not be considered.

After the deadline, a committee will prioritize the proposals that have been received. Contact Siv if you have any questions.

Appendix: Table 4

Database for multiple-choice tasks in the medical degree programme

In the spring semester of 2017, much has been done with the multiple-choice tasks database (FVO) in the medical degree programme. The base is now open to all permanent scientific employee, and it is now possible to write their own questions to the base. For each task you enter, you also have the opportunity to import a task from NTNU’s base.

Login (link in Norwegian)
Tutorial videos

Read more here. (Link in Norwegian.)

Public PhD Defense, week 22

Geir Olav Dahle will defend his PhD thesis on Wednesday, May 31st  2017
Trial lecture: Wednesday, May 31st  2017 at 10:15 AM
Topic: “Utslitt og avmagret kvinne med KOLS forverrelse. Respiratorisk støtte; hvilke alternativer finnes, hvordan og hvorfor?”
Place: Stort Auditorium, Sentralblokken 3rd floor, Haukeland Universitetssykehus
Public defense: Wednesday, May 31st  2017 at 12:15 PM
Place: Stort Auditorium, Sentralblokken 3rd floor, Haukeland Universitetssykehus
Title of dissertation: “Cardiac Performance after Adrenergic blocker-enriched Blood Cardioplegia. – An evaluation of left ventricular function by Pressure Volume Loops and Myocardial Deformation”
1st opponent: Professor Vibeke Elisabeth Hjortdal, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark
2nd opponent: Professor Petter Aadahl, NTNU

Press release (in Norwegian)

The weeks editorial: ERC grants

HelgeThe ERC was created to address the need to develop long-term funding for researchers to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk/high-gain research where the intention is to establish excellent research environments in Europe. Scientific excellence is therefore the sole evaluation criterion for selecting the principal investigator and the scientific project. The ground-breaking nature and ambition of the project must be balanced by feasibility. In addition, the intellectual capacity, creativity and commitment of the principal investigator are evaluated. Proposals should cross the boundaries between different fields of research and ERC is welcoming pioneering proposals addressing new and emerging fields of Research.

Ultrafiolett EysteinThe principal investigator of an ERC Starting Grant shall have been awarded his or her first PhD degree > 2 and < 7 years ago, while this period for the ERC Consolidator Grant is > 7 and < 12 years. Clinical training, long-term illness, maternity- and paternity leaves can be taken into consideration when calculating the effective elapsed time.

The ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants are looking for independent young and mid-career scientists who may become the future top notch researchers and/or leaders in their research field. What could, in your case, be seen as proof of research independence? It is expected that the applicant will have produced at least one important publication as main author or without the participation of their PhD supervisor for Starting Grant candidates, and several such publications for Consolidator Grant candidates.

18052967_1319147584846673_870994871_nFor 2016, the success rate for Life Sciences proposals was 14 % for Starting and Consolidator Grant proposals; success rates which are in line with, or even higher than, similar programs from the Research Council of Norway.

We urge you to contact us if you consider applying for these grants during 2017 or 2018. The call for the Starting Grant will most likely open during summer 2017 and usually has deadline during October, while the Consolidator Grant call is expected to open during fall 2017 with the expected deadline during February 2018. In that respect, we want to make you aware of the ERC Starting and Consolidator Grants Course arranged by the Division of Research Administration at UiB. 14459722_1114441688650598_195979061_nRepresentatives from the company Beacon Tech will guide you through the proposal elements and talk about presenting the research idea and yourself. You can book a session with them after lunch to discuss your idea and further questions. The course takes place 14 June at Hotel Ørnen and you can register via this link.

Helge, Eystein, Amra and Itana




Help us create a better faculty!

All employees at K1, K2 and IBM are invited to a general meeting at Stort Auditorium, Haukeland University Hospital, Tuesday at 13.00 – 13.45.

The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry has started the evaluation of the reorganization of 2013 (called “Framtidens fakultet”). What has improved after this reorganization and still needs improvement? more information here (only in Norwegian)

At the meeting, the faculty leadership will give a short introduction to the work with the evaluation and address questions and comments from the audience.

Summed up:

WHAT: General meeting for all employees regarding the evaluation of the reorganization of the faculty of 2013 («Framtidens fakultet»)

WHERE: Stort Auditorium, Haukeland University Hospital

WHEN: Tuesday May 23rd 2017 at 13.00 – 13.45

Last network luncheon this semester

Next week, this semester’s last Network Luncheon of The Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical Research will take place.

Time: Tuesday 23 May at. 11:30 a.m.
Location: The Conference Room (Konferanserommet) of the BB-building (in front of auditoriums 2 and 4).

The following presentations are scheduled:

  1. Aliona Nacu: The Norwegian Sonothrombolysis in Acute Stroke Study (NOR-SASS).  Randomized Controlled Contrast-Enhanced Sonothrombolysis in an Unselected Acute Ischemic Stroke Population.
  2. Vojtěch Novotný: Sonothrombolysis resistant acute ischemic stroke patients: A NOR-SASS sub-study.
  3. Sigmund Ytre Hauge: MRI texture analysis in endometrial cancer.

Lunch and refreshments will be served afterwards.

Contact Ileana Cristea as soon as possible if you wish to attend.

Seminar for supervisors

As in previous years, the faculty will also in 2017 arrange a seminar for people who is supervising or starting to supervise PhD candidates.

Time: Tuesday 3 October at. 09:00–15:45.
Location: Scandic Bergen City, Håkonsgaten 2.

The program will be announced later.

Registration. (Link in Norwegian)

The seminar is free and is considered very useful to all supervisors – new as experienced.

Public PhD Defense, Week 21

portrett_hall_schartum-hansen_xHall Schartum-Hansen will defend his PhD thesis on Tueday May 23rd 2017
Trial lecture: Tuesday May 23rd 2017 at 10:15 AM
Topic: ”New markers and impact of secular trends on cardiovascular risk prediction”
Place: Stort auditorium, HUS, Sentralblokken 3rd floor, Jonas Lies vei 65
Public defense: Tuesday May 23rd 2017 at 12:15 PM
 Stort auditorium, HUS, Sentralblokken 3rd floor, Jonas Lies vei 65
Title of dissertation: Determinants of long-term outcome in patients With cardiovascular disease. Choline oxidation and loop diuretics- cross – sectional and prospective relationships in large Norwegian cohorts of patients With suspected or verified coronary heart disease”
1st opponent: Professor Stefan Agewall, Universiy of Oslo
2nd opponent: Professor Henrik Schirmer, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway

Press release  (Link in Norwegian)

External work

Per BakkeWe have been reminded that everybody must register and/or update his/her external work information. The University Board has decided that all employees at UoB, regardless of the job category and position fraction, have to register their tasks outside of UoB. The intention is that there shall be full transparency for people both inside and outside UoB about employees’ potential links. The list of external tasks is publicly available.

It is emphasized that it is entirely legitimate and desirable that UoB employees have external tasks. But all external work should be registered. Transparency about this is primarily an advantage for the employee. However, also for K2, as one of the largest institutes at the UoB and as such often reviewed by the university, it is important that we comply to this order.

You do the registration in Paga.

What external work should be registered? Read the manual here, and further about the principles here (links in Norwegian only). It is easy to register and takes most of us less than 15 minutes.

This topic was emphasized last year. For those who do not have any change in external tasks or none at all, no measure is needed.

If you are in doubt about the registration of external work, contact Julie.
(NB: Read the instructions first!)


Election of departmental councils – Result

Election of the departemtal councils has now been completed with the following results:

Group A- Permanent Scientific staff:

1. Silke Appel
2. Audun Nerland
3. Camilla Krakstad
1. Simon Steinar Hustad
2. Stefan Johansson
3. Valeriya Lyssenko
4. Ola Myklebost
5. Bodil Bjørndal

Group B – Temporary Scientific staff

1. Kimberly Johanne Hatfield
1. Karianne Fjeld
2. Eirik Bratland
3. Piotr Mateusz Mydel

Group C  – Permanent technical – administrative staff;

1. Siv Johnsen Eggereide
1. Janicke Liland Bjørke
2. Karl Albert Brokstad
3. Kjetil Dyrkholbotn

May 12th 2017, Election Board

Introduction course for new employees at UoB

It is important for UoB to support new employees in a situation which for both parties are an important transition and establishment process. Therefore, UoB organizes introduction courses for new employees.

This course is offered to all new employees, regardless of job size and title. Therefore, the units at UoB should facilitate so that new employees are able to participate in this event. The course addresses general topics of being an employee at UiB. In addition, it is a great opportunity to get to know other staff members at the institution.

The HR department arranges introduction courses for new employees twice a year. All information will be provided in Norwegian. The university employs many foreign workers, and therefore organizes separate introduction courses in English.

Time: 2 June, at. 09:00–15:00.
Location: Stein Rokkans hus, Nygårdsgaten 5, Auditorium 1080.

Registration (link in Norwegian)
Deadline for registration: 26 May.

Broegelmann Research Laboratory marks 60 years of research

k2nytt_2017_uke-19_laboratory-work_broegelmann-research-laboratoryThe Broegelmann Research Laboratory was initiated in 1957 after a donation to the University of Bergen, and is internationally one of the leading research groups on experimental, clinical and genetic studies of Sjögren’s syndrome. After 60 years of research in immunology and rheumatology, the laboratory marks the anniversary for invited guests with a seminar about the unit’s history and research activities.

Time: Tuesday 16 May 2017 at. 10:00–14:00.
Location: Bikuben kurs- og konferansesenter (the old canteen), Haukeland University Hospital.

The seminar is only for invited guests due to capacity constraints. Interested parties may contact Kate Frøland.

Program (link in Norwegian)