It is important for the University of Bergen that we have a good system to support our new employees in what both parties is an important transition and establishment process. UiB organizes therefore an introductory course for new employees in the business. The introductory course is offered to all new employees, regardless of position size and position group. We therefore ask the units to facilitate so that new employees may have the opportunity to attend the event. On the course we address the general theme of being a worker at UiB. In addition there is a chance to get to know other employees of the institution.
The HR department organizes introductory courses for new employees 2 times a year. All information will be given in Norwegian. University hires many foreign workers. It is therefore arranged their own similar courses in English.
Time: October 12th, at 9.00 AM – 3.00 PM
Place: Stein Rokkans house, Nygårdsgaten 5, Auditorium 1080
Registration: You can register by clicking here!
You can find the program here
Deadline: October 7th 2016