Invite to propose candidates for “Helse Vests forsknings – og innovasjonspris 2016”
Deadline: September 9th 2016
Invite to propose candidates for “Helse Vests forsknings – og innovasjonspris 2016”
Deadline: September 9th 2016
MARK THE DATES: 7-8 September
Are you interested in Horizon 2020, the largest funding programme for research and innovation in Europe? Have you ever wondered where the European Commission gets their ideas from for the topics calls? Would you like to learn how to convince the EC that your research idea is the perfect material to be included in one of the work programmes?
Then you should consider attending the workshop: “Writing Strategy Papers for H2020 working programs and the next EU framework program”
This is the first time such a workshop will be organised by the University, as part of UiB´s strategy to maximise the scientist´s chances in the competition for EU funds.
The workshop will be lead by Kristof Vlaeminck, from the Brussel office, in cooperation with the Division of Research Management (FA).
PhD Training in Health Sciences and Biomedicine from the Interdiciplinary Perspective
May 4th – 6th, 2017
Klaipeda, Lithuania
Regional Center for training and rehabilitation invite leaders, researchers and research interested in the specialist health care, and cooparationpartners at a university, college or municipalities to a regional interdisciplinary research conference within rehabilitation.
When: September 21st , at 9:30- 16:30
Where: Bergen, Bikuben
Invitasjon og program til forskingskonferanse 21. september 2016 (PDF)
This annual research conference will take place Thursday 27th to Friday 28th of October 2016 at Solstrand Hotel & Bad outside Bergen.
More information here: Forskingskonferansen 2016
For researchers to be able to participate in the “Human Research Projects” in the US, we need to be registered with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, as well as having an approved FWA number. UiB has now renewed its FWA approval which is now valid until 06.27.2021. We must also have an Institutional Review Board (IRB) that the University’s case, Regional Medical Research Ethics Committee West IRB # 3.
The number to be entered at the request of US partners are:
University of Bergen: FWA 00009490, 00001872 IRB
Research Fund for Asthma and Allergies was founded by the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association in 1963, aiming to promote research in asthma and allergy sector.
In 2016 parts fund crowns 550,000 for research projects and other projects that promote research (eg. Pilot)
450 000, – awarded by the Research Fund
100 000, – awarded by the Research Fund on behalf of Gerd and Lars Volders endowment.
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1 million to establishing projekts within Erasmus +
Do you wish for fundings from the Euopean cooperation on education?
SIU offers support to develop your application through what is called Project Establishment Support (PES) for 2016. These funds are related to centralized measures under Erasmus + and we have set aside 1 million for the establishment of new projects.
Erasmus + is the EU program for education, training, youth and sport for the period 2014-2020. Norway participates fully in Erasmus +.
The library offers courses in literature searching and reference management.
The courses are for students and staff at the University of Bergen and Haukeland University Hospital. The courses are free.
The following courses are offered in autumn 2016:
– EndNote – begin courses August 24
– EndNote – begin courses August 31
The courses have limited participant numbers. More courses will come.
Registration and more details on the library’s Web pages
One can apply for funding for the development of research collaboration and building networks between partners in Wun network. Cooperation must fall into one of Wun Global Challenge areas (Responding to Climate Change, Public Health (non-communicative diseases), Global Higher Education and Research, Understanding Cultures), and / or one of the transversal themes in Wun-operation (Economics, Big Data, Global China Group, Global Africa Group).
Deadline: Oktober 14th 2016
Applications must be approved by the university management. If UoB sends more applications, these shall be ranked by the management. Therefore we must put an internal deadline for submitting the final application to October 10th. Applications must be sent as an attachments to e-mail to “Kontor for etter- og videreutdanning” , It is however important to notice that it is the academic environment itself which have to send the final electronic application for NUV within October 20th, while it is the university management who have to submit approval and possibly ranking of the applications to NUV by the same deadline.
The full call with general policies and specific professional criteria are the Norway University website