Monthly Archives: April 2016

Optional modules in the new medical curriculum

Jone Trovik, portrett til disputasDo you feel that medical students receive (are offered) too scant teaching in your field of interest?
This is an opportunity for you to make a difference!

The new model being established contain optional modules, called “Elective periods”, and four weeks each spring semester 3., 4., 5., and 6. academic year are allocated for this. One of these modules will be reserved for working with their major academic assignment (Særoppgave). Thanks to those of you who mentor these!
The other three spring modules should contain different optional courses of two to four weeks duration.

These courses may preferably be interdisciplinary (utilize resources across subject specific fields) here are some suggestions for inspiration:

“Life-style as medicine”: nutrition, exercise, perspectives from different medical disciplines may elucidate what could / should be provided by life-style interventions at various levels of the health service.

“Future Medicine”, can we draw lines ahead; from basic science via present clinical aspects to possible future scenarios? The future is now!

A more practical approach is also welcomed:
“How to improve students’ clinical ability in my specific field” (to practice as a doctor with temporary license or a brand new fellow in my department). Focus on practical procedures/skills focused in one medical field.

“Sonography” is a method that students receive sparse practical training in present curriculum in spite of this modality is increasingly used by non-radiologists. Can we by an interdisciplinary approach contribute to such training?

“Research Methodology”; statistics, epidemiology, practical laboratory methods, laboratory animal courses? Is this a possible link in recruiting future PhD candidates?

Students themselves have suggested several possible subjects for these optional courses (from tropical to mountain medicine, mindfulness course to neurobiology science). Now is the time for us at Department of Clinical Science to consider and announce what we find beneficial for the students to learn and what we can contribute to achieve this. First course module will be scheduled spring 2018 but active planning must start now. Number of participants, cohorts (level/year of student experience) and whether the course could or should be taught in English should be considered.

The Study Plan Committee with responsibility for Elective periods is headed by Professor Christian Vedeler and they are eager to receive suggestions via this form. Please send to Dina Kristin Midtflø.

We hope all the research groups at K2 find at least one topic they want to offer!


The HSE Corner

Pipette Course 13 May in the BB-building

In this course there will be an introduction to various techniques, ergonomics, choice of pipettes as well as adaptations of pipette tips. In addition, an employee from VWR Pipette Service in Oslo will attend and demonstrate cleaning of pipettes.
The course will be held in Auditorium 2 (3C122F) in the BB-building.

Deadline for registration is 9 May. Registration and more information.

Invitation to symposium in human genomics (UiB)

The H.C. Jacobæus Symposium 2016 on Genomics of Diabetes
Venue: Bikuben Conference Center, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen
May 18: 14.00-16.30
May 19: 09.00-13.00

The symposium “Genomics of Diabetes – What´s Next?” is organized by KG Jebsen Center for Diabetes Research together with Novo Nordisk Foundation in memory of the Swedish professor H.C. Jacobæus. Continue reading

New action plan for a better diet (2017-2021): Suggestions are welcome!

Provide suggestions to the new action plan for a better diet (2017-2021)!

The government has begun its work on creating a new national action plan for a better diet. The action plan will include specific measures to promote a healthy and varied diet in the population. Children, adolescents and the elderly are the main target groups.

For more information on the action plan, see “Høie requests suggestions to the new action plan for a better diet” on government Web sites. Continue reading

Input about maintenance and upgrading of classrooms in 2017

The IT department wants input and wishes regarding upgrading of classrooms (primary PC, controller, sound system, projector) in connection with budget planning for 2017. There will be emphasis on universal design of audio – and video solutions. Rooms that can be booked via shared rombooking will be prioritized. Needs and wishes should be reported to by 2 May.

Invitasjon til åpningskonferansen for styrket samarbeid om forskning, innovasjon og utdanning

Bergen1This post has not been translated, as the conference is going to be in Norwegian.

Byrådsavdeling for helse og omsorg, Bergen kommune, inviterer til Åpningskonferanse for styrket samarbeid om forskning, innovasjon og utdanning i helse og omsorgstjenestene 14. juni 2016 i «Egget», Studentsenteret, Universitetet i Bergen.

Målet med konferansen er å løfte frem, synliggjøre og styrke samarbeidet på forskning, innovasjon og utdanning og bidra til å skape felles møteplasser for fagmiljøene i Bergen kommune. Continue reading

EFSA Traineeship Programme 2016 – Info session – Brussels, 25 May 2016

HomeWe would like to remind you about the 2016 Traineeship Programme’s info session that will take place in Brussels, on 25 May 2016.

The info session is intended for all interested parties from universities (e.g. researchers, staff members, members of alumni associations, students, etc.).

EFSA offers a unique opportunity to young university graduates to gain professional experience related to their field of specialisation in an organisation committed to ensuring that European food is safe. Continue reading

New Russian “Megagrants”

The Russian government has announced a new round of “Megagrants” whose purpose is to strengthen the Russian research through attracting leading scientists from around the world to work for a period at a Russian university or research institute. The grant is of RUR 90 million (about 11.2 million. NOK) over three years starting in 2017, with a possible extension for another two years. There are requirements for the composition of the research group, including the participation of students; further, physical presence for a minimum of 120 days per calendar year is required. Continue reading

The Christie Student Cancer Conference 24-25 September 2016

ChristieFor medical students interested in a career in cancer care, this conference will include expert professional speakers, oral & poster presentations, breakout sessions, careers panel, debating, a quiz and more.

Further information:
Call: 0161 918 7409 or Tweet @TheChristieSoO
Conference Flyer


K1/K2 Seminarseries 2016

We wish to invite you all to the next K1/K2 Seminar in 2016!

“Bioactive fatty acids and peptides targeting obesity-related diseases and the role of hepatic mitochondrial function in combatting obesity.”
Held by: Rolf Kristian Berge, Prof., The Lipid Research Group, K2.

When: Wednesday, 4th of May, 14.15-15.00
Where: Main Auditorium, 3rd floor, Sentralblokken.
Chair: Johan Fernø

Pizza for attendees from 14:05-14.15

See attachment for abstract.

Public PhD Defence, Week 18

rafaelsen_siljeSilje Hjorth Rafaelsen will defend her PhD thesis on Wednesday, May 3rd 2016
Trial lecture: Wednesday, May 3rd 2016, 10:15
Topic: “Hereditary disorders of calcium homeostasis”
Place: Kvinneklinikkens auditorium, Jonas Lies vei 72
Public defense: Wednesday, May 3rd 2016, 12:15
Place: Kvinneklinikkens auditorium, Jonas Lies vei 72
Title of dissertation: “Hereditary phosphate balance disorders in Norwegian children”
1st opponent: Professor Outimaija Mäkitie, Universitet i Helsinki, Finland
2nd opponent: Professor Jens Petter Berg, Universitetet i Oslo

Press release (in Norwegian)

New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to

Cognitive decline in dementia with Lewy bodies: a 5-year prospective cohort study.
Rongve A, Soennesyn H, Skogseth R, Oesterhus R, Hortobágyi T, Ballard C, Auestad BH, Aarsland D.
BMJ Open. 2016 Feb 29;6(2):e010357.

Klinefelter’s syndrome (47,XXY) is in excess among men with Sjögren’s syndrome.
Harris VM, Sharma R, Cavett J, Kurien BT, Liu K, Koelsch KA, Rasmussen A, Radfar L, Lewis D, Stone DU, Kaufman CE, Li S, Segal B, Wallace DJ, Weisman MH, Venuturupalli S, Kelly JA, Alarcon-Riquelme ME, Pons-Estel B, Jonsson R, Lu X, Gottenberg JE, Anaya JM, Cunninghame-Graham DS, Huang AJ, Brennan MT, Hughes P, Alevizos I, Miceli-Richard C, Keystone EC, Bykerk VP, Hirschfield G, Xie G, Ng WF, Nordmark G, Bucher SM, Eriksson P, Omdal R, Rhodus NL, Rischmueller M, Rohrer M, Wahren-Herlenius M, Witte T, Mariette X, Lessard CJ, Harley JB, Sivils KL, Scofield RH.
Clin Immunol. 2016 Apr 21

Nanodiamond modified copolymer scaffolds affects tumour progression of early neoplastic oral keratinocytes.
Suliman S, Mustafa K, Krueger A, Steinmüller-Nethl D, Finne-Wistrand A, Osdal T, Hamza AO, Sun Y, Parajuli H, Waag T, Nickel J, Johannessen AC, McCormack E, Costea DE.
Biomaterials. 2016 Apr 6;95:11-21.

Freezing effects on the acute myeloid leukemia cell proteome and phosphoproteome revealed using optimal quantitative workflows.
Aasebø E, Mjaavatten O, Vaudel M, Farag Y, Selheim F, Berven F, Bruserud Ø, Hernandez-Valladares M.
J Proteomics. 2016 Apr 20.

Delirium as a Predictor of Physical and Cognitive Function in Individuals Aged 80 and Older After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation or Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement.
Eide LS, Ranhoff AH, Fridlund B, Haaverstad R, Hufthammer KO, Kuiper KK, Nordrehaug JE, Norekvål TM; Delirium in Octogenarians Undergoing Cardiac Surgery or Intervention-CARDELIR Investigators.
J Am Geriatr Soc. 2016 Apr 23.

Lean Seafood Intake Reduces Postprandial C-peptide and Lactate Concentrations in Healthy Adults in a Randomized Controlled Trial with a Crossover Design.
Aadland EK, Graff IE, Lavigne C, Eng Ø, Paquette M, Holthe A, Mellgren G, Madsen L, Jacques H, Liaset B.
J Nutr. 2016 Apr 20.

Use of conditional centiles of middle cerebral artery pulsatility index and cerebroplacental ratio in the prediction of adverse perinatal outcomes.
Karlsen HO, Ebbing C, Rasmussen S, Kiserud T, Johnsen SL.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2016 Apr 21.

Cohort Profile: Melbourne Atopy Cohort study (MACS).
Lowe AJ, Lodge CJ, Allen KJ, Abramson MJ, Matheson MC, Thomas PS, Barton CA, Bennett CM, Erbas B, Svanes C, Wjst M, Gómez Real F, Perret JL, Russell MA, Southey MC, Hopper JL, Gurrin LC, Axelrad CJ, Hill DJ, Dharmage SC.
Int J Epidemiol. 2016 Apr 20.

Exploring the relationship between childhood adversity and oral health: An anecdotal approach and integrative view.
Kirkengen AL, Lygre H.
Med Hypotheses. 2015 Aug;85(2):134-40.

Storing of research data on SAFE

Per BakkeThe IT unit at UoB has developed a secure system for handling of sensitive personal information in research. The system is called SAFE. SAFE is the preferred system for all internally and externally financed research projects at UoB handling sensitive personal information. K2 supports this.

K2 research groups which already have data stored at the server at Haukeland University Hospital do not have to move their data, but can still use this server. The important issue is that this kind of data are stored according to the requirements. Storing sensitive personal information at a PC is not allowed, even if the data should be unidentified.

A significant advantage with SAFE is that is allows not only storing but also statistical handling of the data. According to statisticians at IGS, SAFE is very good system. More information about it may be found here (in Norwegian).


Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry certified as Miljøfyrtårn

Tuesday 19 April, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry was certified as a Miljøfyrtårn. This includes the departments, the dental teaching hospital and the faculty administration.This certification is a part of making the whole University of Bergen (UiB) a Miljøfyrtårn this spring, as the first of the major universities in Norway. Read more in this attachment (in Norwegian).

Reminder: Doctoral course at Centre for Women’s and Gender Research (SKOK)

The doctoral course “Medical Imaginaries: Postcoloniality and Gender in the Medical Humanities” offers an interdisciplinary investigation of the centrality of gender, sexuality, race, colonial ideologies, social justice, global inequality and class to the medical humanities.
The medical humanities has focused largely on how the humanities can contribute to the field of medicine. In this context, attention to literature and the arts has sought to develop and nurture skills of observation, analysis, empathy, and self-reflection, specifically in the arena of medical practice. Continue reading

LæringsfestivalenThis post has not been translated, since the course is mainly going to be held in Norwegian.

Det nærmer seg årets Læringsfestival. Læringsfestivalen er konferansen for alle som er interessert i læring og undervisning på universiteter og høyskoler. Konferansen arrangeres av NTNU i samarbeid med Norgesuniversitetet og finner sted på Realfagsbygget i Trondheim 9. – 10.mai. Årets tema er Studentaktiv læring og teknologi. Continue reading

How to write a dissertation press release?

The University Library has contacted the communications department (and they contacted Bergens Tidende), and we have put in place a seminar on how to write dissertation press releases.

For more information, see this web site and the facebook event for the seminar.
Time: 3 May 1030-1130 am
Venue: Auditorium PI, Johannes Bruns Gate 12, next to the Mathematics and Natural Sciences Library

Summer course in Copenhagen – application deadline 1 May 2016

Dear Partner,
We still have available seats on a newly developed interdisciplinary summer course on healthcare innovation within the themes of healthy living and active aging. Besides teachers from University of Copenhagen, students will be taught by faculty members from Erasmus University Rotterdam; Institute of Health Policy and Management and Copenhagen Business School; as well as practitioners from Novo Nordisk, Steno Diabetes Center and DigiRehab ApS.

The course is supported by the EIT Health and has the title:
“Alive and KICking – innovative solutions to aging-related challenges” Continue reading

19th Broegelmann Lecture






“T Cell Immunoregulatory Signal Networks and Tumor Immune Evasion Mechanisms”

by Professor Kjetil Taskén MD, PhD ,Director of the Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway and Biotechnology Centre, University of Oslo

Friday, May 20th, at 14:00 – 15:00
Birkhaugsalen D-303
Haukeland University Hospital


Day of Immunology April 29

Bergen Branch of Norwegian Society for Immunology (NSI) arranges the annual “Day of Immunology” on April 29, see attachment for programme. Day of Immunology is an international project that is commemorated worldwide.
The headline this year is: “Immunotherapy for Cancer.” The lectures will suit an audience both with and without research experience.

Attachments: Programme

Public PhD Defence, Week 17

guthe_29_04_16Hans Jørgen Timm Guthe will defend his PhD thesis on Friday, April 29th 2016
Trial lecture: Friday, April 29th 2016, 09:15
Topic: ”Behandling av ekstremt premature. Resultater og etiske dilemmaer”
Place: Aud. 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Friday, April 29th 2016, 11:15
Place: Aud. 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: ”Transcapillary fluid Balance in children: Methodology and new clinical studies”
1st opponent: Professor Pål Øian, Universitetet i Tromsø
2nd opponent: Overlege, Egil Seem, Oslo Universitetssykehus

Press release (in Norwegian)

Public Ph.D Defense, Week

kjetil isaksenKjetil Isaksen will defent his PhD thesis on Friday, April 29th 2016
Trial lecture: Friday, April 29th 2016, 09:15
Topic: ”Tarmflora og hjertesykdommer – hva er status praesens?”
Place: Aulaen, 2. etasje Sydbygget, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
Public defense: Friday, April 29th 2016, 10:30
Place: Aulaen, 2. etasje Sydbygget, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
Title of dissertation: “Exercise training in patients with heart failure and an implantable cardioverter defibrillator. Review of existing data, shock anxiety, feasibility and effects of an aerobic interval training intervention”
1st opponent: Professor Eva Prescott, Bispebjerg Universitetshospital, København
2nd opponent: Professor Knut Tore Lappegård, Universitetet i Tromsø

Press release (in Norwegian)