Monthly Archives: January 2016

Professional Education for Medical Students

Jone Trovik, portrett til disputasDid you see the medical students with their green name plates on their white coats and expectant but uncertain gazes, swarming around the various departments January 13th and 14th?

THANK YOU for taking such good care of them! I have had the pleasure of reading their reports, which confirm that they were well taken care of by the entire chain of healthcare professionals that they met: the porter who showed them the right way through the tunnel, the biomedical laboratory scientist who patiently explained that this particular instrument measured hemoglobin, the nurse who looked after the student who nearly fainted in the examination room and all the doctors who explained why they said and did everything during an entire workday.

Getting this first insight into a day at a hospital, observing lots of good interaction and seeing that we all have our place in the diagnostic and treatment chain have given them an important insight into the life of a doctor. Observation of the doctor-patient meetings without the requirement of direct academic learning provides an opportunity for good role models; this is building professionalism!

Getting their noses out of the books and into the staff and patient rooms has aroused motivation; they see that also basic knowledge is necessary to understand complex medical conditions.

The fact that the same students will be back at your department, brings confidence for both them and us. It also provides an opportunity for the individual student’s local supervisor to follow her / him over time. In that situation it will also be easier to see if a student struggles, either with acquiring academic knowledge or with personal problems.

The students describe a wide range of pleasant workplaces that take good care of the workers, which is primarily a benefit for us who work there every day. Let us continue to be attentive to each other also when we are not showing our “best side” with a student in tow.


Obituary: Helga Birgitte Salvesen


(In Norwegian)
Det er med stor sorg vi torsdag 21. januar mottok budskapet om professor og overlege Helga Birgitte Salvesens bortgang.

Helga disputerte14. juni 2000 for sin doktorgrad i medisin med avhandlingen: “Tumor Biomarkers and Prognostic Factors in Endometrial Carcinoma”. Hun var fra 1991 lege, og fra 2001 overlege, ved Kvinneklinikken, Haukeland Universitetssykehus og hun ble i 2003 professor ved UiB i gynekologi og obstetrikk.

Hun var en av våre fremste professorer og var ledende på forskning innen gynekologisk kreft. Sammen med sine kolleger har hun stått bak flere, store gjennombrudd innenfor sitt forskningsfelt. Hun var co-direktør ved Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO) som er et Senter for fremragende forskning (SFF) ved Det medisinsk-odontologiske fakultet ved UiB, og mottok i 2015 Helse Vest forskning- og innovasjonspris for sitt enestående arbeid innen persontilpasset behandling av gynekologisk kreft. Helga ble i 2015 også innvalgt som medlem av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi. Hun var et spesielt godt forbilde for kvinner i akademia og jobbet aktivt for å fremme kvinnelige forskere.

Helga var spesialist innen gynekologi og obstetrikk, og hun har hatt forskningsopphold ved Harvard University, Broad Institute og University of Chicago, der forskningsfokus har vært på studier av genetiske markører i relasjon til gynekologisk kreft.

Helga har særlig arbeidet med å utvikle de mulighetene som molekylærbiologi kan gi til studiene av gynekologisk kreft. I alt har hun publisert over 130 vitenskapelige artikler og har vært veileder for en lang rekke PhD kandidater.

Det er særlig grunn til å framheve Helga sin store metodologiske bredde og angrepsvinkel i sine studier. Hun bygget i løpet av kort tid opp en stor forskningsgruppe ved Universitetet i Bergen og Haukeland universitetssykehus, der hun brakte fram det beste i disiplinoverbyggende klinisk forskning generelt og kreftforskning spesielt. Helga var en engasjert og omsorgsfull lege og forskningsleder, og ble gjennom sitt virke et forbilde for mange unge forskere og leger. Hun hadde alltid pasientenes beste for øyet. Universitetet i Bergen og Haukeland universitetssykehus er svært takknemlig for den innsats hun la ned gjennom en årrekke ved våre institusjoner og i dyp sorg over å ha mistet en fremragende medarbeider. Våre varme tanker går til Pål og sønnene Tormund, Pål-Christian, Erlend og Håvard i disse tunge dager.

Dag Rune Olsen, rektor
Nina Langeland, dekan
Eivind Hansen, administrerende direktør
Alf Henrik Andreassen, fagdirektør
Ingrid Johanne Garnes, klinikkdirektør KK
Per Bakke, instituttleder

K1/K2 Seminar 2016

We wish to invite you all to the first K1/K2 Seminar of 2016!

Title: “Therapeutic nanoparticles for delivery of anti-cancer drugs”.
Held by: Lars Herfindal, Prof., Center for Pharmacy.
When: Wednesday, February 3rd, 14:15-15:00.
Where: Main Auditorium, 3rd floor, Sentralblokken.
Chair: Svein Haavik

Pizza will be served before the seminar, from 14:05-14.15

See attachment for abstract.

Pest! Horizon lectures / Darwin Day

Welcome to the first horizon lectures of the year in collaboration with Darwin Day Bergen, and supported by the Company for the promotion of science:
Pest! – Horizon Lectures / Darwin Day with Nils Chr. Stenseth, Geir Atle Ersland and Bjørn Blomberg.
University Aula Monday February 15 From 3:40 pm there will be refreshments ahead of the lectures that start (exactly!) 4 pm. Everyone is welcome! Continue reading

Upcoming SIU announcements

SIUSIU will announce more than 200 million NKR for educational cooperation with universities in various parts of the world in 2016. In February proposals in the following programs will be announced:
Partnerskapsprogrammet, NORAM, Nordområdeprogrammet, EURASIA, INTPART, UTFORSK, CAPES-SIU and Nordisk-russisk samarbeid. Some of these have a deadline at the end of May, others in late September. More information about the programs can be found here (in Norwegian).

We will also remind you of the SIU mini-workshop on project applications which takes place ahead of the Internationalization Conference.

Cardiac Research Award to Kenneth Dickstein

Kenneth Dickstein

Kenneth Dickstein (Department of Clinical Science) is a professor at the University of Bergen (UiB) and consultant at the medical intensive care unit at Stavanger University Hospital (SUS). Kenneth Dickstein has received the Cardiac Research Award 2016 from “Nasjonalforeininga for folkehelsa”. He received the award for his crucial research contributions in cardiovascular research, and for his role in the building of their academic environment. For more information see the attached press release and UiB pages  (both in Norwegian).


Meeting Series in The Genomics Club

We would like to inform the members of K2 and K1 of a meeting series:
The Genomics Club is a meeting forum for people from different research groups in K1 and K2 who are working with Genomic data.
The Club meets every other Wednesday with chosen presentations, at 12.00 in the meeting room on the 6th floor (6.1-6.2 Laboratory building).
Next presentation will be Wednesday 3rd February: Christine Stansberg who will present the NORBIS research school and Bioinformatics in Bergen. (12.00 in rooms 6.1-6.2)

If you would like to join the Club and get update on the meeting schedule and meet other people working on Genomics please email Tomasz Stokowy.

The debater of the year is from K2

Agnete LundK2 congratulates Agnethe Lund who won the debater of the year award at the Bergens Tidende newspaper awards in a packed Literature house in Bergen. The jury said she has managed to draw abstract health debates down to a concrete and meaningful plane.
Professor Rebecca J. Cox and PhD fellow Kristin GI.Mohn received an honorable certificate  for this year academic presentation read of over 300 000 people.



New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to

Invasive versus conservative strategy in patients aged 80 years or older with non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction or unstable angina pectoris (After Eighty study): an open-label randomised controlled trial.
Tegn N, Abdelnoor M, Aaberge L, Endresen K, Smith P, Aakhus S, Gjertsen E, Dahl-Hofseth O, Ranhoff AH, Gullestad L, Bendz B; After Eighty study investigators.
Lancet. 2016 Jan 12.

Challenges in psychopharmacology: a drug information centre perspective.
Schjøtt J.
J Clin Pharm Ther. 2016 Feb;41(1):4-6.

The Association of Gum Bleeding with Respiratory Health in a Population Based Study from Northern Europe.
Gómez Real F, Pérez Barrionuevo L, Franklin K, Lindberg E, Bertelsen RJ, Benediktsdóttir B, Forsberg B, Gislason T, Jögi R, Johannessen A, Omenaas E, Saure E, Schlünssen V, Skorge TD, Torén K, Pérez Saavedra A, Svanes Ø, Åstrøm AN, Janson C, Svanes C.
PLoS One. 2016 Jan 25;11(1):e0147518.

Prolonged Dye Release from Mesoporous Silica-Based Imaging Probes Facilitates Long-Term Optical Tracking of Cell Populations In Vivo.
Rosenholm JM, Gulin-Sarfraz T, Mamaeva V, Niemi R, Özliseli E, Desai D, Antfolk D, von Haartman E, Lindberg D, Prabhakar N, Näreoja T, Sahlgren C.
Small. 2016 Jan 25.

B vitamin treatments modify the risk of myocardial infarction associated with a MTHFD1 polymorphism in patients with stable angina pectoris.
Ding YP, Pedersen EK, Johansson S, Gregory JF 3rd, Ueland PM, Svingen GF, Helgeland Ø, Meyer K, Fredriksen Å, Nygård OK.
Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2015 Dec 23.

Metabolomics study of fatigue in patients with rheumatoid arthritis naïve to biological treatment.
Surowiec I, Gjesdal CG, Jonsson G, Norheim KB, Lundstedt T, Trygg J, Omdal R.
Rheumatol Int. 2016 Jan 23.

Assessing Early Life Factors for Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Lessons From Other Allergic Diseases.
Jensen ET, Bertelsen RJ.
Curr Treat Options Gastroenterol. 2016 Jan 23.

Expert opinion of mediastinal lymph node positions from an intrabronchial view.
Roth K, Eagan T, Hardie J.
BMC Pulm Med. 2016 Jan 22;16(1):15.

Co-transplantation of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Kallekleiv M, Larun L, Bruserud Ø, Hatfield KJ.
Cytotherapy. 2016 Feb;18(2):172-85.

Serum Markers in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Longitudinal Study of Patients Undergoing Infliximab Treatment.
Selaas O, Nordal HH, Halse AK, Brun JG, Jonsson R, Brokstad KA.
Int J Rheumatol. 2015;2015:276815.

Mutations in TP53 increase the risk of SOX2 copy number alterations and silencing of TP53 reduces SOX2 expression in non-small cell lung cancer.
Samulin Erdem J, Skaug V, Bakke P, Gulsvik A, Haugen A, Zienolddiny S.
BMC Cancer. 2016 Jan 19;16(1):28.

Vice chair for research

Per BakkeIn the K2 editorial last week Roland informed that he will leave the position as vice chair for research at the institute. He has had the position since K2 was established three years ago. Roland has done a great job to promote research within the institute. He has also done a significant effort to put focus on working groups with relevance for PhD training and also on supervisor training, both nationally and at an international level. Roland has also contributed significantly to the integration of the various parts of the four old institutes into one. Well done Roland!

The new vice chair for research is Helge Ræder. He is a professor within Pål’s research group, and holds a BFS grant. I am sure that he will follow up the good work started by Roland to promote research at K2.


Reminder:Invitation to the Network Conference in Evidence-Based Practice

22HiBWelcome to the network conference in evidence-based practice 5 -6 April 2016!
This year we welcome you to the University College’s new and beautiful Campus Kronstad.

We invite you to two eventful days of exciting lectures, workshops and poster exhibitions. As usual we focus on the implementation of evidence-based practice in practice and education.
Here are some of the topics:
* Implementing the Patient Safety Programme
* User participation
* Evidence based research
* Implementation of guidelines
* Knowledge Translation
* National guidelines Continue reading

Introduction seminar for new employees 5 February

Service centre for international mobillity invites to introduction seminar for new employees 5 February,
The introductory seminar covers mutual prerequisites and expectations, equal opportunities, HR policy and HSE, among other things. The labour unions and various welfare offerings will also be presented.

Registration within 2 February.
More information here.

NORHEART course in Tromsø 14-16 March

Metabolic and Mechanical Function of the Heart (MBI-8004)

This is a specialized course that may be relevant for several PhD students at UiB. Travel and subsistence are covered for PhD students who are members of NORHEART. Everyone doing cardiovascular research are welcomed in NORHEART, membership is free ( For more information and registration, see here.

Invitation to an information meeting about the announcement of new centers of excellent education (SFU) January 28

In late February NOKUT will announce three to six new centers of excellent education.

The establishment of new centers of excellent education is a strategic priority of the University of Bergen. We therefore encourage faculties and academic communities to consider the possibility of applying for establishment of a SFU center through this year’s announcement. New centers can apply for four to eight million NKR in annual funding. All research groups can apply for SFU status. Continue reading

Bergen Postgraduate School in Clinical medicine invites you!


Bergen Postgraduate School in Clinical medicine would like to invite you to the upcomming event “Research presentations from 2015”. A poster exhibit will be present at the Foyer, sentralblokken, Haukeland University Hospital from
Monday 25th of January to Friday 29th of January.

What’s happening and where?
Wednesday 27th of January: poster presentations at the Foyer
Thursday 28th of January: Oral presentations at Birkhaugssalen
Friday: Award ceremony with musical entertainment at the Foyer.

Everyone is welcome to the poster session on Wednesday and oral presentations on Thursday as well as the award ceremony on Friday.

New of this year is the “Peoples favorite” award. The posterpresentation and oral presentation with the most votes gets a prize. So take some of your time to watch the posters and oral resentations and give your vote to your favorite.

Hope to see you at the Research presentation week in week 4!

Program posters

Program oral

Pubilc PhD Defence, Week 4

koch_anne_metteAnne Mette Koch  will defend her PhD thesis on Thursday January 28, 2016
Trial lecture: Thursday January 28 2016, 09:15
Topic: “Fra overvåking til redusert infeksjonsbyrde: Hvordan bør vi implementere kunnskap om sykdomsbyrde fra infeksjonsovervåking i sykehjem og sykehus, og hvordan kan vi måle effekten?”
Place: Auditorium 2, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Thursday January 28 2016 11:15
Place: Auditorium 2Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: “Lessons learned from infection surveillance: Occurrence, risk factors and consequences of healthcare-associated infections in hospitals and long-term care facilities”
1st opponent:Avdelingsdirektør Bjørn Iversen, Folkehelseinstituttet
2nd opponent:Professor Guri Rørtveit, Universitetet i Bergen

Press release (in Norwegian)

New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to

Calprotectin (S100A8/A9) and S100A12 are associated with measures of disease activity in a longitudinal study of patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with infliximab.
Nordal HH, Brun JG, Hordvik M, Eidsheim M, Jonsson R, Halse AK.
Scand J Rheumatol. 2016 Jan 15:1-8.

Research and PhD training at Department of Clinical Science

Roland JonssonAt this time of the year the departments are preparing for their reports to the faculty – and I then particularly think about the PhD training and research reports. These are important documents that the faculty uses to inform and update the University centrally on their performance and long-term strategies. These reports therefore contribute to communicate the departments’ thoughts, desires and needs to UiB. Is there anything new to report or is this just the same litany as last year? Yes, there are actually new elements that have been added. For instance, what has the department accomplished when it comes to internationalization, career planning and publication? Although publications are always metioned, it will now be put more in focus. It will be especially important for Department of Clinical Science to focus on publishing, since we have had a decrease in the number of publications since 2013. But we’ve had a very good progress on external funding – not least the EU and NFR – which hopefully will result in increased publishing further on.

This is my last editor of “K2Nytt” since I after a 3-year appointment as Research Director / Deputy Head of Research at Department of Clinical Science is going to focus on other tasks. I will therefore take this opportunity to thank you all for three rewarding and exciting years – for good cooperation within the management team, the Research Committee, with the PhD coordinator and everyone I have been in contact with. Besides my responsibility as head of Broegelmann Research Laboratory and the research group for immunology and rheumatology, I have also been involved in several inspiring and stimulating working groups with direct relevance for PhD training and research. As I have previously mentioned in my editorials, I have participated in the OU-7 report on PhD training at UiB, the report on supervisor training at UiB (delivered to the university administration before Christmas), and I have also taken part of the UHR appointed national career group, and not least the ongoing international work carried out within ORPHEUS. So I will have enough to do also in the future.

Thank you,



New Names

Tina Kamceva

We present Tina Kamceva, PhD in physical chemistry. Tina joined the Department as Chief Engineer of Research Group G4- Asbjørn Svardal this January.
If you want to say hello, you can find her on the 9th floor in the lab building.