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Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet NFR)

BIONÆR (Sustainable Innovation in Food and Bio-based Industries) has open call for mandatory outlines for Researcher Projects. One of the thematic areas: ensure food security, food safety (including animal welfare and animal and plant health), and safe and healthy food.
Deadline: 3 May

FRIPRO funds bottom-up, basic research with bold hypotheses. 4 types of research application: FRIPRO Toppforsk Researcher Project, Young Research Talents, FRIPRO mobility grant.
Deadline: 24 May, and it will be possible to create an application from 12 April.

NANO2021: Nanotechnology, microtechnology and advanced materials for better health and new medical technologies.
Deadline: 24 May

FORKOMMUNE: call for pre-projects for innovation and networks in the municipal sector. The projects under the FORKOMMUNE programme must promote research-supported innovation through interaction between the public sector and research institutions.
Deadline: 24 May

INTPART International partnerships for excellent education, research and innovation: The objective of the INTPART programme is to develop world-class research and education in Norway through long term international cooperation. The programme will create a framework for expanding cooperation between academic groups.
Deadline: 24 May

Horizon 2020 – several Calls | Selected H2020 deadlines 2017

European Research Council (ERC) Frontier research grants

Advanced Grants: are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are already established research leaders with a recognised track record of research achievements.
Deadline: 31 Aug 2017, call opens 16 May 2017

Marie Sklodovska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Excellent and innovative research training plus attractive career and knowledge-exchange opportunities through cross-border and cross-sector mobility, no thematic priorities.

Call is open! Individual Fellowships (IF): aims to help experienced researchers to advance their careers and gain new skills through advanced training, international mobility, and optional intersectoral secondments. The host organization can  be universities and research institutes in addition to a company or other non-academic sector organizations.
Deadline: 14 September 2017

Information event: MSCA individual fellowships (IF), 23 May, Bristol

The COFUND: aims at stimulating regional, national or international programmes to foster excellence in researchers’ training, mobility and career development.
Deadline: 28 September 2017

The Division of Research Administration organises MSCA road-show 2017. The goal is to identify potential researchers, research groups for the coming ITN, IF applications. The division will visit our faculty in week 18. For more information please contact Emmanuel Babatunde

Spreading excellence and widening participation through engaging organisations of those countries which could commit more towards the EU research and innovation effort.

Pre-announcement Twinning WIDESPREAD-05-2017: The specific challenge is to address networking gaps and deficiencies between the research institutions of the Widening countries and internationally-leading counterparts at EU level. CSA Coordination and support action.
Deadline: 15 November 2017, planned opening 11 May

Horizon 2020 Webinar: What is the Programme «Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation (SEWP)» About? 15 May, 14:00-15:00

Horizon 2020 – Complementary Calls

3rd Health Programme – Supporting Member States in mainstreaming health promotion and disease prevention in health and educational settings. This action aims to communicate the potential of health promotion and disease prevention and health determinants in the Member States and to increase the commitment of public authorities to this topic. A workshop (and a conference) to update knowledge and good practice will be organised, with the participation of the main medical faculties and the Chief Medical Officers of all Member States.
Deadline: 15 June 2017

IMI published topics that are under consideration for inclusion for the next IMI calls:

  • Development and validation of technology enabled, quantitative and sensitive measures of functional decline in people with early stage Alzheimer’s disease (RADAR-AD)
  • Fairification of IMI and EFPIA data
  • Development of sensitive and validated clinical endpoints in primary Sjögren’s syndrome
  • European screening centre: unique library for attractive biology
  • Exploitation of IMI project results

The Third EU Health Programme is the main instrument that the Commission uses to implement the EU Health Strategy. Call for proposals for Pilot Projects on the following topic: Supporting Member States in mainstreaming health promotion and disease prevention in health and educational settings.
Deadline: 15 June 2017

COST Action: open Call – funding for research networks. Proposals should reflect the main characteristics of COST Actions, namely providing for knowledge sharing, creation and application, being open and output-oriented while aiming at strengthening the scientific and technological basis of the proposed topic(s).
Deadline: 7 September 2017

Read more (information and routines for application at UiB).


PES (Project establishment support) and POS (posisjoneringsmidler) for Horizon2020 applicants (Norges Forskningsråd/UiB): open-ended during Horizon2020 Call period. You can apply for PES support by filling in PES application form (which is given on the above linked page) and sending it to Kristin.Hansen@uib.no.
On the following page the  local contact points are listed where every call has a responsible research advisor. You can contact them or faculty advisors, Ramune Midttveit, Itana Sloper-Krivokapic.

The Novo Nordisk Foundation

Project grants within basic and clinical research in endocrinology and metabolism. The objective of this call is to support young and promising researchers as well as established scientists, to carry out research projects of 1 to 3 years’ duration. Additionally, the best application received in this call may be selected for the Novo Nordisk Foundation’s “Advanced Grant”.
Deadline: 1 June 2017


Nordic Graduate Education Courses within register-based research: The aim is to support the next generation of researchers utilising data from Nordic registers in health and welfare research, by providing high-quality education and training as well as networking platforms.
Deadline: 21 June 2017

The Norwegian Cancer Society

Pre-announcement: Open Call 2017 for cancer research projects within all research topics under the Norwegian Cancer Society’s aims.
Deadline: 1 June 2017, call opens mid April

Info meeting – Open call 2017, 24 April, Oslo. Registration is open!


Issues related to health services in the municipalities and the interaction between various players in the health sector, including user involvement, will be given priority in the application process.
Deadline: 1 June (for research projects)

The LEO Foundation

The Leo Foundation The LEO Foundation supports international dermatological research projects and activities that address issues in disease understanding, disease treatment, disease awareness and patient wellbeing. Typical projects and activities are international studies, scientific symposia, science-based knowledge dissemination and awareness campaigns.
Deadline: several in 2017, starting on 3 February

Fellowships and Personal Grants

EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization) Fellowships
Research on the molecular mechanisms of life at all levels.
Deadline: throughout the year.

New Top-up financing for outgoing MSCA fellows is intended to encourage more individuals from Norway who have received funding from the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions to pursue researcher training or conduct a research stay abroad. The following MSCA schemes qualify for additional support: MSCA Individual Fellowships (IF) and MSCA Innovative Training Networks (ITN)
Deadline: Open-ended

The Novo Nordisk Foundation
Postdoctoral fellowship program within endocrinology/metabolism at international elite research environments. The fellowship offers an opportunity to carry out a research project where a minimum of 3 years are dedicated to work at a university, hospital or other research institution abroad, followed by up to 1 year at a university, hospital or other research institution in a Nordic country.
Deadline: 21 June 2017

International Postdoctoral Research Fellowships within the Nordic Neutron Science Programme. The call is thematically open and supports fellowships within any scientific field using neutron scattering techniques, including instrument and method development
Deadline: 30 August 2017


MSCA Individual Fellowship 2017 – Information Event, 8 May 2017, meeting rooms, Research Council of Norway

Sean McCarthy courseHow to Write the Impact of a Horizon 2020 Proposal, 9 May, Oslo.

The international training event “Exploitation of EU project results with a focus on IP in the field of health and biotechnology”, 10-11 May, Prague.

Biomedica 2017 Networking Event: The main topics 2017 are smart diagnostics, cardiac monitoring, perinatal development, regenerative medicine and precision medicine, 9–10 May, Eindhoven, Netherlands.

eHealth Week 2017: the key to personalised sustainable care, 10–12 May Malta

Meet2Win the Oncology Business Convention, 11 May 2017, Bordeaux, France.

EEA and Norway Grants: information meeting in Bergen, 12 May 09:30-11:30, auditorium „Egget“, studentsenteret, Parkveien 1

New Course in writing application for ERC Advanced Grants, 30 Mai, Tronheim

New Course – writing application for ERC Starting / Consolidator Grants, 6 June, NTNU Tronheim

New Information meeting about EØS funds in Tromsø, 1-2 June, Tromsø

Forum: “Health Research in a Connected and Participative Society9 June, Brussels

7th annual conference on Biobanking, 14–15 June 2017, London, United Kingdom.

New Information meeting about EØS funds in Oslo with streaming, The Research Council informs about the research programs under the EØS funds and answers questions, 19 June, Oslo

“Shaping the future of pediatrics” is the first conference on the innovation in pediatrics in Europe. The conference will include sessions on –omics, Big Data, Patient empowerment, and The cycle of innovation in pediatrics. 20–22 September 2017, Rome, Italy.

Conference organised by EATRIS: TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE 2017, 24–26 September, Prague.


International partnerships for excellent education and research (INTPART) (NB! Updated link)
INTPART will fund partnerships between Norwegian higher education and research institutions and excellent partners from Brasil, Canada, India, Japan, China, Russia, South Africa and the USA. Special emphasis is on integrating higher education- and research, and may include business partners. INTPART is an SIU and Research Council collaboration.
Information webinar: 25 April 2017
Deadline: 24 May 2017

UTFORSK Partnership Programme – four-year projects
The UTFORSK Partnership Programme supports project cooperation between higher education institutions in Norway and higher education institutions in Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia and South Africa.
Information webinar: 25 April 2017
Deadline: 31 May 2017

Project Development Funds for Erasmus+ projects (Link in Norwegian)
The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education (SIU) invites institutions, organizations and companies who want to develop projects within the following six centralized measures under Erasmus + to apply for project establishment: 1) Knowledge Alliances 2) Sector Alliances 3) Capacity building, 4) Joint degrees, 5) Jean Monnet and 6) Sports.
Deadline: 1 June 2017 / 1 November 2017 (15:00)

NordForsk – Nordic Centre of Excellence – New learning and teaching environments and practices
NordForsk’s Education for Tomorrow is announcing NOK 25 million in funding for one Nordic Centre of Excellence (NCoE). The focus of the NCoE may be early childhood education and care, primary education or teacher education, or combinations of these contexts.
Deadline: 13 September 2017 (14:00)

Partnership Programme for North America (Link in Norwegian)
The program provides support for scientifically founded cooperation, aimed at long-term and institutional anchored cooperation relations with Canada and the United States
Deadline: 22 September 2017

NORPART The Norwegian Partnership Programme for Global Academic Cooperation – 2-year projects (Link in Norwegian)
NORPART supports academic partnerships and student mobility with an emphasis on Master and PhD level between higher education institutions in Norway and selected developing countries.
Information webinar: 31 August 2017
Deadline: 22 September 2017 (15:00)

Eurasia Programme
The Eurasia Programme supports project cooperation between institutions in Norway and Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
Information webinar: 31 August 2017
Deadline: 22 September 2017 (15:00)

InternAbroad  (Link in Norwegian)
InternAbroad aims to facilitate increase use if internship mobility for students from Norway. This is the first call for this programme.
Information webinar: 31 August 2017
Deadline: 22 September 2017 (15:00)

UTFORSK Partnership Programme – two-year projects
The UTFORSK Partnership Programme supports project cooperation between higher education institutions in Norway and higher education institutions in Brazil, China, India, Japan, Russia and South Africa.
Information webinar: 25 April 2017
Deadline: 22 September 2017 (NB! Corrected deadline)


Globallink – Scholarships to Canada (Link in Norwegian)
Globalink allows for the Norwegian and Canadian master’s and PhD students can apply for CAD 15.000 to conduct research practice in a business in the partner country.

Nærings-ph.d. (Industrial PhD)
The overall objectives are to increase the recruitment of researchers to Norwegian industry, to boost long-term competence building and increase research efforts in business and industry and to enhance interaction between academia and industry.
Deadline: Continuing

Offentlig ph.d. (OFFPHD)
The overall objectives are to increase long-term and relevant capacity building and research in the public sector, increase recruitment of researchers to the public sector and promote greater interaction between academia and the public sector.
Deadline: Continuing

Funding for companies with employees seeking to pursue a doctoral degree
Funding is available for new candidates under the Industrial Ph.D. scheme, with project start-up in 2016. Grant proposals are not confined to particular thematic areas or industries.
Deadline: Continuing

Research and Innovation in the Educational Sector (FINNUT)
FINNUT is a long-term programme for research and innovation in the educational sector. The programme funds research on a wide spectrum from early childhood education and care to higher education and adult learning.
Deadline: Continuing

Mobility grants North America in educational research (UTNAM)
The aim of the mobility grant is to contribute to increased cooperation between Norwegian and North American educational researchers through supporting visits to Norway for the purpose of research or dissemination for top North American educational researchers. The scheme will also contribute to the dissemination of results of North American research to Norway and furthermore contribute to competence building in Norwegian research communities. Grants will be awarded for visits of shorter or longer duration.
Deadline: Continuing

International bilateral research cooperation (INT-BILAT)
The Research Council supports travel to and participation in events that expand industry-oriented R&D cooperation with Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, Russia, South Africa and the US. The applicant must have an existing or recently concluded project funded by the Research Council.
Deadline: Open-ended application deadline. The call will remain active until all the available funding has been awarded (NOK 2 million).

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