Månedlige arkiver: april 2023

MRCRM-konferansen 2023

Hva: MRCRM internasjonale konferanse om regenerativ medisin
Når: 24.-25. april 2023
Hvor: Scandic Ørnen

Foredrag med internasjonale forskere, nettverking, lightning talks, god lunsj og middag!

Pris til beste studentbidrag på lightning talks!

For mer informasjon + påmelding se lenke under.
Påmeldingsfrist 17. april:


Disputas – Alexandra Petrovic – 26. April 2023

Prøveforelesning:      Onsdag 26. – april 2023 kl. 10.15

Sted:                              Auditorium 1, BB -Bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Oppgitt emne:                «Dysregulation of innate immunity as a driving force of autoimmunity»

Foto/ill.: Richard Davis, UiB

Foto/ill.: Richard Davis, UiB

Disputas:                     Onsdag 26. – april 2023 kl. 12.15

Sted:                              Auditorium 1, BB -Bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91

Avhandlingens tittel:      «In depth analyses of peripheral blood immune cell populations in patients with psoriasis – Effect of biological treatment and alternative medicine»

  1. opponent: Professor Björn Runar Ludviksson, Landspitali, University Hospital of Iceland
  2. opponent: Forsker Mari Løset, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
  3. medlem av komiteen: Forsker Marta Kaminska

Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor emerita Birgitta Åsjø

Åpent for alle interesserte


Ukens leder

Ferie 2023

Vel overstått Påske. Håper alle fikk en fin ferie med venner og familie. Vær og føre var noe av det beste jeg kan huske for påskeferien.

Ikke alle tar ferie i Påsken men finner rolige dager å være en anledning til å få gjort faglig arbeid eller at det er en tidsfrist som gjør jobbing i Påsken nødvendig. Jeg vil her trekke fram Eystein Husebye og Helge Ræder som sendte en omfattende EU-søknad i går og derfor hadde innspurten for søknaden i løpet av Påsken. De fikk uvurderlig administrativ hjelp av bla. Corina Guder, Susanna Pakkasmaa, Andreas Westermoen og Håkon Solheim, til og mer på flere av helligdagene. Jeg vil takke alle i teamet for innsatsen, og vi krysser fingrene for en god prosess med positivt utfall!

Jeg vil til slutt minne om ferieregnskapet for 2023. Alle må innen 1. mai registrere i Selvbetjeningsportalen (https://www.uib.no/selvbetjeningsportalen) hvilke dager de planlegger å ta ferie. Det er mulig å bytte dager i etterkant. Det viktigste er at det legges inn antall dager som planlegges. Dette er ikke bare viktig for at K2 vet når K2s ansatte er tilstede eller borte, men det har betydning for budsjettet. Ferie som ikke er registrert eller tatt ut, vil markeres som gjeld i vårt regnskap for 2023 og forverre den økonomiske balansen. Så registrer planlagt ferie så snart som mulig og innen 1. mai!

Ha en riktig god helg!


Kreftforeningens hovedutlysning, Forskerprosjekt 2023 -Frist 26. mai

Open Call, Rosa sløyfe, Krafttak mot Kreft(Kreft med spredning), Unge lovende kreftforskere

Kreftforeningen arbeider for å bekjempe og forebygge kreft, og for å forsikre et best mulig liv for kreftpasienter og deres pårørende. Kreftforeningen lyser ut midler til Forskerprosjekter innen disse tematiske områdene:

  • Fri kreftforskning (Open Call, 132 millioner kroner).
  • Brystkreft (Rosa sløyfe, 29 millioner kroner).
  • Kreft med spredning (Krafttak mot kreft, 35 millioner kroner).
  • Kreftforskning ved institusjoner utenfor de store byene (24 millioner kroner).

Les mer om utlysningen her: https://nettsoknad.kreftforeningen.no/#call/1522/details

Skal du søke Kreftforeningen i 2022? Da må du fylle ut skjemaker under:

Jeg planlegger å søke Kreftforeningen med frist 31. mai

PhD grant writing workshop

The Faculty of Medicine invites all PhD-candidates to a workshop on «How to write a successful grant proposal».

The workshop will enable PhD-candidates in medicine and sciences to start early with their future research project. Participants will gain insight into the international funding landscape and develop hands-on knowledge by working on their own project proposal.

Target audience: PhD-candidates enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine who want to kick-start their academic career in the nearest future.

The literary genre of a project proposal
Evaluation criteria: excellence, impact, implementation
Curriculum vitae and track record
The funding landscape in Norway and Europe

Speakers: Research advisors at the Faculty of Medicine

Time: The workshop will go over to half-days, with obligatory homework to be submitted on the second day.

Monday 22 May, 10-12 and
Wednesday 24 May, 10-13

Place: Eitri Medical Incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31, Bergen

Course fee: free

Registration deadline 10 May.
Info and registration: PhD grant writing workshop | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

Norwegian Society of Immunology (NSI) Bergen Event

On the 24th of May, Florian Krammer from Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, who is an expert in virology, will visit Bergen and give a talk for us. After the talk, we will gather for free pizza, drinks and an engaging (immunology) quiz. Everybody is welcome! Please hold the day and stay tuned for more info!

More info about Florian and his work can be found here.

For NSI, Bergithe (Bergen contact person, NSI) and Anette (board member, NSI) and Rebecka Cox (Leader, Influenza Centre, Bergen)

UiB Læringskonferanse

The Program of University Pedagogy invites you to attend the UiB Læringskonferanse, held at the UiB Studentsenter  on April 25, 2023. The conference will feature keynotes by Cathy Bovill (University of Edinburgh) and Crina Damşa (University of Oslo), a panel discussion with bioCEED, iEarth, & SLATE, and over 40 papers and posters from people at UiB and other institutions. The theme for this year’s conference is Transformative Learning and Teaching.

The UiB Læringskonferanse is free and open to all members of the UiB community. It will an opportunity to learn, discuss, and celebrate transformative and research-based practices in university teaching and learning. We invite all teachers at UiB to attend the conference. The contributions share inquiry on teaching and learning from the UiB community, and presentations on practice and research will focus on student learning through examination of classroom teaching practices, field or practical teaching, use of educational technologies, curriculum revision, use of accessible and inclusive teaching methods, and supervision.

The Læringskonferanse is intended to be an opportunity to connect with a community of teachers and to learn together about transformative teaching practice.

More information about the conference is available here.

The conference is free and open to all and includes lunch and refreshments. Therefore, we do ask that you register by 20. April for catering and planning purposes.

Registrer here.

Upcoming activities in Bergen

One Ocean Week
One Ocean Week is an annual event to create attention, and share knowledge, about the important role the ocean has for sustainable development in a global perspective. 15-21st April there will be conferences, meetings, workshops, and activities.

Bergen City Marathon
Welcome to the Fjordkraft Bergen City Marathon (FBCM) on Saturday 29 April 2023. This is the 11th edition of the FBCM. We are looking forward to a race party on a beautiful and inspiring course. Experience the atmosphere at the start and finish at Bryggen in Bergen, run through Old Bergen, and enjoy the fantastic view from Fjellveien. Read more and sign up here.

Festspillene (Bergen International Festival)
A hub for the Northern European arts scene, the festival has a multifaceted program profile renowned for world premieres and new productions of music, opera, theatre, and dance. The festival is from May 24th to June 7th, you can read more about it here. Interested in volunteering for Festspillene? They are looking for volunteers and it is a great opportunity to expand your network. More information here.


UiB FERD Career Centre for Early-Stage Researchers supports doctoral candidates, postdocs, researchers and assistant professors who are in the early stage of their careers. There are activities every month, so make sure to check them out:
• 27th April 09:00-11:30 – Healthy Working Habits: Time management and writing motivation.
• 28th April 10:15-11:00 – Finding and reusing research data.
• 05th May 09:00-11:00 – How to write a competitive CV for the industry?
• 23rd May 17:00-20:00 – Intermediate level: Improve your academic writing and presentation Skills in English.

Applying for a job in Norway

This seminar will explain the basics about the Norwegian job market, how to build a CV in a Norwegian style, how to read a job advert and how to write the application letter for it, how to prepare for an interview and much more. Both UiB employees and spouses/partners are welcome! The seminar is planned as a physical event and will be held at Dragefjellet skole Seminarrom D, on June 13th from 10.00 to 15.00, with some time afterwards for extra questions. Register here.