Utlysning av stipendmidler
Civitan Norges Forskningsfond for Alzheimers sykdom
Søknadsfrist 1. mars 2025
Utlysning av stipendmidler
Civitan Norges Forskningsfond for Alzheimers sykdom
Søknadsfrist 1. mars 2025
Leena Peltonen School of Human Genomics
Founded in 2011 to honor the pioneering Finnish geneticist Leena Peltonen (1952–2010), this summer school offers an unparalleled opportunity to learn and be inspired from the leading voices in human genomics. Students will gain insights and inspiration from top scientists across academia and industry who are actively advancing the field. Many past attendees have since become leaders at the forefront of this research.
Target Audience: Scientists and clinicians nearing the completion of their PhD, or those recently graduated, in human genetics, genomics, health-focused AI, and precision medicine. The selection process will take place in Spring 2025.
Application deadline: 7th of March 2025
Olav Thon Stiftelsen ble etablert i desember 2013. I stiftelsens vedtekter § 7c) er det fastsatt bl.a. følgende oppgave for Stiftelsen:
c) Støtte kan ytes i form av personlige priser for fremragendeundervisning som finner sted ved norske læresteder.
Med læresteder menes her bl.a. universiteter og høyskoler. Summen er NOK 500 000,- pr. pris. Inntil 10 priser kan deles ut i 2025. Prisene er personlig.
Forslag til pris for fremragende undervisning skal fremmes av tjenestegjørende professorer eller førsteamanuenser innen medisin og/eller naturvitenskap/ matematikk. Det er en forutsetning at også studentene står bak forslaget, enten a) ved å være blant forslagsstillerne eller b) ved at institusjonens egne studentorganer/studentforeninger utformer selvstendige forslag i samarbeid med tjenestegjørende professorer/førsteamanuenser. Det skal presiseres i institusjonens forslag hvem som har utformet dette/disse og på hvilken måte studentene er delaktige.
Kandidater til prisene kan være fra forslagsstillerens egen institusjon eller fra andre universiteter eller høyskoler i Norge.
Frist: 13. januar 2025
Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies at Aarhus University offers a number of visiting fellowships to outstanding researchers from abroad who are looking for an opportunity to engage in the international and interdisciplinary research community of AIAS and to collaborate with the research environments at Aarhus University (AU).
Visiting fellows will have their daily office space at AIAS, and will have the opportunity to participate in the activities at AIAS and at the relevant research environments at AU. AIAS offers optimal office facilities, and a thriving international and interdisciplinary community with joint social and academic activities.
Application deadlines vary according to start date:
Are you interested in applying for an ERC Starting Grant? Are you a researcher with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD, a scientific track record showing great promise and an excellent research proposal?
UiB will organize a Starting Grant Programme consisting of 3 in-person seminars and a digital meeting in February-June 2025. The participants are expected to submit a proposal in October 2025 (deadline not published yet).
If you want to attend the programme, please contact Silke Appel, head of the department.
If you need more information about the programme or ERC Starting grant, please contact your research advisor.
Contact the research advisor:
The canSERV Consortium is pleased to launch its Specific Call for Service Provision for early career scientists “Training the Next Generation of Cancer Researchers”. Early Career Cancer Researchers, for example first-stage researchers (PhD students, junior researchers without PhD), or recognised researchers (postdocs, assistant professors, young investigators) world-wide are invited to apply for free access to cutting-edge transnational services with an indicative overall budget for this call of EUR 500.000. The primary objective of this call is to empower early career scientists through access to research services and training in order to advance their scientific merits and careers.
Submission Deadline: 17 December 2024, 2pm CET
The Norwegian Cancer Society’s (NCS) aim is to prevent and fight cancer, and to ensure the best quality of life for patients and their families. Through research, prevention, information, support, advice, and lobbying, we fight cancer locally, nationally and globally. The NCS provides a considerable amount of all direct funding for cancer research in Norway, thus contributing to promoting a research environment of top international standard in the country. Furthermore, nurturing innovation and promoting novel ideas play a crucial role in advancing cancer research and enhancing patient outcomes.
Research findings frequently serve as the foundation for multiple potential commercial applications. In a qualification project, the primary objective is to thoroughly explore and pinpoint the most promising commercial application prospects, including service innovation. This initial investigation lays the groundwork for subsequent technology verification and development. Promising research and innovative solutions often take too long to reach patients. The NCS aims to accelerate this process, particularly for those applications with high patient benefit. This call focus on increasing the innovation potential of projects funded by the NCS (from 2016-2023).
Responsible organization | The Norwegian Cancer Society |
Application type | Qualification projects |
Project duration | 3 months to 12 months – First/last possible start date 01.01.2025/01.07.2025 |
Funding scale | 200 000 to 1 000 000 NOK |
Total amount of call | 8 MNOK |
Application deadline | 15 October 2024 at 13:00 |
Decision announcement | December 2024 |
The aim of the WCRF Regular Grant Programme is to support innovative and original research into the role of diet, nutrition and physical activity in either Cancer Prevention or Cancer Survivorship.
> Grant round now open – submit your application today
Barnekreftforeningen har siden 2017 bevilget rundt 200 millioner kroner til barnekreftforskning. Størsteparten av midlene har gått til grunnforskning på barnekreft. Takket være våre givere, kan vi også i 2024 lyse ut inntil 25 millioner kroner til denne forskningen.
Barnekreftforeningens mål er at ingen barn skal dø av kreft. Derfor må vi fortsette å forske på barnekreft.
Flere opplysninger om utlysningen finner du i søknadsportalen nedenfor (tilgjengelig fra 1. september 2024). Vilkår for å søke midler finner du her.
Søknadsfrist: 1. november 2024 kl. 12.00.
Fullbright Norge har lyst ut stipend for det akademiske året 2025/26. Det er stipend i alle fagfelt.
Ein kan søke om stipend både som student på master og ph.d.-nivå, og som postdoc/seniorforskar.
Frist for å søke stipend er 1. oktober 2024.
Søknadsskjema finn de her:
The World Cancer Research Fund International calls for funding on the role of diet, nutrition and physical activity in either Cancer Prevention or Cancer Survivorship. Note: these grants do not pay the salary of the PI, do not cover institutional overhead, do not fund research on anti-cancer drugs or cancer treatment. International collaboration is encouraged, but not required. There are two types of grants:
– Investigator Initiated Grants 500 GBP (7 MNOK NOK), 4 years.
– Pilot and Feasibility Grants 60 GBP (850 000 NOK), 2 years.
Deadline for outline of application: 30 October 2024
Contact the research advisers at the Faculty and register if you plan to apply: https://www.uib.no/en/med/112772/external-funding-opportunities
Hele 50.000 kroner venter vinner-prosjektet, og alt du trenger å gjøre er å fortelle oss hvorfor akkurat ditt prosjekt bør vinne Helseprisen. Du kan nominere så mange prosjekter du vil, og alle som ønsker kan nominere.
Fristen for å nominere er 10. september 2024.
Les mer og nominer https://dam.no/2024/06/05/na-er-vi-pa-jakt-etter-norges-beste-helseprosjekt/
Vi minner om frist 15. september for å nominere kandidater til Helse Vests forskningspris, innovasjonspris, og Pris til ung forsker. Prisene deles ut på Helse Vests forskningskonferanse 31.10-1.11. Se nyhetssak på Helse Vests nettsider med søknadsskjema.
Kandidater som ikke nådde opp i fjor kan nomineres på nytt.