New names

Ingvild Vistad

Ingvild Vistad has been employed as part-time professor since March 2019. Her main workplace is Sørlandet Hospital Kristiansand. She is a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, and her research fields are primarily quality of life and follow-up after gynecological cancer. Her e-mail address is:

The research groups at the Department of Clinical Science

In 2013, a new organizational structure was introduced at K2. The most important elements are that

  • all scientific staff at the department must belong to a research group
  • Head of Department appoints and terminates research groups and approves their leaders
  • the research group leader must report directly to the Head of Department
  • the research groups will as a rule consist of a minimum of six persons and will be headed by faculty personnel (at least 50% position)
  • the groups should have published at least five articles annually over the last three years

The purpose of the research groups is to conduct research according to the regulations, ethical guidelines, and the Environment, Health, and Security (EHS) requirements that apply at UiB.

The tasks are among others to

  • stimulate good research and optimal publishing and dissemination practices
  • coordinate funding of the research group’s activity
  • contribute to building up the institute’s infrastructure and expertise
  • make sure that any UiB technician associated with the research group is used optimally
  • ensure that annual appraisals with technical and temporary staff take place
  • make sure that the research group’s publications are registered according to UiB’s requirements
  • be responsible for the members of the research group contributing in the department’s teaching tasks and research training
  • distributing assets to those who have generated the funds
  • participate in the extended management group after appointment from the Head of Department

It is now six years since this structure was introduced. After site visits during spring 2018, it became clear that adjustments are necessary due to natural retirement and changes in activity for some of the groups. We have therefore initiated a process to chane the composition of some of the research groups. Permanent scientific staff for relevant groups will be called. Key questions for discussions will be

  • Are the size of the group according to the intention?
  • Are the composition of the scientific staff appropriate?
  • Are there tasks the group wants to take on which can be suited for a platform service at K2
  • Are there educational challenges that can be improved by a change?
  • Are there other groups that are appropriate for potential merging?

After a discussion with the relevant groups, some new groups will be formed and leaders appointed. Feel free to contact me by mail regarding input in this process.

Happy Hilydays!

Public PhD defense – Agnethe Lund

Agnethe Lund will defend his PhD thesis on Thursday 13th June 2019

Trial lecture: Thursday 13th June 2019 at 10.15.
Topic: “Intrauterine fetal death in pregestational diabetes mellitus – incidence and etiology?”
Place: Auditorium, KK, Jonas Lies vei 92

Public defense: Thursday 13th June at 12.15
Title of dissertation: “Maternal diabetes mellitus and fetal venous liver flow —a longitudinal study”
Place:  Auditorium, KK, Jonas Lies vei 92

1st opponent: Professor Emeritus Gerard Visser, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2nd opponent: Ph.d. Ane Moe Holme, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo
3rd member of the comittee: Associate Professor Eirik Søfteland, Universitetet i Bergen

The defense will be led by Professor Nils-Halvdan Morken

Public PhD defense – Audun Osland Vik-Mo

Audun Osland Vik-Mo will defend her PhD thesis on Friday 14th June 2019

Trial lecture: Friday 14th June 2019 at 09.15.
Topic: “Etiological and neuropathological basis/causes of NPS in Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia with Lewy bodies”
Place: Aulaen psyk. helsevern, Stavanger Universitetssykehus,Gerd-Ragna Bloch Thorsens gate 8

Public defense: Friday 14th June 2019 at 11.00.
Title of dissertation: “Neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia: long-term course and neuropathology”
Place:Aulaen psyk. helsevern, Stavanger Universitetssykehus,Gerd-Ragna Bloch Thorsens gate 8

1st opponent: Professor Gill Livingston, University College London
2nd opponent: Ph.d. Karin Persson, Norwegian National Advisory Unit for Ageing and Health, Oslo
3rd medlem av komiteen: Førsteamanuensis Bjarte Stubhaug, Universitetet i Bergen

The defense will be led by Dennis Nilsen.

Public PhD defense – Brita Skodvin

Brita Skodvin will defend her PhD thesis on Friday 14th June 2019

Trial lecture: Friday 14th June 2019 at 09.15.
Topic: “Antimicrobial stewardship – rationale, current challenges and prospects for the future”.
Place: Auditorium, AHH, Haukelandsveien 28

Public defense: Friday 14th June 2019 at 11.15.
Title of dissertation: “Addressing the threat of AMR in Norway: optimizing antibiotic prescribing and microbiology testing in hospitals”
Place: Auditorium, AHH, Haukelandsveien 28

1st opponent: Ph.d. Jeroen Schouten, Radboud University Medical Center, The Netherlands
2nd opponent: Professor Jan Frich, Universitetet i Oslo
3rd member of the comittee: Forsker Marianne Øksnes, Universitetet i Bergen

The defense will be led by Professor Elling Ulvestad.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 32 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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This week’s editorial

The faculty day is fast approaching: June 13th where you can “Meet the best!”

Søren Falch’s junior and senior prize will be awarded and the Falch lecture 2019 is held by  Professor Maiken Nedergaard, University of Copenhagen who has conducted exciting translational brain research, including underpinning the importance of the glymphatic system and sleep for brain health!

More awards to be handed out: this year’s publication, this year’s PhD, this year’s research group, prizes for internationalization, outstanding dissemination and teaching. K2 has previously received several prizes, which K2s are being honored this year?

And apropos teaching; since the faculty promotes the new title of “Excellent teacher” (which will actually lead to a salary increase!), here are some career planning tips:

Complete the basic module in pedagogy that was scheduled within two years of hiring in your main UiB position (and finish the compulsory written task/paper), anyone else but me who feel hit by the time-squeeze….?)

Remember to record consecutively in your teaching-portifolio any teaching activites you are contributing to, including teaching administration activities (student rounds, skill sessions, preparing written materials, semester boards, creating quizzes, preparing /evaluating exams), retrospective registration will often lead to missing bits..

Something else however still related to teaching: bioinformatics. This is an increasingly important part of much of our activity; with different “-omics”, both understanding and practical use of different computer science methods are required when we have large datasets with eg genetic data or “big-data” in general. K2 has employed an “own” bioinformatician: Anagha Joshi, but as per. today we have not implemented any structured bioinformatic teaching in our study programs. CBU; Computational Biology Unit runs interdisciplinary (informatics / mathematics / chemistry / biology) research and teaching at various study programs/levels and has initiated a joint call to identify what might be coordinated bioinformatic teaching also in medicine/pharmacy (our study programs).

Can our students benefit from existing courses, for example during elective periods or research-line students/PhD students during other parts of the terms? Is there a need for postgraduate courses in relation to your research/subject area?

Anaghi and I are interested in input that we will convey further. Anaghi will gladly contribute to developing courses, but we want to avoid duplication with already existing courses and rather promote courses “across” study-diciplines.

(Norwegian) Informasjon om Inkubatorbygget og konsekvenser for drift av Dyreavdelingen

Det skal bygges et nybygg på to etasjer på parkeringsdekket i 8. etasje i BB-bygget. Dette bygget, Inkubatorbygget, skal bl.a. huse innovasjonsvirksomhet ved Universitetet i Bergen, Helse Bergen og VIS Innovasjon AS (tidl. BTO AS).

Det vil i denne sammenheng være begrenset kapasitet på Dyreavdelingen i BB-bygget en periode i 2020.

Prosjektledelsen har informert om at bygganskaffelsen er kunngjort og i dens konkurransegrunnlag er det satt opp følgende dagmulktbelagte datoer* for byggeperioden:

Tiltak Dato*
Start riving parkeringsdekke 8. etasje BBB 23.03.2020
Start hullboring fundamentfot stålsøyler 04.05.2020
Slutt hulldekkemontasje/takelement 03.07.2020
Overtagelse alle fag før oppstart prøvedrift 01.09.2021
Oppstart prøvedrift 01.10.2021
Godkjent prøvedrift 01.10.2022

Det er forventet oppstart av byggearbeid fra mars/april 2020 – og ca. 3 måneder med total driftsstans på dyreavdelingen BB-bygget på grunn av støy i forbindelse med byggearbeid. Entreprenøren kan ta forbehold om fremdriften, som byggherren må akseptere. Da vil perioden med driftsstans bli lengre. Etter disse ca. 3 månedene vil det også pågå innvendige arbeider som også bråker. Det vil foretas prøver på aktuelle støyende aktiviteter og målinger av støygjennomgangen ned i 7. etasje. Brukerne må så ta stilling til om slike lyder vil være akseptable for dyrene.

Konsekvenser for forskere:

Forskere må:

  • Avslutte/fullføre så mye forsøk som mulig høsten 2019
  • Nedskalere all avl på Vivarium for å gjøre plass til forsøk fra BBB på Vivarium
  • Vurdere nedfrysing av alle linjer det ikke allerede finnes backup på
  • Vurdere å sette vekk til kontraktsavl i en periode

Eventuelle spørsmål om løsninger og tilrettelegging i byggeprosessen kan rettes

The Election to the Department Council group B at K2 has started

To staff in group B
The election of new members to The Department Council at Department of Clinical Science has started. There is to be elected one member from group B (temporary academic staff).

There are four candidates running for election:

Torsvik, Anja Postdoktor
Saghaug, Christina Skår Stipendiat
Ghila, Luiza Postdoktor
Petrovic, Aleksandra Stipendiat

The election is ongoing until  Tuesday 4. June 12:00 AM

You may vote here.

Best regards,
The Election Committee at the Faculty of Medicine

New names

Olivera Bozickovic started working in April as a biobank engineer in the Bergen Gynecological Cancer Research Group at the Women’s Clinic. She is a part of an exciting multinational study MoMaTEC2 on gynecologic cancer biology and the life quality of patients. Her office is situated on the 4th floor of the Women’s clinic or you can contact her on the following e-mail address:

New Names

Synnøve Yndestad started as a Postdoc at K2, at the KG Jebsen Center for Genome-Directed Cancer therapy in desember 2018. She works in the Mohn Cancer Research Laboratory located in 1M in the laboratory building. There she focuses on triple negative breast cancer, and how the cancer cells ability to repair DNA affects treatment outcome. Fell free to stop by, or email: Synnø

New Names

Rebecca Wangen started as a chief engineer for the Precision Oncology Research Group 01.02.19, with focus on leukemia. She has a BSc and MSc in molecular biology from UoB, and her special field is proteomics. Her office is located at third floor in the Lab building, room 3160. You can get in touch with her on mail:


New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 3 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

Continue reading

Solstrand revisited: Status strategy plan

It has now been two months since our conference at Solstrand, and since then I have gathered all your input from the group work on K2s strategy plan.

All your suggestions amounted to four pages of suggestions on what we should keep from our current plan, and what new goals and measures should be included in our new plan. Among other things, your suggestions were a separate goal on innovation at K2 as well as environmental goals and a green strategy. According to your input, we are still in want of meeting places across internal groupings, and career planning for our younger researchers. I am very grateful for your group work at Solstrand and your good input to the new strategy plan.

The new plan will act for three years from 2020 and part of the leader group at K2 will be involved in editing the existing plan. A draft for the new strategy plan will be distributed to all you after the summer. I hope you will take the time both to read and comment when I send it to you.


The 2019 Brain Power Award

To all members of the Norwegian Association of Researchers (Forskerforbundet): NAR hereby announces the 2019 Brain Power Award. Send us your story about the importance of R&D work! Deadline for submission is Monday September 2, 2019.

The purpose of the award is to highlight the role of research and development (R&D) in our community, and to highlight the important job our members do in many areas. The contribution should be a story about why R&D work is important and what importance it has for society. The Brain Power Award aims at establishing a greater understanding that investment in R&D and knowledge are important investments for the future, and to highlight the importance of R&D for the future welfare, industrial and social development; locally, regionally, globally and nationally.

All members of NAR can submit entries for the award, regardless of their job position or place of work.

Contributions can be formulated in various genres and media, whether in the form of an article, an essay, a film, an exhibition or other ways to present the message of the importance of R&D activity. The entry should communicate well to the general public.

The award money is a total of NOK 200 000. A jury appointed by the Executive Board will select the best entries and allocate the award to one or more winners.

The jury will give the award to the contribution(s) that are found to be of the highest quality and with the best ability to disseminate research.

The winner(s) will be announced at our annual Research Policy Conference on November 12, 2019. The winner(s) will also be presented on our website.

More info, and guidelines for contributions here. 

Broegelmann Research Laboratory: Guest Lectures

Scott Lieberman, MD, PhD
Division of Rheumatology, Carver College of Medicine,
University of Iowa, IA, USA

Title:Sjögren’s syndrome in children and mice

Peter Gergely, MD, PhD
Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research,
Basel Switzerland

Title:  “Anti-CD40 therapy in immune-mediated diseases”

Time: Thursday, June 6th, at 14:15 – ca.16:00
Place: Birkhaugsalen, HUS

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 7 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

Continue reading