EMBO New Venture Fellowships

Supporting young scientists to enter a new field

EMBO New Venture Fellowships support early career scientists, in any field of life science research, who would use this opportunity to enter a new field of research. The intention of these fellowships is to support high quality candidates to explore feasible projects or generate preliminary data to help transform their research trajectory.


MRCRM’s seminar series – September 2023 

Title: SMART-MS – Mesenchymal stem cells as regenerative treatment in multiple sclerosis 

Speaker: Christopher E. Kvistad, senior physician and researcher at the Dept. of Neurology and Neuro-Sysmed 

Time: September 19, 2023, from 14:30-15:30 

Where: BBB, Auditorium 4 

More information: MRCRM seminar series – September 2023 – Helse Bergen (helse-bergen.no) 

Welcome to the first seminar this semester in the seminar series of Mohn Research Center for Regenerative Medicine (MRCRM)! The seminar is open to all and light refreshments will be served.  

PhD Start-up seminar

Dear PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Medicine, UiB. We are pleased to invite you to the PhD Start-up seminar for PhD candidates at the faculty.

The seminar focuses on information of help and support in your PhD study, innovation in PhD research and sharing of experiences from a former PhD candidate. The link for registration is presented below.

The registration is binding, please register here: Registration for the PhD Start-up Seminar. 03.10.2023, 08.30-12.00 at Auditorium Armauer Hansens hus, Haukelandsveien 28 (uib.no). Registration deadline: 20 September.

We will end the seminar with a lunch, a good opportunity to get to know your fellow PhD candidates and to do some networking as well.

We are looking forward to seeing you there.
3 October 2023, 08.30-12.00,  Auditorium in Armauer Hansens hus, Haukelandsveien 28.

 Antimicrobial resistancesurveillance in environmental and human samples

Thursday 21st of September 2023 Time: 11:30-16:00

Auditorium 2, BB-building, Haukeland University Hospital, Jonas Lies vei 91, Bergen.

On September 21st, 2023, Randi Jacobsen Bertelsen is organizing an event entitled “Antimicrobial resistance surveillance in environmental and human samples”. The seminar is very relevant for CAMRIA, with many excellent speakers and topics relevant for our centre – that is why we hope as many of you as possible will be able to participate.

Program here.

It is possible to participate in the event physically (which we encourage you to do if you have the opportunity), or online.

New scheme for administrator access to PCs

To employees and students who have local administrator access on a UiB PC

If you do not need administrator access to any UiB PC, you may ignore this e-mail.

This autumn we are working on IT security measures for the entire university, to protect UiB PCs and data. See news article in På Høyden (in Norwegian only): https://pahoyden.no/it-avdelingen-it-sikkerhet/reduserer-risikoen-for-hackerangrep/130033 .

This includes introducing a new routine for local administrator access as of 28 September this year. (This currently applies to Windows, not Linux or Mac.)

Unfortunately, we have seen over time that universities and colleges can be attractive targets for hacker attacks.

User accounts with administrator access are exposed and pose a major security risk for the University of Bergen.

We will still ensure that we have solutions so that employees and students can install the programs they need for their work.
The new scheme we are introducing from 28 September means that:

* All employees and students who need local administrator access on their PC must apply for it in UiB access. (If rights are required for more than one computer, separate applications must be submitted for each computer. Please contact the IT division if access to a large number of computers is required.)
* If you application is approved by your manager, you are granted access for one year before you have to apply again.
* Through the Make Me Admin program, you may log in easily and securely, and gain access for 60 minutes at a time.
* Applications are handled continuously. Do not delay applying if you know you will need access.
* During the application process you are supplying the IT division with important information about which programs you need to install, and any other tasks that require administrator access. This gives us a good basis for creating program packages and in other ways facilitating easier use of UiB PCs in the future.
You can find more information about the scheme, how to approve applications and other guidance here: https://hjelp.uib.no/tas/public/ssp/content/detail/service?unid=29b0c7092eba447ba316f88c5b9f0c28&from=3c6eadc7-4024-4189-9f8a-f7d6b279e644

Your immediate manager will also receive an e-mail with information about this new scheme.

Contact the IT division via hjelp.uib.no if you have any questions.

Antimicrobial resistancesurveillance in environmental and human samples

Thursday 21st of September 2023 Time: 11:30-16:00

Auditorium 2, BB-building, Haukeland University Hospital, Jonas Lies vei 91, Bergen.



11:35 Antimicrobial Stewardship in Hospitals, Resistance Selection and Transfer in a One Health Context –the STRESST Project-Adam Roberts, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK

12:15Klebsiella pneumoniae in a One Health perspective in Norway-Iren Høyland Löhr, Stavanger University Hospital, Norway

12:55Population-levelvariation in the human gut antibiotic resistomeKatariina Pärnänen, University of Turku, Finland

13:35Coffee break (15min)

13:50Residues, recirculation, re-exposure and resistance. Why we need to consider the stability of antimicrobials in the farm environment-Aldert Zomer, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

14:30Monitoring of global AMR patterns using sewage and public data-Patrick Munk, Denmark Technical University, Denmark

15:10AMR in the environment and the need for surveillance: a Norwegian perspective-Nachiket Marathe, Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway

15:50 Closing remarks

To receive a link to follow the event online, you can register here.

Seminar organizer: Randi J Bertelsen, e-mail: randi.j.bertelsen@uib.no

Your pathway to collaborative projects

Storsalen, Nygårdsgaten 5, 3 October, 2023

The event is a follow-up of the Info Day, the Inspiration Workshop, and the Horizon Europe Success Factors held at UiB in 2022.

This time the focus is on collaborative projects, with a main focus on projects in Horizon Europe Pillars 2 and 3, but with the aim to shed light on specific characteristics of collaborative projects and the work with applications for such projects, relevant also for other funding sources than Horizon Europe.

The programme of the event will alternate between plenary and mingling sessions: in the mingling sessions research advisers and other support staff will be available for questions and discussion at stands. There will be a panel discussion with researchers from UiB sharing their experiences, and presentations from research advisers on different aspects of the work with applications for collaborative projects, as well as information on the funding landscape and how one can use UiB’s international network and UiB’s Brussels office.

See the full programme and find the registration form here.  Please register before 26 September.

The 2023 Holberg Debate: ‘Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains?’

The Holberg Prize has the pleasure of inviting everyone to attend the 2023 Holberg Debate in the University Aula, on Saturday 2 December, 15:00 – 17:45.

The debate is entitled ‘Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains?’. A panel of eminent researchers will discuss whether or not conscious experiences happen both within and outside the brain, and if science can solve the ‘hard problem’ of consciousness. Also, a broader question is: Does science need “heresy” in order to sufficiently explore our greatest remaining mysteries?

In the panel:

  • Anil Seth is a neuroscientist and author who has pioneered research into the brain basis of consciousness for more than 20 years. He is a Professor of Neuroscience and Director of the Centre for Consciousness Science at the University of Sussex. His most well-known book is Being You (2017).
  • Tanya Luhrmann is the Albert Ray Lang Professor of Anthropology at Stanford University. Her work focuses on the edge of experience: on voices, visions, the world of the supernatural and the world of psychosis. At the heart of the work is the question of how things come to feel real to people. Luhrmann’s authorship includes  the the award-winning book When God Talks Back (2012).
  • Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, is a biologist and author of more than a hundred technical papers and nine books, including his 2012 book The Science Delusion, which argues that science is being constricted by assumptions that have hardened into dogmas.
  • David Malone is an award winning science documentary film maker.  In a career spanning nearly 30 years he has made films for the BBC and Channel 4, on such topics as consciousness, the self and soul, the search for mathematical certainty, and the relationship between science and religion.

Please see the Holberg Prize website for more information on the event, or register for the event here. You can also follow our Facebook event page. We invite everyone to submit questions for the panel here.

Previous instalments of the Holberg Debate can be found here.

Queries may be directed to: media@holbergprisen.no.


Dear everyone!

As mentioned before the summer, the Research Council’s evaluation of medicine and health sciences is  underway. K2 has registered 9 research groups. In addition to the research groups, the department as an administrative unit will also be evaluated as a whole.

The evaluation is a multi-step process:

  1. Specify the Terms of Reference)
  2. Data collection
  3. Assessment and evaluation of data

For this we need the help of the research groups that have been registered. Contact persons in the relevant research groups will be invited to a number of workshops during the autumn.

As the entire K2 will also be evaluated, it is important that our online presence is updated. Encouragement to all research groups: look through your texts  on K2’s web pages (which also need an upgrade, we are working on it!), edit and update and send a new version to your assigned web editor (or Irene Hjelmaas and Christina Flornes who can help with the technicalities).

We also have a number of academic staff who are not members of any research group. That’s not good, everyone must belong to (at least) a research group (and by the way also a teaching group for those concerned). Not sure where you belong? Get in touch with one of us!

Happy weekend in the sun!

Susanna og Silke

Nanopore Sequencing Day Bergen

Avantor/VWR is arranging a seminar day in Bergen focused on nanopore sequencing on September 26th (program). Participation is free and lunch is included! Get inspired by the latest technical updates from Oxford Nanopore Technologies as well as talks from local scientists in Western Norway about their latest nanopore projects. Additionally, the seminar day is a great opportunity to network and collaborate with other nanopore users in the area.

Register by emailing frida.perry@avantorsciences.com by September 15th.

Date: 26.9.2023, 8.30-15.30
Location: Det Akademiske Kvarter, Olav Kyrres Gate 49, 5015 Bergen

The ERA4Health Capacity Building Activities Survey is out we need you insight!

Dear stakeholder in the ERA4Health partnership,

You receive this e-mail because you are in an ERA4Healt partners relevant scientific network and considered as among our stakeholders. Feel free to pass on this survey in your organization or relevant scientific network.

The ERA4Health Partnership increase European transnational collaborative research funding by creating a funding body for joint programming in priority areas addressing European public health needs. We need your view as a stakeholder on what capacity building activities you need. If ERA4Health is relevant to you as researcher and/or innovator, take 5-7 minutes to answer our survey!

Three important priorities in ERA4Health are

  1. Building capacities within the research community and clinical hospitals in conducting ambitious multidisciplinary research projects and Investigator Initiated Clinical Studies (IICS) at European scale
  2. Developing innovative ways of connecting science to society
  3. Integration of Responsible research and innovation (RRI)

Capacity building and career development of scientists and patients is an important requirement in emerging multidisciplinary research areas and in particular for patient-oriented research. To achieve these objectives, it is also necessary to develop and establish suitable tools and training modules for the different stakeholder groups involved.

In this survey, we would like to ask you as potential applicants to ERA4Health, as researcher and/or innovator, what kind of capacity building activities you miss, need or find attractive.
We also include some specific questions for our stakeholders regarding RRI to develop and integrate it in the most relevant way.

Are you interested in participating in an RRI Guidelines development workshop in ERA4Healt? Then send an e-mail to: cam@forskningsradet.no

Here is the link to the survey to answer: EUSurvey – Survey (europa.eu)

If you have questions about the survey contact Adelina Ovcharenko adelina@midgam.org

This survey is also available at our website and distributed via social media for anyone who consider the selves stakeholder and want to answer.

Deadline for answers – 11th September.

Best regards,

ERA4Health Pillar 3 Transversal activities leader Cecile A. Mathiesen
ERA4Health Coordinator Cristina Nieto