Category Archives: News

Opportunities for collaborating with universities in the USA

Are you interested in research and education collaborations at UC Berkeley or other American universities? The University of Bergen hosts a special seminar to present opportunities for collaboration with world leading universities in the US.


The “metabolically healthy obese” and “metabolically-unhealthy normal-weight” phenotypes: opposite sides of the same coin?

Faidon Magkos is Associate Professor at the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports at the University of Copenhagen.

It has become apparent in recent years that excess total body weight and fat do not necessarily impair metabolic function and increase risk for cardiometabolic disease; and vice versa, absence of excess weight and fat do not necessarily entail low risk. A subset (~30%) of people with obesity do not present with metabolic abnormalities such as hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and dyslipidemia, or hypertension (“metabolically healthy obese”); whereas a subset (~20%) of people with normal body weight do present with these metabolic abnormalities (“metabolically-unhealthy normal-weight”). Compared with BMI-matched control groups, metabolically healthy obese subjects have lower accumulation of fat in the liver, better physical fitness, and a tight coordination between the pancreas (insulin secretion) and skeletal muscle (insulin sensitivity) to maintain glucose homeostasis; whereas conversely, metabolically-unhealthy normal-weight subjects have more liver fat, inferior fitness, and dysregulated glucose homeostasis.

Foreleser: Faidon Magkos, the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen
Moderator: Simon Dankel
Tid: Torsdag 24. mars 2022 kl. 14.30-15.30
Sted: Aud. Glasblokkene, blokk 1  / Zoom

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Program and registration to The Jacobæus award for 2021- Symposium in Bergen

The Jacobæus award for 2021 will be awarded at a symposium in Bergen at Opus XVI on Thursday 21st April. The symposium is open for everyone and free. It will also be live streamed.

The recipient of the Jacobæus prize for 2021 is professor Stafford Lightman from the University of Bristol. Stafford Lightman has made fundamental advances – at both conceptual and practical levels – to our understanding of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, a key hormonal system to tackle stress. Lightman showed that the well-know circadian cortisol rhythm was made up of hourly pulses subject to alteration by a number of external factors. Stafford also pioneered the development of methods to capture these rhythms in humans by ambulatory sampling of tissue fluid, techniques that are now used in the clinic.

The Jacobæus Prize is the oldest prize of the Novo Nordisk Foundation. It was established in 1939 to commemorate the Swedish professor Hans Christian Jacobæus. The purpose of the Prize is to promote medical research and is awarded annually to a distinguished international researcher, who is invited to give a lecture on his or her research on a topic within physiology or endocrinology. The accompanying award of DKK 1,500,000 (€200,000) is distributed as a personal award of DKK 250,000 and an award for research or development work of DKK 1,250,000.

Program and registration: (Registration is also mandatory for live stream).


1200-1300:          Registration and lunch

1300-1310:          Introduction of the prize and prizewinner Stafford Lightman

Eystein Husebye, University of Bergen

1310-1400:         Jacobæus award lecture: The HPA-axis in health and disease
                            Stafford Lightmann, University of Bristol

1410-1445           Mathematical modelling of hormone dynamics                              
John Terry, University of Birmingham

1450-1520           Coffee break

1520-1555           Sex reversal and autoimmunity

Olle Kämpe, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm

1600-1635           Primary hyperaldosteronism, novel diagnostics and treatment
                            Martin Reincke, Ludwig-Maxmillians-Universität, München

1640-1715           The adrenal stem cell, therapeutic options

Gary Hammer, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

1720-1745           General discussion (panel with the speakers)

1745-1750           Closing remarks

Benedicte Lie    

(Norsk) Senter for ernæring har gleden av å invitere til hele to nye seminarer i vår seminarrekke. Serien tar opp sentrale utfordringer innen ernæring og helse.

Red and processed meat intake and risk of common conditions: UK Biobank and beyond…

Dr Keren Papier is a Senior Nutritional Epidemiologist working in the Cancer Epidemiology Unit (CEU), based in the Oxford Department of Population Health, at the University of Oxford. Her research at the CEU includes investigating diet and disease associations using large-scale cohort data (including the Million Women Study, EPIC-Oxford and the UK Biobank). She is also the principal investigator for the Feeding the Future Study (or FEED).

This talk will cover recent research on associations between red and processed meat consumption and risk of several common conditions, mostly focusing on UK Biobank data.

Keren Papier, Cancer Epidemiology Unit (CEU), University of Oxford
Moderator: Vegard Lysne
Tid: Torsdag 17. mars 2022 kl. 14.30-15.30
Sted: Aud. Glasblokkene, blokk 1 / Zoom

Arrangementet streames også via Zoom:

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Congratulations to Professor Rebecca Cox and researcher Marc Vaudel with the Meltzer Awards!

At The annual Meltzer dinner on March 8, 2022, two out of three awarded Meltzer Prizes went to researchers affiliated with K2! Head of the influenza centre Rebecca Cox was awarded the Meltzer Prize for Outstanding Research Dissemination and Marc Vaudel from the Center for Diabetes Research the Meltzer Prize for Outstanding Young Scientists.

We are very proud! Congratulations!

Falch-forelesningen 2022 – “Epidemiology is easy – anyone can do it” Auditoriet i Armauer Hansens hus 19. april kl 12.15

Hvordan kan feilslåtte metoder med epidemiologimerkelapper bidra til feilaktige slutninger og misvisende helseråd? Det kan Kenneth J. Rothman fortelle om, en av verdens fremste epidemiologer. Hans tanker om temaet er ekstra relevante i disse tider, der fake news er en konstant trussel mot god folkeopplysning

les mer her for påmelding:

Finally – the Solstrand Strategy Seminar

Right now, many of us are assembled at what has been a highly successful seminar. Vice dean Marit Bakke and hospital director Eivind Hansen met a well-prepared panel for a debate regarding collaboration between the university and the hospital. We have also learnt how we can improve our presentation of our research in the media – another important arena. Not least, we have just plainly had a nice time together, those of us who are here. Having a nice time together is also important: Friendship fosters trust and collaboration and lead to improved research and education.








The library – more than just articles

The University library  offers several useful services in addition to retrieving and printing papers that we do not get hold of ourselves. They offer guidance in literature searching for systematic reviews and PhD theses as well as how to handle references (including individual guidance for master- and bachelorstudents), contact In addition, they can help you on the way to making your research accessible in line with Open Science requirements. They may help you in developing a Data Management Plan (contact Open Science is becoming a more frequent requirement and the library offers courses in how to publish open access (contact


Welcome to the K2 conference at Solstrand!

Next week, K2’s conference at Solstrand kicks off. This is the second time we are arranging a combined EHS day and strategy seminar for everyone, which was previously organized as separate days and where only the research group leaders were invited to the strategy seminar.

We have put together a program that we hope is of interest and creates curiosity and debate. The four core tasks of our social mission are represented.

In research, we will learn more about how to apply for EU funding and discuss how to better utilize our great research advantage – to be closely linked to Haukeland University Hospital. Dean Per Bakke and CEO Eivind Hansen will initiate a debate. This will also include how to better utilizate our common resource in teaching. The Unit for Learning will present new ideas about exams as a form of learning. This will be put into practice by everyone completing an OSCE exam – it will probably be the highlight of the conference!

The struggle for attention in the public space is getting bigger and bigger and more and more important. A separate session is therefore devoted to research communication.

Innovation is now included in many announcements about funding for research, and we will therefore learn more about what opportunities Eitri has to strengthen innovation in our work. And I want to inform about what has become a new economic reality at K2 and the entire faculty in general and ask for input on how you think we can meet this.

A very important part of all conferences is the social dimension. And now after almost two years of reduced social contact due to the coronavirus pandemic, it will be wonderful to meet and interact with people from the entire institute again!

Well met!


Head of Department

Your face outward needs a touch-up

We are announcing a competition among the research groups for the best website (see details in this week’s K2-nes). The winners will be announced at the strategy seminar at Solstrand. Researchers, journalists, patients and others use our websites to find out about research, teaching and innovation at our department.

What do they find if they look us up today? Overall, pages with major shortcomings. People who no longer work here are posted in group photos, projects are not up to date, there is no English translation, and many items are missing.

We have an enormous potential for improvement – to show a “better face” to the outside world. You and your research group now have the opportunity for a “kick start” and competition against the others. Websites are like vegetables and fruit – they need to be fresh. Former employees must be taken “off the poster”, new ones must appear, news must be published and disseminated.

We simply have to interact with the outside world in a better way

Grap the chance, gather your group and update your pages!

Good weekend, when the time comes

Eystein Husebye
Deputy Director

Interested in innovation? Get up to NOK 500 000 and help to develop your idea

Good ideas occur everywhere at the University of Bergen, and with UiB idé students and researchers  can test and develop their innovation ideas. Students can get up to NOK 100 000, and researchers NOK 500 000. You will also get advice from professional advisers. The application deadline is March 15th. Read more about the program at and join the information webinar on February 7th. Students can also register for the UiB idé vors on February 14th. This year you can also apply for a maximum of NOK 25 000 through UiB tidleg idé, and applications are received all year.

Invitation to seminar: UiB AI #1 How AI helped solve Protein Folding – and why it matters

The UiB AI Steering Group welcomes you to a seminar on February 24th at 10am in the University Aula.  The seminar lasts until 11:30 and there will be lunch and discussions 11:30-12:00.

This is the first in a series of seminars on artificial intelligence at UiB. The seminars will be a meeting point across departments and fields of research, where different examples on the use of AI in research will be presented.

On February 24th, Inge Jonassen (Department of informatics) and Nathalie Reuter (Department of Chemistry) will speak to us on how AI helped solve Protein Folding – and why it matters.

Since participation is physical and we will order food, we ask all participants to register via the link on the seminar web page. You will find more information about the seminar and registration link here:

How AI helped solve Protein Folding – and why it matters | UiB AI | UiB


TMS Starting Grant

Trond Mohn Research Foundation (TMS) has announced a new round of TMS Starting Grant with final deadline 8. March (more info here). Since there are restrictions in the number of candidates each department can nominate, we kindly ask interested applicants to send a 1-2 page sketch describing the candidate, the project and the research environment in addition to the candidate’s CV (TMS asks for a maximum 3-page CV listing the most important and relevant publications).

The internal deadline is 18 February. You can send the sketch and CV to with Pål Njølstad, Silke Appel and Mia Holmaas on copy.

Please note that this fellowship provides an opportunity to recruit external candidates something the foundation and the Faculty of Medicine strongly encourage.

Finally “at home”!

Bishop Per Lønning had “Finally at Home” as the title of a book he wrote when he was called as bishop in Bjørgvin diocese and returned to Bergen after 18 years in Oslo. After almost 2 years with large and historically unusual restrictions on activity at work and in leisure time due to the coronavirus pandemic, we as UiB employees can now return to our normal workplace on campus – finally “at home”!

As is well known, the government has removed the one-meter rule in teaching for universities and colleges. We must now strive for full physical presence in teaching.

There will no longer be a requirement to facilitate home offices and employers must assess how much home office is right in the individual workplace. Any agreements on the use of a home office during parts of the working hours in the future must be agreed between the manager and the employee. At K2, this authority is delegated to the research group leaders with regard to the scientific staff, and to the Head of Administration (Mia) for the administrative and technical staff. The research group leaders must agree this with the Head of Department (me).

Nevertheless, there is still great contagion pressure in society and high sickness absence. The use of digital meetings and home offices can still be a relevant tool at K2 to prevent many people from becoming ill at the same time and to ensure continuity in work tasks and functions.

As also is well known, there will also no longer be a number limit for indoor events. For events with fixed, designated seats, the distance requirement is removed when sitting on the seat. The organizer shall facilitate that it is possible to keep distance otherwise in the venue or event area.

It will be good to return to normal conditions at work and in leisure time. It feels like being at home again after a long journey.


Have a great weekend!


Head of Department


Trial lecture Anders Madsen – February 11th 2022

Trial lecture:                         February 11th at 09:15

Place:                              Lenke til digital prøveforelsning

Subject:                “SARS-CoV-2: lessons learned from influenza regarding correlates of protection and immunological imprinting”

Evaluation commitee:

Professor Anke Huckriede, University Medical Center, Groningen, Nederland
Professor Guus Rimmelzwaan, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Tyskland
Professor Harald G. Wiker, Universitetet i Bergen, Klinisk institutt 2, komiteens leder

Custos: professor emerita Birgitta Åsjø

Open for all.

Dissertation Calum Leitch – February 11th

Calum Leitch – Foto/ill.: Spiros Kotopoulis

Trial lecture:      Friday 11th of February at 10:15

Place:      Auditorium B-302, Haukeland universitetssjukehus, Jonas Lies vei 65.

Subject:     «Precision medicine strategies for AML»

Disputas:                    Friday 11th of February at 10:15 

Place     Auditorium B-302, Haukeland universitetssykehus, Jonas Lies vei 65.

Title:      “Dentification and development of small molecule therapies for the treatment of acute myeloid leukaemia”

  1. opponent: Førsteamanuensis Kim Theilgaard-Mønch, Universitetet i København
  2. opponent: Professor Gunhild Mari Mælandsmo, Oslo Universitetssykehus
  3. medlem av komiteen: Førsteamanuensis, Nils Halberg, Universitetet i Bergen

Custos: Bernt Bøgvald Aarli.

Open for all


Link to digital dissertation.

Dissertation Umael Khan – February 11th.

Trial lecture:      Friday , February 11th at 10:15

Place:       Auditorium, AHH, Haukelandsveien 28.

Subject:    «Myocardial strain in the different chambers: normal reference values and clinical applicability in adults»

Dissertation: :                    Friday , February 11th at 12:15

Place:    Auditorium, AHH, Haukelandsveien 28.


  “The impact of image acquisition and processing parameters on speckle tracking echocardiography in neonates”

  1. opponent: Førsteamanuensis Assami Røsner, Universitetet i Tromsø
  2. opponent: Førsteamanuensis Tor Biering-Sørensen, Universitetet i København
  3. medlem av komiteen: Førsteamanuensis Peter Schuster, Universitetet i Bergen

Custos:  professor Stig Urheim.

Open for all.


Lenke til digital disputas

This weeks editorial

Dear all of you!

Do you/your research group/teaching group know someone who has excelled in 2021, either on the research front (publication, research/innovation environment, PhD work, dissemination) or in terms of teaching? The Faculty of Medicine has announced several awards for 2021, so now you have the chance to nominate colleagues/environment (or yourself!). The categories are


  • Publication of the Year
  • Research group/innovation of the year
  • PhD work of the year
  • Award for outstanding research dissemination
  • Teaching award (There are no specific price categories, but a main price of NOK 150,000 and up to two more awards of NOK 50,000 each are awarded! )

We from K2 can put forward a candidate in each category, so do not hesitate to submit proposals (with justification) by Monday 7 February. More detailed information can be found here  

Proposal for Publication/PhD/Group/Dissemination

Proposal for Teaching awards