Finally “at home”!

Bishop Per Lønning had “Finally at Home” as the title of a book he wrote when he was called as bishop in Bjørgvin diocese and returned to Bergen after 18 years in Oslo. After almost 2 years with large and historically unusual restrictions on activity at work and in leisure time due to the coronavirus pandemic, we as UiB employees can now return to our normal workplace on campus – finally “at home”!

As is well known, the government has removed the one-meter rule in teaching for universities and colleges. We must now strive for full physical presence in teaching.

There will no longer be a requirement to facilitate home offices and employers must assess how much home office is right in the individual workplace. Any agreements on the use of a home office during parts of the working hours in the future must be agreed between the manager and the employee. At K2, this authority is delegated to the research group leaders with regard to the scientific staff, and to the Head of Administration (Mia) for the administrative and technical staff. The research group leaders must agree this with the Head of Department (me).

Nevertheless, there is still great contagion pressure in society and high sickness absence. The use of digital meetings and home offices can still be a relevant tool at K2 to prevent many people from becoming ill at the same time and to ensure continuity in work tasks and functions.

As also is well known, there will also no longer be a number limit for indoor events. For events with fixed, designated seats, the distance requirement is removed when sitting on the seat. The organizer shall facilitate that it is possible to keep distance otherwise in the venue or event area.

It will be good to return to normal conditions at work and in leisure time. It feels like being at home again after a long journey.


Have a great weekend!


Head of Department


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