Category Archives: News

Øyvind Byrkjedal-Bendiksen 

I work as a coordinator for the joint study administration at K1 and K2. In practice, this means that I am the supervisor of the fine team that administers the medicine, nutrition and pharmacy studies at the department. 

What I like best about the job are my colleagues and the good working environment. We are a nice bunch who are passionate about making everyday as good as possible for both students and employees at UiB. Right now, we are working on putting in place the timetables for the autumn of 2022. 

Another thing I like is that I contribute to something bigger than myself. Being so lucky to be part of the education of tomorrow’s doctors, pharmacists and nutritionists is very inspiring. It is very exciting to collaborate with professionally skilled doctors, teachers, researchers and committed students.

(Norsk) Diputas-Hege Fredriksen Berg  

Hege Fredriksen Berg

Hovedveileder: professor Camilla Krakstad
Medveiledere: ph.d. Erling Høivik

Prøveforelesning:     Torsdag 21. april 2022 kl. 10.15

Sted: Auditorium, AHH, Haukelandsveien 28
Oppgitt emne: «Clinical implementation of multi-omics methodology in cancer diagnostics»

Disputas:  Fredag 22. april 2022 kl. 08.15
Sted: Auditorium, AHH, Haukelandsveien 28

Avhandlingens tittel:
“Organoid models and novel biomarkers for improved treatment of endometrial cancer”


  1. opponent: Ph.d. Gema Moreno-Bueno, Universitetet i Madrid, Spania
  2. opponent: Ph.d. Mads Haugland Haugen, Oslo Universitets sykehus
  3. medlem av komiteen: Ph.d. Gro Vatne Røsland, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor Harald G. Wiker.

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Budget realities – the K2 leadership takes action

Head of Department Njølstad has explained K2’s finances, which entail major cuts in our budgets. This means that we must take radical action to obtain balance. Therefore, the we propose that the salaries of all K2 employees be cut by 5%, with the exception of those in the leadership. After all, we are heavily burdened by doing so. Furthermore, all operating funds for PhD students and postdoctoral fellows will be confiscated. You can apply to the Head of department for a refund of up to half of your operating budget for particularly important tasks. Furthermore, all PhD students or their research group must pay for the assessment of the PhD dissertations. Finally, all KG-Jebsen and Trond Mohn centers at K2 will be charged an extra “tax” to cover the deficit, approximately 250,000 per year.

We regret that we have to take such radical steps to get the budget in balance, but we see no other options. You can read about the detailed cuts by click on this link.

Good weekend, when the time comes

On behalf of the leadership group



Sergio Mora

Hva jobber jeg med?

Jeg er utdannet siviløkonom og har fra tidligere jobbet med renovasjon i Bodø. Høsten 2021 ble min samboer ferdig som LIS1 ved nordlandssykehuset og videre bestemte vi oss for å flytte tilbake til Bergen. Jeg fikk muligheten til å jobbe som Prosjektøkonom ved K2, noe som var en god mulighet med stort utviklingspotensial. Åttende november var min første arbeidsdag og jeg har innen denne korte perioden fått et godt inntrykk av K2 som arbeidsplass og ikke minst mine nærmeste kollegaer.

Som Prosjektøkonom er jeg et støtteapparat for forskerne og mine arbeidsoppgaver er hovedsakelig knyttet til økonomistyring av de ulike prosjektene. For øyeblikket går mye av tiden til årets NFR søknader.

Hvorfor liker du å jobbe på K2?      

Først og fremst skyldes det et godt arbeidsmiljø der alle har tatt meg godt imot og bidrar til gruppedynamikken. Jeg har fått et bilde av at på K2 prioriteres arbeidsmiljøet og vi er flinke til å samles og bli kjent på et mer personlig nivå. I tillegg til dette er det givende å kunne støtte forskerne som har en så samfunnskritisk rolle.


CCBIO Annual Symposium May 10-11 at Solstrand Hotel

CCBIO has the pleasure of inviting you to the 10th CCBIO Annual Symposium May 10-11 at Solstrand Hotel close to Bergen.


The symposium is open for all, so please feel free to circulate this invitation.

The 2021 symposium was a success with more than 300 participants, and we expect the 2022 symposium to be even better. This year you can choose between attending online for scientific updates, or in-person at Hotel Solstrand in order to also enjoy the company of all the other researchers, and the informal and mutually fertilizing scientific crosstalk in the breaks and the evening.  We expect the symposium to become fully subscribed, and strongly recommend you to register early. Deadline is April 13.

Read more here!

We have secured a range of international speakers, among them Marta Bertolaso, Go van Dam, Christine Desmedt, Silvio Gutkind, Olli Kallioniemi, Srinivas Malladi, and Malin Sund. We will also have some local speakers.

Younger researchers will be offered slots for 3 -minute speed-talks as well as two extended poster sessions with ample time for interaction between the participants.

The heavily subsidized registration fee is 2500 NOK/260 Euro per person. In order to enable us to accommodate 200+ participants in the 138 rooms available, we are dependent upon as many as possible sharing rooms (up to four).  So, please indicate if, and with whom, you are willing to share your room when you register online.

For an overview of speakers, registration and the practical information sheet (obligatory reading before asking questions), please consult the links below:

Symposium website:

Registration deadline, April 13:

Practical information:

Valg av medlemmer til universitetsstyret 2022

Det er valg til Universitetsstyret for gruppe B neste uke.

I henhold til universitets- og høyskoleloven skal det hvert år velges representanter for gruppe B ( midlertidig vitenskapelig ansatte i undervisnings- eller forskerstilling) til universitetsstyret. Kandidatene blir valgt for perioden 1.8.2022-31.7.2023. Det skal velges ett medlem og minst to varamedlemmer av og blant de ansatte i gruppe B.

Forslagsfrist1. mars 2022 kl 12.00

Valgperiodemandag 4. til torsdag 7. april 2022. Det elektroniske valglokalet åpner
kl 09:00 mandag og avsluttes kl 12:00 torsdag.

les mer om Kandidatene til universitetsstyret her!


Disputas-Reidun Aarsetøy

Foto/ill.: Hildegunn Aarsetøy


Prøveforelesning:Torsdag 07.April -2022 kl.10.30 
Sted: Aulaen, 2 etg. Sydbygg- Stavanger

Oppgitt emne:  «Coronary angiography following successful resuscitation after cardiac»

Disputas: Torsdag 07. april – 2022 kl. 12.30

Sted:  Aulaen, 2 etg. Sydbygg- Stavanger

Avhandlingens tittel:  “Biomarkers related to outcome in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and in hospitalized patients with clinically suspected acute coronary syndrome”

  1. opponent: Professor Kjetil Sunde, Universitetet i Oslo
  2. opponent: Professor Sigrun Halvorsen, Universitetet i Oslo
  3. medlem av komiteen: Professor Eva Gerdts, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor Alf Inge Larsen.

Åpent for alle interesserte




Project Establisment Support (PES) 2022 for Horizon Europe

Foto/ill.: European Central Bank

The PES2020 scheme is designed to relieve the cost burden related to the preparation of project proposals to HEurope. PES-support related to HEurope applications will only be triggered if the submitted project proposal is formally approved (eligible) by the EU.

For more information regarding the different grants and level of support, please see:

If you have submitted an application that is deemed eligible in 2022, you need to fill in this skjemaker to receive reimbursement of cost related to the application process.

Søknad om PES-midler 2022 K2




Peer review

Peer review guides the journal’s editorial staff in making publication decisions and identifying substandard manuscripts that should not be published. It also provides authors with the opportunity to improve the quality and clarity of their manuscripts. The purpose of peer review is not to demonstrate the reviewer’s proficiency in identifying flaws; negative critiques are not obligated. Reviewers should identify strengths and provide constructive comments to help authors resolve weaknesses in the work.


Because the number of scientific articles published each year continues to grow, the quality of the peer-review process and the quality of the editorial board are cited as primary influences on a journal’s reputation, Journal Impact Factor, and standing in the field. Scientific journals publishing peer-reviewed articles depend heavily on the scientific referees or reviewers who typically volunteer their time and expertise. In addition to fairness in judgment and expertise in the field, reviewers have significant responsibilities toward authors, editors, and readers. Reviewers also have ethical responsibilities, such as confidentiality, be constructive in the critique, have necessary competence, be impartial and hold integrity.

Published biomedical papers may have a direct impact on clinical practice and inform policy. Therefore, it is crucial to have the peer review system and that peer reviewer reports are of the highest quality possible to inform editors’ decision on the fate of the manuscript. It is crucial that we spend time on peer reviews for the journals. As reviewers, will also learn from the process and it is way to stay informed about how the field is moving before the research is in print.

Professor emeritus Jan Erik Nordrehaug at K2 has performed peer reviews for a number of journals in a lifetime including the Norwegian Journal of the Medical Association. For this, he will now have the Journal´s award “The Reviewer of 2021”. The Scientific Director, Siri Lunde Strømme, says “We have benefited greatly from an impressive number of, and always solid, reviews from Nordrehaug over the years, so also in 2021”. Congratulations!!!

Have a nice week-end,





Dear all of you!

Now it has already been more than 3 weeks since we finally got to meet at Solstrand again for our strategy seminar. It was incredibly nice to meet so many of you! I hope that there are more people who thought that it was nice and useful to have the seminar, but feel free to give feedback here (link).

Speaking of meeting people: 17-18 June 2022 it is UiB’s turn to organize the NorDoc conference for PhD candidates from Nordic countries with scientific presentations and debates from leading researchers. The goal is to raise awareness of responsible research and innovation as a strategy for achieving sustainability in health and medical science.

The program is available here: The conference offers PhD candidates not only network opportunities, but also workshops on career development and transferable skills. So, this can be very useful to you!
The registration deadline is 16 April.


Center seminar on hypertension in women

Center for research on heart disease in women:

Center seminar on hypertension in women

Program: Monday 28.03.22 @ 12-13 Professor Eva Gerdts: Hypertension in women. Consultant PhD Grethe Åstrøm Ueland: Autonomous cortisol secretion – a new cause of treatment resistant hypertension in women? Plenary discussion. The seminar will be held in Norwegian


Disputas – Erik Jerome Stene Packer

Erik Packer

Disputas: Onsdag 30. mars 2022 kl. 12.15


Sted: Birkhaugsalen, HUS, Jonas Lies vei 65

Avhandlingens tittel: “Mechanical assist in cardiac arrest: Optimising circulatory support. Experimental Studies”




  1. opponent: Professor Truls Myrmel, UiT Norges arktiske universitet
  2. opponent: Førsteamanuensis, Margaret McEntegart, Universitetet i Glasgow, U.K.
  3. medlem av komiteen: Førsteamanuensis Kristin Greve-Isdahl Mohn, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor emeritus Svein Færestrand.

Zoom: Disputasen stømmes digitalt 

Åpent for alle interesserte

Til enheter med reserverte plasser

Vi viser til informasjon på Ansattsider, UiBhjelp og PåHøyden vedr. iverksetting av styrevedtaket fra høsten 2019 om ny parkeringsordning på UiB.

Dette medfører at alle reserverte plasser for enheter på UiB fjernes fra 01.04.2022(omgjøres til frie plasser for ansatte/studenter) og det innføres betalingsparkering fra 01.06.2022.

Dette gjelder også for de enhetene som har sine reserverte plasser i garasjen i Dokkeveien. Skiltene for reserverte plasser vil bli fjernet suksessivt fom. 01.04.2022 og plassene går automatisk over til å være frie plasser for ansatte/studenter som kan benyttes med parkeringstillatelse i appen AimoPark Norway (krever registrering i UiBs parkeringssystem først).

Reserverte plasser som fortsatt vil finnes på UiBs parkeringsområder er plasser reservert for:

HC (krever HC-tillatelse fra kommunen i tillegg til parkeringstillatelse fra UiB
EL-biler (frie plasser, men avsatt til EL-biler)
MC (områder for motorsykler ol)
Tjenestebiler (med UiBlogo eller riksvåpenet, private biler kan ikke defineres som tjenestebiler)
Servicebiler (håndverkere/leverandører)

Informasjonen vil også bli sendt i ephorte, men vi ber om at berørte ansatte informeres.

Generell info om parkering på UiB

More research for the students!

Foto av Ingvild Festervoll Melien

Many of our students want to learn more about research and an academic career path but find it difficult to get in touch with the faculty’s researchers. These are not necessarily students who are looking for, for example, a summer job/scholarship or PhD scholarship, but simply students who would like to learn more about research and academia.

It is a long-term goal for the faculty to recruit more people with education in medicine, odontology, nutrition, or pharmacy into permanent university positions. We believe this will strengthen both teaching and research in the long term, and that making the faculty’s research activities more accessible to students will contribute to this goal.

We are now looking for researchers at all levels who want to sign up as contact persons for students who want to learn more about research.

Note that there are no promises of further work into the research group, neither from the student’s nor the researcher’s side in this, even if meetings occur.

However, if you choose to participate in this, you must respond to inquiries you may receive from students, and you must be available for meetings with students (for example in the form of conversations, guided tours in the lab, invitation to group seminars).

Your name with contact information (e-mail) and a short description of your research field will be posted in the channels where we usually have contact with the students.

We hope many will contribute to this “student portal for research”.

If you are interested, please send your name, department affiliation and 4-5 easy-to-understand sentences about your field of research to Amra Grudic-Feta (


Bli med på Vestlandets største kunnskapsarena for digital helse

Digital helse-dager er en helt fersk konferanse om helsenæring, digitalisering og innovasjon i helse- og omsorgstjenesten.

Konferansen er 1. og 2. juni i Bergen – og her er tre gode grunner til å delta:


1. Vi bryter siloer og skaper helhetlige digitale løsninger sammen

2. Vi lar pasienter og brukere utfordre oss

3. Vi gir ordet til kommune, sjukehus, akademia og næringsliv, for å se muligheter på tvers

Konferansen arrangeres av HVL, Helse Bergen og Alrek helseklynge. De to konferansene THOM (HVL) og KlinIKT (Helse Bergen), som har blitt arrangert i en årrekke, er slått sammen for å skape en felles arena for samhandling og digital helse.

Les mer om konferansen og meld deg på her

Klikk her for å komme til hjemmesiden

Disputas-Cathrine Horn

Cathrine Horn

Fredag 25. mars 2022 kl. 12.15

Sted: Auditorium 4, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91.


Avhandlingens tittel:  “Role of dietary carbohydrate quality and quantity in visceral obesity reduction. Results from a randomized controlled trial (CARBFUNC)”




  1. opponent: Førsteamanuensis Anne-Marie Aas, Universitetet i Oslo
  2. opponent: Førsteamanuensis Faidon Magkos, Universitetet i København
  3. medlem av komiteen: Førsteamanuensis Eirik Søfteland, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor Francisco Gomez Real.

Åpent for alle interesserte


Visit by the university management

Last week, the university management visited the Faculty of Medicine. On Thursday they were with us at K2. Those who attended were Rector Margareth Hagen, Vice-Rector Pinar Heggernes, Vice-Rector Benedicte Carlsen, Senior Consultant Morgan Reza Rashidi Alangeh, University Director Robert Rastad, Assistant University Director Tore Tungodden and Department Director Kari Fuglseth.

We held the meeting in Glasblokkene with a good view of the many buildings K2 is located on Campus Haukeland and to show the close relationship with the university hospital. There was room for three short professional talks. Professor Eva Gerdts seemed to convince everyone that there is a big difference between women and men in terms of heart disease and that more research is needed to better treat women with heart disease. Researcher Marc Vaudel aroused interest in data showing that the child’s own genes are most important for birth weight and increased risk of diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease later in life. And Professor Eystein Husebye demonstrated the Endopod, a teaching podcast developed by a medical student in his research group.

The university management had wanted to hear our thoughts on opportunities and challenges. Regarding the first, we pointed out the opportunities for research, teaching and innovation in the close relationship with Haukeland University Hospital. We have several centers under planning and have an application for a COE in the finals. We see many opportunities to increase external funding, especially EU funds, and that building a culture on K2 is important. When it comes to challenges, the failing economy is key. We perceive that there is a gradual reduction of K2 by a significant reduction in our basic allocation over the last three years. The cuts hit us especially hard due to our large BOA economy. We perceive this as unfair and demoralizing. We also explained that so far, we have not had any streamlining or improvement of the economy through the introduction of the BOTT systems, centralization of finance and specialists. Both the Rector and the University Director agreed with our description of the situation and that this is of great concern. Various measures were discussed. The university management works intensively with the case through various channels. They want to come back to visit some of our centers to learn more about how they work. These are good signals from the management!

Wishing everyone as good a weekend as possible given the situation in Ukraine. My thoughts go to the Ukrainian people who are having a terrible time now.
