Author Archives: mikre2647

Disputas – Ruben Dyrhovden, 21. August 2023

Lecture Examination: Monday, August 21, 2023, at 10:15 AM

Venue: Auditorium in Armauer Hansen’s House, Haukelandsveien 28
Topic: “Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing – Its Potential in Infection Diagnostics”

Foto/ill.: Jørgen Barth

Dissertation Defense:
Monday, August 21, 2023, at 12:15 PM

Venue: Auditorium in Armauer Hansen’s House, Haukelandsveien 28

Title of the Dissertation: “The Use of 16S rRNA Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing in Diagnostics of Polymicrobial Invasive Infections”

1st Opponent: Professor Niels Nørskov-Lauritsen, Odense University Hospital
2nd Opponent: Associate Professor Hege Vangstein Aamot, Østfold University College
3rd Committee Member: Professor Karl-Henning Kalland, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Emerita Birgitta Åsjø.

Open to all interested parties.

Press release (Norwegian only)

Recently employed – Sabrina Moyo

I’m Sabrina John Moyo and I work on the Fifth floor at Clinical Institute 2 (K2).

From January 2023, I started working as a Researcher, but I worked previously from 2010 to 2014 as a Research Fellow followed up by a post-Doctoral position here at UiB.

My work involves conducting research on various infectious diseases with emphasis on Antimicrobial Resistance, overseeing and supervising our ongoing research projects in developing countries, publications of our research results, writing grant applications and supervising PhD students.

What I like most about my job is the flexibility and the ability of doing a variety of tasks with good collaboration from colleagues.

Foto/ill:. Private

My work involves different things therefore how I spend most of my day at work will depend on the task at that time e.g., writing or reviewing manuscripts for publications, virtual or physical meetings of our research projects with all collaborators, performing or supervising laboratory work when needed as well as applications for ethical approval for our research projects.

I have been enjoying all the years that I have worked at K2. I like my job because first of good colleagues, teamwork and collaboration within the research group which allows us to achieve our goals. And the goals of the institute in general.  Secondly, is positive and safe working environment at K2.

(Norsk) Disputas – Emma Satrell

Prøveforelesning: Fredag 16. – desember 2022 kl. 10.15

Sted: Auditorium, Olavsalen, Haukeland universitetssykehus, Gamle hovedbygg, Jonas Liesvei 71

Oppgitt emne: «Risiko for sykdom hos barn med medfødte misdannelser i lunger og luftveier – behandling og oppfølging fra barneår og inn i voksenlivet.»

Disputas: Fredag 16. – desember 2022 kl. 12.15

Sted: Auditorium, Olavsalen, Haukeland universitetssykehus, Gamle hovedbygg, Jonas Liesvei 71

Avhandlingens tittel: «Alveolar function following extremely preterm birth»

1. opponent: Professor Kim Nielsen, Rigshospitalet, Danmark

2. opponent: Ph.d. Petra Um-Bergstrøm, Karolinska Institutet

3. medlem av komiteen: Førsteamanuensis Marianne Aanerud, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor Valeriya Lyssenko

Åpent for alle interesserte

Dissertation – Ester Anne Kringeland

Trial Lecture:      Tuesday 06. – desember 2022 kl. 10.15
Location:                              Auditorium, Kvinneklinikken, Jonas Liesvei 72
Subject:                «Impact of gender on cardiovascular risk factors and blood pressure -related heart disease»

Ester Anne Kringelands bilde

Dissertation:                     Tuesday 06. – desember 2022 kl. 12.15
Location:                              Auditorium, Kvinneklinikken, Jonas Liesvei 72
Thesis title:      «Sex differences in blood pressure in midlife: associations with risk factors and acute coronary syndromes in the Hordaland Health Studies»

  1. opponent: Professor Annika Rosengren University of Gothenburg, Sweden
  2. opponent: Professor Gianfranco Parati University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
  3. medlem av komiteen: Professor Rune Oskar Bjørneklett, Universitetet i Bergen

Dissertation will be lead by professor Francisco Gomez Real.

Open for everyone
