Author Archives: hbe012

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 3 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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This week’s editorial

Congratulations to Jenny Mjösberg on getting a Starting Grant from the Trond Mohn foundation! Congratulations also to those who received funding from Helse Vest!

Since we have many projects dealing with patient material and personal information, we want to say some words about RETTE:

What is RETTE and why another system? UiB has established the RETTE system in order to comply with GDPR and ensure that we follow existing legislation. REK has made it clear that even though they approve a project it does not mean that all aspects of GDPR are covered. RETTE is thus a supplement and a tool for internal control.

What is positive is that RETTE automatically transfers projects approved by REK. Several of you have probably received an email stating that you have one or several projects in RETTE. When you log in the system ( you can fill inn additional information about the project and answer certain questions before you confirm the project. This is the project leaders’ responsibility. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Finally we would like to remind you about the archive and open access to scientific articles in Cristin.

Silke and Amra

Final for the former Study Program of Internal Medicine

The former study program for education of medical students in internal medicine ended last month. A former dean at the Faculty of Medicine, now professor emeritus Per Omvik, constructed the program 20 years ago.

The program has been very successful, including strong focus on the patients, who have been involved in the many clinical lectures and demonstrations.

Education at collaborating hospitals in Førde, Haugesund and Stavanger, and at Haraldsplass Diakonale sykehus have been very popular.

Stud med Kristina Fyllingen has had a newborn child and therefore had her right to later exams. Thus she has ended the study program last month with brilliant results in written and practical exams. Kristina looks very much forward to use all her knowledge in her compulsory practice period at Stokmarknes sjukehus in North Norway. Good luck Kristina!

Dr. Johan Fredrik Kayser has been sensor for examinations in internal medicine for 29 years, and he will continue in the new program. It is of very great value to have such an experienced physician and sensor in our study programs. Thank you very much!

Senior consultant Janicke Bjørke has done a marvellous job to organize the study program and the exams from 1996. Thank you very much!

Very much thanks also to more than 100 lecturers, examiners, sensor Rajendiran Kada and all the other health care workers who has contributed so much to make the program a real success in education of more than 3000 new physicians.

Finally, thank you very much for the opportunity and the great pleasure to work with all the students and with Janicke!

Alfred Halstensen
Professor emeritus
Responsible for education of internal medicine (old program)


(Norwegian) Hjelp oss med å utdanne flinke leger i Bergen!

Som dere kanskje har fått med dere arrangerer K2 OSKE på torsdag 12. desember.

I den forbindelse har vi behov for noen ekstra frivillige eksamenspasienter. Kanskje kjenner du noen som kan delta på kort varsel, for eksempel din onkel, din mor eller et voksent barn.

Kanskje har du mulighet til å delta selv?

Hva vil si å være frivillig eksamenspasient?

Eksamen går av stabelen på dagtid i BB bygget på Haukeland. Du må være til stede fra ca. 07.30-ca kl. 16.30.

Du blir registrert inn og får tildelt stasjon ved oppmøte. Du blir på stasjonen gjennom hele eksamensøkten. Det vil bli noen korte pauser hvor det er anledning til toalettbesøk og til å strekke på seg.

Det blir servert lunsj halvveis. Frivillige, som ikke er tilknytte UiB eller K2, får et «bygavekort» på 1000 kroner. Kortet kan benyttes på mer enn 300 steder i hele Bergen sentrum. Personer med formell tilknytning til UIB eller K2 vil ikke få gavekort.

Det er viktig at du er kledd i komfortable klær som er lette å ta av og på, for eksempel treningsbukse, t-skjorte/genser, truse av «shorts-typen» og BH. Du må være kledd slik at det er mulig å lytte på hjertet og lunger, kjenne på magen, måle blodtrykk osv. Det blir ikke gjort intime undersøkelser.

Synes du dette kan være spennende? Vennligst fyll ut dette skjemaet.

Har du spørsmål? Send en mail til

Kort om OSKE
OSKE 12. desember 2019 er for legestudenter som er på avsluttende del av legestudiet. Eksamen er ment å teste medisinske kunnskaper og kliniske ferdigheter. Som frivillig eksamenspasient forholder du deg til sensor, som har ansvar for stasjonen du tildeles. Sammen med sensor går du gjennom oppgaven og svarene du skal gi.

Det vil si at du som pasient ikke skal snakke om en eventuell egen sykdom, men følge instruks du får utdelt og i noen tilfeller svare på direkte spørsmål fra studenten. Studentene skal utføre prosedyrene riktig og utføre alle elementer de har lært for den aktuelle undersøkelse.

Du kan ikke informere andre om medisinske eller personlige forhold du blir kjent med under eksamen og som gjelder den enkelte legestudent sin prestasjon og person. Har du med deg mobiltelefon eller andre lignende digitale enheter, må de være avslått i løpet av den tiden eksamen foregår.

Oske stasjon måling av blodtrykk Foto/ill.: Ingrid Hagerup Opphavsrett: Ingrid Hagerup


Legatet har estimert utdelingsbeløp i 2020 på kr 50.000,-.

Legatets formål er å fremme den medisinsk-vitenskapelige forskning av hjerte- og karsykdommer. Legatet kan også anvendes til forskning eller studier av andre sykdommer, eksempelvis kreft og reumatiske lidelser.

Alle ansatte i hel- og delstillinger, ph.d.- og postdoktorkandidater ved UiB kan søke om midler til vitenskapelige reiser og driftsmidler. Også de som er ansatt ved UiB i en bistilling kan søke. Budsjett skal sendes inn som en del av søknaden, og presist formulerte søknader prioriteres.

Søknader sendes her

Søknadsfrist 2019: 20.12.19


Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 14 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

Continue reading

Tighter economy in 2020

In recent years, K2 has had a relatively good economy. This has given us the opportunity to various strategic initiatives, e.g. in bioinformatics, public health studies, nutrition and genomics. The budget for 2020 that the University of Bergen will give to the Faculty of Medicine means a tighter economy for K2. An increase of 8 million NOK is provided as profit growth and a 3% increase as compensation for the price and wage increase. The downside is that UiB deducts 1% in a so-called strategy cut. These funds will be used by UiB to build up a fund that they wish to use for strategic initiatives. 0.5% is also deducted in a efficiency cut. But what really affects the economy is that the rent for our spaces increases by 5.1%. Furthermore, the Faculty loses 7 recruitment positions.

The Faculty is unable to cover all these cuts, so the departments must take some of these, including K2. The employees had a solid increase in salaries in 2019, but UiB’s compensation for the price and wage increases only covers approx. 1/3 of this. K2 must in 2020 therefore financially be more cautious. We have decided that K2 will in 2020 not repeat the K2 Retreat for everyone, but rather focus on a Strategy Seminar for the research group leaders, platform leaders and education leaders as well as an HMS Day for all employees as before. We must also freeze some positions. K2 aims to be in budget balance to have a healthy economy and not be in arrears. It gives us a momentum even if the economy gets tighter.

K2 is the faculty’s largest department and one of the largest at UiB. We perform research, teaching, innovation and communication at the very top of the university sector in Norway. We have reason to be proud of ourselves and what we do!

Have a great weekend!

Travel expenses in 2019

Travel expenses for travels made in 2019 needs to be reported within the financial year. It is therefore important that you submit travel expenses as soon as possible.

The deadline for registration of travel expenses in the HR portal / PAGA is Monday 16 December.

In order to secure at swift and correct processing, we remind you to:
-attach all required receipts
-let us know for witch project/annum that you want to charge the expenses

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 9 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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Genetically modified organisms (GMO)

K2 has appointed Professor Audun Nerland as GMO responsible at the institute. Background and work instructions are as follows:

In spring 2013, K2 was notified of an inspection by the Directorate of Health (HOD) regarding work in the laboratories with genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The K2 management hence asked Professor Audun Nerland for help because he had worked on such matters at the former Gades institute and the Institute of Marine Research. The inspection resulted in both K2 and the Faculty being instructed to give training to their staff working on GMO.

Because of this, Nerland organized an internal course for staff at both the Faculty and Haukeland University Hospital. He later took the initiative to create and teach at a new university course (HUMGEN302) for students and fellows on regulations for working with GMOs.

The Gene Technology Act instructs us:
– that the laboratories are approved according to the risk level of GMO work
– that a notification / application is submitted about the work, which includes a risk assessment (project application); For work in risk classes 3 and 4, there must also be an impact assessment of what can happen if the relevant GMO is accidentally released into the environment
– that protocols for the work are written properly
– that the staff involved in the work receive thorough training
– that waste management and transport of GMOs are carried out in accordance with the regulations
– that there is a contingency plan in case the GMO unintentionally releases into the environment

It is important to have good procedures for GMO work in the laboratories in the event of an accident. We must expect new inspections from the Directorate of Health. Furthermore, there are frequent questions from both staff at K2 and other institutes about how applications should be designed and work routines / safety when it comes to working with GMOs, and there is a need or representation in various committees and resource groups. Therefore, I have found it necessary to have someone who is formally GMO responsible at K2.

The GMO responsible at K2 shall:
1. Advise those who are going to write applications / reports on working with GMOs (project applications).
2. Coordinate applications for approval of laboratories for work with GMOs.
3. Make sure we have an up-to-date database of applications / approvals for laboratories and projects.
4. Conduct inspections to ensure that the laboratories are organized in accordance with the regulations and that work is carried out satisfactorily.
5. Provide training as required by law, eg. through an e-learning course
6. Together with the HMS Manager, make sure that the “Guidelines for working with GMOs” is updated.
7. Establish a local GMO risk assessment committee.
8. Prepare an overall contingency plan in case of accidental release of GMOs.
9. Be in contact regarding GMO issues with the Faculty / UiB / Directorate of Health / Ministries.
10. Create a website for information and help with applications etc.

Thank you to Audun for his good work so far and for taking on this important task.

Have a great weekend!

The Annual Research Presentations by the Research School in Clinical Medicine

Dear Researchers from the Department of Clinical Medicine (K1), Department of Clinical Science (K2) and Helse-Bergen. You are hereby invited to present your work to fellow researchers and the general audience at the 14th Annual Research Presentations arranged by the Research School in Clinical Medicine 22rd-24th January 2020.

If you have presented a poster or had an oral presentation at a scientific meeting or a conference in 2019, you are welcome to present your work at our conference. You can submit one contribution – either a poster or an oral presentation.

Poster presentation:

  •   Each poster presenter give a short presentation of the poster to a scientific committee (around 3 minutes including questions from the committee).
  •   Posters should be submitted as PDF files. Please check the quality thoroughly before you submit your poster. We will print out the posters on a poster banner.

Oral presentations:

  •  10 minutes for each oral presentation + 5 minutes for discussion.
  •  Please send us your PowerPoint presentation/PDF through e-mail before the event.
  • Oral presentations held at meetings in 2019 can be presented in their original form, but given that the audience will be a general medical one, it may be wise to include some additional background information.
  • Note: Due to time limitations, there will be a limit of 20 oral presentations. Only the first 20 to submit their oral presentations will be able to participate. H

A scientific committee appointed by the Research School will evaluate all presentations held by PhD students and postdocs/researchers. Prizes will be awarded to the best posters/presentations.

Fill out the submission form here.

If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us through this e-mail.

Deadline for submission: 1st of December 2019.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 3 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

Continue reading

World Diabetes Day November 14

I am writing this editorial on the World Diabetes Day. This is the world’s largest diabetes awareness campaign reaching a global audience of over 1 billion people in more than 160 countries. The campaign draws attention to issues of paramount importance to the diabetes world and keeps diabetes firmly in the public and political spotlight. It is marked every year on 14 November, the birthday of Sir Frederick Banting, who was one of the discoverers of insulin in 1922.

World Diabetes Day was created in 1991 by International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization in response to growing concerns about the escalating health threat posed by diabetes. World Diabetes Day became an official United Nations Day in 2006 with the passage of United Nation Resolution 61/225.

The World Diabetes Day campaign aims to be the platform to promote by International Diabetes Federation advocacy efforts throughout the year, and to be the global driver to promote the importance of taking coordinated and concerted actions to confront diabetes as a critical global health issue.

The campaign is represented by a blue circle logo that was adopted in 2007 after the passage of the UN Resolution on diabetes. The blue circle is the global symbol for diabetes awareness. It signifies the unity of the global diabetes community in response to the diabetes epidemic.

Every year, World Diabetes Day has a specific theme which runs over one or multiple years. The theme for World Diabetes Day 2018-19 is Family and Diabetes.

Several initiatives are also happening in Norway. One is to put emphasis on diabetes research. The Diabetes Association has a long tradition of distributing research funding to a wide range of diabetes research through the Diabetes Association Research Fund. The Diabetes Association’s Research Award was for the first time awarded in 2017, and aims to stimulate more Norwegian diabetes research. The award committee consists of recognized Nordic researchers.

Simon Dankel and I were invited as previous prize winners (Simon won the Research Award for Young Researchers in 2018, I the senior Research Award in 2017) at the award ceremony at the University of Oslo’s Aula and following dinner at Hotel Bristol. Professor Kåre Birkeland at the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital received the Diabetes Association’s Research Award, for his efforts to improve the treatment of type 2 diabetes and to understand the underlying mechanisms of the disease. Postdoctoral candidate Christine Sommer, who won the Research Award for Younger Researchers, has excelled in Norway and internationally for her research on gestational diabetes.

A very special honor was awarded to Professor Emeritus Kristian Folkvord Hanssen at the University of Oslo receiving the King’s Fortjenestemedalje for his long efforts to better treatment of diabetes. Of extra relevance to us here in Bergen is that his grandfather was Olav Hanssen, a former famous physician and researcher at Haukeland University Hospital. Congratulations to the three winners!!!

Enjoy the week end!


We are launching the service portal UiBhjelp

From November 11th you will find UiBhjelp on UiBhjelp is a self-service portal for employees and students at UiB.

UiBhjelp gives you as a user one way in, whether you need information about our services, need to report a computer problem, need to order something or you are looking for updated PowerPoint templates.

What happens on November 11th?

  • UiBhjelp replaces Issue-tracker as of November 11th
  • Issue-tracker will not shut down, but you may no longer register new issues here
  • As of November 11th you must use UiBhjelp to register your issue or request
  • If you have issues registered before November 11th, these will be resolved in Issue-tracker

UiBhjelp will not be complete when it is launched. You will find some information and services, and UiBhjelp will be supplied with more content and functionality as it comes into use.

To make UiBhjelp as user friendly as possible, we need your help. We hope you will contribute with your feedback and suggestions to how UiBhjelp may become better. You may do this in UiBhjelp or by participating in the open team UiBhjelp og Felles servicesenter (Microsoft Teams).

Do you want to know more?

Please go to the web pages of Prosjekt Tjenesteutvikling.

Prosjekt Tjenesteutvikling

(Norwegian) Ny kontaktinformasjon for Kortsenteret, Eiendomsavdelingen fra 11.november 2019

Som en del av ny felles tjenesteportal (UiBhjelp) og en vei inn til sentraladministrasjonen vil Kortsenteret være operative i UiBhjelp ( fra 11.november.

Alle henvendelser fra kortansvarlige, ansatte og studenter til Kortsenteret som f.eks. gjelder adgangskort, tilgang til bygg, åpning/lukking av dører mm. skal fra samme dato skje via UiBhjelp. Kortsenteret vil behandle og besvare alle henvendelser via UiBhjelp.

Foreløpig er det kun påloggende brukere (ansatte og studenter) som kan benytte UiBhjelp.

Diverse skjema som tidligere har lagt på ansattsidene er nå overført til UiBhjelp. Bla. bestilling av adgangskort for ansatte. Det vil bli opprettet egne skjema for bestilling av endrede åpningstider, bestilling av endrede tilganger for ansatte og studenter mm.
Det som gjelder adgangskort og tilgang til bygg finner dere informasjon om under menyene (kalles flisene) «Campus» og «Bestille noe».

Henvendelser på mail vil kun bli besvart med en henvisning til å legge saken inn i UiBhjelp.
Det er kun henvendelser fra eksterne som vil bli besvart per mail inntil disse også kan håndteres via UiBhjelp.

Kunnskapsdatabasen på UiBhjelp er under oppbygging. Informasjon, samt spørsmål/svar vedr. Kortsenterets ansvarsområder er lagt ut. Men vi håper ansatte og studenter vil bidra til å gjøre denne enda bedre ved å gi tilbakemeldinger via UiBhjelp på informasjon dere savner, som må korrigeres, som må tydeliggjøres etc.
Bruk muligheten for å gi tilbakemelding som ligger nederst på hvert kunnskapskort (informasjonsside med spørsmål/svar).

Vi ser fram til å fortsatt yte god service for våre brukere i et nytt, felles system ved UiB.

Vennlig hilsen

Seminar series centre for nutrition, Wednesday 20th November

The Centre for Nutrition at UiB invites to a new seminar in the series of lectures on nutrition. The series addresses key challenges in nutrition and health.

Time: Wednesday November 20th  at 14.30-15.30

Venue: Auditorium 4, BB Building, Jonas Lies vei 91

Obesity and cancer

Speaker: Nils Halberg

Moderator: Simon E. Nitter Dankel

Dr. Halberg completed his graduate studies at the University of Copenhagen in 2009. Working in the laboratory of Dr. Philipp Scherer at the UT Southwestern Medical Center he studied the functional role of hypoxia and fibrosis in obese white adipose tissue. He did postdoctoral work in the laboratory of Dr. Sohail Tavazoie at the Rockefeller University studying the mechanisms of metastatic secretory programs in breast cancer. In 2015, he moved to the University of Bergen to start his academic laboratory in the Department of Biomedicine. His laboratory seeks to better our understanding of the mechanistic connection between obesity and cancer.

Obesity and overweight is consistently linked to tumor initiation and progression across 13 tumors types. This currently rank obesity as the second leading preventable cause of cancer right behind smoking. Although the epidemiological evidence is overwhelming the cellular mechanisms behind the link between obesity and cancer has been elusive. We propose a model wherein cancer cell adaptation to an obese environment leads to a cell differentiation towards a cancer stem cell phenotype through chromatin remodeling.

There will be light refreshments.


The 56th Winter Contact meeting of the Norwegian Biochemical Society (NBS)

Dear all,
Winter Is Coming!
…and with it, the 56th Winter Contact meeting of the Norwegian
Biochemical Society (NBS).
For the first time, it will take place at the Park Hotel Vossevangen in
Voss, from January 23rd to 26th, 2020.
Registration and Abstract submission are now OPEN. We provide reduced
prices for Master and PhD students. All prices include registration fee,
hotel room and all meals – including the banquet dinner.
The board of the NBS Bergen branch is organizing the meeting and we are
happy to present a program with highly recognized international
speakers, including the EMBO Keynote lecture that will open the meeting.
Poster sessions and parallel mini symposia will cover all areas of
biological, biochemical, biomedical and bioinformatical research. These
provide opportunities to present your exciting new results, projects or
infrastructures of national interest.
The Annual Contact Meeting is a great opportunity to meet your
colleagues, network, share and present your data, and get inspired for
the next decisive experiment. There will also be the possibility for
skiing and using the brand new Voss Gondol :).

You find more information in the attached flyer and on the homepage.

See you all in Voss!
Best regards
The organizing committee, NBS Bergen

Public defense – Irene Valakerw

Irene Valakerw will defend her PhD thesis on Friday 29th November 2019

Trial lecture: Friday 29th November 2019 at 10.15.
Topic: «Mixed methods» eller «multi methods»? Definisjon, design og bruksområder
Place: Auditorium 4, BB-bygget, Jonas Liesvei 91

Public defense: Friday 29th November 2019 at 12.15.
Title of dissertation«Continuity of care across care levels in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention»
Place: Auditorium 4, BB-bygget, Jonas Liesvei 91

1st opponent: Førsteamanuensis Torstein Hole, NTNU
2nd opponent: Førsteamanuensis Edith L. Roth Gjevjon, Lovisenberg Diakonale Høgskole
3rd member of the comittee: Førsteamanuensis II Venny Lise Kvalheim, Universitetet i Bergen

The defense will be led by Professor emeritus Ernst Omenaas.

PhD defense – Ronja Kristine Hoddø Hesthammer

Ronja Kristine Hoddø Hesthammer will defend her PhD thesis on Friday 22nd November 2019

Trial lecture: Friday 22nd November 2019 at 10.30.
Topic: “Pathophysiology and complications in decompression sickness: aspects of saturation diving in human”
Place: Auditorium, AHH, Haukelandsveien 28

Public defense: Friday 22nd November 2019 at 12.30.
Title of dissertation: “Tetrahydrobiopterin and nitric oxide synthesis after exposure to hyperoxia and simulated diving. An experimental study in human endothelial cells and healthy humans”
Place: Auditorium, AHH, Haukelandsveien 28

1st opponent: Professor Thomas Nyström, Karolinska Institutet, Sverige
2nd opponent: Ph.d. Andreas Møllerløkken, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
3rd member of the comittee: Professor Linda Elin Birkhaug Stuhr, Universitetet i Bergen

The defense will be led by Professor Ketil Grong.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 14 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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