Author Archives: ene057

Keep track of the equipment

Eystein 2Good, modern equipment is important to keep us in the forefront of research and for us to be able to use the latest techniques to test hypotheses. Limited funding means equipment purchases must be prioritized. At K2, we have tried to make the utilization of these funds better partly by making a complete overview of the major items of equipment at the institute, and partly by introducing a more standardized reporting of equipment needs. That way, equipment that may have many users could be prioritized. Meanwhile, one can avoid unnecessary equipment purchases if similar equipment already exists in the department or the faculty.

If equipment gets broken, it’s a long process to replace it. The actual tendering process takes its time, but often it is more difficult to find funding quickly. One solution is that the department has a reserve fund from which one could “borrow” to quickly replace essential equipment. K2 will work to find a solution like this.

Good equipment utilization requires discipline and cooperation. Those who “own” the device must be willing to share equipment, and those who borrow equipment must show responsibility by learning how to handle the equipment correctly, use the logbook, and if necessary use from their own funds if upgrade and repair is required.

Equipment wishes can be reported continuously and will be processed in the extended management team.

I wish you all a nice weekend.

Eystein Husebye

New organization of K2

Per BakkeThis Tuesday the Institute Council approved a new organization for K2. The old organization of K2 had one axis for teaching, divided into 8 areas and one axis for research, divided in 21 research groups. The purpose of this division was to ensure teaching would be equated with research. The eight managers with responsibility for education have constituted the extended management team at K2.

A disadvantage of this arrangement is that it has been 8 + 21 groups, a total of 29 groups who reported directly to the department management. The control span for the K2 head was large. In addition there was an artificial distinction between research and teaching with two separate axes. In reality, it is the researchers who teach.

It has therefore been desirable to have a new organization of K2 with a smaller span of control for the management, and with research and teaching seen as a whole. In the new curriculum in medicine there will be semester boards that are responsible for the education in each semester. These semester boards will overlap with the function of today’s education managers.

In the new organization of K2, the current education managers will be abandoned. 7 of the 21 research group leaders will constitute the extended management team. The advantage of the new organization is that it is simpler, the department management will have a more manageable span of control and the differentiation between teaching and research is reduced.

I will take this opportunity to thank the education managers for the job they have done. The new organization is not to express dissatisfaction with their efforts, but is the result of experience with the old model and not least that semester boards will be established in the new curriculum for medicine.


Sign up for fire protection training!

All employees at UiB have to participate in fire protection training,
theory and practice. This is which is enshrined in the fire law and in fire safety regulations.
UiB organizes a course that goes over 2 hours, 1 hour theory and 1 hour practical training.
For more information see here.

Sign up by contacting  Irene Hjelmaas (Phone:+47 55 58 88 46).

Alumnus Day September 12

Get professional input on Alumnus Day

Selfies, sleep, overcrowding, earthquakes, cancer research, game violence and the Supreme Court. On Alumnus Day September 12th there will be lectures from some of the best communicators at UiB, and the themes are many and varied. It’s alle happening at the Student Centre from 12 pm.

See here for program and registration (in Norwegian).

“I’m allergic to everything that is called mandatory!”

Jone Trovik, portrett til disputasThis statement came from an otherwise sober-minded fellow professor when I discussed the impending EUU seminar (or teaching days for academic staff at K1 and K2). The wording in K2Nytt 34 was: “The teaching days are mandatory for teachers in main positions.”

Research (gaining new knowledge) is of course highly rated in our university environment and merits are measured with publication points, annual PhD degrees and research awards. But knowledge must be communicated (taught) and the university as the highest level educational institution has a particular responsibility to provide updated scientific but also educational excellence in teaching! We know that we value expertise, but what about teaching methods? Have we (you …) something to learn?

On the first day (October 1st PM 9-12) of the upcoming seminar (program, registration), a review of the new curriculum for medicine is presented. The first group of students has already started this fall and early on they will attend clinical department rounds, so we will meet them soon. The teaching program will be redistributed within and between semesters, what does that mean for your teaching? Clinical procedures / skills training, how do we train and evaluate this? Decentralized teaching (at Haugesund, Førde and SUS), who is responsible for what?

Today’s students are technological competent and continuously online. Can we utilize that to improve our teaching? On the second day (October 14th) the three other universities will present their experience with E-learning. Canvas is the new E-learning system to be used at UiB and Inspera is our new digital examination platform.

To counter allergia obligatoria, we end with this reformulated call to all with teaching commitments: COME AND BE INSPIRED!

Jone Trovik

Call for Abstracts for 1:st International Conference on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics, Pattaya, Thailand, January 24-26, 2016

Dear Colleague,

On behalf of the ICPB2016 organizing committee we would like to invite you to submit an Abstract for Oral or Poster Presentation at the 1:st International Conference on Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics to be held in Pattaya, Thailand, during January 24-26, 2016. Continue reading