Is it possible to take control even in spreading of difficult cases in the media? And what about “boiling” comment fields where one may even experience threats? The Communications Department invites to a new #uibfrokost for researchers and other interested UiB employees, Tuesday 29 September at Sydneshaugen School (Auditorium A). The academic program lasts from 8:30 to 9:45, the doors open for light breakfast from 08:00. Registration by Thursday 24 September. Speakers are PhD candidate in medicine Kristin Greve-Isdahl Mohn, professor of anthropology Christine Jacobsen and Section Leader at the Communications Department, Margareth Barndon. More information and registration form:
Contact for the meeting: Gro Malnes Øvrebø, The Communications Department
Invitation: Difficult cases in the media – Breakfast meeting on 29 September
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