Foto av Ingvild Festervoll Melien
Many of our students want to learn more about research and an academic career path but find it difficult to get in touch with the faculty’s researchers. These are not necessarily students who are looking for, for example, a summer job/scholarship or PhD scholarship, but simply students who would like to learn more about research and academia.
It is a long-term goal for the faculty to recruit more people with education in medicine, odontology, nutrition, or pharmacy into permanent university positions. We believe this will strengthen both teaching and research in the long term, and that making the faculty’s research activities more accessible to students will contribute to this goal.
We are now looking for researchers at all levels who want to sign up as contact persons for students who want to learn more about research.
Note that there are no promises of further work into the research group, neither from the student’s nor the researcher’s side in this, even if meetings occur.
However, if you choose to participate in this, you must respond to inquiries you may receive from students, and you must be available for meetings with students (for example in the form of conversations, guided tours in the lab, invitation to group seminars).
Your name with contact information (e-mail) and a short description of your research field will be posted in the channels where we usually have contact with the students.
We hope many will contribute to this “student portal for research”.
If you are interested, please send your name, department affiliation and 4-5 easy-to-understand sentences about your field of research to Amra Grudic-Feta (Amra.Grudic@uib.no)