Daily Archives: Friday March 13th, 2020

The corona virus epidemic: K2 closes, but does not stop

Dear all employees at the Department of Clinical Science

We are experiencing a dramatic time with no parallel in Norway at peace. But we have to deal with this. We have over 350 employees with large resources in many different ways. Now it is important to use these in a good and constructive way. This is going to cost; it is changing daily life for all of us. But I already notice that you are taking this in a positive way. Thank you so much! Although most of us do not need to worry about the infection itself, it can mean a long illness and even death for old people and those with serious chronic illnesses. And if the hospitals are unable to maintain the basic staffing, it will hit everyone anyway. Henceforth, we must faithfully follow all the advice and orders of the authorities to prevent and prevent the spread of infection. Here are some clarifications and practicalities for K2:

K2 is physically closed
As you are informed by email from Pro-Rector Margareth Hagen and Dean Per Bakke, the entire university is physically closed from yesterday at 18. All activities on campus will be stopped as soon as possible and at the latest during the weekend. With few exceptions, no one should come to work. All activity must now be done digitally. For those premises that have the Helse Bergen IDs card as an access cards, these will function as before. It is possible that doors operated by UiB’s ID cards will be closed to those who cannot access by exception. This is unclear at the time of writing.

What about equipment and special laboratory experiments?
There are certain exceptions when it comes to people who need to inspect or repair instruments as well as special laboratory tests. I have delegated to the research group leaders, that today they will decide which people and what trials will be involved in stopping the trials over the weekend, which persons and trials must continue to be of special importance in terms of scientific and financial importance , and what equipment and people are needed to inspect and if necessary repairing important instruments in the labs, as well as making a list of these issues.

How is Management reached?
The Management has from now on home office, but Julie Stavnes, Eystein Husebye and I will physically be able to get into the buildings in emergency situations. Use mail or phone to reach us.

What are the Management´s phone numbers?
Pål R. Njølstad 481 41 578
Julie Stavnes 995 91 846
Eystein Husebye 994 04 788
Silk Apple 410 80 067
Jone Trovik 924 25 171
Emmet McCormack 482 03 610

What about economy and staff functions?
These should be taken care of as far as possible through a home office.

How do we do it with signatures from the Head of Department?
Signature documents must be sent to me or Eystein in electronic format. If something is urgent, make sure we are available via sms.

As communicated before, this must be done digitally, and here you have to be creative. It is referred to previous mails from the Faculty and K2.

How can I set up Skype or video conferencing from home?
For help setting up Skype or video conferencing from home, see https://it.uib.no/Skrivebord.uib.no

Who is the contact person for equipment?
This is Eystein Husebye

It will be a different weekend and time ahead of us. Take good care of each other.


Incubator Building

The work on the Incubator building has now started, and since the building is so close to the Laboratory building, this has some consequences for those who have their workplace there. Among other things, the door on the 8th floor is closed and the parking spaces have been moved, in addition  it might be expected some noise for those who are situated close to the construction site.

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Norwegian: Koronavirus: tiltak i ph.d.-programmet

I forbindelse med det pågående virusutbruddet, ser vi at også ph.d.-utdanningen vil bli
rammet på ulike måter. Det medisinske fakultet har mange ph.d.-kandidater som berøres
enten ved at de skal disputere i vår eller ved at de skulle reist på ulike større kurs eller
konferanser som nå avlyses eller utsettes.

K2 har satt siste frist for innlevering av disputaser til 30.mars for disputaser som ønskes gjennomført før sommeren 2020.

Har du allerede en foreløpig dato så ta kontakt med instituttet ved Irene Hjelmaas slik at instituttet er informert om at innlevering kommer.

–  Skal inntil videre gå som planlagt på følgende måte:
– Gjennomføres med 1 . og 2. opponenten på skype med 3. opponent, Custos og doktorand fysisk tilstede.
– Publikum følger disputas digitalt

Norwegian: Hovedoppgaver til medisinstudiet

Det er tid for at fakultetet igjen må etterspørre hovedoppgaver til medisinstudiet. Mer informasjon finner du her: hovedoppgaveveiledere i medisinstudiet . Innmelding av hovedoppgaver fylles ut av oppgaveveileder her.

Fristen for innmelding er 20. mars.

Vi gjør dog oppmerksom på at veiledere også har anledning til å sende inn oppgaveforslag kontinuerlig hele tiden, og disse vil straks gjøres tilgjengelig for studenter. Men da nå et helt kull (kull 17) er på jakt etter oppgaveprosjekter denne våren, håper vi å få inn en del forslag til nye hovedoppgaver nå.

Norwegian: Utlysning av intensivmidler for utdanning 2020

Universitetet i Bergen lyser ut til sammen 2,1 millioner kroner i søkbare insentivmidler for kvalitetshevende tiltak i utdanningene. Utlysningsteksten finner du her: Intensivmidler. Retningslinjene finner du her: Retningslinjer insentivmidler oppdaterte i januar 2020 og søknadsskjema finner du her: Søknadsskjema insentivmidler. Søknadsfrist: 3. april.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 6 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Oda Barth Vedøy.

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