Daily Archives: Friday March 1st, 2019

This week’s editorial

Considering most people are on winter vacation, I will try to keep this short and sweet. In September last year I communicated anticipated changes in the research council of Norway, funding application system including; changing the organization of calls, templates, evaluation process, dates, etc. and this has affected particularly the FORNY program.

The Research Council has announced commercialization funding for milestone projects aimed at completing the next, most critical milestone phase to clarify key questions essential for determining which course to pursue. This call is targeted towards proposals for new projects that have not previously been awarded commercialization funding from the Research Council. This call for proposals is part of a collaborative effort between the BIOTEK2021, NANO2021, IKTPLUSS, Transport 2025, MAROFF, BIONÆR, SAMANSVAR and FORNY2020 programs.

The closing date for submission of applications for this call is 5 April 2019. A new call for proposals will be available in May.  The projects may apply for funding of between 200.000 – 500. 000 NOK each with project duration of 3 – 12 months. The final decisions on allocations for milestone projects will be announced as soon as possible and by at the latest three months after the application was submitted (Applications will be assessed by the FORNY programme administration).

If you feel that April 5this too soon, the RCN has also published that it will have new commercialization project funding in the Autumn with deadline of 25thSeptember. Lykke til!

(Norwegian) Impact Challenge Innovasjonsprogram

Våren 2019 vil Impact Challenge programmet samle representanter fra ulike kunnskapsmiljøer, brukere, pårørende, studenter, akademikere, arbeidsgivere og ansatte innen helsevesenet for å lete etter løsninger som kan bidra til bedre psykisk helse.

Med innovasjonsmetodikk, forretningsutvikling og designtenkning som verktøy arbeider deltakere frem nye løsninger i samarbeid med dem som kjenner utfordringene aller best. I tre faser vil programmet by på Innsikt, Ideutvikling og Inkubasjon for å forstå utfordringene, lete etter mulige løsninger og se om de beste løsningene lar seg realisere.

Datoene for programmet er:

Del 1 – Innsikt
28. Mars: Dypdykk 1: Ungdom og utdanning
28. April: Dypdykk 2: Individ og samfunn
28. April: Dypdykk 3: Arbeidstaker og bedrift

Del 2 – Ideutvikling
9. Mai: Tenkemiddag med levende bibliotek
24-26 Mai: Innovasjonscamp

Del 3 – Inkubasjon

Interessert? Meld deg på her.



BRuSH kick-off seminar Analyses of the human microbiome; challenges and opportunities

Date and time: 15th of March 2019 09:30-14:00.

The seminar is open for everyone; no registration or registration fee.

Venue: Auditorium BUS1 (room 1106), Barne- og ungdomsjukehuset, Haukeland University Hospital, Haukelandsbakken 15, 5009 Bergen

Chair: Randi J Bertelsen, UiB

09:30 ANCOM and other biostatistical methods for analyzing microbiome data (35+5)
Professor Shyamal Peddada (University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA, USA)
10:10 From operational taxonomic units to amplicon sequence variants: experiences with new methods for clustering 16S rRNA amplicon sequences (35+5) Assistant professor Ian Marshall (Aarhus University, Aarhus, DK)
10:50 Reduced metagenome sequencing for strain resolution analyses of the human gut microbiota (20+5) Professor Knut Rudi (Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo, NO)
11:15 Functional analysis and Ig-sequencing to identify disease-associated bacteria (35+5) Professor Susanne Brix (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, DK)
12:00 – 12:45 Break 12:45 Challenges with analyzing low-biomass airway microbiota samples (20+5) Associate professor Rune Nielsen (UiB/HUS, Bergen, NO)
13:10 Infants under double attack; interaction between toxicants and the gut microbiome (20+5) Senior researcher (PhD, MD) Merete Eggesbø (Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, NO)
13:35 And Last but not Least – the Yeast (20+5) PhD-fellow (MD) Kasper Schei (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, NO)






This seminar is part of a project (Acronym: BRuSH) that has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’sHorizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 804199 BRuSH, awarded Randi J Bertelsen (Department of clinical science, University of Bergen, Norway).

(Norwegian) Midler for samarbeidsprosjekter innen Globale samfunnsutfordringer 2019

Globale samfunnsutfordringer har avsatt midler til stimulering av faglig tverrfakultært samarbeid i 2019. Søknadsfrist 25. mars for vårsemesteret og 25. september for høstsemesteret.

Målgruppen for søknad om midler er vitenskapelige ansatte ved Universitetet i Bergen.

Formål for midlene:
Å stimulere til tverrfakultært forskningssamarbeid eller utdannings-samarbeid.


  • Tema skal være en global samfunnsutfordring innen migrasjon, helse eller ulikhet.
  • Minst to fakultet skal delta i arbeidet.
  • Aktiviteten som det bes om midler til må utføres i 2018.
  • Det bevilges midler til møter, seminarer eller reiser som kan fremme tverrfakultære undervisningstiltak eller utvikle nye søknader om forskningsprosjekter.
  • Det kan bevilges fra kr 10 000 til kr 100 000 per søknad.

Søknadsfrist 25 mars for vårsemesteret og 25 september for høstsemesteret.

Søknader kan sendes til Bente E. Moen, Senter for internasjonal helse.

Kontakt: Marit Bakke; Tore Sætersdal; Bente E. Moen.

New names

Hi! My name is Elise Orvedal Leiten. I started as a PhD student in September 2018.
In medical school, I took part in the Medical Student Research Programme, and became involved in the Micro COPD study where I have
investigated the complications and discomfort associated with bronchoscopy.
Now my work is focused on the microbiome of the lung, and its relation to exacerbations of COPD.
I can be contacted at my office in BUS1, or you can email me: elise.leiten@gmail.com

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 3 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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