Daily Archives: Friday October 19th, 2018

OWLS and other “creatures”

Our department contributes a lot within education; Mostly for medicine but also significant contributions of teaching in studies of pharmacy, nutrition, dentistry and also non-medical subjects at the other faculties.

It is difficult to have a proper overview regarding who is responsible for what related to teaching within our departmental structure based mainly on research groups, not the traditional medical specialities/subjects.

The head of our department has therefore set up a working group in which we will try to find a sensible structure to secure a good overview of who is responsible for what regarding our educational responsibilities. Who holds the overview of which teaching resources are available? When a teacher becomes ill; where are persons with the right skills to step in? And when applying for a leave of absence: who should be consulted to know whether the educational responsibilities might be undertaken by other?

IGS (Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care) has an administrative structure of their education recourses in parallel with their research-group structure, where they have teaching/educational group leaders named UGLE (English: OWL) that should hold this overview regarding teaching resources (teachers!) and their responsibility to undertake defined teaching tasks. We are now working to develop our teaching structure and perhaps define corresponding OWL territories within K2. Each OWL-nest will probably be connected to a research groups, but some of the OWL-nestlings will have to fly a little outside their local territories to perform their teaching associated with other subject areas.

Each OWL must keep an overview of their respective OWL-chicks while the HEAD of OWLS  (Teaching Director of K2 = signed) supervises the OWLS’ management of their territories.

We need to map K2s total educational contributions to know what is affiliated with each of our research group today (the “terrain”) and how our education map should be made to fit properly in the future!

If you have opinions regarding this process, we are very interested in input; which teaching resources belong together in one “nest”? How to ensure good coverage of all education within our responsibility? Please give feedback to the K2 teaching director!

The department management is really trying to secure teaching resources when announcing vacancies! But we need to know what the former position has contained regarding teaching, and who may this teaching be transferred to if other teaching is to be secured by affiliating this position to another subject/field.

(Norwegian) Kjære kolleger ved Det medisinske fakultet

Ved Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisin (IGS) arrangerer vi mandag 29. oktober kl 10.30-12 et seminar i kantinen i IGS sine lokaler i Kalfarveien 31.

Programmet har interesse for alle som lurer på sannsynligheten for at gullet kommer hem i år, samt alle som interesserer seg for prioriteringer knyttet til helse.

Vi ønsker alle ved Det medisinske fakultet velkommen til å delta. Jeg håper derfor dere vil spre informasjon om dette til flest mulig.

Nyttig bakgrunnslesning finnes her.

Kl 10.30 Velkommen – Guri Rørtveit, instituttleder IGS

Kl 10.35 Om statistikk i praktisk bruk når gullet ska hem – statistiker Øystein A. Haaland, IGS

Kl 10.50 Om prioritering mellom folkehelsetiltak – professor Ole Frithjof Norheim, IGS

Kl 11.10 Om prioritering i kommunehelsetjenesten og utfordringer i Blankholmutvalget – professor i helseøkonomi ved NTNU, Jon Magnussen

Kl 12.00 Avslutning

Om Jon Magnussen:
Professor i helseøkonomi, og prodekan ved Fakultet for Medisin og Helsevitenskap, NTNU. Han ledet i 2015 arbeidsgruppen som utredet hvordan alvorlighet kunne brukes i prioriteringsbeslutninger og sitter som medlem i Blankholmutvalget som skal foreslå prinsipper for prioritering i de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene. Han er også programstyreleder for HELSEVEL i Forskningsrådet.


Introduction course on mainstreaming of gender perspectives in medical research

SKOK offers a three-hour course on gender perspectives in research. The course invites reflection on how analytical gender perspectives can be integrated into both on-going medical research and in future project development.

The inclusion of gender perspectives is gaining increasing importance in the evaluation of research quality – both with regards to project applications and the research itself. For example, both the Research Council of Norway and the European Union aim for projects to not only have gender balance, but also for gender perspectives to be an integral part of their research questions, methodology and analysis. Analytical and multidisciplinary approaches to gender can therefore contribute to strengthen project applications and provide new perspectives that enhance the quality of the research.

This course gives an introduction to the gender politics of external funding agencies, and to how gender perspectives can be integrated into ongoing research and future project applications.  The course emphasises in particular examples from medical research.

Time and venue: 6 November 10.00 – 13.00, board room (styrerommet), 4th floor, Armauer Hansens hus

Registration deadline: 2 November, send your registration to Amra.  

Seminar content:

1.      Welcome and presentations of participants

2.      Get an overview over EU and NFR policy on the integration of gender perspectives  and gender equality in research.

3.      Gain insights on different meanings of gender, and on central concepts. 

4.      Reflect  on your own understandings of gender, and how it is reflected in your research projects.

11.30 – 12.00 Lunch

5.      Gender balance in methodology and knowledge production.

6.      Familiarize with examples of how gender mainstreaming in different areas of research has led to research innovation.

7.      Acquire methodological and analytical tools that can be used to integrate gender perspectives in research.

8.      Summary: why and how to address the requirements for gender balance and gender perspectives in research projects.

Welcome to library courses in English!

The library offers several courses in English in November and December. The courses are mainly for staff and PhD students. Other students are offered courses within their schedule.

The courses are free of charge, but please register for the courses.

  • Introduction to systematic reviews, 28 November
    The course gives an overview about the process of working with a systematic review, with tips about relevant databases and other tools. It also describes the role of the library in this process
  • Introduction to EndNote, 5 December
    EndNote is a tool for managing references. The course covers import of references from a database, editing and organizing of references and using EndNote in writing. EndNote is also a valuable tool for managing data in a systematic review.
  • Literature searching in PubMed and Embase, 12 December
    PubMed and Embase are major biomedical article databases with an overlap in content of about 30-40%. The main topics of the course are searching with text words and subject headings, and various functionality for limiting search results.

You may find more details and registration forms on our web page.


(Norwegian) Masteroppgave for ernæringsstudenter

I forbindelse med at studentene på masterprogrammene i klinisk og human ernæring skal skrive en masteroppgave, etterlyser Programutvalget for ernæring nye masteroppgaver i ernæring. Masteroppgaven skal gi 60 studiepoeng og er beregnet til to semester fulltidsstudium. Studentene velger oppgave innen april 2019, og arbeidet med oppgaven blir høsten 19 – våren 20. Studentene skal få oppnevnt maks to veiledere i forbindelse med arbeidet med masteroppgaven. Enten hoved- eller biveileder må være tilsatt ved Universitetet i Bergen.

Programutvalget ber om en kort beskrivelse (max 1 side) av forskergruppe og aktuell(e) masteroppgave(r) innen 2. november.

Ta gjerne kontakt med Guro.Akre@uib.no for spørsmål eller for å få tilsendt prosjektmal.

Oppgavene vil bli presentert for studentene på et møte i desember. De som har sendt inn oppgaver tidligere år, men fortsatt ønsker studenter i tilknytning til prosjektet, bes sende inn oppgavene på nytt.

Programutvalget nedsetter en komite som skal godkjenne alle tema før de presenteres for studentene. Dersom oppgaven er av klinisk karakter bør det være en kliniker som veileder. Det tillates normalt maks to studenter tilknyttet et prosjekt.

Emnebeskrivelsen for masteroppgaven i de to masterprogrammene finnes her:




Pasteurlegatet shall award a grant on the 27th of December this year to Norwegian scientist who intends to study a topic regarding infectious agents, chemistry or fermentation industry.

The allocation is preferably given to young, active and promising researchers, under the doctoral level. Emphasis is placed on documentation of preliminary results and evaluations of their efforts. Priority is given to specific operational and equipment-related needs, rather than traveling, accommodation, general financial support and publication expenses.

It is given rather not support more than twice to the same person. On both counts it is however the possibility of exceptions in special cases.

Applications must include curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages) and a short project description (up to 3 pages).

Any award will ordinarily not exceed kr. 15.000,-.

Applications should be submitted by December 1, 2018 to Pasteurlegatet’s secretary Mari Støen, Department of Microbiology, University of Oslo, Oslo University Hospital to email.

See also Pasteurlegatet’s website (Norwegian only).


Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 8 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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