Monthly Archives: September 2018

October is Security Awareness Month

The Norwegian Police Security Services (PST) reported in their threat assessment from January this year: “Norwegian defense and emergency services, state administration, research and development, as well as critical infrastructure are considered to be particularly vulnerable intelligence targets.”

Norway with its location, its alliances and technological level is a much-sought target for foreign intelligence services. We have students, employees and collaborators from countries that receive special attention from PST; one of them is one of our closest neighbors. Some countries instruct their residents to report home when they are in Norway. It is therefore likely that mapping of infrastructure, activities and persons at UiB could inadvertently be a means of further mapping and obtaining desired information.

What does this mean for K2 employees? We must have a constant focus on security. That means looking after your ID-card, do not let in people you do not know just because they happen to be at the door. See to that you have a good and long password (preferably at least 15 characters) and look after your mobile and pc during travels, especially to risk countries like China, Russia and Iran. Many have sensitive information stored on their PCs and USB sticks. Furthermore, be sufficiently suspicious of emails with unusual content and links and test links by placing the mouse over it to see you are not sent to strange and unknown server.

October is the security awareness month at UiB and more information about safety and measures will soon be distributed. This includes e-learning for all employees on IT security. The course will be sent from Xtramile on 2 October. There will also be focus on use and care of your ID-card. Remember that it is personal and must be worn visible at all times.

Travel will also be a focus area, and you can find detailed travelling advise at ( UiB is launching a loan service for PCs and mobiles to employees travelling to risk countries. You can read more about the October security month on UiB’s pages, but remember that focus on security do not apply only to October..

With a wish for a safe weekend

Acting Head of Department

(Norwegian) Forskere med kamera: Kommunikasjonsfrokost 4. oktober kl. 08 i Media City Bergen

Møt tre forskere som bruker film som en viktig del av både undervisning, forskning og formidling.

Film kan være et redskap for å gjøre forskning mer tilgjengelig, både i undervisning og i forskningsformidling. De fleste forskere ønsker at deres forskning skal bli sett av flest mulig. Men det er ikke alltid lett å fange oppmerksomheten i et stadig mer krevende medielandskap. Og egner all forskning seg like godt på film?

Dette frokostseminaret gir deg smakebiter på hva film og levende bilde kan brukes til: Hvor vanskelig er det egentlig å lage en filmsnutt selv? Tre forskere fra tre ulike forskningsmiljø gir deg tips og råd, og deler av sine erfaringer fra bruk av kamera.

Frokost serveres fra kl. 08 og programmet starter 08.30-09:30.


·         Kort intro ved produsent Tane Holm Høisæter fra Kommunikasjonsavdelingen/DigUiB lærings- og formidlingslab.

·         Tre forskere om sine erfaringer med produksjon og bruk av film i forskning og undervisning:

Scott Bremer er forsker i samfunnsfag ved Senter for vitenskapsteori (SVT), og jobber mest med klimatilpasning som en sosial prosess. Han har brukt film for å stimulere og kommunisere forskning om klima i Bangladesh på TRACKS prosjektet.

Anne Blanchard er forsker ved Senter for Vitenskapsteori (UiB), og har i fire år forsket på de sosiale og etiske aspektene rundt kreftmarkører. Hun har brukt kameraet i et prosjekt om olje og fisk i Lofoten i 2014, som en måte å dele meldinger fra lokale beboerne direkte til politikerne.

Håvard Hallås Stubseid er stipendiat ved Institutt for geovitenskap. Våren 2018 startet han en ph.d i geokjemi i tilknytning til K.G Jebsen senter for dyphavsforskning ved UiB. Doktorgradsprosjektet hans omhandler studier av vulkansk aktivitet i dyphavet, med fokus på de Arktiske Midthavsryggene mellom Norge og Grønland. Håvard har brukt video i undervisningen og brukt kamera på forskningstokt i Norskehavet.

Møtet er gratis og åpent for alle interesserte UiB-ansatte. Påmelding innen mandag 1.oktober på grunn av matbestilling.

Kalenderevent på

Velkommen skal dere være!

Beste hilsen Kommunikasjonsavdelingen v/ Synnøve Vindheim Svardal

Reminder: PhD career day

PhD career day for PhD-candidates and post docs.

Time: 4 october 2018 – 9.00-14.30
Sted: Aud 4, BBB

Deadline for registration 27 september.


9:00  Introduction and Welcome, Roland Jonsson, Vice Dean for doctoral education at the Faculty of Medicine

9:15 Selling your academic skills to non-academic employers, Katie Anders, Research division UiB

9:45 Use networking to get your dream job, UiB Alumni Network

10:00 What employers are looking for when hiring PhDs, Marta Ebbing, Institute of Public Health

10:15 Coffee break

10:30  “My career way” by former PhD-candidates:

Agnete Engelsen, post doc

Julia Schölermann, Business Developer at BerGenBio

Hiwa Målen, social science lab DIGSSCORE

11:30 Lunch break

12:30 Workshops (held in parallel)

14:30 END

Read more about Career day 2018.

(Norwegian) Påminnelse: Veilederseminar i Stavanger for ph.d.-veiledere ved Det medisinske fakultet

Veilederen er en nøkkelperson for ph.d.-utdanningen. Det medisinske fakultet har i flere år hatt samlinger for sine ph.d.-veiledere og høsten 2018 tilbyr vi en halv dag med faglig påfyll og inspirasjon også i Stavanger.

For mer info og program se her.

Tid: 21.november 2018 – 12.00-16.00
Sted: Auditoriet i Vestbygget, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
Påmeldingsfrist: 13.november 2018

(Norwegian) Økonimisk støtte fra Nordic Centre India (NCI)

UiBs medlemskap i Nordic Centre India (NCI) gir mulighet for våre stipendiater, postdoktorer og forskere å søke om økonomisk støtte (se punkter nedenfor) og praktisk hjelp (visumsøknad, kontakter, leilighet i New Delhi m.m.) fra NCI for å utvikle prosjekter og samarbeid med indiske partnere. Se e-post nedenfor og vedlegg.

NCI Study in India gir dessuten studiemuligheter (semester og sommer programmer) for våre studenter ved flere anerkjente indiske NCI partnerinstitusjoner.

Les mer her (in English).

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 14 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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This week’s editorial

The latest information we have received from the research council of Norway, suggests that they will drastically change their funding application system including; changing the organization of calls, templates, evaluation process, dates, etc. Before full implementation of the new systems, the 10 October will be the last deadline using the current system for new commercial proof-of-concept projects. If you have research results with commercial potential but have unresolved questions and uncertainties that are preventing the project from moving forward in the commercialization process, this program could be relevant. What is important to keep in mind is that proof-of-concept projects should not be research-driven but rather business-driven.

The announcement is divided into two parts. If you have a project requiring rapid clarification of the most critical milestones where positive results can lay the foundation for a standard commercialization project, then a milestone project could be a more appropriate alternative. A milestone project lasts up to a maximum of 1 year with a more limited scope. Projects seeking up to NOK 500 000 will automatically be assessed as milestone projects.

You can also attend the Idea Competition presented by Sparebanken Vest and BTO and win 500 000 NOK to further develop a promising commercial idea. In 2016, the competition was won by Professor Kamal Mustafa from the Department of Clinical Dentistry for his research on reconstruction of human bones.

Reminder: Leftover holidays for 2018

The summer is over for most of us and its’s time to plan any leftover holidays for 2018.

Deadline for registering leftover holiday is 01.10.2018, and we remind that taking holidays is a right and a duty. It is important that all employees have cleared their holiday balance in advance of the end of the year. Therefore we request that any application for transferring holidays also be sent in no later than 01.10.2018. Registering holidays and application for any transfer is done in the HR-Portal.

Information about holidays and how to register holidays can be found here.

If you have any questions regarding Holidays and registering please contact HR Consultant:
Elin Myhrvold
Telefon: 55972954

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium at September 27th

We are happy to announce the program of the forthcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium at September 27th, where a highlight will be the inspirational lecture by Bruce Baguley, a visiting professor from the University of Auckland. Professor Baguley is a distinguished researcher and a motivating lecturer. His research interests include anticancer drug development with emphasis on multidisciplinary and translation approaches. You should definitely not miss this opportunity.

In addition, we will hear from CCBIO PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and researchers, who will present ongoing projects in the CCBIO sphere. Topics to be discussed will cover the use of automated clustering to explore CyTOF data , reprogramming of gene regulation in prostate cells, how miRNA can be utilized as prognostic markers in colorectal cancer, as well as a discussion on policy visions of personalised medicine.

This is an excellent forum for discussing research, learning about how different and similar many ongoing projects are to your own, and to network with fellow PhD students, postdocs and other colleagues in our research community. Lunch is included.

Time: Thursday September 27th 2018, at 10.00-13.30.
Where: Conference room BBB (3^rd floor, across the hall from the auditoria)
Registration: deadline is September 25th. Registration here.

All info is available here.

(Norwegian) Disputas Uke 38

Ardita Aliko disputerer for Ph.d. graden fredag, 5. oktober 2018
Prøveforelesning: fredag, 5. oktober 2018, kl: 09:15
Oppgitt emne:  “The microbiome and periodontitis: implications for chronic inflammatory diseases”
Sted:  Auditoriet, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsvn. 28
Disputas: fredag, 5. oktober 2018, kl: 11:15
Sted:  Auditoriet, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsvn. 28
Avhandlingens tittel:  “Chronic Inflammatory Diseases – The role of Citrullination and Investigation of Compounds with Therapeutic Potential”

1. opponent: PhD Paola de Pablo, University of Birmingham, U.K.
2. opponent: PhD Marta Czesnikiewicz-Guzik, University of Glasgow, U.K.
3. medlem av komiteen: Professor Anne Christine Johannessen, Universitetet i Bergen

Åsgard 2019

The Research Council of Norway and the department of Scientific and academic cooperation of the Institut français de Norvège (French Embassy in Oslo) announce the launch of the Åsgard programme 2019.

This programme is composed of two different calls:

  • Åsgard-Research is designed for researchers willing to develop collaborations between France and Norway. It funds a one-week stay in France, allowing the researcher to meet counterparts in universities and research institutions.
  • Åsgard-Innovation is designed for professionals working in technology transfer structures, clusters etc. and aims at exchanging good practices as well as creating new collaborations. It also funds a one-week stay in France.

The programme of visits will be established with the help of the Institut français who will suggest relevant contacts.

Applications are open from September 15th to December 15th. The stay has to take place in 2019. For information and application, please visit their website.

Welcome to first aid course for laboratory staff

The first aid course in the laboratory is offered to employees who have the laboratory as a workplace.

Course content:
First aid in the laboratory is a one-day course that includes introduction to lifesaving first aid, CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and handling of various injuries that may occur in a laboratory.

The goal of the course is that the participants will acquire sufficient skills to assist with first aid in emergency situations at the workplace.

The course is held both in Norwegian and English. Registration and agenda (One of the course below is in English):

Fredag 09.11.18 kl. 09.00-15.00, C. G. Sunds hus, møterom A og B  (No).  Elektronisk påmelding  Påmelding innen 02.11.18

Mandag 12.11.18 kl. 09.00-15.00, C. G. Sunds hus, møterom A og B  (No).  Elektronisk påmelding   Påmelding innen 05.11.12

Tirsdag 13.11.18 kl. 09.00-15.00, C. G. Sunds hus, møterom A og B   (Eng) Elektronisk påmelding   Registration deadline 06.11.18

(Norwegian) Veilederseminar i Stavanger for ph.d.-veiledere ved Det medisinske fakultet

Veilederen er en nøkkelperson for ph.d.-utdanningen. Det medisinske fakultet har i flere år hatt samlinger for sine ph.d.-veiledere og høsten 2018 tilbyr vi en halv dag med faglig påfyll og inspirasjon også i Stavanger.

For mer info og program se her.

Tid: 21.november 2018 – 12.00-16.00
Sted: Auditoriet i Vestbygget, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
Påmeldingsfrist: 13.november 2018

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 12 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

Continue reading

Relay baton transferred

I will act as Head of Department for the next 6 months in Pål Njølstad’s absence. Emmet McCormack will be my deputy, while Silke Appel and Jone Trovik continue in their roles as Vice Heads for research and teaching, respectively. The administrative team and I will do our best to solve the tasks ahead of us in a good way.

One of the issues we are working with is the strategy plan. The existing plan expires at the end of the year, but we have now extended it for one year to get more time to work out a new one. In March we will invite to whole institute to a retreat at Solstrand as a substitute for next year’s strategy seminar and institute day. The new strategic plan will be a central theme at the retreat. External funding will be a key issue for discussions. Another point is the allocation of positions. The legislative changes that reduce our opportunity to hire persons temporary will give the department challenges over time, but I am confident that we will manage to solve these issues in a good way together.

Finally, I wish all our talented employees good luck with the applications to Helse-Vest.


Migration Conference: Health in All We Do

15-16 November 2018, Bergen University Aula

Welcome to the UiB conference on migration health! The conference is organized by the University of Bergen in collaboration with Norwegian Centre for Migration and Minority Health (NAKMI), the University of Oslo and the Norwegian Directorate of Health.

Registration deadline: 15 October, 2018

The conference will be a meeting place where researchers, representatives from health services, volunteer actors and users enter into dialogue and actively listen to each other’s messages and experiences. Large gaps between research results, practice and patient needs can lead to unequal health care and poor health outcomes for some immigrant groups.

Research on “migration and health” has increased in scope in recent years, but there is little collaboration between academic disciplines, but also between health institutions nationally. Our vision is to provide politicians and the society with relevant, useful and up-to-date information that can help improve health care for all, including immigrants.

Programme here.

K2 Annual Retreat

K2 arranges the second Annual Retreat for PhDs and postdocs employed at the department. The event has both an academic and social profile, where the overall aim is to promote communication and collaboration between our different research environments. This year’s event will be at Vatnahalsen in Myrdal, on October 25-26. We invite all interested PhDs and postdocs to sign up by September 16. 

Display of BIFF film Monday 24 September: Picture perfect

Also this year, K2 organizes the display of one of the year’s BIFF films. The movie is open and free for all.

This year, the choice fell on “Picture perfect” by Ida Kleppe. The film will be subtitled in English. More about the movie here:

Welcome to a BIFF movie experience at work, hope to see many of you there.

Best regards Julie

Time and place: Large auditorium, Sentralblokken. Monday 24th September, 14.30

(Norsk) Vi sees på Innovasjonsuken OPP!

Under en måned til årets store arrangement for de som er interessert i innovasjon, entreprenørskap, ny teknologi, finurlige løsninger og fremtidens tjenester! Årets arrangement blir større, bredere og enda fetere!

OPPdag vår innholdsrike festivalkalender
40 arrangement er allerede på plass. Flere er under planlegging og det er enda tid til å bli med som arrangør. Sjekk ut festivalkalenderen og meld deg på arrangement på

OPPlev noen smakebiter fra programmet:

*   Grand Opening sammen med Bergen Design Festival på GRAND Selskapslokaler
*   Det vil yre rundt på Marineholmen under «OPPlev Marineholmen»
*   Flere «Design Mornings» arrangementer
*   «Stormkast», “Sysla Live” & “Nuwave” gründermesse i Grieghallen
*   «Give A Job» er en viktig inkluderingsarena for å vise frem innvandrere og flyktningers kompetanse for potensielle arbeidsgivere i regionen vår
*   Som alltids blir det «DNB NXT» & “MeetCorprates” hos DNB i Solheimsviken
*   Innovasjon Norge inviterer til flere kurs og samlinger flere steder i regionen
*   Bergen Teknologioverføring og Impact HUB har flere arrangement iløpet av uken
*   «Bergen Brainstorm» i regi av studentgruppen Start UIB, «Show & Tell» på Fabrikken på HVL og “Early Stage” er gode initiativer for studentmiljøet i Bergen
*   54 timers hackathon under «Startup Weekend Bergen»
… og enda er det mange spennende arrangement på gang!

Det finnes også andre relevante arrangementer relatert til innovasjon og brukermedvirkning:

Oslo Innovation Week går av stabelen 24. – 26. september. Du finner programmet her.

Cutting Edge Festival er et samarbeid med en rekke ulike samarbeidspartnere, deriblant UiO. Inngår som en del av Oslo Innovation Week og avholdes 25. september. Les mer her.

(Norwegian) Senter for grunnforskning ved Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi

Siden 1992 har Det Norske Videskaps-Akademi huset mer enn 1000 fremragende forskere fra hele verden.  

Senter for grunnforskning, på engelsk Centre for Advanced Study (CAS), er et frittstående forskningssenter som hvert år tar imot tre internasjonale og tverrfaglige forskningsgrupper. Målet er å styrke og internasjonalisere uavhengig grunnforskning.

Hvert år kan fast ansatte forskere ved senterets samarbeidspartnere søke om å danne en internasjonal og tverrfaglig forskningsgruppe for ett års opphold ved CAS.

Forskningsaktivitetene ved senteret er organisert med en gruppe innen hvert av følgende tre fagområder:

Gruppene har en kjerne bestående av seks til åtte forskere som er ved senteret mer eller mindre hele forskningsåret. I tillegg kan gruppene ha flere forskere på kortere opphold. Normalt vil til sammen 40-45 forskere fra 10 -15 forskjellige nasjoner forske ved CAS i løpet av et år.

Søkerne går gjennom en omfattende søknadsprosess. I første runde velger styret ved Senter for grunnforskning hvilke prosjekter som går videre til andre runde. Etter en internasjonal fagfellevurdering blir til slutt tre prosjekter valgt to år i forveien av oppholdet.

Frist for å søke for 2021/2022 er i midten av januar 2019.

Les mer på denne nettsiden:

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 4 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.

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