Impressed by Research Council of Norway’s previous events, Brussels has moved their next event from Central Europe to Oslo. The international network meeting, entitled “Brokerage for Health”, will focus on calls in the ongoing EU’s health program with deadlines during 2019.
The meeting offers several possibilities. Perhaps you are curious about the health program and considering applying EU calls in the future. You have maybe found a relevant call and want to collect hints and advice. Or you have decided to apply but need additional partners. You will also have the opportunity to present your project in the format of a 5-minute flash presentation (deadline to submit the flash presentation is 17 August 2018).
The event will take place 3-4 September in Oslo and the registration opens 15 June.
A hint: remember to bring business cards. If you do not have business cards, you can order them here.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Amra (Laboratory building, 8th floor).