Leader of the week

Spring is coming early this year and I have no doubt that I dislike the fact that winter is on the retreat. Big change this year compared to what we are used to in Western Norway. Changes are something we are also experiencing in the UiB context. The challenges are clear in terms of finances and organization and many are worried about the consequences for both education and research. On the Stavanger campus, this week we had a meeting in a joint education council between the faculty of UiB and SUS, led by Vice Dean Marit Øylo. Clinic managers from SUS, coordinators and management from the medical faculty meet there and discuss matters relevant to both the Westland physician and practice students (2015). SUS will move all somatic day care activities to the new SUS on 16/11. Then both practice and education activities will have to be adapted – a lot of logistics and new considerations to take. We believe that this unique experience for the students can also have unique learning value. Recruitment for positions and the development of Campus Stavanger will continue to be important (as part of the new multi-campus model). The new hospital will provide better conditions for both UiB employees and students – we are looking forward to it. The opportunities for cooperation in both education and research between the hospitals are increasing – we must take advantage of that!
Have a good winter – or spring – or whatever it will be this year


Svein skeie

Dear Colleagues,

As the Rector of the University of Bergen, I am committed to creating a work environment that promotes well-being, productivity, and good health for all our employees. Therefore, I am pleased to announce that UiB will conduct a joint workplace environment survey in 2025. You will receive the survey Monday, 24th of March.

In UiB’s strategy, it is stated that “We will further develop an inclusive working environment and an organisational culture that promotes equality, diversity, collaboration and participation”. As part of this effort, I hope you will contribute to strengthening UiB as a workplace by participating in the survey.

The survey responses will form the basis for local processes aimed at improving how we organise, plan, and carry out our work.

You can rest assured that your responses are completely anonymous. UiB uses the sector’s self-developed questionnaire (ARK), and you can read more about the survey here (uib.no).

Your response is important – please take a few minutes to help make our workplace even better!

Kind regards

Margareth Hagen, Rector

Election notice for group A, B and C to the Department Council K2 and the Board at the Faculty of Medicine

Enclosed to this e-mail you find the election notice for the 2025 elections.

The Electoral Board of the Faculty hereby invites you to propose candidates for the Department Council and the Board at the Faculty of Medicine.

The deadline for proposals of candidates to the Department Council and Faculty Board is set to Friday 4. April

Election notice proposal canditates group A B C dept council K2 2025

Election notice proposal candidates group A B C Faculty Board 2025

Minister of Research and Higher Education Sigrun Aasland presents the white paper on the research system

On Friday, March 21, Minister of Research and Higher Education Sigrun Aasland (Ap) will present the white paper on the research system.

Norwegian society depends on having a well-functioning research system. Research is crucial for solving most of the major societal challenges that Norway and the world face.

The research system includes the researchers, the institutions where they work, and the infrastructure they use. It also involves the use and organization of research, regulations, and governance.

The minister will present the white paper. The event will be streamed.


Center seminar 31.03.25 Marit Sandberg

Seminar at the Center for Research on Heart Disease in Women, Monday, March 31, 12-1 PM, Room 9.1/9.2, Laboratory Building. Presenter: Doctor and PhD Marit Sandberg will tell us how mother and child are doing. Everyone is welcome!



Seminar Senter for forskning på hjertesykdom hos kvinner_svangerskap hos kvinner med medfødt hjertesykdom_engelsk


Are you a PhD candidate and interested in learning more about communication?

Forsker Grand Prix is a research communication competition for PhD candidates. The Bergen final will take place on September 17th, and the national final will be in Oslo on September 25th. As a participant in Forsker Grand Prix, you get a fantastic opportunity to learn more about how to effectively convey your message to a large audience.

The ten selected participants will receive:

  • Individual coaching and group sessions
  • Help with storytelling, message delivery, camera training, and handling the press
  • Increased attractiveness in the job market; candidates have secured permanent jobs because of Forsker Grand Prix
  • Networking opportunities with the Research Council and other academic environments
  • Interdisciplinary network

Application deadline: April 30th.

You can find the application form on the Forskningsdagene in Bergen website.

Note: You cannot have defended your dissertation before the competition takes place. It is possible to give the presentation in English, but group sessions and coaching will mainly be in Norwegian.

Feel free to read the article on uib.no from last year, where pregnancy researcher Marit Sandberg at UiB won the final in Bergen!

Don’t miss this great opportunity to improve your communication skills!

Replying to this email will be posted as a response to the announcement, which will be seen by everyone in the subject.

Top Researchers – Researcher Projects to Develop World Leading Research Communities

The purpose of this call is to fund curiosity-driven and bold research that can contribute to advancing the state-of-the-art. This call aims to give good, Norwegian research environments the opportunity to develop into being world-leading within their fields. The funds will be allocated to projects where collaboration between two or more named researchers is a prerequisite for achieving the project’s research objectives.

The call opens in March


webinar about the call will be available on the website of RCN in due time

Radical Research Ideas for Early Career Scientists

The purpose of this call is to fund curiosity-driven and bold research that can contribute to advancing the state-of-the-art. This call is the first step in phased funding and is aimed at researchers who want to test particularly bold research ideas. The ideas must be so bold that the risk of failure is too high to justify starting a large project, but where the research could have a significant impact on the field if the project is successful. Project managers for successful research idea projects may later apply for larger FRIPRO projects and be prioritized there.

The call opens in March


webinar about the call will be available on the website of RCN in due time

EATRIS NORWAY Scientific meeting 2025

Invitation to sign up for

EATRIS NORWAY Scientific meeting 2025

We are pleased to invite you to the EATRIS Norway Scientific Meeting 2025, taking place on March 28, 2025, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the Radisson Blu Airport Hotel, Oslo.

This year’s meeting will bring together leading experts in Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs), Biomarkers, Imaging & Tracing, Small Molecules, AI in Biomedical Research, and Vaccines & Immunomonitoring. The event will feature keynote presentations, interactive panel discussions, and networking opportunities with top researchers and industry professionals.

Event Highlights:

✅ Keynote Speaker: Dr. Niklas Blomberg, Executive Director, Innovative Health Initiative
✅ Platform Sessions on: ATMPs, Biomarkers, Imaging & Tracing, Small Molecules, and AI in Biomedical Research
✅ Expert Panels on: Multidisciplinary Research and Synergies Between Research Infrastructures
✅ Extended Networking Sessions

RSVP by March 24, 2025, at 15:00 CET

Please confirm your participation by registering via this registration link. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

We look forward to welcoming you to the EATRIS Norway Scientific Meeting 2025!

Best regards,
Anita Kavlie & Janna Saarela, National Coordinator and Director

The form is open until 27.03.2025 15:00.

Defence | Christine Bjørkvik Erevik | 28.03.2025

Faculty of Medicine

University of Bergen

Disputation – Ph.D. Degree

Christine Bjørkvik Erevik

The candidate is from Clinical Institute 2

Main supervisor: Professor Stein Ørn

Co-supervisors: Professor II Thor Edvardsen and Associate Professor Stig Urheim

Trial Lecture: Friday, March 28, 2025, at 09:15

Location: The Auditorium, South Building, Stavanger University Hospital – SUS, Gerd-Ragna Bloch Thorsens gate 8, Stavanger

Assigned topic: “Cardiac arrest related to recreational and professional sport activities in men and women: incidence, prevention and treatment”

Disputation: Friday, March 28, 2025, at 11:00

Location: The Auditorium, South Building, Stavanger University Hospital – SUS, Gerd-Ragna Bloch Thorsens gate 8, Stavanger

Thesis title: “The cardiac response to prolonged high-intensity physical stress: The relationship between exercise, echocardiographic parameters and cardiac Troponin I in middle-aged athletes without obstructive coronary artery disease. The North Sea Race Endurance Exercise Study (NEEDED) 2018”

1st opponent: Ph.D. Stefano Caselli, Hirslanden Klinik Im Park, Zürich, Switzerland

2nd opponent: Professor Maja-Lisa Løchen, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

3rd member of the committee: Professor Conrad Bjørshol, University of Bergen

The disputation will be led by Associate Professor Knut Harboe. Open to all interested parties.

Startup preschool

Dear all,

#Startup Preschool is an intensive three-day entrepreneurship program. The target group for the program is international PhD students and master’s students, but the program is open to all our students who are interested in learning more about the local innovation ecosystem and framework conditions for starting a business in Norway.

1- Between the 28th and 30th of March, Startup Preschool Bergen will be arranged for you who want to start a business. Join a 3-day free crash course in entrepreneurship!

During the Startup Preschool, participants will
✅hear founders’ personal experiences.
✅learn about the legal aspects of starting a business.

✅learn how to develop your ideas into a business.

✅get tips on where to start.

Friday: 15:30-19:30
Saturday: 9:30-17:00
Sunday: 9:30-14:30

Registration and more information: https://www.startupmigrants.com/upcoming-events/startup-preschool-en2g9-hp8wt-js4nc-8ecgh

2- Marketing visuals are attached. The PNG one can be shared on digital platforms, and the PDF one can be printed. Last time, you put them on info screens and needed a 16:9 format poster. You can also find it attached.

3- Here are our social media pages that you can tag:
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/startupmigrants/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/startupmigrants/
Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/company/18596828/admin/feed/posts/


4- You can find more information about Startup Preschool and Startup Migrants on the link below.


#Call for proposals: Responsible use of Artificial Intelligence

Making the most of the potential and mitigating the risks and harmful consequences of the use of Artificial Intelligence in the Nordic-Baltic region. NordForsk announces funding for a minimum of 12 Nordic and Nordic-Baltic research projects.

Published: 10.02.2025

Call Deadline: 13 May 2025, 13:00 (CEST/Oslo Time)

Available Nordic budget: up to 196 million NOK

Available Estonian budget: 300 000 EUR

Available Latvian budget: 600 000 EUR

Available Lithuanian budget: 300 000 EUR

Maximum amount of Nordic funding that may be sought: 16.3 million NOK.

See the full call text to apply- Nordic-Baltic initiative on responsible use of Artificial Intelligence Deadline: 13.05.2025 13:00


A3 POSTER Bergen 2025


Sustainability Seminar: How to Reduce the Healthcare Sector’s Climate Footprint?

  • May 13, 2025
  • 11:30 AM – 3:30 PM
  • Midgard, Årstadveien 17, Alrek Health Cluster

We are following up on the sustainability seminar from last fall with a new seminar focusing on the climate footprint of the healthcare sector.

During the seminar, we will highlight how we can work systematically and concretely to reduce the climate footprint of the healthcare sector. How should we calculate emissions? How can we make climate and environment a part of priorities in healthcare? How to implement this in procurement processes, and should sustainability be included in education?

Link to the event

Leader of the week

Dear everyone,

Today, there is a lot of different information in the editorial, so please read everything 😊

First and foremost: Congratulations to Eva Gerdts, this year’s winner of the Meltzer Prize for outstanding research dissemination. The acceptance speech at the Meltzer dinner was a brilliant example of why she really deserves the award!

This week we have started with the BOA workshops with Kristine Tangen that all associate professors and professors in at least 50% positions as well as all researchers and postdocs who are PI for a project have to participate. Next week there are more opportunities, remember to sign up (registration link has been sent to those concerned). This time around, the workshops will be held in Norwegian, but in the autumn there will be one in English

At the same time, I remind you that ALL external applications must be registered in our system at least 4 weeks before the application deadline so that the project economists can help you with the budget. The link is here: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=16240232

And last but not least: it is not long until this year’s Working Environment Survey (ARK). It will be sent to all employees in at least 40% position on March 24th, and in order for us to have a good data basis to work with, it is important that as many people as possible (preferably everyone) respond!

Have a great weekend!
