Monthly Archives: May 2018
This week’s editorial
Since being asked by Pål to fulfil the position of vice-head for innovation for K2, I have been wondering exactly what it is I should do? And indeed, what is the relevance of “innovation” to our research programs? These might seem very obvious questions with obvious answers, but apart from filling in the sections asking for innovative potential on our grant applications, how many of us truly pay any serious attention to the true innovation of what we do? How important is all this “innovation stuff?”
If I google “innovation”, the first hit I get is a dictionary definition:
noun: innovation
- the action or process of innovating.
However, most critically is the example of its use;
“innovation is crucial to the continuing success of any organization”.
All research groups have their research questions they want to get funded and want to explore, but maybe fail to realize the innovative potential of their scientific endeavors. However, truly wanting to make meaning from research is the first step towards innovation. When you decide upon the type of meaning you make, try to find 2 or 3 words that describe why that meaning (innovation) should exist. Do your processes, methodologies or philosophies follow a well-worn path, or are they paradigm shifting? Great innovation and research jumps the curve, thereby creating progress. It certainly requires rolling of the dice, but no risk, no reward. You may not achieve perfection, but jumping the curve in research and creating revolutionary innovation will always result in some bugs. It is safe to continue in current practices, to tick the boxes, dot the i´s and cross the t´s on our research applications. However, not only is there very little fun in that, but more and more you will not be rewarded for it.
Recently, in collaboration with BTO we highlighted the various different funding avenues for innovation. However, even charitable organisations in their application processes are asking “is there any innovative potential?”. Furthermore, with reduced basic funding to university (grunnbevilgningen) from the government in recent years, there is an increased focus on funding our research activities from external sources of finance, particularly BOA (bidrag og oppdragsaktivitet) funding, which demands innovative potential. At the start of the piece I asked the question “how important is innovation”, the answer is clear, its critical. Critical to development of your research, the training of young investigators and their futures, and to the continuing success of K2.
Ønsker prosjektskisser til nye tverrfaglige PhD-stillinger (norwegian only)
Universitetet ønsker prosjektskisser for to stipendiatstillinger innen det strategiske satsningsområdet Globale samfunnsutfordringer.
Tema for satsningen er «migrasjon, helse og ulikhet». Det er sendt henvendelse til alle fagmiljø ved UiB med henstilling om å levere tverrfaglige prosjektskisser på disse temaene innen 15. juni.
Vi ønsker prosjektforslag fra potensielle hovedveiledere for kandidatene og håper på mange spennende forslag til tverrfaglige vinklinger og tematikker med vid faglig bredde, sier professor Bente Moen, leder ved Senter for internasjonal helse, som har ansvar for satsingen.
Format for prosjektskisse:
- Prosjektene skal være tverrfakultære, og biveileder skal være ansatt ved annet fakultet enn hovedveileder.
- Prosjektforslaget skal være på maksimum tre A4-sider og beskrive et tverrfaglig samarbeidsprosjekt der fagmiljø fra minst to fakultet deltar.
- Prosjektet må vise nye og innovative vinklinger og perspektiv på de samfunnsutfordringene verden nå står overfor.
- Det faglige samarbeidet må komme tydelig frem i prosjektforslaget, og det må også komme frem i hvilken grad stipendiaten knyttes opp mot eksisterende miljø og pågående forskingsprosjekt.
- Det skal klart beskrives hva kandidaten skal gjøre i prosjektet og hvordan de forskjellige fagmiljøene skal bidra. Bruk av eventuell infrastruktur skal også beskrives.
- Hoved- og biveileders CV med kandidatproduksjon skal legges ved prosjektforslaget.
Prosjektene vil bli vurdert av den strategiske arbeidsgruppen for globale samfunnsutfordringer, og de to prosjektene som blir vurdert som de beste vil bli tildelt stillingene. Alle fakultetene er representert i den strategiske arbeidsgruppen. Videre utlysning og ansettelsesprosess blir som for andre stipendiatstillinger ved de fakultet/institutt som tildeles stillingene.
Frist for å sende prosjektforslag er 15. juni 2018. Oppstart av stipendiatperioden vil være 1. januar 2019.
Prosjektforslag sendes til leder for satsningen, prodekan Marit Bakke, Det medisinske fakultet eller til leder ved Senter for internasjonal helse, Professor Bente Moen.
Application writing workshop for Marie Curie Individual Fellowships program
Dear researchers,
Section for Research and Innovation at Helse Bergen organises a two-day application writing workshop for potential applicants to Marie Curie Individual Fellowships program (MSCA IF).
MSCA IF is a great opportunity to employ a foreign postdoctoral fellow in your research group for up to 2 years. More information is in the one-pager enclosed. If you are interested in becoming a supervisor, you can send the one-pager to your international collaborators in order to find a relevant candidate.
The workshop’s aim is to train fellowship candidates to successfully apply for MSCA-IF with Helse Bergen as the host institution. During this visit, candidates will get advice on how to write a good application, get to know their potential host research group and start forming the project proposal together with their supervisor. The workshop is free for participants, and Helse Bergen will cover stay and travel expenses for the fellowship candidates.
Date: 12-13 June 2018, 8:00-16:00
Place: Finstue, Bikuben, Haukeland University Hospital
Registration deadline: 1st of June 2018. To register, please follow this link.
Workshop agenda can be found here.
For any questions please contact Lilit Mailyan.
Staff mobility week i Bergen 4-8 juni: Støtte til utreisende forskermobilitet (norwegian only)
Internasjonalt senter inviterer til seminar i forbindelse med Staff Mobility Week.
Tema omhandler administrativ støtte til utreisende forskere.
Program for uken:
Målgruppen er HR medarbeidere, forskningskoordinater, eller andre som møter og bistår utreisende forskere. Det er mulighet å være med på deler av programmet eller hele uken. Deltagelse er gratis.
Sted: Sydneshaugen
Tid: 4-8 juni
Seminaret vil bli på engelsk.
Les mer om SMW 2018 her:
Dersom du er interessert i å delta på dette, send påmelding til Jill A. Opsahl.
Dear all,
Please see below the updated links for external funding:
External funding opportunities:
Funding opportunities for education:
The webpages are updated every second week. New calls are marked as NEW.
Kind regards,
Amra, Ramune and Kaia
New publications
Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 22 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Hege F. Berg.
PhD Comics
Into the K2 future
Picture is showing Pål Njølstad, Stefan Johansson, Victor Norman og Janne Molnes
Every other month, the K2 management organizes a lunch for those with a permanent academic position. The purpose of this is partly to have a meeting place for those the permanent academic employees and partly that the management can inform about relevant issues and not least to get important feedback on these issues.
For the Faculty Lunch on May 9th we were joined by Victor Norman, Heidi Annette Espedal, and Per Bakke. None of them needs an introduction, but it is not certain that everyone knows that Victor Norman is the Head of the Faculty Board. The reason for the visit was Victor Norman’s wish to meet the departments at our faculty. He turned out to be very curious and asked a number of good questions during the tour and the lunch. As many of you know, one of my mottoes for active learning and research is: What’s your question? Hence, Victor Norman passed the test and is offered to be Professor Emeritus at K2!
An important topic of discussion was the organization of the institute. Victor Norman praised K2 for a brave and foresighted organization across different research fields, and his experience is that the option, a traditional division into specialties, easily leads to turmoil and internal conflicts. However, the challenge with our current organization is lack of a structure with clear command lines, responsibility, and authority for those who manage the teaching. The management will therefore organize a committee that should make a proposal for an adjustment and supplementation of the current structure at K2. The challenge is how the teaching can be organized better, and at the same time be integrated with the current research groups.
Another topic of discussion was the management’s proposal of a process for what and who K2 should select for the next 10 years to build powerful environments with future-oriented research, teaching and innovation. For one thing is certain, if we are to succeed in this, we need to secure more external funding. Using all the good and wise heads of K2 in such a process is important. One element to consider, is the tenure track system. Tenure track is a type of position that is common in the United States. Newly employed academics will not be permanently employed, but will be on a trial period for 5-7 years. If this falls positively, the person will receive a professorship. If not, the position will re-advertised. The university has “innstegstillinger” similar to this and which we intend to use as a starting point.
In order to take advantage of the good resources we have at K2, the research groups are hereby challenged to come up with suggestions on a thematic area they consider important for future-oriented research and how this can be linked to teaching and innotion. The suggestions should contain preferably one person they think is relevant to a tenure track position. The proposal must be justified and must be on a maximum of one page. The deadline for proposals is 1st June and should be sent to Silke Appel (
Best regards,
REMEBER!! IMPORTANT!!! Holidayinformation 2018
It’s time to start planning your leftover holidays.
The Faculty of Medicine has set the following deadlines for application for holidays for 2018:
Holiday | Deadline for request | Fixed holiday |
Winter Holiday | 01.02.2018 | 15.02.2018 |
Easter Holiday | 01.03.2018 | 15.03.2018 |
Summer holiday (at least 3 weeks between (15.05-15.09) | 01.04.2018 | 15.04.2018 |
Autumn Holiday | 018 | 01.09.2018 |
Any leftover Holidays | 01.10.2018 | 15.10.2018 |
Application for leftover holidays should be sent in PAGA no later than 01.10.2018.
Information about holidays and how to register holidays can be found here:
If you have any questions regarding Holidays and registering please contact Personnel Consultant:
Elin Myhrvold – Email: Phone: 55972954
Breakfast seminar may 31st
Read more here (only in norwegian)
“The 20th Broegelmann Lecture”
Read more here
”Teaching isn’t just what I do; it’s who I am”
”Teaching isn’t just what I do; it’s who I am” This was the final slide of the lecture by Ragnhild Sagvoll, UiT regarding documentation of educational competence during the K1-K2 education seminar this week. Is your teaching role so internalized that this fits you?
Those of us who participated were at least properly inspired:
-Each participant presented a recent teaching contribution he/she was proud of (albeit, in line with Norwegian modesty, only in confidence to the nearest seminar participant and not publicly in the auditorium).
-Theory regarding Team Based Learning was presented and good practice examples from teaching in neonatal and pulmonary medicine demonstrated (including use of Socrativ).
-What is pedagogical competence? This was discussed in plenary and specific advice on how to start documenting this using teaching portfolio was given.
The aim of the teaching portfolio is two-fold: documentation of own teaching competence, useful when applying for/promotion in an academic position and in wage negotiations, but also formative: to reflect on my own teaching; What is my teaching philosophy, how have I planned and implemented my teaching, which pedagogical methods have been used and which evaluation have I received. How has my professional development been. What have I achieved (well deserved self-praise) but preferably also include possible obstacles or difficulties regarding teaching development.
How do you start to build a teaching portfolio? Create a folder on your computer where you enter (short, key words) what you do of teaching, both practical (bed-side, possibly bench-side for those with lab work!), group activities, lectures, examination work but also participation in faculty development and any feedback on your teaching. Perhaps after half a year try to reflect on what you have done and if there may be reasons for implementing changes.
As another inspiration: K2’s educational prize for 2017 was awarded Ketil Grong for his important effort to introduce OSCE (objective structured clinical examination). This is a radical change in our exam form for testing of clinical skills. He took on this task, started out using his esteemed professional medical competence as well as military experience and have maneuvered steady so we have actually changed course and now steer towards the desired goal; to use an evidence-based exam form to evaluate our students. Thank you for your efforts and congratulations Ketil!