Monthly Archives: May 2017

Help us create a better faculty!

All employees at K1, K2 and IBM are invited to a general meeting at Stort Auditorium, Haukeland University Hospital, Tuesday at 13.00 – 13.45.

The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry has started the evaluation of the reorganization of 2013 (called “Framtidens fakultet”). What has improved after this reorganization and still needs improvement? more information here (only in Norwegian)

At the meeting, the faculty leadership will give a short introduction to the work with the evaluation and address questions and comments from the audience.

Summed up:

WHAT: General meeting for all employees regarding the evaluation of the reorganization of the faculty of 2013 («Framtidens fakultet»)

WHERE: Stort Auditorium, Haukeland University Hospital

WHEN: Tuesday May 23rd 2017 at 13.00 – 13.45

Last network luncheon this semester

Next week, this semester’s last Network Luncheon of The Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical Research will take place.

Time: Tuesday 23 May at. 11:30 a.m.
Location: The Conference Room (Konferanserommet) of the BB-building (in front of auditoriums 2 and 4).

The following presentations are scheduled:

  1. Aliona Nacu: The Norwegian Sonothrombolysis in Acute Stroke Study (NOR-SASS).  Randomized Controlled Contrast-Enhanced Sonothrombolysis in an Unselected Acute Ischemic Stroke Population.
  2. Vojtěch Novotný: Sonothrombolysis resistant acute ischemic stroke patients: A NOR-SASS sub-study.
  3. Sigmund Ytre Hauge: MRI texture analysis in endometrial cancer.

Lunch and refreshments will be served afterwards.

Contact Ileana Cristea as soon as possible if you wish to attend.

Seminar for supervisors

As in previous years, the faculty will also in 2017 arrange a seminar for people who is supervising or starting to supervise PhD candidates.

Time: Tuesday 3 October at. 09:00–15:45.
Location: Scandic Bergen City, Håkonsgaten 2.

The program will be announced later.

Registration. (Link in Norwegian)

The seminar is free and is considered very useful to all supervisors – new as experienced.

Public PhD Defense, Week 21

portrett_hall_schartum-hansen_xHall Schartum-Hansen will defend his PhD thesis on Tueday May 23rd 2017
Trial lecture: Tuesday May 23rd 2017 at 10:15 AM
Topic: ”New markers and impact of secular trends on cardiovascular risk prediction”
Place: Stort auditorium, HUS, Sentralblokken 3rd floor, Jonas Lies vei 65
Public defense: Tuesday May 23rd 2017 at 12:15 PM
 Stort auditorium, HUS, Sentralblokken 3rd floor, Jonas Lies vei 65
Title of dissertation: Determinants of long-term outcome in patients With cardiovascular disease. Choline oxidation and loop diuretics- cross – sectional and prospective relationships in large Norwegian cohorts of patients With suspected or verified coronary heart disease”
1st opponent: Professor Stefan Agewall, Universiy of Oslo
2nd opponent: Professor Henrik Schirmer, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway

Press release  (Link in Norwegian)

External work

Per BakkeWe have been reminded that everybody must register and/or update his/her external work information. The University Board has decided that all employees at UoB, regardless of the job category and position fraction, have to register their tasks outside of UoB. The intention is that there shall be full transparency for people both inside and outside UoB about employees’ potential links. The list of external tasks is publicly available.

It is emphasized that it is entirely legitimate and desirable that UoB employees have external tasks. But all external work should be registered. Transparency about this is primarily an advantage for the employee. However, also for K2, as one of the largest institutes at the UoB and as such often reviewed by the university, it is important that we comply to this order.

You do the registration in Paga.

What external work should be registered? Read the manual here, and further about the principles here (links in Norwegian only). It is easy to register and takes most of us less than 15 minutes.

This topic was emphasized last year. For those who do not have any change in external tasks or none at all, no measure is needed.

If you are in doubt about the registration of external work, contact Julie.
(NB: Read the instructions first!)


Election of departmental councils – Result

Election of the departemtal councils has now been completed with the following results:

Group A- Permanent Scientific staff:

1. Silke Appel
2. Audun Nerland
3. Camilla Krakstad
1. Simon Steinar Hustad
2. Stefan Johansson
3. Valeriya Lyssenko
4. Ola Myklebost
5. Bodil Bjørndal

Group B – Temporary Scientific staff

1. Kimberly Johanne Hatfield
1. Karianne Fjeld
2. Eirik Bratland
3. Piotr Mateusz Mydel

Group C  – Permanent technical – administrative staff;

1. Siv Johnsen Eggereide
1. Janicke Liland Bjørke
2. Karl Albert Brokstad
3. Kjetil Dyrkholbotn

May 12th 2017, Election Board