Daily Archives: Thursday September 29th, 2016

New names

Introducing Sunniva Todnem Sakkestad, cand.med University of Bergen. She started as phd-student at K2 in September within infection medicine and immunologi, connected to ETECvac-study. Main supervisor is Kurt Hanevik.  If you want to say hello, you will find her at 5th floor in the Lab building.


Have you remembered to do this?

vilvite-bergen-scienceThis year’s HSE day will be held on Wednesday, November 23rd at the VilVite center in Thormøhlens Gate 51. The HSE is mandatory for all full time employees at K2
Link to registration can be found here
The invitation can be found here

If anyone has questions about the registration you can contact Ingvild Lekven Jonsvoll in the expedition 8etg. lab-building. (Ingvild.Jonsvoll@UiB.no – 55973050)

Career Day for all PhD candidates – Thursday 6 October

Welcome to career day for all PhD candidates at MOF! It will take place October 6 from 10.00 to 14.00 in auditorium 4, BBB.

You can find the program here.

The Career Center will present useful tips when writing job applications/CVs, former PhD candidates will talk about their career paths, and some companies will have stands in the area outside the auditorium. There will also be a simple lunch and opportunity to socialize with other PhD candidates. An updated schedule can be found here: https://w3.uib.no/nb/mofa/100454/karrieredag

Link to sign up: https://skjemaker.app.uib.no/view.php?id=2449399