UoB will gather former students for academic and social events for the entire university May 9-10. For more information (in Norwegian).
Monthly Archives: March 2014
Folkeuniversitetet is seeking a course leader
Folkeuniversitetet will hold a course in national subjects for foreign health workers March 24-26 and June 2-5. The course leader had to cancel, so Folkeuniversitetet is now seeking a replacement. The course leader will only lecture for a few hours (4 hours about the organization of the health services). Most of the lectures will be held with sound/image, or by other local lecturers in the field of law. Even so, they need a course leader who can be there all 3+2 days to organize, answer questions and lead discussions.
If you are interested contact Daniel Kvamme
IT-Forum 2014 are seeking presenters
IT-Forum 2014 will be held April 7-8 at Solstrand Hotel & Bad at Os. IT-Forum is an annual seminar for those who use and deliver IT-services at UoB, and their local and regional collaborators. This year the theme is “What do IT have to do to get UoB to reach their goals? Information technology can give us better research, dissemination and teaching, but how?”
They need people who can hold a presentation about which IT-needs the research community has. In addition, they need panel members for debates about the same issue. They ask for a quick feedback about potential candidates that they can contact.
Program and information (in Norwegian).
Course in Fluorescence imaging and quantitative analysis of cellular structures
MIC is holding a course in fluorescence imaging April 7-9 at the Department of Biomedicine, Jonas Lies vei 91. The course costs 1600 NOK.
Registration before March 21. For more information
Study published in Nature Genetics
Pål Rasmus Njølstad, head of KG Jebsen Center for Diabetes Research, has been involved in a study which has resulted in a publication accepted in Nature Genetics. The study reveals that rare genetic mutiations protect against Type 2 Diabetes.
Click here for more information(in Norwegian).
Click here to read the article
New Publications
Week 11/2014.
This week’s editorial
With focus on education and research
The Solberg government is referring to knowledge as “the new oil” for Norway. Focus is on the university and college sector as the key to the knowledge society. In January, the Minister of Education and Research, Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, presented 7 main points for how the government will proceed in its examination of the issue. The University and college sector will have both its funding and structure reviewed, and a course of action will be presented in a Government report in 2015. The government will also consider how changes in funding may strengthen both education and research, while also focusing on how scientific employees are looked after. A central point that was highlighted was the need for developing a strategy in order to motivate researchers to apply for EU funding. In addition, the government will look at recruitment, employment structure and career development. It is great that we have these floodlights shining upon us!
However, does K2 or MOF have a strategy for input to this important process? Here it is important to get involved. You can read more via this link.
Registration of Holiday 2014
Registration form for holiday year 2014 is now available in Pagaweg.
Iformation about how to do this you will find here.
Message from the IT-department
On Tuesday March 11, the IT-department has to perfor necessary maintenance work on “fellesområdene” under the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. Normally, this can be found under P: in Windows, but there could be different project-areas also contained under this with different letters.
Between 7 pm and 10 pm on Tuesday March 3, the system will be cut off for approximately one hour when the maintenance work is being performed. Thus, it is recommended to log off the system before going home, and not do any work during this time period. If the “fellesområder” do not work after 10 pm on March 11, a restart of the computer should fix this.
If there are any problems, please contact Brita at 555847000 (during work hours) or report an issue at https://bs.uib.no/ . We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Launch of report “Helse på barns premisser”
On Thursday Match 6, Barneombudet will hand over the report “Helse på barns premisser” to Minister of Health Bent Høie and Minister of Children, Equality and Social
Inclusion Solveig Horne. Click here to read more about the programme (In
Norwegian). Click here to read the report (In Norwegian).
NFR-grants awarded Professor Rolf Kristian Berge
The Lipid group headed by project leader Rolf Kristian Berge has been awarded grants for two NFR-projects. One grant is awarded within the BIONAER programme where research on bioactive peptides are to be conducted, and another is awarded within the BIOTEK 2021 programme where research focuses on bioactive fatty acids. K2 congratulates!
NFR Contract routines
NFR has initiated new routines for electronic
contract handling, and starting on January 8 2014, contracts for NFR-projects
must be approved at “Mitt nettsted” at the NFR website. Click here for more information (In Norwegian)
Project suggestions for the medical students
The project work committee at HUS is asking for new projects for the medical students. For more information (in Norwegian). You can find the form here (in Norwegian).
Request for participants to research project at UiB
Have you ever been treated, or viewed as, or felt, different on the basis of skin color/ethnicity/facial features? Department of Education under the Faculty of Psychology are looking for participants to a research project which aims to understand how topics such as differential treatment, identity, belonging and exclusion is felt and communicated through personal stories.
Click on the link below to read more about this (In Norwegian)
Network luncheon – Bergen Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical research
The Bergen Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical research invites all interested PhD-candidates to a network luncheon on Tuesday March 11 at 11:30 am in conference room 109f next to the auditoriums at the BB-building. PhD-candidate Bent Aarli will present his project “Tidal-volume flow limitation: A new method for evaluating pulmonary function in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease” and PhD-candidate Vivian Lohmann Veum will present her project “A 12 weeks randomized trial of modest restricted very-high-fat diet and an isocaloric low-fat diet.” After this a free lunch will be served. Sign up for the network luncheon by sending an e-mail to Hildur.skuladottir@gmail.com
NSH-arrangements spring 2014
NSH (Norsk sykehus og helsetjenesteforening) will during spring 2014 arrange the following arrangements: “Fagdag om demens” on March 12 “Forum for ledelse og servicedesign i bildediagnostikk” on April 25 and “Rehabilitering – borte bra men hjemme best” on May 8-9.
Seminar – Chubby children, obese adults?
The seminar will take place at the University of Oslo on March 8. Click here for more information (In Norwegian)
New Publications
Week 10/2014.