Monthly Archives: November 2013

New Publications in PubMed

Based on last week’s search of “ Departement of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to

References and cutoffs for triceps and subscapular skinfolds in Norwegian children 4-16 years of age.
Brannsether B, Roelants M, Bjerknes R, Júlíusson PB.
Eur J Clin Nutr. 2013 Sep;67(9):928-33.
PMID: 23632751

Dialogue seminar

“Equitable health services – health for all”
National strategy on immigrant health 2013 – 2017, was launched in August 2013. Health and Care Services has provided the Directorate of Health commissioned to conduct a dialogue seminar to disseminate information about the strategy to stakeholders.

Health Directorate organizes dialogue seminar 9 December in Oslo Plaza.

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BMFS grant

Professor og barnelege Pål Rasmus Njølstad ved UiB forskar på gener som kan vera assosierte med overvekt og diabetes.

The Bergen Medical Research Foundation (BMFS) has granted 5 million kr each to 2 projects following the announcement «Research with starting point in registers, biobanks and larger, complex research infrastructure».  One of the projects which received support was:

Utilizing the Mother and Child Cohort and the Medical Birth Registry for Better Health,
Project leader:  Professor Pål Rasmus Njølstad, Department of Clinical Science / Children’s Hospital, Haukeland University Hospital

K2 News congratulates!

2nd Call for Global Translational Medicine Consortium (GTMC) Membership

Global Translational Medicine Consortium (GTMC) is now  accepting applications for membership. The Consortium’s aim is to identify and
address critical clinical needs thereby expediting translation of cutting edge  research findings into novel and affordable diagnostic therapeutics and tools.

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