Category Archives: Application deadlines

The Research Council Innovation Award

The Research Council’s Innovation Award is given to an individual, business or public entity that has achieved innovation through the strategic use of research. To be eligible, the candidate must have received Research Council funding.

For the award, we are always looking for candidates who are involved in moving boundaries for what is possible within a field. The winner receives honor and glory and half a million kroner. The money will be used for innovation activities.

New Horizon Europe calls

Horizon Europe work programme for 2023-24 in the health cluster has been published. Many interesting opportunities for K2 researchers to apply for Research and Innovation Actions (RIA) in all destinations:

  • Destination 1 – Staying healthy in a rapidly changing society
  • Destination 2. Living and working in a health-promoting environment
  • Destination 3. Tackling diseases and reducing disease burden
  • Destination 4. Ensuring access to innovative, sustainable and high-quality health care
  • Destination 5. Unlocking the full potential of new tools, technologies and digital solutions for a healthy society
  • Destination 6. Maintaining an innovative, sustainable and globally competitive health industry

Many pandemic related calls included. Also personalized medicine. Interdisciplinary approach and collaboration with social sciences and humanities (SSH) often requested. Contact your research advisor ( for more information.

Innovative Health Initiative launches new calls for proposals

The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) has now launched IHI – calls 1 and 2.

IHI – call 1 is a single-stage call for proposals with the following topics:

  • Topic 1: An innovative decision-support system for improved care pathways for patients with neurodegenerative diseases and comorbidities
  • Topic 2: Next generation imaging and image-guided diagnosis and therapy for cancer
  • Topic 3: Personalised oncology: innovative people centred, multi-modal therapies against cancer
  • Topic 4: Access and integration of heterogeneous health data for improved healthcare in disease areas of high unmet public health need

Deadline for full proposals: 20 September 2022
Call web page:

IHI – call 2 is a two-stage call for proposals with the following topics:

  • Topic 1: Cardiovascular diseases – improved prediction, prevention, diagnosis, and monitoring
  • Topic 2: Setting up a harmonised methodology to promote uptake of early feasibility studies for clinical and innovation excellence in the European Union

Deadline for short proposals: 20 September 2022
Call web page:

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New research networks – medical and health research

COST is a European networking organization where most European countries (including Norway and all EU countries) are members. An important task for COST is to promote European research cooperation by initiating scientific networks (COST Actions). More information about COST can be found on their website .

In May 2022, it was decided to initiate 70 new COST networks. Networks within or relevant to medical and health research are listed in the table.

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EU Cancer Mission – calls for 2022 are now open!

EU Missions are a new way to bring concrete solutions to some of our greatest challenges. They have ambitious goals and will deliver tangible results by 2030. EU Missions are a novelty of the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme for the years 2021-2027.

One of the relevant missions for researchers at our faculty is the Mission Cancer. It aims to improve the lives of more than 3 million people by 2030 through prevention, cure and for those affected by cancer including their families, to live longer and better.

The Mission Cancer calls 2022 are now open:
Improving and upscaling primary prevention of cancer through implementation research
Strengthening research capacities of Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures
Pragmatic clinical trials to optimise treatments for patients with refractory cancers
Towards the creation of a European Cancer Patient Digital Centre
Establishing of national cancer mission hubs and creation of network to support the Mission on Cancer

Please contact if you are interested in one of the calls and would like to discuss.

Undervisningsdagen 18. mai !

Nå er programmet for Undervisningsdagen K1&K2 18. mai klart!

Tid: 18. mai kl. 12.00
Sted: Auditoriet i AHH, underetg.

12.00 Lunsj
12.45 Velkommen
12.50 Tegneskjermer og responsverktøy v/Øystein Ariansen Haaland
13.15 Fra idé til gjennomføring; utvikling av elektivt emne om gynekologisk ultralyd for medisinstudenter som ledd i universitetspedagogikk v/Jone Trovik
13.45 Pause
14.00 Utplassering i MED8 og særplass: Status og veien videre v/Trude Gundersen og Anne Berit Guttormsen
14.20 Fremtidig OSKE6 med økt antall studenter v/Eirik Søfteland
14.35 Merittering som fremragende underviser. Hvordan søker en? v/ Martin Biermann
15.00 Prisutdeling undervisningsprisene
15.15 Slutt

Det serveres lunsj kl. 12.00 som krever påmelding senest 12. mai. Meld deg på her.



Kreftforeningens hovedutlysning, Forskerprosjekt 2022 -Frist 31. mai

Open Call, Rosa sløyfe, Krefttak mot Kreft og geografisk spredning

The Cancer Society works to fight and prevent cancer, and to ensure the best possible life for cancer patients and their relatives. The Norwegian Cancer Society announces funding for research projects in these thematic areas:

  • Free cancer research (Open Call, NOK 130 million).
  • Breast cancer (Pink ribbon, NOK 28 million).
  • Cancer with spread (Efforts against cancer, NOK 20 million).
  • Cancer research at institutions outside the big cities (NOK 8 million).

For more information on this call:

Are you planning to apply to the Norwegian Cancer Society in 2022? Then you must fill in the form below:

Jeg planlegger å søke Kreftforeningen med frist 31. mai



CCBIO Annual Symposium May 10-11 at Solstrand Hotel

CCBIO has the pleasure of inviting you to the 10th CCBIO Annual Symposium May 10-11 at Solstrand Hotel close to Bergen.


The symposium is open for all, so please feel free to circulate this invitation.

The 2021 symposium was a success with more than 300 participants, and we expect the 2022 symposium to be even better. This year you can choose between attending online for scientific updates, or in-person at Hotel Solstrand in order to also enjoy the company of all the other researchers, and the informal and mutually fertilizing scientific crosstalk in the breaks and the evening.  We expect the symposium to become fully subscribed, and strongly recommend you to register early. Deadline is April 13.

Read more here!

We have secured a range of international speakers, among them Marta Bertolaso, Go van Dam, Christine Desmedt, Silvio Gutkind, Olli Kallioniemi, Srinivas Malladi, and Malin Sund. We will also have some local speakers.

Younger researchers will be offered slots for 3 -minute speed-talks as well as two extended poster sessions with ample time for interaction between the participants.

The heavily subsidized registration fee is 2500 NOK/260 Euro per person. In order to enable us to accommodate 200+ participants in the 138 rooms available, we are dependent upon as many as possible sharing rooms (up to four).  So, please indicate if, and with whom, you are willing to share your room when you register online.

For an overview of speakers, registration and the practical information sheet (obligatory reading before asking questions), please consult the links below:

Symposium website:

Registration deadline, April 13:

Practical information:

Valg av medlemmer til universitetsstyret 2022

Det er valg til Universitetsstyret for gruppe B neste uke.

I henhold til universitets- og høyskoleloven skal det hvert år velges representanter for gruppe B ( midlertidig vitenskapelig ansatte i undervisnings- eller forskerstilling) til universitetsstyret. Kandidatene blir valgt for perioden 1.8.2022-31.7.2023. Det skal velges ett medlem og minst to varamedlemmer av og blant de ansatte i gruppe B.

Forslagsfrist1. mars 2022 kl 12.00

Valgperiodemandag 4. til torsdag 7. april 2022. Det elektroniske valglokalet åpner
kl 09:00 mandag og avsluttes kl 12:00 torsdag.

les mer om Kandidatene til universitetsstyret her!


TMS Starting Grant

Trond Mohn Research Foundation (TMS) has announced a new round of TMS Starting Grant with final deadline 8. March (more info here). Since there are restrictions in the number of candidates each department can nominate, we kindly ask interested applicants to send a 1-2 page sketch describing the candidate, the project and the research environment in addition to the candidate’s CV (TMS asks for a maximum 3-page CV listing the most important and relevant publications).

The internal deadline is 18 February. You can send the sketch and CV to with Pål Njølstad, Silke Appel and Mia Holmaas on copy.

Please note that this fellowship provides an opportunity to recruit external candidates something the foundation and the Faculty of Medicine strongly encourage.

Interested in innovation? Get up to NOK 500 000 and help to develop your idea




Good ideas occur everywhere at the University of Bergen, and with UiB idé students and researchers  can test and develop their innovation ideas. Students can get up to NOK 100 000, and researchers NOK 500 000. You will also get advice from professional advisers.

The application deadline is March 15th.

Read more about the program at and join the information webinar on February 7th. Students can also register for the UiB idé vors on February 14th. This year you can also apply for a maximum of NOK 25 000 through UiB tidleg idé, and applications are received all year.

Small research funds 2022 (deadline 13.2.22)

It is time for the allocation of small research funds (SMÅFORSK). The funds are a joint effort between NFR and UiB. The intention is that the funds should be given to research groups that have not received large grants so that they can start new projects. It can be applied to cover expenses for travel, seminars, courses, materials, technical-administrative assistance and other operating costs.

Requirements for application and criteria for allocation:

– The funds go to researchers who do not have large operating assets already.
– The size of the individual grants is between 15 000-150 000 NOK.
– The funds must be used by 2022 and cannot be transferred.
– Recipients must be active researchers in a permanent scientific position at K2, Prof. II or II.
– Recipients must have applied for external funds in recent years.

All permanent scientific employees (including scientific employees in 10-50% position) at K2 can apply. It is done via this link ( Deadline is 13.2.2022.

EDM Case Reports – Editor-in-Chief vacancy

We are inviting applications for the role of co-Editor-in-Chief for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism Case Reports, an open access journal endorsed by the European Society of Endocrinology.

For full details please visit
Applications are due by Friday 18th February 2022.

Many thanks and best wishes,
Laura Martin
Publisher, EDM Case Reports