Upcoming course: Genomics for Precision Medicine (Organiser: Anagha Joshi)
This course will cover the use of genetic, epigenetic and transcriptomic data towards precision medicine.
The course is split in two parts. The first part will be about one weeklong and has an aim to get the students familiar
with starting from basic concepts to hands-on sessions using genomics data for precision medicine.
Dates: 14th-18thJune 2021 (online lectures and hands-on) + one week project work
Location: Digital
Lecturers: Anagha Joshi, Kim Brugger, Alexander Lundervold, Sean Banks, Adriaan Ludl, Dimitrios Kleftogiannis
Credits:5 ECTS
Registration and more information – https://norbis.w.uib.no/activities/courses/