Forfatterarkiv: ijo013

E.ON Stipendienfonds / Call for applications – 15 August till 15 October / Scholarship

2014, E.ON Stipendienfonds (formerly Stipendienfonds E.ON Ruhrgas) has introduced its new interdisciplinary scholarship programme for Energy Sciences. The former programs for Economics, European Law and Politics have been integrated into the new scholarship programme and Engineering Science has been added. Since 2016 application has been opened to all disciplines, the main criteria is that the project has a strong and clear focus on Energy in a wide sense – ideally with an interdisciplinary approach. By this, E.ON Stipendienfonds continues the already 30 years of successful German-Norwegian Cooperation.

The actual call for applications runs 15 August till 15 October 2016 on the homepage of E.ON Stipendienfonds: The mobility grants are addressed to German and Norwegian master students, PhD students and junior researchers planning a stay abroad in the other country (Germany/Norway).

For more information, please follow these links:

  1. Akademischer Austausch
    2. Akademischer Austausch v5
    3. Anzeige Stipendienfonds 2014

Nytt om navn

14256310_1097799206981513_190336705_nVi presenterer Christina Skår Saghaug, provisorfarmasøyt. Christina begynte september 2016 som doktorgradsstipendiat ved K2. Hun skal jobbe med gener for antibiotikaresistens i parasitten Giardia lamblia, under veiledning av Kurt Hanevik og Nina Langeland. Hvis du ønsker å si hei, kan du finne henne i 5. etasje i laboratoriebygget.