Tag Archives: 34/2015

Welcome back!

Per BakkeI hope you all had a nice summer, and that you have had the chance to recharge your batteries and are ready for new achievements this autumn.
The department has a new administration manager, Julie Stavnes. She used to work in the oil industry, and will be able to see the department administration with fresh eyes. A detailed presentation of her can be found elsewhere in this issue.
Eva Gerdts has resigned as program coordinator after putting in a huge effort over several years, and is replaced by Jone Trovik from the gyn / obs environment.

This autumn there are several important issues for the department. The current strategic plan for K2 expires this year. We need to evaluate to what extent we have reached the goals we set and, not least, prepare a new one. The K2 organization will be adjusted.
The implementation of the new curriculum in medicine is to be implemented.
The focus on applications for external projects must be encouraged.
And not least the tight economy is a theme.I report that K2’s economy is improving. I will come backk to these and other matters later.

K2 paper in NEJM

SimSimon E. Nitter Dankelon Dankel (pictured), Christine Haugen, Gunnar Mellgren and others at K2/the Hormon Laboratoy have participated in a study that was published in New England Journal of Medicine Wednesday evening.
The study describes how a common genetic obesity-variant in the FTO-gene region alters the energy metabolism directly in fat cells, and which genes and proteins that are involved in this new mechanism. Using the FTO-variant as an example, the study presents new  comprehensive strategies to explore and understand the mechanisms of regulatory genetic variants in non-coding DNA, which gives hope of finding a number of new targets for personalized treatment of common                                                                       diseases in the decades to come.

Photo: Jørgen Barth

Lærlinger i ekspedisjonen

Ingvild redigertK2 administrasjonen har fått ny lærling!  Ingvild Lekven Jonsvoll overtar stafettpinnen etter Klaus og Lars i ekspedisjonen i Laboratoriebygget. Vi ønsker Ingvild hjertelig velkommen.

Samtidig gratulerer vi Klaus og Lars med bestått fagprøve i kontorfaget i dag.  Lykke til videre på studier og folkehøyskole og tusen takk for flott innsats og utsøkt service.Lars og Klaus redigert

Public PhD Defense, Week 35

Hege ClemmHege Synnøve Havstad Clemm will defend her PhD thesis on Friday August 28, 2015
Trial lecture: Friday, August 28, 2015, 09.15
Topic: “Barn med astma bronkiale – utfordringer i idrett og kroppsøving”
Place: Aud. 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Friday, August  28, 2015, 11:15
Place: Auditorium 1, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: “Exercise capacity after extremely preterm birth. Development from childhood to adulthood”
1st opponent: Professor Kai-Håkon Carlsen, Universitetet i Oslo
2nd opponent: Professor Sigurd Loe Steinshamn, NTNU, Trondheim

Press release

Public PhD Defense, Week 35

OterhalsKjersti Oterhals will defend her PhD thesis on Thursday August 27, 2015
Trial lecture: Thursday, August 27, 2015, 09.15
Topic: “Brukermedvirkning som strategi for å bedre utkommet ved hjertekirurgi”
Place: Stort auditorium, Haukeland Universitetssykehus
Public defense: Thursdag, August  27, 2015, 12.30
Place: Auditorium 1, BB-bygget, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: “Patient-reported outcomes in patients with aortic stenosis with and without aortic valve replacement”
1st opponent: Professor Eva Brink, Institutionen för omvårdnad, hålsa och kultur, Högskolan Väst, Sverige
2nd opponent: Professor Rolf Busund, Norges arktiske universitet, Tromsø

Press release