Tag Archives: 08/2016

K2 Strategy for 2016-18

Per BakkeThe new K2-strategy for 2016-18 is under development. The strategy plan is based on the suggestions brought forward at the K2 strategy seminar in January. At the seminar the leaders of the research groups and the platforms, as well as the members of the institute council participated. Afterwards, the department management has developed the plan further. The architect behind the plan is Vidar Steen. The plan is divided into sections on research, teaching, recruitment, infrastructure and competence, as well as HSE. Vidar has argued that the various aims in the strategy plan should be Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Realistic and Time specific (SMART). The plan covers slightly more than one-1- page. This is so short that we will  hopefully remember it and make use of it.

The strategy plan attached to this editorial is the current version of the plan. It should be stressed that it is not final. I want everybody, you included, to read it and comment on it. All comments are welcomed. Send you comments to Irene within Friday, March 4th. The department management will then revise the plan and discuss it with the extended management team of the department. The final version of the plan will be approved by the Institute Council.


Internal announcement of UNESCO Professorship

UNESCOAs you known, UiB has signed an agreement with UNESCO about a UNESCO Chair at the University of Bergen, which will be organizationally affiliatied with the Centre for the Studies of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT) at the Faculty of Humanities. Only permanent employees are eligible to apply, and the position is therefore advertised internally.
See SVT’s website using this link.

Best regards
Susanne Ostendorf
Section Manager HR and Service
Faculty of Humanities
University of Bergen
Tel: (+47) 55 58 80 95


UiB increases the number of apprentices

Ingvild Lekven Jonsvoll , lærling i kontor- og administrasjonsfaget på Klinisk institutt 2, som ligger under Det medisinsk-odontologiske fakultet.Today there are 9 apprentices at UiB, but the plan is to increase this number in the future. Accepting apprentices is an important part of our responsibility to the society – especially in times with difficult conditions in the job market, like now, says Lise Gundersen, senior advisor at the HR department at UiB. Read more here (in Norwegian).

Ingvild Lekven Jonsvoll, apprentice at the Department of Clinical Science

Pubilc PhD Defence, Week 9



Alexander Hellesen  will defend his PhD thesis on Friday March 4 , 2016
Trial lecture: Friday March 4 2016, 10:30
Topic: “Are regulatory T cells self-reactive?”
Place: Aud. 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Public defense: Friday March 4 2016, 12:15
Place: Aud. 1, Bygg for biologiske basalfag, Jonas Lies vei 91
Title of dissertation: “Immuno-endocrine interactions in autoimmune Addison’s disease”
1st opponent: Professor Urs Christen, Klinikum der Goethe Universität, Tyskland
2nd opponent: Seniorforsker Alexandre Corthay, Oslo Universitetssykehus

Press release (in Norwegian)

Pubilc PhD Defence, Week 9

siw_helen_eger_pressemeldingSiw Helen Westby Eger  will defend her PhD thesis on Friday March 4 , 2016
Trial lecture: Friday March 4 2016, 09:15
Topic: “Intrauterin veksthemming; er betydningen for barnets prognose avhengig av gestasjonsalder ved fødsel?”
Place: Barneklinikkens auditorium, Jonas Lies vei 65
Public defense: Friday March 4 2016, 11:15
Place: Barneklinikkens auditorium, Jonas Lies vei 65
Title of dissertation: “Significance of intrauterine growth, and abnormal fetal blood flow for neonatal and long term outcome in preterm infants”
1st opponent: Professor Vineta Fellman, Universitetet i Lund, Sverige
2nd opponent: Professor Anne Eskild, Universitetet i Oslo

Press release (in Norwegian)

New Publications

Based on last week’s search for “Department of Clinical Science AND Bergen”. If you have publications which are not covered by this search, send the reference to elin.opheim@uib.no.

Single-cell proteomics: potential implications for cancer diagnostics.
Gjertsen BT, Gavasso S, Gullaksen SE, Skavland J.
Expert Rev Mol Diagn. 2016 Feb 19.

Carbamylated LL-37 as a modulator of the immune response.
Koro C, Hellvard A, Delaleu N, Binder V, Scavenius C, Bergum B, Główczyk I, Roberts HM, Chapple IL, Grant MM, Rapala-Kozik M, Klaga K, Enghild JJ, Potempa J, Mydel P.
Innate Immun. 2016 Feb 15.

Why did the authors perform a meta-analysis of studies with primary endpoints they consider clinically unimportant?
Kessler J, Yli BM, Stray-Pedersen B, Jacobsen AF, Saugstad OD, Henriksen T.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2016 Feb 16.

TLR-7 and -9 Stimulation of Peripheral Blood B Cells Indicate Altered TLR Signalling in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Patients by Increased Secretion of Cytokines.
Karlsen M, Jonsson R, Brun JG, Appel S, Hansen T.
Scand J Immunol. 2015 Dec;82(6):523-31.

Complement Activation Correlates With Disease Severity and Contributes to Cytokine Responses in Plasmodium falciparum Malaria.
Berg A, Otterdal K, Patel S, Gonca M, David C, Dalen I, Nymo S, Nilsson M, Nordling S, Magnusson PU, Ueland T, Prato M, Giribaldi G, Mollnes TE, Aukrust P, Langeland N, Nilsson PH.
J Infect Dis. 2015 Dec 1;212(11):1835-40.

Vitamin D status was not associated with ‘one-year’ progression of coronary artery disease, assessed by coronary angiography in statin-treated patients.
Degerud E, Løland KH, Nygård O, Midttun Ø, Ueland PM, Seifert R, Strand E, Bleie Ø, Dierkes J.
Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2015 May;22(5):594-602.