Invitation to seminar on reassessment of medical interventions, Oslo 23th March

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health and The Central Norway Regional Health Authority invite to an open, one-day seminar on reassessment of medical interventions. This seminar will be of interest for health care personnel, administrators and health authorities, and patient organizations, among others who are engaged in good priority-setting and future development of the Norwegian health sector. See the Invitasjon(Norwegian) for more information- Programme and registration form is found here. Attending the seminar is free but remember to register before 18th March.

Research Council of Norway – announcement spring 2020

This years’ announcement presents some changes. The last couple of years, the health programs BEDREHELSE and BEHANDLING have had their deadline during spring together with the FRIPRO program. This year “Researcher project for scientific renewal”, which includes FRIPRO, global health research and development research, will have deadline 6 May while BEDREHELSE and BEHANDLING deadline will be 16 September. Researcher projects for young talents and International mobility project will also have deadline 6 May.

“Fellesløftet IV”, also called “Toppforsk”, is announcing a round of large interdisciplinary projects (deadline 6 May). Please note that researchers on the projects need to represent at least two scientific disciplines as these are defined at level 2 in “Norsk inndeling i vitenskapsdisipliner”. You can find information about this on the Norwegian webpage (English webpage is work in progress). Most likely, the same principal investigator will be able to send application both to FRIPRO and Toppforsk.

The economists kindly ask applicants to contact them mid March to schedule an appointment for budgeting of the project.

We remind those of you who plan to apply this spring to register by filling out this simple form.


This week’s employee – Maria Holmaas

Can you tell us something about your daily tasks and work in general?

I work as a senior consultant at Økonomi, but am so lucky that I have been given the position of Advisor/Economy Coordinator at K2 and start with it in a week (17.02.). I will probably continue to work with financial guidance and follow-up for some research groups as I do today, in addition to the new tasks I will get. Of course, I do not have details about the new job yet, but some key tasks will be the general management of the finance section at K2, responsibility for budgeting and reporting, and in addition to externally funded financial management, I will work with management support and advice on financial issues to the department management.

What do you enjoy working at K2?
I really enjoy K2, I’ve done that from day one. First and foremost, this has with all the handsome people who work here, both the ones you meet sporadically at the coffee machine, the ones you work with for the day and the people you work with from other disciplines. In addition, the tasks are a nice mix of routine work and challenges and I find it very nice to work with finances, management and at the same time learn new disciplines to know. Has always had a goal that you should learn something new every day (large or small) and you get that to the very highest extent at K2. I can’t wait to go to work every single day!

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 8 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Oda Barth Vedøy.

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Build your teaching resume

The Faculty of Medicine has a dedicated strategy to contribute to the best possible learning conditions for the students. Competence building of teaching staff is done through courses, seminars and prepared guidelines under the auspices of the Unit for Learning.

Teaching experience is now given greater importance when evaluating candidates for permanent scientific positions. What was previously called “basic pedagogical competence” has now been renamed “basic educational competence”; the content of which is summarized in national guidelines. At UiB, educational basic competence is normally achieved by completing a program for university pedagogics equivalent to 20 credits, but it is also possible to apply for an equivalent qualification on by the folder alternative.

This option may be relevant for many because education skills are now required before being employed as professor. For associate professorships, you still have 2 years to gain such expertise, but having this in place at the time of application is a strength. It can be problematic for people in, for example in a full hospital position to dedicate time for extensive educational courses. For these then the folder alternative might be a good option. The folder should contain a self-declaration of educational skills and overviews of completed teaching, teaching planning, courses – on the whole, everything that you have done related to teaching can be registered. Unit for learning organizes workshop on educational folder building, University pedagogics for medicine and health sciences, Introductory course for PhD candidates and postdoctoral fellows (PHDPED900), Introduction to medical and health sciences didactics (MEDDID601) and the seminar series Pedagogical supplement which all count in folder. It is therefore important that both UiB and HUS staff involved in teaching take care to register and build their folder. I strongly believe this will also improve teaching for the students!

Have a great weekend when that time comes.


New escape route in the laboratory building and mustering space

Helse Bergen has changed the escape routes in the laboratory building, so that several floors will evacuate through 1M instead of through 8th Floor. This applies to the stairwell tower towards Ulriken. Changes have been made to the signage in the tower, and floors 7 and downwards will now evacuate through 1M. Please note the arrows in the stairwell.

When exiting through 1M you come out at the post reception, and you shall move away from the building, towards the emergency room.

When construction work starts in the parking lot outside the eighth floor in March, evacuation through the area is taken care of, but the new mustering space will be in the parking lot at Ulriksbanen.

Please take responsibility for your own safety: Familiarize yourself with your nearest escape route.

Apply for the Peder Sather Grant (UC Berkeley)

The Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study awards grant to research projects that foster the development of new research collaborations between faculty at the University of California, Berkeley and Norwegian academic institutions. Deadline for applications is April 1st. Read more about the grant and the application process:

Day Zero at the 2020 SDG Conference Bergen – a festival of sustainable thinking

Day Zero will take place: Wednesday 5th February 08-21

Day Zero is the first day of the annual SDG Conference in Bergen. This will be an informal kick-off for the conference. The events are mainly aimed at students and staff in the university sector, and participation is free (except for the reception).

The events include workshops, panel debates, lectures, scientific poster displays and more at Kvarteret and the Student Centre (Studentsenteret). Day Zero wraps up with an informal reception at Kvarteret, which includes the metal science opera Fish to Mars, and a public debate at Litteraturhuset.

See entire programme here:

Survey on information literacy for post-graduate students

Dear post-graduate students

Will you contribute to our research on information literacy? We need post-graduate students and postdocs to answer a 10-minute survey. The study was originally designed for undergraduate students, so the topics might be familiar to you.

By answering this survey you are contributing to our research on information literacy (IL) and to future IL-instruction for all students.

Link to the English survey:

Thank you for your participation!

Kind regards,

Ellen Nierenberg, research fellow, and Mina Taaje, Bachelor student, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Norwegian: Professor Rebecca Cox om coronaviruset

Les nyhetssaken fra UiB der Rebecca Cox svarer på ti kjappe om coronaviruset.                           Merk: Nyhetssaken ble først publisert 24.01.20, og siden intervjuet ble gjort har Verdens Helseorganisasjon erklært global folkehelsekrise som følge av coronavirus-utbruddet.

Professor Rebecca Cox ved Klinisk institutt 2 er ekspert på virus og vaksiner. Foto/ill.: Wikipedia og Kim E. Andreassen

PhD defense – Caroline Benedicte Nitter Engen

Caroline Benedicte Nitter Engen will defend her PhD thesis on Friday 14th February 2020

Trial lecture: Friday 14th February 2020 at 09.15.
Topic: “Stem cell transplant in treatment of non-hematological disease. Background, evidence, and future perspectives”
Place: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28

Public defense: Friday 14th February 2020 at 11.15.
Title of dissertation: “Exploring the boundaries of precision haemato-oncology – The case of FLT3 length mutated acute myeloid leukaemia”                                                                                        Place: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28

1st opponent: Professor Gunnar Juliusson, Lund University, Sverige
2nd opponent: Professor Marta Bertolaso, University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Italia
3rd member of the comittee: Førsteamanuensis Marianne Aanerud, Universitetet i Bergen

The defense will be led by professor II Tore Elling Ulvestad

PhD defense – Hilde Valen Wæhle

Hilde Valen Wæhle will defend her PhD thesis on Friday 14th February 2020

Trial lecture: Friday 14th February 2020 at 11.30.
Topic: “Clinical teamwork – an overview of concepts, research and importance for patient safety”
Place: Stort auditorium, HUS, Jonas Lies vei 65

Public defense: Friday 14th February 2020 at 13.15.
Title of dissertation: “Impact of the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist implementation on perioperative work and risk perceptions. A process evaluation by use of quantitative and qualitative methods”                                                                                                                                      Place: Stort auditorium, HUS, Jonas Lies vei 65

1st opponent: Professor Rhona H. Flin, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen
2nd opponent: Professor Jan Frich, Universitetet i Oslo
3rd member of the comittee: Professor Anne Berit Guttormsen, Universitetet i Bergen

The defense will be led by professor Hans Flaatten

PhD defense – Hilde Renate Engerud

Hilde Renate Engerud will defend her PhD thesis on Friday 14th February 2020

Trial lecture: Friday 7th February 2020 at 09.15.
Topic: “Targeted therapy in gynecological cancer – current status and future directions”
Place: Auditorium KK, Jonas Lies vei 92

Public defense: Friday 7th February 2020 at 11.15.
Title of dissertation: “Molecular markers to predict prognosis and guide therapy in endometrial cancer”                                                                                                                                 Place: Auditorium KK, Jonas Lies vei 92

1st opponent: professor Alain Zeimet, Medisinsk Universitet i Innsbruck, Østerrike
2nd opponent: professor II Ben Davidson, Universitetet i Oslo
3rd member of the committee: post.doc. Marie Holm Solheim, Universitetet i Bergen

The defense will be led by  professor Roland Jonsson

This week’s employee – Kjerstin Jakobsen

Can you tell us something about your daily tasks and work in general?

I am a senior technician and contact person at 5th floor in the Laboratory building.

At the 5th floor there are several research groups. I work for Broegelmann’s Research Laboratory (BRL), which is led by Roland Jonsson.

BRL´s main research fields are autoimmune diseases such as Sjögren’s syndrome, RA and psoriasis and schizophrenia. We work closely with hospital departments such as Rheumatology, Skin, ENT and Psychiatric clinic. From the departments, we receive patient samples that are processed and collected in a biobank for ongoing and future studies.

My job is to take care of the samples from the departments. I also contribute with laboratory analyses to many projects and help new master students and PhD fellows get started in the lab. In addition, I contribute to the immunology courses for medical students and other practical courses held at the 5th floor in the Laboratory building, place orders and look after the general operation of the laboratory.

I thrive at work and hope my contribution to the researchers will benefit the patients sometime.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 7 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Oda Barth Vedøy.

Continue reading

The Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical Research

This is an arena for PhD students from Department of Clinical Medicine (K1) and Department of Clinical Science (K2) to socialize and present their own research to fellow students. The research school organizes courses that may be included as part of the training component of the PhD-program, and as seminar series where current research from the faculty is presented by excellent speakers.

Every year in January, PhD candidates from K1, K2, and Haukeland University Hospital are invited to present their work to fellow researchers and the general audience. Posters are at display in the lobby of Sentralblokka, and oral presentations are given, usually in the Birkhaug Room. A genius thing is that the posters and oral presentations should be those that have already been presented last year at national or international meetings and conferences. Hence, it is not necessary to make new presentations, which scientifically is “recycling” and “sustainable” 🙂

This week, 44 posters and 23 oral talks were presented, which engaged lots of researchers and others leading to scientific and social interactions and networking. Prizes of NOK 10 000, 5 000, and 3 000 were awarded to the three best poster and the three best oral presentations. Dean for Research Marit Bakke presented the winners. The poster awardees were Christina Clausen (1st), Pernille Svalastoga (2nd), and Ninnie Oehme (3rd). The oral presentation awardees were Trine Ludvigsen (1st), Ida Viken Stalund (2nd), and Sepideh Mostafavi (3rd). The prize to a post doc was given to Heidi Espedal and the popular vote prize to Martha Eimstad Haugstøyl. Congratulations to the winners and their environments! And thanks to all other presenters and those organizing the event; especially to the scientific committee Harald Wiker, Renate Grüner, Øyvind Torkildsen, and Gottfried Greve, as well as the leader for the Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical Research, Stian Knappskog.

Enjoy the week-end!

Happy prize winners Postgraduate School of Clinical Medical Research 2019

Career day

The career day for PhD-candidates and post docs has become a regular event on the agenda of the Faculty of Medicine. This year we have invited a professional career consultant from the University of Aarhus, and want to look into innovation as a career opportunity. As usual, we will also hear from former PhD-candidates who now have exciting jobs and in the afternoon there will be three parallel workshops on skills that are useful for your future career. Plakat Karrieredag 2020 A3

The Faculty of Medicine covers the participation fees (so its free for you), but please register for lunch and the workshops.

TMS Starting Grant

Trond Mohn Research Foundation (TMS) has announced a new round of TMS Starting Grant with final deadline 16 March. Since there are restrictions in the number of candidates each department can nominate, we kindly ask interested applicants to send a 1-2 page sketch describing the candidate, the project and the research environment in addition to the candidate’s CV (TMS asks for a maximum 3-page CV listing the most important and relevant publications).

The internal deadline is 14 February. You can send the sketch and CV to with Pål Njølstad, Silke Appel and Julie Stavnes on copy.

Please note that this fellowship provides an opportunity to recruit external candidates something the foundation and the Faculty of Medicine strongly encourage.

New editor of K2Nytt

My name is Oda Barth Vedøy, and starting this week I will be the new editor of K2Nytt. I have been a PhD candidate since October 2019, and in my project I am exploring intestinal bacterial dynamics during an experimental ETEC-infection. My supervisors are Hans Steinsland and Kurt Hanevik. I received my master’s degree in general microbiology at the Faculty of mathematics and natural sciences, and am therefor relatively new at K2. I am looking forward to getting to know the institute through the work with K2Nytt. Please contact me if you wish to contribute with cases for K2Nytt. My workplace is on the 5. floor of the laboratory building, and my e-mail is

This week’s employee – Hege F. Berg

What do you work with?
I am a PhD student in Bergen Gynecologic Cancer Group at Kvinnekinikken under supervision of Camilla Krakstad and Erling Høivik. I work with preclinical models in endometrial cancer. First part of my project has been to establish patient-derived organoids (“mini-tumors”) and organoid-based PDX mouse models as, respectively, in vitro and in vivo model systems for endometrial cancer. I will now use these model systems to study the underlying biology of endometrial tumors (e.g. heterogeneity at single cell level) and to test relevant targeted drugs. This work is performed in the research lab at U level at Kvinneklinikken, but I am also at the animal facility (BBB) and in the laboratory building when needed. In addition to research, I have also worked as editor for K2-nytt as part of my duty work. This work will now be handed over to new editor, Oda Vedøy.

Why K2? What do you enjoy to work with at K2?
Working at K2 has given me the opportunity to participate in research at high international level. We have access to state-of-the art equipment at core facilities and at other K2-affiliated research groups – providing opportunities rather than constrains. These opportunities and a good working environment contributes to good motivation, inspiration and increased competence. Further, being editor of K2-nytt has given me the opportunity to get to know K2 and other K2’ers which is valuable at the beginning of a PhD. A good overview of activities at K2 also comes with the job. This has been useful, and it has been both encouraging and enjoyable to work with the K2 administration. I now wish Oda all the best with the job as editor.

New publications

Here are recent publications with contributions from K2 based on last week’s search on PubMed (and optionally articles that have not been included in previous lists). This time the list includes in total 7 recent publications. The entries appear in the order they were received from NCBI. If you have publications that are not included in this or previous lists, please send the references to Oda Barth Vedøy.

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(Norwegian) Ukens leder

Først og fremst ønsker jeg dere alle et godt nytt år. Jeg håper at planleggingen for det kommende året er godt i gang.

Det medisinske fakultet vil også i år utpeke Årets publikasjon, årets ph.d.-arbeid og pris for fremragende forskningsformidling. Fra 2019 vil prisen for årets forskningsgruppe bli erstattet med en pris for årets forsknings-/innovasjonsmiljø.

Om de enkelte prisene

Begrunnelse Årets publikasjon
Gi en begrunnelse som inneholder argumentasjon for kvalitet (bl.a. impact factor), originalitet og nyskapning. Der det er relevant bør nominasjon også redegjøre for konsekvenser for videre kunnskapsinnhenting, klinisk anvendelse eller innovasjon. Nominasjon til årets publikasjon bør avspeile instituttets egen forskning og originalartikkelen som nomineres skal sendes fakultetet som eget vedlegg (pdf-fil av trykket artikkel).

Begrunnelse Årets ph.d.-arbeid
Gi en kort begrunnelse som blant annet inneholder argumentasjon for kvalitet, originalitet og nyskaping. Der det er relevant bør nominasjon også redegjøre for mulige konsekvenser for videre kunnskapsinnhenting, klinisk anvendelse eller innovasjon. I tillegg skal kandidatens eget bidrag og selvstendighet beskrives. Bedømmelseskomiteens innstilling må legges ved og komiteen vil ta hensyn til denne i sin vurdering. Den nominerte avhandlingen kan sendes som som pdf.

Begrunnelse Årets forsknings-/innovasjonsmiljø
Gi en begrunnelse som blant annet inneholder argumentasjon med utgangspunkt i forskningsproduksjon og/eller innovasjonsaktivitet (For eksempel: fremme av innovasjonskultur, kontakt med næringsliv, innsendelse av/tilslag på søknader om innovasjonsprosjekter, oppnådde lisenser, selskapsetablering, fremragende tjenesteinnovasjon), vitenskapelig kvalitet eller evne til nyskaping. Også arbeidsmiljø, rekruttering, kjønnsbalanse og evne til å utvikle yngre forskere vil bli vektlagt og må presenteres i begrunnelsen. Miljøet som nomineres bør ha tett samarbeid og ikke ha karakter av å være et løst knyttet nettverk. I tillegg bør bidrag til nasjonalt og internasjonalt forskningssamarbeid eller innovasjonsaktivitet, nettverksbygging og bidrag til utdanning av studenter og ph.d.-kandidater kommenteres. 

Begrunnelse Formidlingsprisen
Gi en kort begrunnelse som blant annet inneholder argumentasjon for hvordan en forsker eller en forskningsgruppe har evnet å formidle nyere forskning på en fremragende måte til et bredt publikum. Forskningsformidlingen skal være av høy kvalitet med hensyn til faglig innhold, utforming og utførelse. Den bør engasjere, vekke nysgjerrighet, gi inspirasjon og ny kunnskap. Formidlingen skal svare på samfunnets behov for informasjon og kunnskap om forskning og høyere utdanning.


Bruk linken å nominere kandidatene dine:

Frist for innsending av grunngitte forslag settes til 07.02.2020.