The Holberg Week

Join us in the celebration of this years’ Holberg Prize Laureate, Nils Klim Prize Laureate and the Holberg Prize School Project winners. The 2022 Holberg Week takes place in Bergen and Oslo 7–10 June.

The Holberg Week takes place in the beginning of June as a celebration of the Holberg Prize Laureate, the Nils Klim Prize Laureate. During the week you can hear the laureates, as well as other prominent guests from Norway and abroad participate in a series of lectures, panel discussions and other academic events.

More information here

LawTransform PhD course on “Effects of Lawfare: Courts and Law as Battlegrounds for Social Change”

Applications are open for the annual UiB/LawTransform PhD course on “Effects of Lawfare: Courts and Law as Battlegrounds for Social Change”  August 15th -30th  (preparatory period from 8th). This is an interdisciplinary course open to students across UiB as well as other institutions in Norway and internationally. It is a hybrid course where the students come to Bergen for the week 22-26 August to take part in the Bergen Exchanges on Law & Social Transformationbut otherwise have digital classes and groupwork. It can also be taken as a fully digital course.

Continue reading

Improve Your Academic Writing and Presentation skills in English

Mastering academic English is as important as mastering your discipline itself. This is a Course for PhD candidates and Postdoctoral fellows who want to improve their academic writing and presentation skills in English. We will group participants from the faculties according to the list below as far as possible.

More information here

Joint MRCRM-TOR seminar on May 19

Mohn Research Centre for Regenerative Medicine (MRCRM) and Center of Translational Oral Research (TOR) at IKO-UiB welcome you to our upcoming joint seminar on May 19, 2022.

How close are we to biofabricated steak meat?

Please note the forthcoming (digital) speaker Prof. Shoji Takeuchi, a world-leading researcher in biofabrication and biohybrid systems.

He will update us on his latest developments on realizing steak meat with its original texture in his talk entitled “From lab to fork: 3D tissue engineering for meat production”.

Time: May 19, 11:30-12:30 CET
Venue: Auditorium Armauer Hansens hus (AHH) or digital at Teams.
Link to the abstract: “From lab to fork: 3D tissue engineering for meat production”.

Coffee, tea and light refreshments will be served outside the auditorium (no registration required).

New publications from K2 colleagues

Najafian B, Silvestroni A, Sokolovskiy A, et al. A novel unbiased method reveals progressive podocyte globotriaosylceramide accumulation and loss with age in females with Fabry disease. Kidney Int. Published online April 26, 2022:S0085-2538(22)00341-6.

Strand K, Stiglund N, Haugstøyl ME, et al. Subtype-specific surface proteins on adipose tissue macrophages and their association to obesity-induced insulin resistance. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2022;13:856530.

Have you recently published a paper? Send it to me, and I will include it in the next newsletter.



Dear all of you!

I will use this week’s leader to remind you of two things: RETTE and the teaching day.

I am responsible to follow-up projects at K2 in RETTE, therefore I just have to ask everyone to check that all the necessary information has been transferred from REK (and as of today there are some projects that require change in RETTE). When you log in to the system (, you will have the opportunity to fill in more information about the project and answer some questions and then confirm the project. It is the project managers who are responsible for doing this.

RETTE was established by UiB to comply with GDPR and to ensure that key legislation is followed. UiB shall have an overview and control of all research projects and student assignments that process personal data. Medical/health research projects need approval from REK. Some projects have a consulting duty with the data protection officer, and NSD (Norwegian Centre for Research Data) can help to assess privacy. After assessment or approval, information from NSD and REK is transferred to RETTE.

Finally, I want to remind all of you of The Teaching Day 18 May at 12-15:15 which I hope many will attend. The program for the day can be found in K2nytt today. Remember to sign up:


Have a nice weekend!

CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium May 12, Aud Glasblokkene (incl. lunch) and in ZOOM.

Dear all,

May boasts of great CCBIO events, including the upcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium May 12, 2022 (deadline May 9 at 11.00 for onsite participation). Open for all!

We are very excited that Henriette Christie Ertsås (Forskning Til Folket) will be the keynote presenter this time, asking if scientific discovery can ever be compatible with the reigning publishing model, without science and society falling prey. Local junior researchers will present topics related to breast cancer, including how AGR2 relates to aggressive features and the relationship between tumor hypoxia and metastasis. And maybe we will learn where to find fantastic antibodies against the influenza virus?

We are very pleased to be able to meet in person, but the symposium will also be open for digital attendance. Please register within May 9th at 11.00 for those of you who want to attend in person. There is no registration deadline for digital attendance.

When: May 12, 2022, 09:00-12:45 (Norwegian time)

Where: Auditorium Glasblokkene (Haukelandsbakken 15), and also available in Zoom (logon details will be sent to registered participants)

Program: can be found here.

Registration: At (Also even if you have registered for CCBIO901 in Studentweb.)

General information: More information about the Junior Scientist Symposia can be found here.

ECTS: Part of CCBIO901, with 3 credits (participation in the program through 2 terms.) All are however welcome for non-ECTS drop-in on each individual symposium. Perhaps you spot an interesting topic? Just remember to register!

Any questions can be addressed to chairs Maria and Hanna.

Feel free to forward this invitation as all are welcome! (Not restricted to junior scientists.)

With best regards
Eli Synnøve Vidhammer
Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO

Datathon in Bergen / Eitri Medical Incubator 16. – 19. September

Eitri Medical Datathon 2022 is an effort to unleash the potential of data in healthcare and takes place from September 16th to 19th 2022 at Eitri in Bergen, Norway.

Leo Celi from MIT will help facilitate the workshop/datathon. Celi is best known for bringing together clinicians and data scientists to collect and analyze data routinely collected during the healthcare process.

The aim of the Eitri datathon is to utilize previously admitted patients’ data  from the emergency room to answer important clinical research questions.

“An equally important aim is to bring together clinicians, data scientist, engineers, industry, and investors for interdisciplinary collaboration aiming to provide better healthcare in the Bergen Hospital, and to the world”, says Director of Eitri, Torleif Markussen Lunde.

Key stakeholders from Haukeland Hospital, HVL, University of Bergen, Curie and Eureka student organizations, have agreed to participate. Clinicians, students, industry, and professors are invited to participate, nationally and internationally.

Read more here

Undervisningsdagen 18. mai !

Nå er programmet for Undervisningsdagen K1&K2 18. mai klart!

Tid: 18. mai kl. 12.00
Sted: Auditoriet i AHH, underetg.

12.00 Lunsj
12.45 Velkommen
12.50 Tegneskjermer og responsverktøy v/Øystein Ariansen Haaland
13.15 Fra idé til gjennomføring; utvikling av elektivt emne om gynekologisk ultralyd for medisinstudenter som ledd i universitetspedagogikk v/Jone Trovik
13.45 Pause
14.00 Utplassering i MED8 og særplass: Status og veien videre v/Trude Gundersen og Anne Berit Guttormsen
14.20 Fremtidig OSKE6 med økt antall studenter v/Eirik Søfteland
14.35 Merittering som fremragende underviser. Hvordan søker en? v/ Martin Biermann
15.00 Prisutdeling undervisningsprisene
15.15 Slutt

Det serveres lunsj kl. 12.00 som krever påmelding senest 12. mai. Meld deg på her.



Diputas – Olena Fedotkina

Prøveforelesning: Fredag 13. mai 2022 kl. 10.15

For tilgang til digitalt møterom: se pressemelding

Oppgitt emne:  “Type 2 diabetes as a multifactorial disease determined by lifestyle, genetic and epigenetic factors”

Disputas:  Fredag 13. mai 2022 kl. 12.15

For tilgang til digitalt møterom: se pressemelding

Avhandlingens tittel:  “Intrauterine and genetic risk factors for proliferative diabetic retinopathy”

Hovedveileder: professor Valeriya Lyssenko
Medveileder: professor Stephanie Francoise Claire Le Hellard

1.opponent: Professor Robert Wagner, University Hospital Tübingen, Tyskland

2.opponent: Professor Benedicte Lie, Universitetet i Oslo

3.medlem av komiteen: Professor Ola Myklebost, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor Simona Chera.

lenke for digital diputas her

Åpent for alle interesserte

Disputas – Mette Engan

Prøveforelesning: Torsdag 19. – mai 2022 kl. 9.15

Sted: Auditorium 4, BB Bygget, Jonas Liesvei 91

Oppgitt emne «Med søkelys på fysisk aktivitet og tilhørende helseutfall – hva vet vi om konsekvensene av høy fødselsvekt og senere sårbarhet for sykdom i barnealder, ungdom og voksenlivet?»

Disputas: Torsdag 19. – mai 2022 kl. 11.15
Sted: Auditorium 1, BB Bygget, Jonas Liesvei 91

Avhandlingens tittel: “Physical activity and exercise capacity in survivors of preterm birth. A population-based cohort study of long-term consequences of prematurity”

Hovedveileder: førsteamanuensis Hege Clemm
Medveiledere: professor Thomas Halvorsen, førsteamanuensis Maria Vollsæter, professor Ola Drange Røksund

  1. opponent: Ph.d. Håvard Skjerven, Oslo Universitetssykehus
  2. opponent: Ph.d. Lene Haakstad, Norges idrettshøyskole
  3. medlem av komiteen: Professor Nils-Halvdan Morken, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor Harald Wiker

Åpent for alle interesserte

New application opportunities


Susanna Pakkasmaa, our new research advisor is in place and ready to assist, as is our team of economists. Do not hesitate to get in touch, have a chat, or invite Susanna to group meeting.

The Norwegian Cancer Society’s call for researcher projects is open with an application deadline on Tuesday 31 May at 1 pm. Read more If you plan to apply, contact Linn Iversen (finance) and Susanna Pakkasmaa (research advise)

For cancer researchers, there are also new announcements within the EU’s Mission Cancer, which opens on 24 May. EU Missions address some of the greatest challenges facing our society. The European Commission has identified five Missions that they want concrete and ambitious solutions to by 2030. One of these is cancer, another is soil health and food that may be of relevance to nutritionists and others. Read more about missions on the Research Council’s website (in Norwegian) and

European Commission website

It is K2’s clear ambition to strengthen the portfolio of EU projects. Therefore, see if you can prioritize UiB’s workshop on Horizon Europe, which will be held on 13 May at Scandic Ørnen. This all-day event is for all UiB researchers. More information Horizon Europe Inspiration Workshop | Research and Innovation Department | UiB

It is also possible to influence the research profile of Horizon Europe by participating in one of the Research Council’s reference groups that are now recruiting new members. There are 10 reference groups, including health, research infrastructure and digitization. The members should have a good knowledge of the framework program, and competence to provide relevant professional input. They are not representatives of the institution, but must have a good dialogue with institutions and companies in their respective areas. This is a great opportunity to influence and gain insider insight into Horizon Europe. The nomination deadline is 6 May and we must receive the proposals by Monday 2 May at 12 o’clock. Read more here: (in Norwegian)


Susanna Pakkasmaa                                                      Eystein Husebye

Research adviser                                                            Acting head of department

(Norsk) Håkon Solheim

Jeg jobber i Administrasjonen på K2 , 8. etg. Lab bygget
Her jobber jeg med prosjektøkonomi for gruppe G1, G5, G20, G21 og CCBIO

Det jeg liker best ved jobben min er unit4 -prosjektmodulen.
Jeg liker også den brede variasjonen i arbeidsoppgaver.

Arbeidsoppgavene varierer en del. I starten av året er det gjerne mye bistand til prosjektledere som skal søke om midler til NFR, samt rapportering til eksterne finansiører på prosjekter som er ferdig. Det er også andre søknadsfrister/rapporteringsfrister gjennom året vi jobbet opp mot. Ellers er det løpende drift på prosjekter, blant annet innkjøp, fakturabehandling og holde orden i økonomien på prosjektene.

Det er et veldig trivelig arbeidsmiljø på K2, med gode kollegaer!

(Norsk) Disputas- Aril Løge Håvik

Prøveforelesning:     Fredag 06. mai 2022 kl. 10.15

Sted: Auditorium, AHH, Haukelandsveien 28

Oppgitt emne: «Vestibular and other schwannomas of cranial and peripheral nerves – a biological perspective»

Disputas:  Fredag 06. mai 2022 kl. 12.15

Sted: Auditorium, AHH, Haukelandsveien 28




Avhandlingens tittel: “Genetics of vestibular schwannoma. Genetic landscape of irradiated and radiation-naïve benign and malignant vestibular schwannoma”

Hovedveileder: professor Per Morten Knappskog
Medveiledere: professor Morten Lund-Johansen og ph.d. Ove Bruland

1.opponent: Professor Cordula Matthies, University Hospital Wurzburg, Tyskland

2.opponent: Professor II Rolf Skotheim, Universitetet i Oslo

3.medlem av komiteen: Professor Øystein Fluge, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av førsteamanuensis Lars Helgeland.

link for digital dissertation here:

Åpent for alle interesserte

Horizon Europe Inspiration Workshop Scandic Ørnen Hotell,  May 13th, 2022

The programme begins with a brief overview of the different types of funding available for research, innovation, career and networking in Horizon Europe and Erasmus + and how to find them.

Researchers and research advisers from UiB share their experiences in talks and panel debates on network building, team building and proposal writing.

Mingling sessions: Throughout the day, there will be open stations where researchers can get advice and help from research advisers to find funding opportunities within their research field or interest, or ask questions about Horizon Europe and Erasmus +.

See the full programme here.  Please register before May 10th.

Horizon Europe Inspiration worskhop på Scandic Hotel Ørnen fredag den 13. mai

Som en oppfølging av Horizon Europe info day @UiB 14. januar arrangeres det en Horizon Europe Inspiration worskhop på Scandic Hotel Ørnen fredag den 13. mai fra kl.  09.30 til kl. 15.00.

Forskere og forskningsrådgivere fra UiB deler sine erfaringer i innlegg og paneldebatter om nettverksbygging, teambygging og søknadsskriving.

Minglesesjoner:  Gjennom hele dagen blir det åpne stands der forskere kan få råd og hjelp fra forskningsrådgivere til å finne finansieringsmuligheter innenfor sitt forskningsfelt, eller stille spørsmål om Horisont Europa og Erasmus+.

Her finner dere programmet og lenken til påmeldingsskjemaet.

Program og påmelding her, påmelding innen 10. mai

Springtime for teaching & learning

At K2, we take pride in providing excellent education. The teaching and learning activities that we contribute to are important for the educational programmes for Medicine, Pharmacy, Odontology, Nutrition and some others. In order to enable continuation of the excellence in education for which we are known, we need good teachers with up-to-date knowledge within their field – but also within the field of teaching and learning. Therefore, we wish to see as many as possible of you at the Teaching Day on Wednesday May 18th at Auditorium AHH (half-day from lunch). Register and meet up for lunch with good colleagues, inspirational talks and discussion about teaching and learning – and meet the winner of the K2 Teaching Award!

It is time for rotation of the UGLE positions. All teaching groups should propose their UGLE and vice UGLE by the UGLE meeting Tuesday May 3rd at 08-09 am. UGLEs will be invited by email.

UiB will support projects intended to strengthen research and education associated with digitalization by 1 million NOK. Project proposals must be signed by Eystein Husebye and delivered to MED by April 27th.

NBS Science and Social of April 2022

Join us for the NBS Science and Social of April 2022! The NBS S&S series is bimonthly event that combines a lecture held by researchers from Bergen, with a social event for NBS members. This month the Science part will be an online lecture by Prof. Charalampos Tzoulis, Dep. of Neurology, UiB, and the social part will be a game night (everyone is invited!) at Gimmikk in skostredet in Bergen. See below for more information. Hope to see you there!

NBS Science (Zoom webinar):

Title: NAD replenishment therapy for Parkinson’s disease: from the bench to the bedside

Speaker: Charalampos Tzoulis, Department of Neurology, UiB

Tuesday April 26th at 14.30 (Open for all!)

Zoom Meeting ID: 662 5637 2254

Passcode: 39692239

A link to the zoom meeting will also be posted on out web page at the day of the event:

NBS Social (Open for all – bring a friend!):

Get to know us! Game night, 19:00 @ Gimmikk Bar & Arkade (Østre Skostredet 12, Bergen)

Join us at Gimmikk to socialize with other NBS-members! You don’t have to be a NBS member to join this event, bring a friend for some drinks, games and fun! For more information about the event, visit the NBS Bergen facebook page or group, or our webpage:
