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Call from Astri and Edvard Riisøens Legacy

mynter-hjerteformet-16-9You can now apply for support from Astri and Edvard Riisøens Legacy. The Legacy’s purpose is to promote the medical research of cardiovascular diseases. The Legacy may also be used for research or studies of other diseases, e.g. cancer, rheumatic diseases etc.. This year you can apply for funding of scientific travels. Deadline June 2. For more information (in Norwegian).

Preannouncement: Nordic Research Programme on Helath and Welfare

nordforsk_logo_jpegNordForsk has pre-announced a Call within the newly established Nordic Programme on Health and Welfare. About 120 MNOK will be shared between three to five large-scale projects, running for five years. The Call will be issued in June with application deadline in middle of October 2014. The pre-announcement aims to encourage Nordic researchers and research institutions to start preparing for the Call in terms of identifying in particular Nordic partners. For more information.

Overview of changes in FRIMEDBIO since 2013

  • Changes for project leaders with FRIPRO-projects over 3 years. They may apply for funding to a new project when it has been underway for 3 years, even if the project is not finished.
  • Changes for Young research talents and postdoctoral fellowships:
    • For Young research talents it is from this year on a demand that there has been at least 2 years since approved dissertation.
    • For postdoctoral fellowship there will now be a demand for a stay abroad of between 3 and 12 months.
  • From this year on, there will be a mobility grant for you young researches in FRIPRO. The grant is for 3 years. The first two years must be at an institution abroad, and the third in Norway. The grants are open for applicants from all fields.

Deadline is May 21st.

More info about FRIPRO here (in Norwegian), det call itself will be active from April 9.
More about Frimedbio (in Norwegian).

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