Category Archives: Application deadlines

NordForsk funding for research training courses

The Nordic network NORDOC, which UiB/MOF is part of, is planning to apply for funding from the NordForsk funds. The aim is to develop a series of research and doctoral training courses that can be offered through this network. The courses can be within all disciplines at the Faculty, and existing courses may be further developed for this purpose.

For more information: contact Roland Jonsson ( / 55 97 46 49).

Deadline to submit courses: 24 March 2017.

The Fulbright Norway Article of the Year Award 2017

The Fulbright Alumni Association of Norway has since 2014 awarded an annual prize for the best peer reviewed article published by a Norwegian Fulbright alumnus. Author(s) of the Article of the Year Award will receive a diploma together with 50 000 NOK. This year’s price is complemented by The Fulbright Norway Young Researcher Award. This is offered to the best academic article published in 2016 by a young scholar who is a PhD student or earned his/her PhD degree during the last three years. The winner of the Young Researcher Award will receive a diploma together with 10 000 NOK.

For more details, see here.

Deadline for both awards: Saturday 1 April 2017.

Education Awards at FMD 2017

In keeping with The Action Plan for Education (Handlingsplan for utdanning), the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry has since 2011 awarded three education awards: The Academic Quality Award (Studiekvalitetsprisen), The Teaching Award (Undervisningsprisen) and The Internationalization of Education Award (Pris for internasjonalisering i studiene). The Faculty is now announcing all three education awards for 2017.

For more details about purposes, criteria and nominations: see here. (Link in Norwegian.)

Deadline for submitting proposals to award candidates: Tuesday 18 April 2017.

The Sjöberg Prize for cancer research 2018

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences invites you to nominate candidate(s) for The Sjöberg Prize 2018.

The Sjöberg Prize for cancer research is awarded to scientists who have made major contributions to our knowledge about disease mechanisms, risk factors, or the treatment or prevention of cancer.

Nominations must be made by individuals and submitted electronically on a form available here.

Deadline for nominations: Monday 15 May 2017.

For more information: see here.

Further questions can be directed to the Sjöberg Prize secretary, Rune Toftgård ( / +46 8 673 95 60).

Funding announcements from Gades Legat

Gades Legat announces funds for use in research in pathology, microbiology and immunology. Anyone who is affiliated to a research group at UiB or Haukeland University Hospital in pathology, immunology or microbiology, can apply for funding.

Applications should be submitted electronically to Gades Legat by Secretary Håvard Hoel Aass.

Deadline: Wednesday 5 April 2017.

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Financial support for stays abroad for postdoctoral fellows

The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry offers grants for research stays abroad for postdoctoral fellows and other scientific staff. The purpose of the grant is to cover initial and additional expenditures in connection with research-related stays abroad. It is also possible to apply for travel expenses to be covered. Research grants are given for stays abroad lasting from 3 to 12 months.

Announcement and application form can be found here.

Deadlines: 1 March and 1 October.

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