Category Archives: Seminars and conferences

Interdisciplinary Conference: Music, Quality of Life, and Social Participation

Based on the knowledge cluster Polyfon, and using music and music therapy as an example, this interdisciplinary conference aims to illuminate opportunities for cross-faculty collaboration. It also explores the University of Bergen’s potential to become a leading international institution in the field of Arts and Health research.

The invitation to the conference goes out to researches at HF, KMD, MEDFAK, PSYKFAK and SV.

Time and place: Nygårdsgaten 5.    3/4 -24 kl. 11.00-14.50. Deadline for registration March 14th, register here:  Tverrfakultær konferanse: Musikk, livskvalitet og samfunnsdeltaking | Polyfon kunnskapsklynge for musikkterapi | UiB (Website only in Norweigan)

Joint meeting with the Computational Biology Unity (CBU)

Many of you have asked for it and we are pleased to announce that we will have a joint MED-CBU seminar on the 21st of March at 11:15. Like last time the seminar aims to foster interaction between researchers at MED and CBU and will be followed by a mingling lunch. The seminar will take place in the ‘blåbær’ room at CBU, 5th floor of the Datablokk at Høyteknologisenteret. If you need help with directions, please let me know.
If you are interested in joining this event please contact Marc ( or Silje ( to ensure that enough food is ordered. Also, if you have suggestion of activities, workshop, or want to help with the organization – please let us know!

Cell Press virtual forum on the impact of plastics on human and ecosystem health

Join us for a virtual forum on the impact of plastic pollution on human and environmental health, highlighting the gaps in our understanding of how plastics affect human and ecosystem health and explore what needs to be done to close them.

Keynote speaker Nanna Hartmann (Technical University of Denmark) will be joined by an interdisciplinary panel featuring
Bethanie Carney Almroth (University of Gothenburg)
Philip J. Landrigan (Boston College and Centre Scientifique de Monaco)
Imari Walker-Franklin (RTI International)

Register here:

PhD Grant Writing Course

13 + 16 May 2024, Eitri

The Faculty of Medicine invites all PhD-candidates to a workshop on “How to write a successful grant proposal”.

The workshop will enable PhD-candidates in medicine and sciences to start early with their future research project. Participants will gain insight into the international funding landscape and develop hands-on knowledge by working on their own project proposal. Target audience: PhD-candidates enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine who want to kick-start their academic career in the nearest future.


  • The literary genre of a project proposal
  • Evaluation criteria: excellence, impact, implementation
  • Curriculum vitae and track record
  • The funding landscape in Norway and Europe

Speakers: Research advisors at the Faculty of Medicine

Time: The workshop will run two half-days, with obligatory homework to be submitted on the second day. Monday 13 May, 9-13 and Thursday 16 May, 09-13
Place: Eitri Medical Incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31, Bergen
Course fee: free.

PhD Grant Writing Workshop (Day 1) | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

Filosofisk poliklinikk: Uncertainty in Medicine and Health Sciences

Welcome to the Filosofisk poliklinikk where this time the theme is uncertainty in medicine and health sciences.

For many modern individuals, uncertainty is perceived as inconvenient, uncomfortable, and unwanted. More and more people are taking measures to limit the experience of uncertainty in their own lives, and the reduction of uncertainty is a central political and medical goal in contemporary society. There is a trend in society towards seeking to understand, predict, and precisely intervene in even the most complex systems known – including biological and social systems.

The introductory lectures will be in English. Contributions from participants can be in English or Norwegian. The meeting is open to anyone interested in the topic.

10.04.2024 – 17.00–19.30 Alrek (Møterom Midgard)

Registration deadline: 02.04.2024 – 23.59

Sign up here

Momentum career development programme for early stage researchers

Momentum banner

Momentum is UiB’s flagship development programme for early stage researchers – postdocs, researchers or assosciated professors – who wish to pursue an academic career at a research university.

The call for applications to Momentum 6 is now open and available here: Call open for the 2024-2025 Momentum Programme | Employee Pages | UiB. Deadline for candidates to apply is 22 March.

The Momentum Programme is designed to strenghten the career development of UiB Early Stage Researchers. The programme includes five seminars, planned to run between September 2024 and June 2025. Seminars are designed to:

  1. Provide resources, training and advice to support participants’ strategic career planning and development toward research independence/leadership (commensurate with their discipline/career stage).
  2. Support participants to be able to develop and deliver competitive applications to appropriate national and international funding instruments.
  3. Facilitate the development of participants’ proffesional networks.
  4. Promote the development of interdisciplinary connections and networks within UiB.

The seminars are structured around the key categories career development and external funding, with the topics of the seminars being excellence, impact, research leadership and implementation, internationalisation, and grant writing.

Please note that attendance at the seminars is compulsory

Read more about the application process in brevet fra Det medisinske fakultet.

Events related to innovation and digital health in Alrek and Eitri

Pay particular attention to the mobilization seminar on April 8, and the Digital Health 2024 conference on May 29-30.

  • Workshop – Soft Funding strategi Bergen, March 14th at Eitri.

Workshop organized by the Norwegian Smart Care Cluster where you get to meet experts and advisors specializing in various funding sources.

More information about the program and registration her:  Soft Funding strategi Bergen – NSCC (

UiB is a member of the Smart Care Cluster, hence the workshop is free of charge.

This year Norwegian Flow Cytometry Meeting



The Norwegian  Society for Flow Cytometry (NFCF) and the University of Tromsø (UiT) warmly welcomes you to th 12th Flow Cytomerty meeting. The event will be held in Tromsø on Thursday 6th and Friday 7th of June 2024.

For registration and further information, please visit our website:

In addition, we are pleased to offer an optional Flow Cytometry course on Wednesday 5th of June lead by Mikkel and Charlotte C. Petersen from Aarhus University Hospital and University of Aarhus.

Please note that an early bird-discount is available until March 1st!

Women in Academia: Achieving Our Potential

To celebrate the upcoming International Women’s Day, The Faculty of Medicine invites you to hear Professor Margaret (Mags) C. Watson discuss her new book, “Women in Academia” and join us for an informal discussion afterwards. Bring your lunch!

Read more:

Horizon Europe Course; Available Spots

Whether you are a beginner or experienced, we have Horizon Europe courses that suit you!


We still have available spots in the upcoming courses.

B.2 – Horizon Europe Proposal Writing Focus: Impact (Oslo)
B. 2 (level 2, for advanced): The course provides an introduction to project development in Horizon Europe (work program, topics and calls, application process, characteristics of Horizon Europe applications, the different types of projects, and also application preparation). During the course, we will go through the application process from idea to completed project proposal, and you will have the opportunity to participate in a practical exercise.
27. feb – 28. februar 2024
B.2 – Horizon Europe Proposal Writing Focus: Impact (Oslo) (

B.1 – Horizon Europe Proposal Writing Focus: The first steps (Oslo)
B1: (Level 1, for beginners): The course provides an overview of what characterizes a successful research and innovation project in the EU, what needs to be done in the preparation phase, and explains the responsibilities and tasks of each partner in the project. We delve into how to build a strong consortium, the various stages of the application writing process, and how to effectively lead an application development process until submission.
5. mars 2024
B.1 – Horizon Europe Proposal Writing: the first steps (Oslo) (

C.1 – Project Management and Reporting: the first steps (Oslo)
C.1 (Level 1, for beginners): The course provides an introduction to the lifecycle of an EU project; how to initiate the project, as well as reporting and management along the way. We will go through the Funding and Tenders Portal, and you will receive valuable tips on effective ways to disseminate information about the project and project results throughout the project period. The course also includes a practical exercise in project management, where we discuss how to handle difficult situations that may arise in a project in the best possible way.
6. mars 2024
C.1 – Project Management and Reporting: the first steps (Oslo) (

D.1 – Budgeting in Horizon Europe – step-by-step (Oslo)
Course (Level 1, for beginners): The course is an introduction to funding and budgeting in Horizon Europe, covering the basic principles of EU funding in research and innovation projects. We explain the ways in which budgeting in Horizon Europe differs from Horizon 2020, and teach you how to set up a good resource plan and accompanying budget. The course concludes with a practical workshop where you learn to set up a budget and calculate costs for a hypothetical project.
7. Mars 2024
D.1 – Budgeting in Horizon Europe – step-by-step (Oslo) (

D.2 – Financial rules of Horizon Europe and H2020 (Oslo)
D.2 – The course provides you with a detailed overview of the financial rules in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe, and we review which costs are eligible and which are not. We discuss various methods of calculating personnel costs, and show which other eligible costs can be included and how these are calculated (e.g., travel expenses, equipment, and internal invoiced costs). At the end of the course, we go through how a project audit is conducted.
11. mars – 12. Mars 2024
D.2 – Financial rules of Horizon Europe and H2020 (Oslo) (

A.3 – Looking for partners and joining consortia (short webinar)
WEBINAR: A.3 – This webinar will assist you in understanding the type of partners to look for in Horizon Europe, whether you are proposing a collaborative project in Horizon Europe or simply seeking a consortium to join. You will learn what characterizes a winning consortium in Horizon Europe, and you will receive practical advice and tools that you can use when searching for project partners.
12. mars 2024
A.3 – Looking for partners and joining consortia (short webinar) (

D.3 – EC Audit workshop (Oslo)
D.3 (levels 2 and 3, for intermediate and advanced): This is the ultimate course for those interested in gaining a comprehensive and detailed overview of all financial aspects of Horizon 2020/Horizon Europe, from budgeting and cost reporting to project audits conducted by the European Commission. To fully benefit from the course, it is a prerequisite to have completed the D.2 course, as the D.3 course builds upon D.2.
13. mars 2024
D.3 – EC Audit workshop (Oslo) (

You can find an overview of all courses until summer here:

Forskningsrådets arrangementer (

Welcome to the courses, and feel free to get in touch with Inger Nordgard – if you have any questions.  

EIT Digital Future Proofing Healthcare

EIT Digital Future Proofing Healthcare

Future-Proofing Healthcare will gather together industry leaders and digital health luminaries to discuss and explain cutting-edge digital technologies can make healthcare systems more robust and adaptable to challenges like pandemics, conflict and aging populations.

The event is aimed at national and regional innovation authorities, health service providers, the founders and executives of digital health start-ups and scaleups, venture capital firms which focus on the digital health sectors, healthcare corporations, researchers and academics.

Wed, 21 Feb 2024 11:00 – 12:30 CET

Nordic Centre in Fudan University: Funding for academic events at the Nordic Centre

We would like to remind everyone that the spring 2024 deadline for applications for funding for academic events is on March 20th. 

Organizers of academic events can apply for funding of any amount between 2,000 and 7,000 euros.

Priority will be given to applications that include the participation of at least two Nordic member universities, preferably from different Nordic countries, and one or more Chinese partners. Events where Fudan University or Chinese affiliates are among the Chinese partners will be prioritized; however, other Chinese universities are warmly welcome to be involved as partners.

Furthermore, priority will be given to applications that relate to one or several of the prioritized thematic areas for Sino-Nordic collaboration at the Nordic Centre.

We especially encourage activities that can serve as a networking platform for early career researchers and can facilitate new connections between Nordic and Chinese scholars, that have the potential to result in joint applications for larger external grants, and are open for participation/contributions from all the Nordic Centre member institutions.

More information, including the application form and handbook on academic events at the NC, can be found on this page.

The application form should be filled in English and sent by email latest on March 20th



Zoom webinar

23 April 2024 13:00–15:30 CET

This info day is targeted to prospective participants in the new COST actions that will be launched in May/June, as well as future applicants for the COST Open Call with deadline on 23 October 2024. The event is open to all researchers and innovators at any career stage and from any field of research, especially young researchers. The aim is to inform the research community in the Nordic countries on how to participate in the starting COST Actions or submit a COST Action proposal, the role and impact of the COST programme, and the benefits of the COST offer.

Registration by 22 April

The meeting link will be sent to registered participants about one week before the event.


To see Program:

Continue reading

CodeRefinery workshop

March 12-14 and 19-21, 2024

  • This time we plan to start Git and GitHub from the web interface and only later move to the command line.
  • We offer the two workshop weeks as two blocks but you can sign up for both or just one.
  • Week 1 is tuned for exercises and group work. Week 2 will focus on demonstrations and discussions.
  • We are updating and simplifying the install instructions. We recommend to only go through them in the week before the workshop starts, but not earlier.
  • Watch the stream at (shareable)
  • Lesson material is linked in the schedule below (shareable)
  • Collaborative document for questions and notes (please register to receive it)
  • Q&A of each day is archived on this page (shareable)
  • Archive of past communication to participants (shareable)
  • Videos on Twitch for 7 days and on YouTube later

Upcoming events at the International Centre

Mobility seminar

Are you planning a research stay outside of Norway? Make sure to join our online mobility seminar to learn about practicalities and necessary steps when planning a research stay abroad. It will take place on February 22nd from 09.00 to 12.00 in Zoom. Sign up

Introduction to tax

Sign up and join us for an online informative meeting about how to pay tax in Norway. This is useful if you are moving to Norway, shifting between Norway and other working countries, or working from abroad. We have this seminar 2 Fridays per month, from 11.00 to 11.30. The next seminar will be on February 9 th . In the registration form you can choose which date you want to sign up to. Read more

Introduction course for new employees

This course is step 2 of our introductory seminars for new international employees. The course will take place on March 19 th from 12.00 to 15.00. The doors open a bit in advance, so you have the chance to have a coffee and snacks and get to know each other. You can register

Please complete step 1 (short e-learning course) before attending

Dual career: career advice for partners

If your partner came with you to Norway, and they are looking for a job, this course will be useful for them to get to know the basics about the Norwegian labor market, how to prepare a CV and cover letter, and a bit about Norwegian culture. The seminar is taking place on April 10 th from 09.00 to 12.00 at Rom Aktiv 2, Ulrike Phils hus (Professor Keysersgate 1). You can read more here

PhD Grant Writing Workshop

The Faculty of Medicine invites all PhD-candidates to a workshop on «How to write a successful grant proposal».

The workshop will enable PhD-candidates in medicine and sciences to start early with their future research project. Participants will gain insight into the international funding landscape and develop hands-on knowledge by working on their own project proposal.

PhD Grant Writing Workshop (Day 1) | Faculty of Medicine | UiB

Target audience: PhD-candidates enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine who want to kick-start their academic career in the nearest future.

13.05.2024 – 09.0013.00, EITRI Medical Incubator, Haukelandsbakken 31

Introduction to Data Management Plans (DMP)

The Norwegian Research Council and Horizon Europe require projects to submit a data management plan (DMP). A data management plan describes how data in a research project will be collected, processed and made available.

Introduction to Data Management Plans (DMP)

23.02.2024 – 10:15-11:00 ▶ Sign up!

05.04 2024 – 10:15-11:00 ▶ Sign up!

Essential ERC – A very basic introduction to the European arena for excellent science

13. feb kl 14:00 – 15:00

It is easy to assume that all researchers are familiar with the European Research Council (ERC) grants for excellent researchers at all stages. This is however not entirely true. This is a short, very basic webinar for early stage and mature researchers who wants to know more about the grants offered to excellent researchers at all experience levels. What can you apply for, how do you apply, when and at what stage? After the presentation, there will be a Q&A.

The webinar complements our other activities for applicants to the ERC, such as writing courses, proposal reading days and more.

The webinar is held in English.

ERC web:

Mobility seminar for researchers

Are you planning a research stay abroad? This seminar will help you with the planning.

Seminar 22.02.2024 – 09.00–12.00 Zoom

Registration link

International Centre together with the Occupational Health services, IT-department, and the division of Research and Innovation is hosting a mobility seminar for you who are planning a research stay abroad.

The topics that will be covered:

  • Health and vaccinations
  • IT security
  • Social security affiliation outside
  • Norway Health rights abroad
  • Taxation Insurance
  • Change of address
  • Personal security
  • Are you traveling with family?
  • Financing possibilities

Seminar – Myelogene blodkreftsykdommer

Only in Norwegian

Kronisk myelogen leukemi (KML), Akutt myelogen leukemi (AML), Myelodysplastisk syndrom (MDS) og Myeloproliferative sykdommer (MPN) er eksempler på myelogene blodkreftsykdommer som har slektskap med hverandre.

Torsdag 8. februar inviterer Blodkreftforeningen til seminar om temaet på Radisson Blu Royal Bryggen hotell i Bergen. Seminaret blir også streamet og mulig å følge fra hele landet.

For program klikk lenke


MRCRM’s seminar series – February 2024

What does it take to obtain a manufacturing license for producing advanced therapies such as gene therapy, cell therapy and tissue engineering products?

Welcome to this year’s first MRCRM seminar, where the key personnel from the Section for Cell-based Medicinal Products (CMP) at Helse Bergen HF will present the Ex vivo clean room facility at Helse Bergen HF. Delve into the process, milestones achieved, and the final steps needed to secure a manufacturing license for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs).

Enjoy the insights over coffee, tea and cookies with your peers in Aud. 4 at BBB this Tuesday afternoon. The seminar is free and open to all.

Title:  How to obtain a manufacturing license according to current good manufacturing practice (GMP) regulations.

Speakers: Elin Strand, Kimberley J. Hatfield and Petra Vogelsang

Time: February 20, 2024, from 14:30-15:30

Where:  BBB, Auditorium 4

MRCRM’s 2nd International Meeting on Regenerative Medicine

Logo: Mohn Research Centre for Regenerative Medicine

Mohn Research Center for Regenerative Medicine (MRCRM) invites you to join our 2nd International Meeting on Regenerative Medicine at Grand Hotel Terminus on April 15th and 16th, 2024.

The scientific program features renowned speakers presenting the latest advancements in regenerative medicine, including the development of advanced therapies and insights from clinical studies. We also invite master’s and PhD students to showcase their research during the Lightning Talk Session (see the link below for more information). Following the conclusion of the scientific program on day 1, we extend an invitation to a delightful networking dinner at the hotel.

Date and time: April 15, 12.00 – 19.00, April 16, 09.00 – 16.00

Venue: Grand Hotel Terminus

Registration deadline: March 22

Visit the conference website for the program and registration details!

We look forward to seeing you there!