Category Archives: News

K2 Junior Retreat – November 22nd – 23rd

Dear all PhDs and PostDocs at K2,

We are pleased to invite you to the next K2 Junior Retreat, which will be held at Scandic Hotel Voss on November 22-23 (lunch-to-lunch). We will take the train together from Bergen on the morning of November 22, and return in the afternoon on the 23rd.

The idea of the annual retreat is to have an educational, social and inspirational meeting place for you, the younger members of our department. There will be Flash Talks (short presentations of your projects), science group work and other scientific and practical input relevant to you as an early career scientist/employee.

We will soon share the program and open the registration. Until then, please save the dates. We strongly encourage you to not miss out – and all is paid for by K2!

Best wishes,

Foto: Sara Finne

The Organizing Committee (Simon Dankel, Elvira Viñegra, Ester Kringeland, André Sulen, Katrin Kleinsmann, Pernille Svalastoga)

Obituary: Gunnar Haukenes (1927 – 2021)

A nestor of Norwegian virology, Professor Emeritus Gunnar Haukenes, has passed away.

Gunnar Haukenes died on 21 August 2021 after a short illness in his 95th year. He was born in Arendal in 1927 and proved to be gifted both intellectually and musically with perfect pitch. In his youth, he had to choose between professional careers as a pianist and medical education. It was the medicine that won, and he completed his medical education at the University of Oslo in 1951.

Gunnar Haukenes defended his doctoral degree “Immunochemical studies on Polysaccharide A from Staphylococcus aureus” in 1962. This was among the first doctoral degrees at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bergen, and he followed up with several publications in this bacteriological course in the next few years. He also had a research stay abroad at the University of Rochester, New York, from 1963 to 1964.

Gunnar Haukenes’ professional identity is primarily related to the build-up of virological research and diagnostics in Bergen, first with studies of the immune response to influenza viruses, later with research on rubella virus, measles virus and HIV. In 1963, the microbiological and immunological research moved from Allégaten into the newly built MFH building, today Armauer Hansen’s house, on the medical campus in Bergen.

In 1966, a dedicated virus lab was stablished at the MFH building, with Gunnar Haukenes as the first leader, first as a lecturer at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology and at the same time a consultant in virology at Haukeland Hospital. In the next few years, Haukenes built up both virological research and diagnostics in Bergen. His position as lecturer was in 1972 changed into a personal professorship.

The medical students remember Haukenes as a highly skilled and thorough lecturer in virology, and as a committed and friendly person who would answer any question in the breaks.

Gunnar Haukenes had a colossal knowledge in medical microbiology and was consulted by colleagues both locally and nationally, and he always impressed with his precise and wise answers. In the Norwegian and Scandinavian virology environments, he was an authority and was described as one of Scandinavia’s foremost virologists of the era.

Throughout his life, he was a gifted piano player. For the past seven years, after his wife died, Haukenes lived at Fantoft Care Centre, where he daily played piano for the other residents.


Gunnar Haukenes will be remembered as a sympathetic and dedicated scientist and lecturer with great integrity and profound knowledge that many benefited from.


For colleagues at the University of Bergen and Haukeland University Hospital,

Lars Haarr, Birgitta Åsjö, Karl-Henning Kalland, Elling Ulvestad


The 22nd Broegelmann Lecture, October 15, 14:00 CET

Role of Tim-3 in regulating anti-tumor immunity

Vijay Kuchroo is Samuel L. Wasserstrom Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Senior scientist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Co-Director of the Center for Infection and Immunity at the Brigham Research Institutes, Boston. Vijay Kuchroo is a renowned immunologist, and he was the first to describe development of pathogenic Th17 cells known to have a central role in many autoimmune diseases. His lab was also the first to describe the TIM gen family, with Tim-3 as an inhibitory receptor expressed on T cells. His lecture can be followed via zoom


Employee interviews

The semester is well underway, and this also means that it is time for the annual employee interviews. All employees who have a main position at UiB must have employee interviews. This also includes PhD candidates. For employees with 10-20% positions, the group leader can agree with the employee that it is not necessary.

The employee interviews are an important arena for clarifying expectations of performance, providing mutual feedback and insight into each other’s work situation and addressing the working environment and conditions at the workplace. Especially for younger researchers, it is important that career planning is included, and that basic pedagogical competence is something they should keep in mind.

The employee interviews have been delegated to the research group leaders, while I as acting head of department will begin the employee interviews with the research group leaders, which Pål will continue to do when he is back at the helm. This has been moved to 21 October since the SFF application deadline has been postponed until 20 October. Head of Administration Mia Holmaas is responsible for the employee interviews with administrative staff

Data Management Workshop

The Centre for Digital Life Norway and ELIXIR Norway are hosting another

Data Management Planning workshop for Life Science Projects on September

7.- 8. 9:00-13:00 both days, online.

Registration deadline: September 3.

Please contact Korbinian Bösl, Data Management coordinator at ELIXIR Norway & Centre for Digi

This weeks edithorial

We are happy to announce that the Eitri Medical Incubator  will be inaugurated on November 1, 2021. We welcome you to build an ecosystem, together with us, where healthcare innovation can thrive. Eitri will be an arena for people transforming healthcare, putting ideas to work. We welcome innovation within drug discovery, diagnostic tool development, medical devices, e-health applications and beyond. We will host startups, industry professionals, clinicians and researchers conducing innovative research with great impact.

Eitri is located on 8th and 9th floor of the BBB (Bygg for Biologiske basalfag) and will be open for guided tours in August and September. Sign up here  if you are interested, and, please, remember to indicate your full name and email address. Contact us if none of the offered time slots is convenient for you, we will be happy to schedule additional visits.

If you are conducing innovative research with potential to improve human lives, Eitri may be the best place to bring your project to fruition. At Eitri you will benefit from advising, mentoring and educational events. Moreover, you will learn from likeminded peers and industry professionals surrounding you.

We offer dedicated desks and shared desks that can be used on first come first served basis. If you are interested in joining Eitri community and having a dedicated or shared desk at Eitri, please, fill out the form below to indicate your potential interest by September 15.

Please, contact Maija Slaidina (<>, 409 96 025) or Torleif Markussen Lunde (<>, 454 28 780) for more information or scheduling additional Eitri tours.

Medicine + Social Sciences – a seminar

September 15th, 09:30 AM – 01:00 PM

Faculty of medicine and Faculty of Social Sciences arrange a joint seminar to encourage more research collaborations between the two areas of scientific disciplines. In the seminar, we will learn about interdisciplinarity from a philosophic point of view and see how multi- and interdisciplinary approaches can be used as a competitive advantage in larger research proposals, such as EU. You will be challenged through practical exercises and academic speed dates. The seminar is arranged at Scandic Bergen City. Lunch is included.

Limited number of places available. Programme details and information about how to register will come after the summer break. Until then – block the date in your calendar!





Courses at the Medical Library 2021

The medical library offers courses in autumn 2021. Courses are planned being hold digitally or physically.

  • Introduction to Endnote
  • Searching in PubMed and Embase
  • Introduction to systematic reviews

The courses are mainly for employees and PhD candidates at the Faculty of Medicine and for employees at Helse Bergen. Courses for students are normally given as a part of their study program.

Dates, registration and more information can be found on the library’s web page:

Courses in English:

Courses in Norwegian:

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Registration open for fall term courses; CCBIO903, CCBIONEUR910, CCBIONEUR911 and CCBIONEUR912

Dear all

From July 1, it is possible to register for the fall term courses from CCBIO and Neuro-SysMed, and deadline is September 1. For all courses, please register in Studentweb if you are already enrolled at the UiB. If you are not enrolled at the UiB, you register through Søknadsweb, where you simultaneously apply for UiB guest student status.

Continue reading

Welcome back to a new semester!

Dear all, Welcome back to a new semester!

As you know, the Municipality of Bergen has tightened the rules again after the infection increase. You now have to wear a face mask where it is not possible to keep a distance, and home office is recommended for employees who are dependent on public transport as far as possible (see also email I sent out on Wednesday).

When it comes to teaching, UiB follows the plan to have as much on campus teaching as possible. The measures will apply until 22 August.

It is time to apply for funding from UiB/MED for research infrastructure. Unfortunately, this year it will not be possible to apply for top funding for the establishment of projects that have recently received funding through the NFR infrastructure scheme. The call for proposals is divided into two categories, main projects (0.5-4 Mio NOK) and pilot projects (up to NOK 200,000). Application criteria and guidelines can be found here Søknadskriterier og veileder forskningsinfrastruktur. The department must rank the applications, therefore the deadline for sending the application to me is set to 3.9.2021.

Infrastructure that benefits several people will be given priority. You have to use the application form Søknadsskjema


Enhet for læring sitt tilbud HØSTEN 2021

Enhet for læring tilbyr flere kurs som ledd i sitt pedagogiske kompetansehevingstilbud til fakultetets ansatte.

Det er ledig plass på alle kursene, så her er det førstemann til mølla.


  • Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Health Sciences (PHDPED900) – For PhD candidates and Post doctors, 5 ects credits.
  • Kurs i praksisveiledning (MEDPVEIL602) – gir 2-3 stp. uttelling som del av utdanningsfaglig basiskompetanse
  • Journal Club – medisinsk og helsefaglig pedagogisk forskning (PHDMED901) – drøfting av utvalgte artikler og relevans for eget pedagogisk arbeid.
  • Webinarrekken Pedagogisk Påfyll har et variert program. Arrangeres én gang i måneden, kl. 15-16, på Zoom.
    • Å sette fjes på diagnosen – digitale pasienthistorier som virkemiddel
    • Bruk av polls i undervisningen 
    • Hva skal til for å bli merittert underviser?
    • Hva har valg av vurderingsform å si for utdanningskvalitet?
    • Hopp, men hvor høyt? Om grensene mellom undervisning og underholdning
  • Workshops i pedagogiske mapper. Velg mellom 9/9 og 23/11 (kl. 9-12)

For mer informasjon og påmelding:


The first public defences of the autumn are approaching. In this connection, we are now sending information about the decommissioning in the future. Please note that the infection situation in Bergen is unstable and there may be changes at short notice if the authorities report new measures.


We are now opening to the public at the public defences, with some restrictions. There is limited capacity in the auditoriums and we must comply with the “academic meter” in the same way as in teaching. Therefore, we will still only advertise the digital meeting room in the lookup, but the candidate/environment may invite people to come up to the capacity of the auditorium. There will also be a requirement that a list of attendees are kept for potential infection tracking. The list should be kept for a fortnight and then deleted. The main supervisor is responsible for infection control. In public defences with the audience in the hall, the possibility of questions from the digital audience is turned off.

Opposition and streaming

For autumn 2021, MED is still facilitating digital opposition. Opponents from outside Norway are not currently invited here. This has been decided in dialogue with the heads of department, but we will reconsider when the Government initiates stage 4 of the reopening. As a general rule, candidates who are staying abroad will also defend digitally this autumn. If individual candidates wish to come to Bergen, they must examine the entry rules themselves from where they are staying and bear the risk and possibly the cost of quarantine hotels. Opponents from Norway can come to Bergen if they wish, but we encourage everyone to look closely at the development of infection in Bergen and at the place of departure and make their assessments accordingly, even if one is vaccinated.

All public defences will continue to be streamed. Even where we have two Norwegian opponents and an audience in the audience, the public defence will nevertheless be streamed, both to make our public defence available to more people and to be able to easily turn into digital/hybrid public defences if one of the participants ends up in quarantine or for other reasons has to participate digitally.

Good summer!

Dear all,

I am again acting head of the department while Pål works on his SFF application. I keep my fingers crossed that we get rewarded for it and wish him and his whole team good luck!

And I have to say, it is a pleasure to write this last editorial before the summer. First, I would like to congratulate Eva Gerdts and her research group Hypertension and Heart Dynamics  / Centre for Research on Heart Disease in Women who were awarded the faculty’s prize as  research/innovation environment of the year .

As mentioned before, the faculty’s teaching prize went to the endocrinology community for “Endopodden”, a podcast on endocrinological topics created by PhD candidate Åse Bjorvatn Sævik with active contributions from the academic community and medical students. The awards will be presented on Faculty Day on 20 October.

In addition, we also learned yesterday that Camilla Krakstad, Emmet McCormack and Yenan Bryceson have been allocated their NFR projects  Congratulations on your awards!

As I said, this is the last K2nytt before summer, I wish everyone a really good summer!


Change in the institute management

As you know, our former Head of Administration Julie Stavnes has left. Following the announcement of the position, Maria Holmaas has now been hired as the new Head of Administration. Most of you probably know Mia. She holds a Master’s Degree in Management from BI and has long and broad work experience from the business world in finance, management, personnel administration and HR. Mia has been employed at K2 since 2016 and has worked with project administration and financial management. We are lucky to get such a competent person to the management team at K2. Welcome, Mia!

Three applications from the Faculty of Medicine proceeded to phase 2 of SFF-V. These are

The Center for Translational Epidemiology, IGS and others, is headed by Tone Bjørge

Bergen Center for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health, IGS and others, led by Ole Frithjof Norheim

Center for Diabetes Mechanisms, K2 and others, led by Pål R. Njølstad

The Dean wants full focus on these SFF applications with the effect that I am given temporary leave from my position as head of department until 150921. Silke Appeal immediately moves up as Acting Head of Department and Emmet McCormack as Head of Research. All inquiries, emails, telephones etc. must thus go to these and me during this time.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Silke and Emmet for your willingness to take on these positions. I am sure you will manage your duties in an excellent way and wish you the best of luck!

Have a great weekend!