Author Archives: mikre2647

Disputation – Karen Rosnes Gissum | June 28th 2024

Trial Lecture: Friday, June 28, 2024, at 09:15

  • Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28
  • Topic: “Shared decision making: What is it, how can it be practiced, and what is the latest research in this field?”

Photo/ill.: Katrine Sunde

Disputation: Friday, June 28, 2024, at 11:15

  • Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28
  • Thesis Title: “Unveiling the Complexities: Patients’ and Healthcare Providers’ Perspectives on Understanding and Managing Ovarian Cancer”
  • Opponents:
    • Professor Karina Dahl Steffensen, Syddansk Universitet
    • Professor Simen A. Steindal, VID vitenskapelige høgskole
  • Committee Member: Professor Tone Merete Norekvål, Universitetet i Bergen

The disputation will be chaired by Professor Anagha Joshi and is open to all interested parties

Press release (only norwegian)

Disputation – Christiane Helgestad Gjerde | 24. juni 2024

Trial Lecture: Monday, June 24, 2024, at 09:15 AM

Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28 Topic: “Extracellular Matrix (ECM) Remodeling in Tissue Homeostasis and Disease – Modeling and Measuring Dynamic ECM Changes and Implications for Development of New Therapeutic Approaches”

Photo/ill.: Ingvild Constance Festervoll Melien

Copyright: Ingvild Constance Festervoll Melien

Doctoral Defense: Monday, June 24, 2024, at 11:15 AM

Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28 Thesis Title: “Development of Advanced 3D Ovarian Carcinoma Models – Using a Decellularized Peritoneal Scaffold to Model the Extracellular Matrix”

  1. Opponent: PhD Oliver Pearce, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
  2. Opponent: PhD Heini Lassus, Helsinki University Hospital, Finland
  3. Committee Member: Researcher Agnethe Engelsen, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Associate Professor Åse Raddum.

Open to all interested parties.

Press release (Only Norwegian)

Disputation – Andreas Frøslev Mathisen | 21. juni 2024

Lecture Examination: Friday, June 21, 2024, at 10:15 AM

Location: Auditorium, Glasblokkene, Haukelandsbakken 15 Topic: “Inflammation of the endocrine pancreas from birth to death”

Photo/ill.: Ege Solel

Doctoral Defense: Friday, June 21, 2024, at 12:15 PM

Location: Auditorium, Glasblokkene, Haukelandsbakken 15 Thesis Title: “Demultiplexing Stress Responses and Compensatory Mechanisms in the Pancreatic Islet”

  1. Opponent: Professor Brigitte Galliot, University of Geneva, Switzerland
  2. Opponent: PhD Karim Bouzakri, University of Strasbourg, France
  3. Committee Member: Professor Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Silke Appel.

Open to all interested parties.

Press release (only provided in norwegian)

Disputation – Alexander Vietheer | May 3rd 2024

Trial lecture: May 3, 2024, at 10:15 AM

Location: Auditorium, Glasblokkene 2, block 8 Topic: “Human fetal growth restriction: pathophysiology, consequences, and treatment in high and low-income countries”

Photo/Illustration: Nina Vietheer

Public Defense: May 3, 2024, at 12:15 PM

Location: Auditorium, Glasblokkene 2, block 8 Thesis Title: “Human Embryonic Development: Effects of Physical Activity and Sleep in Physiological Pregnancies”

1. Opponent: Professor Kaarin Mäkikallio, Turku University Hospital, Finland
2. Opponent: PhD Vasilis Sitras, Oslo University Hospital
3. Committee member: Professor Sven Gudmund Hinderaker, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Nils-Halvdan Morken.

Open to all interested parties

Press Release (Only Norwegian)

Disputas – Ingrid G. Rekeland | May 2nd 2024

Sample lecture: Thursday, May 2, 2024, at 10:15 AM

Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen House, Haukelandsveien 28 Topic: “Long-covid-19: Diagnosis, Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Treatment Options”

Photo/Illustration: Private

Defense: Thursday, May 2, 2024, at 12:15 PM

Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen House, Haukelandsveien 28 Thesis Title: “Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS): Clinical Trials, Medical Treatment, and Pathomechanisms”

1. Opponent: Professor Per Ole Iversen, University of Oslo
2. Opponent: Associate Professor Rasmus Goll, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
3. Committee Member: Associate Professor Bettina Riedel, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Camilla Tøndel.

Open to all interested parties

Press Release (Only Norwegian)

Invitasjon til undersøkelse om kritisk tenkning

Invitasjon til undersøkelse om kritisk tenkning
Kjære undervisere ved K1,

Vi ønsker å invitere dere til å delta i en viktig undersøkelse knyttet til kritisk tenkning. Dette forskningsprosjektet har som mål å forstå undervisernes perspektiver og tilnærminger til kritisk tenkning i medisinsk utdanning.


Hva handler undersøkelsen om?

Undersøkelsen tar omtrent 10 minutter å gjennomføre og består av 5 åpne spørsmål. Vi ønsker å høre deres tanker om hvordan kritisk tenkning kan integreres i undervisningen, hvilke metoder dere bruker, og eventuelle utfordringer dere møter.


Hvordan delta?

Dere finner undersøkelsen her:

Anonymitet og personvern:
Vi forsikrer dere om at undersøkelsen ikke ber om personlig informasjon, og vi vil ikke dele identifiserbare opplysninger. Svarene vil bli behandlet konfidensielt.


Ansvarlige for forskningsprosjektet

Dette forskningsprosjektet består av følgende personer:

Jonathan Soule (bioCEED, UiB)
Cecilie Boge (UiB læringslab)
Pascal Schaldach (Leibniz University Hannover/BIO UiB)
Jorun Nylehn (BIO, UiB)

Vi setter stor pris på deres deltakelse og ser frem til å lære mer om deres perspektiver på kritisk tenkning i undervisningen!

Med vennlig hilsen,


Disputation: Åslaug Anfinsen – April 5th 2024

Trial lecture: Friday, April 05, 2024 at 10:15 a.m.
Location: Auditorium, Glasblokkene, Haukelandsbakken 15
Topic: “The value of multi-omics data for personalized nutrition”


Disputation: Friday, April 05, 2024 at 12:15 p.m.
Location: Auditorium, Glasblokkene, Haukelandsbakken 15
Thesis title: “The dynamics of nutritional-related blood biomarker and metabolite concentrations during the postprandial and fasting states. And the implications when using nutritional-related biomarkers and metabolites in clinical care and research settings”

  1. Opponent: Professor Emerita Hannelore Daniel, Technical University of Munich, Germany
  2. Opponent: Professor Kjetil Retterstøl, University of Oslo
  3. Committee member: Researcher Bergithe Oftedal, University of Bergen

The disputation will be chaired by Professor Valeriya Lyssenko.

Open to all interested parties.

Press release (Not arrived, Only Norwegian)

Disputation: Cedric Davidsen – 22.03.2024

Trial lecture: Friday, March 22, 2024 at 10:15 a.m.
Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen’s House, Haukelandsveien 28
Topic: “Radiation, a Diagnostic and Therapeutic Tool in Medicine for over a Century”

Foto/ill.: Cedric Davidsen (Taken with configurated shutter release)

Disputation: Friday, March 22, 2024 at 12:15 p.m.
Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen’s House, Haukelandsveien 28
Thesis title: “Operator radiation exposure in cardiac catheterization”

Opponent: PhD Margaret McEntegart, Columbia University Medical Center, USA Opponent: PhD Magnus Settergren, Karolinska Institute, Sweden Committee member: Associate Professor Dana Cramariuc, University of Bergen

The disputation will be chaired by Professor Silke Appel.

Open to all interested parties.

Press release (Only Norwegian)

Joint meeting with the Computational Biology Unity (CBU)

Many of you have asked for it and we are pleased to announce that we will have a joint MED-CBU seminar on the 21st of March at 11:15. Like last time the seminar aims to foster interaction between researchers at MED and CBU and will be followed by a mingling lunch. The seminar will take place in the ‘blåbær’ room at CBU, 5th floor of the Datablokk at Høyteknologisenteret. If you need help with directions, please let me know.
If you are interested in joining this event please contact Marc ( or Silje ( to ensure that enough food is ordered. Also, if you have suggestion of activities, workshop, or want to help with the organization – please let us know!

Disputas: Marianne Catharina Astor – 19.03.2024

Lecture Trial: Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 10:15 AM
Location: Auditorium 4, BB Building, Jonas Lies vei 91 Assigned
Topic: “Effects of Vitamin D on Bone and Muscles”

Foto/ill.: Ingrid Hagerup

Dissertation Defense: Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 12:15 PM
Location: Auditorium 4, BB Building, Jonas Lies vei 91 Dissertation
Title: “Hypoparathyroidism in Norway”

  1. Opponent: Professor Lars Rejnmark, Aarhus University
  2. Opponent: Professor Kerstin Landin-Wilhelmsen, University of Gothenburg
  3. Committee Member: Associate Professor Hildegunn Aarsetøy, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Tomas Eagan.

Open to all interested parties

Press Release (Only Norwegian)

Disputation: Erlend Eriksen – 15.03.2024

Lecture Trial: Friday, March 15, 2024, at 10:15 AM
Location: Auditorium, Glass Blocks, Haukelandsbakken 15 Assigned
Topic: “Mechanical Circulatory Support – Beneficial or Harmful?”

Photo/Illustration: Tina Vaksdal

Dissertation Defense: Friday, March 15, 2024, at 12:15 PM
Location: Auditorium, Glass Blocks, Haukelandsbakken 15 Dissertation
Title: “Multimodality Imaging in the Immediate and Long-Term Evaluation of Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds in Patients with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction”

  1. Opponent: Associate Professor Matthias Götberg, Lund University, Sweden
  2. Opponent: Ph.D. Kristin Angel, Rikshospitalet, Oslo University Hospital
  3. Committee Member: Associate Professor Venny Lise Kvalheim, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Associate Professor Dana Cramariuc.

Open to all interested parties

Press Release (Only Norwegian)

Disputation: Arleen Aune 15.03.2024

Lecture Trial: Friday, March 15, 2024, at 10:15 AM
Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen Building, Haukelandsveien 28 Assigned
Topic: “Necessity for Sex-Specific Classification and Treatment Targets in Arterial Hypertension”

Photo/Illustration: Elise Aasebø

Dissertation Defense: Friday, March 15, 2024, at 12:15 PM
Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen Building, Haukelandsveien 28 Dissertation
Title: “Cardiac Organ Damage in Systemic Hypertension: Impact of Gender, Etiology, and Comorbidities”

  1. Opponent: Professor Maria Lorenza Muiesan, University of Brescia, Italy
  2. Opponent: Professor Emeritus Michel Burnier, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
  3. Committee Member: Professor Hans-Peter Marti, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Emerita Birgitta Åsjø.

Open to all interested parties

Press release (Only Norwegian)

Disputation: Hilde Kristin Vindenes – 08.03.2024

Lecture trial: Friday, March 8, 2024, at 10:15 AM
Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen Building, Haukelandsveien 28
Assigned topic: “Treatment of Hand Eczema”

Photo/ill.: Private

Dissertation defense: Friday, March 8, 2024, at 12:15 PM
Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen Building, Haukelandsveien 28
Dissertation title: “Occupational and Environmental Exposures: Impact on Skin and Associations with Skin Microbiome”

  1. Opponent: Associate Professor Åke Svensson, Lund University, Sweden
  2. Opponent: Ph.D. Merete Åse Eggesbø, Norwegian Institute of Public Health Committee
  3. member: Associate Professor Bjørn Blomberg, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Silke Appel.

Open to all interested parties

Press release (Only Norwegian)

Colleagues Vestlandslegen – Jostein Førsvoll

Hello dear colleagues at K2,

I am Jostein Andersen Førsvoll and work at Stavanger University Hospital. Here, I serve as a senior consultant at the Department of Pediatrics with expertise in pediatric endocrinology.

On February 1st, I will assume the position of associate professor and academic coordinator for the 5th year at Vestlandslegen.

Foto:./ill: Privat

I have worked as a university lecturer for many years and have been involved in teaching medical students who have had decentralized pediatric practice in Stavanger. I enjoy teaching and find this work rewarding. I see Vestlandslegen as a natural continuation of the collaboration between our hospital and the University of Bergen. I want to contribute to creating a positive learning environment for students and educators in the 5th year, and I look forward to the start this fall.

In the long run, I hope that this position will also provide opportunities for research, and that I can contribute to projects that foster academic and research collaboration among the pediatric departments in the West of Norway.

Disputation for Jan-Lukas Førde – February 23, 2024.

Sample Lecture: Friday, February 23, 2024, at 10:15 AM

Location:           Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28
Topic:            “Animal and non-animal models for cancer drug testing: State of the art and future prospects”

Foto/ill.: Sandra Berglid

Dissertation Defense: Friday, February 23, 2024, at 12:15 PM

Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28
Thesis Title: “The Zebrafish Larva as a Model System for Myeloid Malignancies”

  1. Opponent: Associate Professor Federico Fenaroli, University of Stavanger
  2. Opponent: Associate Professor Maria Omsland, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
  3. Committee Member: Researcher Anja Torsvik, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Emerita Birgitta Åsjø.

Open to all interested parties.

Press release
(Only provided in Norwegian)

Vestlandslegen Colleagues – Tore Grimstad

Hello dear colleagues at Clinical Science and project Vestlandslegen,

My name is Tore Grimstad, and I am an internist and gastroenterologist, as well as an Associate Professor II affiliated with K2, based in Stavanger.

Clinically, I work at the gastroenterology outpatient clinic. In addition to my clinical work, my research primarily focuses on inflammatory bowel disease, and I am involved in both clinical, basic research, and microbiome-related projects.

Photo.:/ill Private

Since spring 2018, I have been teaching medical students during placement practice from UiB MED8, and additionally, Vestlandslege students since the fall of 2023. I find it exciting and inspiring to teach students, the future doctors, especially contributing to clinically oriented and hopefully educational discussions with students in an activating environment. I believe that special visits with small groups of students provide an exciting and developing teaching arena, aiming to engage students and facilitate effective learning within a secure framework. This also places important demands on us as teachers as clinical role models.

I also find it rewarding to work together with others towards a common goal and to have the opportunity to follow and guide PhD candidates in the scientific process from project improvement to a completed thesis. I want to contribute to building a scientific environment and mentoring other researchers in a section that has always focused on patient care and conducted extensive and intensive clinical operations. I am delighted by the increasing scientific activity at the gastroenterology section in Stavanger.

Vestlandslegen is in its early stages; the start has been challenging but also exciting. We have a unique opportunity to further develop professional, teaching, and research competence in the coming years, which will benefit patients, students, and staff. I hope my commitment to UiB will allow me to contribute significantly in these areas.

We truly have exciting years ahead!

Vestlandslegen Colleagues – Målfrid Holmaas Bjørgaas

Hello dear colleagues at Clinical Science,

Quick information about me:
Målfrid Holmaas Bjørgaas
Palliative Medicine
University Lecturer for Vestlandslegen, 5% position
Senior Consultant at the Palliative Center, Stavanger University Hospital

Photo:./ill Private

I teach students in Vestlandslegen in palliative care during their 7th semester. Palliative care is grouped with oncology and hematology, and in November, we had the first batch of 8 students. I conducted a two-day palliative care seminar with lectures, discussions, group tasks, and reflection, emphasizing the interdisciplinary perspective essential in palliative care. Students had the opportunity to meet various professionals, including doctors, physiotherapists, and hospital chaplains. We also visited the Boganes Palliative Care Unit operated by the Stavanger municipality.

In November 2024, the second batch is expected with nearly 20 students. It will be exciting.

I have always enjoyed teaching, and I do it extensively in my role as a senior consultant, both within SUS and in associated municipalities. I find it very meaningful to share my experience as both a general practitioner and a palliative care physician with young doctors, and I hope to provide insights into how we can approach patients and their families as whole individuals. I also hope to convey the importance of refraining from unnecessary treatment in the final stages of life and emphasize that providing effective relief is valuable in itself, even if patients do not recover.

Vestlandslegen Colleagues – Tesfaye Madebo

Hello dear colleagues at K2,

I am Tesfaye Madebo, working as a specialist in pulmonary and internal medicine. I am an attending physician at the Lung Department at SUS and hold a concurrent position as an associate professor at K2 (Vestlandslegen, UIB).
In my clinical practice, I mainly focus on lung cancer (diagnosis and treatment) and various other pulmonary diseases, both in inpatient and outpatient settings, as well as during on-call shifts. We have ongoing collaborative projects with colleagues from UiB in the field of lung cancer (shared decision-making, OL Margrethe), and within the ATLAS4LAR group (Professor Lars Thore), we are conducting clinical studies on lung diseases. As part of the national lung cancer network, we collaborate with other major hospitals in Norway, such as OUS (DART, SOLUCOM, MIMILUC, and LUNGEVAC studies) and St. Olavs Hospital (TRIPLEX and THORA II), mainly in clinical phase II and III drug trials. Despite impressive results in recent years with new treatment modalities like immunotherapy and biological treatment for lung cancer, many patients still experience progression or relapse. It is crucial to increase our understanding of the underlying biology influencing responses and resistance. Numerous exciting studies are underway in Norway, with SUS actively participating, aiming to identify predictive and prognostic markers for the development of better treatment options over time.

Photo: / Private

In addition to my clinical work and research, I am actively involved in teaching students in pulmonary medicine, including medical students, junior doctors, and oncology nurses. I also serve as a co-supervisor for a Ph.D. student. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the development of the medical program at SUS as part of Vestlandslegen/UiB. It not only provides an exciting experience but also makes a significant contribution to the local SUS environment. It is a great privilege for me to integrate clinical practice, research, and teaching in my profession (now under UiB).

What do i enjoy working on at K2?
I officially start working with medical students from May 2023, which is a relatively short time into my position as an associate professor. I enjoy working at Vestlandslegen/K2 because, through clinical work, research, and teaching as part of a large environment, I have significant opportunities for professional development. I continuously gain new insights through collaboration with colleagues, research partners across specialties, and engaged students. This dynamic interaction not only energizes me but also provides goals to strive for. Collaborating across disciplines is particularly enriching, offering me the opportunity to explore different perspectives.
Additionally, the work gives me a chance to meet colleagues at various stages of their careers, both across disciplines and institutions. This diverse interaction contributes to a broader understanding of my field. Working at Vestlandslegen/K2 also provides access to courses in pedagogy and mentoring, enriching not only my professional competence but also positively impacting my personal development. Through teaching, I encounter skilled and curious students, and it is a pleasure to contribute to their knowledge in the field of pulmonary and internal medicine. Guiding and teaching medical students and junior doctors brings me great satisfaction. It is inspiring to observe the growth and development of my colleagues’ professional and clinical competence. The working environment is pleasant, and my colleagues, both in scientific and administrative positions, are competent, helpful, and engaged. This creates a positive expectation and enthusiasm for each working day.

Tesfaye Madebo
Attending Physician at SUS
Associate Professor at UiB


Colleagues at Vestlandslegen – Kjetil Isaksen

Dear colleagues at Clinical Science,

My name is Kjetil Isaksen, and I have recently joined as an associate professor at K2, based at Stavanger University Hospital. I work clinically as an invasive cardiologist and specialize in internal medicine, digestive diseases, and heart conditions.

In my role as a university employee, I am involved in teaching University of Bergen (UiB) students from both the “old curriculum” and the newly initiated cohort associated with Vestlandslegen. My focus is on teaching heart diseases.


It has been particularly exciting to be part of the planning and now the implementation of the teaching for the first students at Vestlandslegen. I am confident that, in collaboration with UiB central, we will create a well-structured program for future doctors here at SUS.

Meeting talented and eager-to-learn students is inspiring, and my goal is to make a small contribution to their professional development and maturation into the role of physicians.

Kjetil Isaksen
Associate Professor
Specialist in Internal Medicine

Disputation – Md Obaidur Rahman 2. February 2024

Trial lecture: Date: Friday, February 2, 2024, at 10:15 AM
Venue: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen’s House, Haukelandsveien 28 Topic: “The clinical and regulatory hurdles for cell replacement strategies in Addison’s disease”

Foto:../ill. Privat

Dissertation defense: Date: Friday, February 2, 2024, at 12:15 PM
Venue: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen’s House, Haukelandsveien 28 Dissertation title: “Autoimmune primary adrenal insufficiency – autoantibodies and cell regeneration”

  1. Opponent: Professor Per-Ola Carlsson, Uppsala University, Sweden
  2. Opponent: PhD Ras Trokovic, University of Helsinki, Finland
  3. Committee member: Professor Helena Harris, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Jone Trovik.

Open to all interested parties.

Press release

Disputation Solveig Tangedal – February 1st 2024

Trial lecture: Date: February 1, 2024, at 10:15 AM
Venue: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen’s House, Haukelandsveien 28 Topic: “The role of human respiratory microbiota in health and disease”

Dissertation defense: Date: February 1, 2024, at 12:15 PM
Venue: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen’s House, Haukelandsveien 28 Dissertation title: “The lower airway microbiota and inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Thoughts on where to measure it, how to interpret it, and why it might matter”

Foto/ill.: Frida og Hedda Tangedal-Straus

Foto/ill.: Frida og Hedda Tangedal-Straus

  1. Opponent: Professor Christopher Brightling, University of Leicester, U.K.
  2. Opponent: Associate Professor Kristian Tonby, University of Oslo
  3. Committee member: Associate Professor Anagha Madhusuda Joshi-Michoel, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Emerita Birgitta Åsjø.

Open to all interested parties.

Press release

Colleagues at Vestlandslegen – Katrine Brække Norheim

Hello dear colleagues at Clinical Science,

My name is Katrine Brække Norheim. I am the department head at the Rheumatology Department at Stavanger University Hospital.

I am a specialist in internal medicine and rheumatology. I am employed as a 1st associate professor at K2, with my workplace in Stavanger.

Foto /ill:. Privat

I provide instruction to medical students from UiB MED8 and students in the Vestlandslegen program in rheumatology. It is exciting and educational to be involved in student teaching, and I hope to contribute to making students curious and confident when interacting with patients. I am particularly focused on helping students develop a keen clinical sense and approach patients with respect and dignity. Through my involvement at UiB, I aim to contribute to a medical education that produces competent doctors who prioritize the well-being of patients, colleagues, and themselves.

Vestlandslegen colleagues – Svein Joar Auglænd Johnsen

Hello dear colleagues at Clinical Science,

My name is Svein Joar Auglænd Johnsen, and I specialize in internal medicine and rheumatology. Currently, I work at Department K2 as the coordinator for medical disciplines in Vestlandslegen, with my workplace located in Stavanger.

In my current role as the coordinator for medical disciplines in Vestlandslegen, I collaborate closely with the coordinator for surgical disciplines and the instructors within specific sub-specialties. Together, we have developed a proposal for a new study program for the 4th to 6th years, aiming to integrate medical and surgical disciplines as effectively as possible. This involves teaching both gastroenterology and gastro-surgery in the same week, along with interdisciplinary instruction on specific topics such as surgery for inflammatory bowel disease.

This fall, we conducted an introductory week and teaching program for a pilot group of students for the first time. This was based on existing instruction at UiB and in collaboration with responsible instructors in various fields. Now, we are facing the evaluation and improvement of this program, while also preparing to welcome a larger group of students next fall.

What makes my position inspiring is the groundbreaking work in regional medical education. This concept is novel both in Norway and comparable neighboring countries. The collaboration between Stavanger University Hospital and UiB has the potential to increase the capacity for medical education in Norway. Working in a team with experienced professionals across disciplines towards this goal is inspiring. It is also an honor to be involved in the education of ambitious medical students, with the hope that they will become colleagues and successors over time.

My goal is to contribute to the University of Bergen, in collaboration with Vestlandslegen, educating competent doctors well-prepared for the challenges they will face as LIS-1. I hope that my dedication will result in the successful completion of students’ education and that they find a specialization they enjoy. Furthermore, I hope to be part of building a campus that delivers high-quality education, research, and innovation. Collaboration across disciplines will also lay the foundation for new and exciting projects. I have several projects of my own in the planning stage, and I hope they will start soon, while I look forward to developing into a professorially competent individual.

Dispuas – Anne Helene Køstner – 14. Desember 2023

Prøveforelesning: Torsdag 14. desember 2023 kl. 10.00
Sted: Sal 2, Undervisnings-senteret, Sørlandet sykehus HF, Egsveien 100, bygg 8, Kristiansand
Oppgitt emne: «The role of the microbiome in colorectal cancer development and prognosis and treatment»

Foto/ill.: Privat

Disputas: Torsdag 14. desember 2023 kl. 12.00
Sted: Sal 2, Undervisnings-senteret, Sørlandet sykehus HF, Egsveien 100, bygg 8, Kristiansand
Avhandlingens tittel: «Correlating local and systemic tumor-associated inflammation in colon cancer – CRP and the tumor immune microenvironment»

1. opponent: Førsteamanuensis Ninna Aggerholm Pedersen, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark
2. opponent: Professor Emiel Janssen, Universitetet i Stavanger
3. medlem av komiteen: Professor Unn Ljøstad, Universitetet i Bergen

Disputasen blir ledet av professor emerita Birgitta Åsjø
Åpent for alle interesserte


Dissertation Defense Guri Fossdal – December 1st 2023

Sample Lecture: Friday, December 1, 2023, at 10:15 AM
Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28
Specified Topic: “Treatment of steatotic liver disease”

Foto/ill.: (Privat)

Dissertation Defense: Friday, December 1, 2023, at 12:15 PM
Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28
Thesis Title: “Primary sclerosing cholangitis. Surrogate markers of natural history, disease severity, and prognosis”

1st Opponent: Professor Maja Sofie Thiele, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
2nd Opponent: Professor Reidar Fossmark, NTNU
3rd Committee Member: Professor Simon Erling Dankel, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Silje Skrede.

Open to all interested parties.

Press release

Dissertation Britt Engan – November 3rd

Lecture: Friday, November 3rd, 2023, at 10:15 AM

Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen’s House, Haukelandsveien 28
Topic: “Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health in Youth”

Photo/Illustration: Thomas Green

Dissertation Defense: Friday, November 3rd, 2023, at 12:15 PM

Location: Auditorium, Armauer Hansen’s House, Haukelandsveien 28
Dissertation Title: “Cardiac Function and Early Risk Markers for Cardiovascular Disease in Children and Young Adults Surviving Severe Childhood Disease”

Opponent: Researcher Bjørnar Grenne, NTNU
Opponent: Professor Jan Sunnegårdh, University of Gothenburg
Committee Member: Associate Professor Dana Cramariuc, University of Bergen

The defense will be chaired by Professor Camilla Tøndel.

Open to all interested parties.

Press refrence